HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Lisa1111 »

hi my name is lisa
im havin a hard time with things at home. about a year no mabe 2 years ago i see 1111 111 333 444 1113, i did not know what to think of it i just said ok im goin to look this up when i did this web site is the one i went to i looked at this site for a i am goin to talk to all of you im scared to talk to my hubby cuz he might think im crazy but im not. as the year has gone i can now talk to my angles i hear them in my head at first i was scard of myself. :shock: i did not know this could happen to me. it was hard at first cuz i could not hear them i would just get the 1111 , after that it was the words would end up in my head but it was not me that was thinkin it :roll: this is when i thout i was going crazy lol but i know im not please do not think im crazy :lol: i dont have enyone to talk to if i was to talk about this to my hubby or family im sure they will take me to the hospital lol its just i need a friend that knows what is goin on. i talk to my angles all the time it so cool i just wish i could tell my family that i can hear them. my angles tell me lots of stuff like life is going to get better for me and what im goin to be doin in the next year. i know they tell me they are redy to talk and tell my mom that they are here and i can hear them but i am scard they will tell me something that is not all true why do i think this i just dont want to be scard to open up and i dont want my angles to be upset with me cuz im dont always baleve they will tell me the truth i gess i will not know till i try it so what if my mom thinks im crazy :?: :duh uhhhh can enyone tell me what they think i should do thank you :bomb

ps i cant spell that good i hope you can read this ok, i had a hard time in school cuz i was on lots of meds for a brain tumor and thats a reason why i think my family will not baleve me is becase they say you can have these problems like hearin voices in your head do to the tumor but i know its not. im also scard to talk cuz i have a little girl that means the world to me and i dont want enyone thinkin im crazy
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by ][nfeRnaL »

Lisa1111 wrote:hi my name is lisa
(1) im havin a hard time with things at home. about a year no mabe 2 years ago i see 1111 111 333 444 1113, i did not know what to think of it i just said ok im goin to look this up when i did this web site is the one i went to i looked at this site for a year.(2)now i am goin to talk to all of you im scared to talk to my hubby cuz he might think im crazy but im not. as the year has gone i can now talk to my angles i hear them in my head at first i was scard of myself. :shock: i did not know this could happen to me. (3)it was hard at first cuz i could not hear them i would just get the 1111 , after that it was the words would end up in my head but it was not me that was thinkin it :roll: this is when i thout i was going crazy lol but i know im not please do not think im crazy :lol: i dont have enyone to talk to if i was to talk about this to my hubby or family im sure they will take me to the hospital lol its just i need a friend that knows what is goin on. i talk to my angles all the time it so cool i just wish i could tell my family that i can hear them.(4) my angles tell me lots of stuff like life is going to get better for me and what im goin to be doin in the next year. i know they tell me they are redy to talk and tell my mom that they are here and i can hear them but i am scard they will tell me something that is not all true why do i think this i just dont want to be scard to open up and i dont want my angles to be upset with me cuz im dont always baleve they will tell me the truth i gess i will not know till i try it so what if my mom thinks im crazy :?: :duh uhhhh can enyone tell me what they think i should do thank you :bomb

ps(5) i cant spell that good i hope you can read this ok, i had a hard time in school cuz i was on lots of meds for a brain tumor and thats a reason why i think my family will not baleve me is becase they say you can have these problems like hearin voices in your head do to the tumor but i know its not.(6) im also scard to talk cuz i have a little girl that means the world to me and i dont want enyone thinkin im crazy

Welcome!!I numbered a few areas before the cleanup crew gets here to toss the correct links for you to visit for some reading when you get a chance.

1) As you can tell it isn't only you with the number game issue, their are thousands world wide(111,100) :lol: and growing each day. It is an awakening process.
2) Hubby could be right, we all are crazy to some extent.
3) I get more than I bargained for,seeing/hearing/and 11s, but not more than I can carry.
4) Ask your angels for a lotto number and we will split the winnings.
5) Spelling is not as important as the subject matter within.
6) Covered your being crazy in #2. :roll:
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by luvinlife »

Hi Lisa! Welcome. First, don't be afraid because we all experience something. Second, I thought I was crazy when all of this started happening. I tell people about it "when the time is right". Usually you will have an inner knowing if you can talk to someone about it. There is a lot of information on this board, so happy reading!

Love, Clare
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Sandy »

Hello Lisa, :hithere

Wow you have had quite a lot to deal with in your young life. Bless many tough lessons I am sure you have accumulated to your eternal credit! I listen to your words and I see a very brave and special young mother. Your angels must be very proud of you and in fact they will never be disappointed with you. They love you more than we can possibly imagine and they understand our human frailties so they will be supportive should you choose not to speak out at this time.

I talk to my angels too, so I would never think you are crazy and as you have probably noticed none of us here truly fit the "norms" ...But you know, it doesn't bother me at all. :) Yet my situation is a little different perhaps than yours... It sounds to me that if things go badly with the revealing of your ability to speak with your angel you could be in a world of hurt. I must admit this very scenerio happened to one of our dear members. So I recommend you pray on it. Go straight to the Source with this one. Meditating on this within may bring up some valuble information, as each of us has a beloved part of God that lives within us. So it is true that our bodies are the temple of God and we are so blessed to have access to the most wonderful friend and partner we could ever imagine. It would be impossible sweetie to offer you advice in this area, one way or another because only you know the openness or "closedness" of you mom and family.
Sometimes, though it is unnecessary...our words... it is our very actions, our changed and loving hearts that first indicates something strange and wonderful is occuring. Our loving actions speak volumes and support us mightily in our endeavors.
Please understand that there are many who still fear change in this spiritual arena. They are stationary in their beliefs and they like it that way, so often it can make them a little less willing to even contemplate the very idea that someone else may see an entirely different Truth because in admiting that one thing it may invalidate something they hold dear. It is a dilemma. :scratch:
Each of us has our own path to walk and every step of the way we have loving help..from our angels and countless Celestials who always have our best spiritual interests at heart.

