An amazing saving

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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An amazing saving

Post by Raylene11:11 »


A hello to everyone first :) I have been seeing the 11:11 since shortly after 9:11.

My seeing started with three bullets in the head .. I was on bended knees folding washing .. i heard a gun shot and it entered thru my forhead .. the second bullet went in thru near my temple .. the third thru the back of my skull .. i knelt there waiting to die but it did not happen .. i put my hand up to my forhead and realised i had not been shot at all. It was all so real to me then. Immediatly the 11:11 started and has never stopped.

As for my amazing saving .. i was out on the open highway the other day .. two buses had broken down on the side of the road coming the opposite way to me .. i had to stop on the side of the road .. just then a truck pulling huge logs came around the corner and swerved to miss the broken down buses. The front of the truck was now heading straight at my car .. he jerked the wheel to stop from driving over the top of me and this jackknifed his trailer .. now i had a trailer with logs as long as my house coming at me .. the tralier went up on its side wheels as if to flip .. it was a mere 3 metres away from me and coming straight at me .. i reached and touched my son and could say nothing .. next thing all was fine .. the truck got control.

I have no doubt i was saved. I also believe i was saved ... not for me but for my son .

I feel so incredible humbled that someone reached out and saved our lives.

I now also question if we can die before our time is ready.

Thankyou for hearing me and sharing any thoughts.
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Re: An amazing saving

Post by happyrain »

hi raylene :)
Fear grips when Love falls short of Infinity
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Re: An amazing saving

Post by Geoff »

Dear Raylene,


"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
said Chief Flaming Arrow.
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Re: An amazing saving

Post by Paul »

Welcome Raylene. That was an amazing story.

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Re: An amazing saving

Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello and welcome Raylene, Amazing experience.
I now also question if we can die before our time is ready.
I've asked that one too, as my son was saved by a 'stranger' and I didn't
even get to thank him. I'm too humble to speculate that he was saved for
a higher purpose or anything. It'll all become clear one day, ay?

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Re: An amazing saving

Post by d44 »

Raylene, My 1111 experience started the month before 911. For about 2 weeks before I began having
these lucid dreams of airplanes taking off and crashing into buildings. At first I thought they were just
dreams and didn't tell anyone.Then I woke up at 6:00 am on 911 and turned on the news and saw this
airplane crashing into the world trade building. When I realized it was exactly my dream and it scared me.
So I didn't tell anyone for fear they would lock me up. The next day when I went to bed as I lay there
I saw as though someone put a small movie in the middle of my forehead.I was in this laboratory and
and this guy who looked liked he was from the middle ages was explaining to me something. This scared
me so much that I jumped out of bed. I thought to myself That was no dream. Fast foward to 2004 I started
having dreams about being in some sort of tribunal and four or five of these guys were asking me questions.
These guys also looked like they were from the middle ages
I thought to myself I'm scared then the head guy started smilimg as though he knew what i was thinking.
A few weeks later I started to see 1111 everywhere. At first I thought something bad was going to happen
because I associated it with 911. When I finally googled 1111 I found this site. Then I started think Were
the guys in my dreams the midwayers they are talking about. Since I registered a few months ago I've been
coming here and reading the stories of many people. This is my first post. By coming here and readin the many stories I not as scared as I used to be. The midwayers are real. I also beleive they are pranksters.
I think they want us to lighten up and go with the flow.
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Re: An amazing saving

Post by Geoff »

dear d44,

Welcome to our board. All celestials have a great sense of humour. They can play jokes too, but never nasty ones.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
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Re: An amazing saving

Post by LolaandLight »

The next day when I went to bed as I lay there
I saw as though someone put a small movie in the middle of my forehead.I was in this laboratory and
and this guy who looked liked he was from the middle ages was explaining to me something. This scared
me so much that I jumped out of bed. I thought to myself That was no dream. Fast foward to 2004 I started
having dreams about being in some sort of tribunal and four or five of these guys were asking me questions.
These guys also looked like they were from the middle ages
I thought to myself I'm scared then the head guy started smilimg as though he knew what i was thinking.
D44, what you describe above has been happening to me since I was a kid. To me, it feels like I am remembering something, but at the same time, what and who I am seeing is present and with me happening in the past and in the present. Does that make sense at all? And, the "people" that are in the "happening" thingy are dressed in robes like they are clerics from the Middle Ages or ancient Greece. It is like being caught in two places at once or two demensions.
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Re: An amazing saving

Post by Sandy »

Hello Raylene,
Welcome to this friendly place. I enjoyed your post and reading about your "amazing saving." awesome! :D

Hi D44,
Great to see you joining in and sharing your experiences. I'm glad you aren't afraid anymore. I too have had dreams where I have been with a group of other students in an exchange with what appears to be Celestial Teachers... 8) I wonder if it isn't something more than a dream and even though I don't always remember what is said, perhaps I am remembering at a soul level and complete understanding will come about in time.
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Re: An amazing saving

Post by d44 »

Hi again everyone, This is my second post. Jeff, I know you don't beleive in reincarnation but sometrhing
has been bothering me since I had my lucid dreams about 911. If I saw it hapen 2 weeks before it happened
doesn't it mean it already happened and there is nothing we do to change it. If this is true we have no control
over the future and everything we do is meaningless. Lola when I read your posts something deep in my soul
tells me I knew you in another time or dimension. Jeff I think I also knew you and sandy. this brings
me back to reincarnation. If it is not possible why do Think this?
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Re: An amazing saving

Post by Paul »

Hi d44,

The celestials tell us that there is no reincarnation, We start out life on this world and we ascend to Mansonia One after we die. There are 57 architectural worlds in our local system. There are seven large worlds about ten times the size of earth. There are 49 smaller worlds about the size of the earth. Then there is the local system capitol called Jerusem. Jerusem is the heaven that the Apostle John saw in vision. Jerusem is about 100 times larger than our earth. These worlds are training spheres . We learn right where we have left off when we have died. As we progress and become more Godlike we advance to the next sphere. We will go through hundreds of changes until we stand before the Father in Paradise.

We do have control over what happens to us in this life. Since we have free will we can use our intention to change things. If we want to live in darkness then we will stay in the darkness. If we want to live in the light then we will become brighter every day. It is through our choices that we will change this world to one that lives in light and life. So, our choices are not meaningless.

The celestials can see certain events occurring before they transpire. This is because they can see what is going on behind the scenes while most of the world is unaware. The persons that caused 9/11 wanted to bring havoc on the world. But we can choose to love our brothers and sisters. We can refuse to hate.

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Re: An amazing saving

Post by LolaandLight »

. Lola when I read your posts something deep in my soul
tells me I knew you in another time or dimension
Last night, I was thinking the exact same thing. I swear it. I wont go into details, but right after having this thought, something wierd happened. I had one of my time/space/video/whatever you want to call it experiences. This one was very much different than any that I have had before. I started to come on here and post because I "saw" other members in it and could feel one member that I could not "see". I thought that if I posted about it, or sent Sandy a PM, which is what I started to do, folks would think I was absolutely off the kettle now. It was one where I was trying to go to sleep but my mind wouldn't shut down (frequent occurrence) and then this "thing" happened and I knew I wasn't asleep. I had been thinking about what you described in your post and how it feels as if there is a connection there as your experiences are so similar to mine. Heck, I "heard" a bomb go off in my head the first time the World Trade Center was bombed back in the early nineties. I thought it was because my brother worked there and what I heard was my sensing he was in danger.

The experience last night didn't seem to last very long. But, I can't truthfully say how long it lasted. I just know that afterwards, I was filled with energy and, instead of posting and sending Sandy a PM, I went around my home scrubbing whatever I could find and justify scrubbing instead of sleeping, as I should have been doing, until the sun rose.

Okay, I have a theory about this (that just popped into my head), just like there are working groups in the Mansion worlds (I still really call it Heaven), there are working groups here. Those of us that might be in the same group there, are in the same group here. We receive the same type of training, retain memories, etc. Why? Hecky if I know. Well, actually I know, but don't Know what it is that I know in any great detail and that is part of the process, getting back to Knowing while still here. Also, as far as reincarnation, I just don't know and don't think that it is something that I have make my mind up about in order to progress spiritually. However, there is a scientific theory that time is actually moving in a circle so that past, present, and future are all happening at once. I think this has a bit to do with folks sensing when something is about to occur. That is if time really does work this way.
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Re: An amazing saving

Post by Sandy »

Hello friends, wrote:
The experience last night didn't seem to last very long. But, I can't truthfully say how long it lasted. I just know that afterwards, I was filled with energy and, instead of posting and sending Sandy a PM, I went around my home scrubbing whatever I could find and justify scrubbing instead of sleeping, as I should have been doing, until the sun rose.
Oh wow! I could have used you here, sis... George and I had a flat inspection yesterday and I have been scrubbing for days... ;) :D
Nobody here's gonna think you're off your kettle. (I love that expression...) I love hearing about what you experience and I always enjoy your pms ;)

and Hello again d44,
You wrote:
Jeff I think I also knew you and sandy.
Hmm interesting...maybe we are recognizing each other at the soul level. As we all have a partical of the Creator within us...This partical which has always existed knows things we as mortals cannot possibly imagine, yet we do get images pictures bits and pieces that eventually will allow us to put the "puzzel" together... hmmm not sure that makes any sense...but I am simple and tend to follow the flow of love and rarely dwell too deeply on aspects of eternity. :)
Jeff, I know you don't beleive in reincarnation but sometrhing
has been bothering me since I had my lucid dreams about 911. If I saw it hapen 2 weeks before it happened
doesn't it mean it already happened and there is nothing we do to change it. If this is true we have no control
over the future and everything we do is meaningless.
What you saw and later witnessed in the waking world must have been very difficult to deal with. Why you were given this vision is beyond any explanation I can give but as far as everything we do as being meaningless...I don't think so and I agree with Paul. I guess the way I look at it is that every thing we say do and think affects each of us, the people around us, and our world as a whole. How we choose to live our lives creates these "ripples" which flow outward, creating effects which materialize around us in sometimes amazing even far reaching ways... We can surrender in despair to these feelings that nothing we do can change the future when we uncomfortably view horrendous events unfold just as you and Lola witnessed or we can grit our teeth in determination and vow to continue, using our creative energies to form positive experiences and outcomes so that some day all of earth's children will never again witness the devestation that hate produces. I don't know for what purpose you have these visions... but I feel all gifts from the Creator have benefits of some sort and and also have a purpose, that at the very least, God completely understands and you will too in time.

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Re: An amazing saving

Post by LolaandLight »

D44 and Sandy,

Maybe D44 and I received the images so that we can pray over the circumstance to come. If enough people received the same image before an event and they all prayed for all involved in it, including those that are planning to commit such an act, maybe it could be averted. My son felt very sick the night before 9/11. He felt as if he was going to faint and could not walk. He said that he had a "sick" feeling inside of him. At the time we didn't realize what was going on. Then, when 9/11 happened, we knew. Maybe if one of us has such an image, we could report it, describing it in detail to this board, and members could be enlisted to pray over the matter and try to push it away. We could call ourselves "the silent warriors of faith" or something. I love thinking of myself as a fierce beastly warrior. If you saw me you would laugh as I am a very small person. I do know that I can be fierce when I want to be--we all can.

That is amazing that after I had my experience I started scrubbing and you, more than likely, were scrubbing at the same time. If so, would you mind taking a trip to the beach and lounging in the sun relaxing and think of me while doing so? Maybe, I can then relax a bit myself after picking up your chilled out vibe. Drink some real fruity alcholic beverages while you are at it.
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Re: An amazing saving

Post by d44 »

Hi Sandy, Paul, Geofff and Lola,

Sandy I don't know why I saw this since I am an everyday smuck who has always been afraid of things.
I am not very religious but am somewhat empathic. I use to have dreams where I would be
walking down the street and the stars would be different somehow. they would seem
very bright and clear and very blue. Paul, thanks for that response it really helped me.
I don't know if the midwayers are tryin to contact me again because since that last contact
I usually sleep with the hallway lights on and my radio on low. I think they have because about
6 months ago I was watching T.V. and dozed off. When I awoke the clocked was flashing 12:33.
I thought that's strange since the lights and T.V are still on. Then the clock changed to 12:34 and
sparks came from the T.V and the lights went out. I sat there in the dark very scared and thought
please don't scare me again. Then the lights and the T.V. came back on. Since then I've had
a constant barage of palidrone numbers.202, 303, 404, 505, 606, 707.....every day. It as
if they are say we are going to keep knocking until you answer us.
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Re: An amazing saving

Post by Paul »

Hi d44,

The numbers themselves don't necessarily have any significance, unless you want to give them some significance. The main purpose for the midwayers prompts are to get our attention. They want to get our attention so that we will discover that there is a life after this one in the flesh. They want us to discover that there is a fragment of the Eternal Father dwelling in our minds. This fragment of the Eternal Father stays with us as our constant companions as we walk this mortal life. The midwayers are drawing our attention to this precious gift. It is this gift of the Father that will result in greatest spiritual growth if that is what we want.

When we decide that we want to do the will of the Father while in the flesh we will be born of the spirit. It is an awareness that this life will not end with our death. Our lives will continue when we die as we take up our morontial clothing. That is our soul-self. Every spiritual act that we perform will contribute to the growth of our soul. It is like we have a soul embryo. Our soul embryo grows as we respond to the fragment of the Eternal Father living in our minds. Every act of love, every act of kindness, every act of compassion, every act of mercy, every act of forgiveness will result in the maturing of our soul embryo. Despite our animal tendencies while living in the flesh we can overcome these tendencies by living a life of spirit. Our Father fragment tenderly calls to us so that we will overcome these animal tendencies. If we are successful in this we will have a healthy and mature soul self to come home to when we die and go on to Mansonia one.

Don't get lost in all the number prompts. The number prompts get your initial attention. After the midwayers get that initial attention they want you to start your ascendancy program. The precious gift of the Eternal Father is our Father fragments. Once we make the decision that we want to become one with the will of the Father we become spirit persons in potential. We are here to assist one another to get started down the road towards our Paradise Father. He wants us to be perfect as he is perfect. But such perfection is relative to the stage of life that we find ourselves in at the moment. One day in the distant future you will stand before that very same Eternal Father. The gift that He sent (The Father fragments) showed the way home. If we respond to that gift and work hard towards perfection, we will stand before that Infinite One as a perfected creature.

In the meantime we have a host of celestial personalities that are here to help us make that journey to the Father. We can work with them to make this world a better place. We can cry with those that cry. We can laugh with those that laugh. We can heal those that have lost their way. We can offer ourselves willingly to our Father and our fellow man. This world will only change as each one changes. There are no magic tricks. And even though we are not Creator Sons we can love our Father so much that when His will matches our desire, it will be so.

The Apostle John saw the capitol sphere of our local system, Jerusem. The inhabitants of Jerusem are rejoicing that people like you and me are awakening to our spiritual heritage. We have been in darkness for so long, but now the sun has arisen. Our dear friends on the morontial worlds are rejoicing because we are leaving the darkness behind and are embracing the light. Our midwayer friends are also rejoicing for their tireless efforts to awaken us for thousands of years have not been in vain. When each day you decide to love just one more person you are becoming more like the Father. As each of us learn to love one another we will become the paradise that we have yearned for.

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Re: An amazing saving

Post by Sandy »

Hi Lola,
You wrote:
That is amazing that after I had my experience I started scrubbing and you, more than likely, were scrubbing at the same time. If so, would you mind taking a trip to the beach and lounging in the sun relaxing and think of me while doing so? Maybe, I can then relax a bit myself after picking up your chilled out vibe. Drink some real fruity alcholic beverages while you are at it.
:lol: :lol: You got it...I'll take you with me to the beach next as for the fruity alchohalic beverage, let me know if you need a good night's sleep cause that's what would happen. Even the tiniest bit of alcohal makes me groggy and sleepy. :oops: :roll: A life of the party I am not... ;) :lol:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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