Hmmm... I don't think I am making any sense...talking in circles I am. :lol: but please know how pleased I am to have you join this message board and I look forward to getting to know you as you share you experiences with us. Welcome Lisa! :D


P.S. Here are a few URLs that may help you as you visit the site and continue on your own unique spiritual journey.
11:11 Background and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What it really means

11:11 More questions about number sequences.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Lisa1111 »

i just want to say thanks for the post everyone :roll i will have to read up. there is more to my life like i see shadows but i cant see what they look like. my angles said its my grandma and my father. my father died when i was 4, so i think he is trying to just see how im doing. my mom said she had a dream about him like 5 nights ago. she said he just looked at her and said it will not be that long. when i see the shadows sometimes i feel ok like i can look and not feel like i should not look. when i feel like i should not look i dont know what to do i feel sick and i think they dont like me. anyways i dont know if you all have these feelings if you do can you tell me what you have done and what it means :mrgreen:

haha when i first started talking to my angels i did not know for sure if it was real or not thin they would tell me where thing were around the house when i could not fiend them and there they were its so cool :sunflower: so thin i thout there was something going on with my hubby and they said he has been talking to someone. thin i said i want to tell him about them and ask him who the girl is that he was seeing. my angels said not to talk yet and what do i do i went in there and said it all to him he said what are you talking about he looked so scard i said i was sorry to him and i thout i was going crazy because my angel got upset with me and was not so nice and my hubby was saying he was going to call my mom ;) so yep he did not call her but me and him had a hard time geting along for like a year. we dont talk about it now and thats why its so hard to open up to him, and thats why i dont want to tell my mom yet. yes they say they are ready but i go back to when me and my angles were talking about my hubby and i back down and dont talk, but i will when im ready and me and my angle are doing better now :lol: ohhh and my angels said that he was talking to some girl just he dont talk to her as much now :lol: see i thout my angles lied to me when i said that to my hubby, i know now that they was not telling a lie they just was not ready for me to talk to him. so i said sorry to my angles because i was wrong for going on and talking about it to him.
:hithere got to go talk to all of you soon
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by LolaandLight »


I understand how hard it is not to say something to other people when your angels tell you not to do so. However, when I don't do what mine tell me to do, I will sooner or later discover that they were 100% right. I heard mine from a very young age and, like your's, mine told me not to tell anyone. As I grew older I understood that they were protecting me by telling me not to tell anyone. You are not crazy. If you want to fell better about it, think of instances where our society accepts angels talking to people. Our society is very choosey about when they will accept that a person really was talking to angels and usually the members of your family are the least likely to accept it. In the Bible, Jesus had relatives and neighbors from his town that thought he was totally off his rocker. Yet, how many millions now accept he was the son of God without question? This happened to him in a time where people were generally more spiritual than they are now. In the Old Testament, angels and God talked to people all the time. Noah and the ark for instance. Noah's neighbors also thought that he was nuts. We all know how that turned out don't we? So, don't worry, you are okay.

Also, remember, your angels know you better than you know yourself, including all of the circumstances in your life. So, their directions to you will be based on what is good for you all the way around. The thing with your husband and his talking to a girl. Well, they most likely know your husband and his true feelings for you and how it most likely will turn out for the two of you. So, listen to them and follow what they tell you. Don't worry about them telling you how it will all turn out or worrying about the long term. Just take each day as it comes and concentrate on what is before you now in each and every moment of the day.

Meditating will help you stay at peace and accept the moments as they come.
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by paintboxx92 »


if anything, everybody on planet earth is crazy. I just want to say that you should tell your husband and face the fact that some people aren't ready to hear something like '' I see a whole bunch of numbers like 1111 and i speak to angels" AND know that no one is sane on this planet. The people who think they are normal is weird also!!!
I speak with my angels most of the time. I usually call them ''middies'' or simply ''midwayers'' but when i tell about them to other people, i simply call them angels.

ANGELS ARE THE AWESOMEST AND PEOPLE WHO SPEAK TO THEM ARE THE AWESOMESTEST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET, just look at these beautiful people on this website! welcome to da family lisaa
HERE YOU CAN BE PROUD TO BE WEIRD 'cause i know i am!

Love and sun light
PB :lol: :D
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by jfarris »

paintboxx92 wrote:OHOHOHOOOOO lisa

if anything, everybody on planet earth is crazy. I just want to say that you should tell your husband and face the fact that some people aren't ready to hear something like '' I see a whole bunch of numbers like 1111 and i speak to angels" AND know that no one is sane on this planet. The people who think they are normal is weird also!!!
I speak with my angels most of the time. I usually call them ''middies'' or simply ''midwayers'' but when i tell about them to other people, i simply call them angels.

ANGELS ARE THE AWESOMEST AND PEOPLE WHO SPEAK TO THEM ARE THE AWESOMESTEST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET, just look at these beautiful people on this website! welcome to da family lisaa
HERE YOU CAN BE PROUD TO BE WEIRD 'cause i know i am!

Love and sun light
PB :lol: :D
I am really thankful to be numbered among this family!
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by luvinlife »

Me too! I'm loving this!

Love, Clare
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by winterwonder »

You are absolutely not crazy! I am so new to this. today is my first day on this website for I have seen 3 days in a row first 444, 555, and today 1111. I have decided to figure out what this means after all. I've seen 1111 over 10 times in the past year but have ignored it until now. I actually envy you that you do get to see the angels. I absolutely luv it. I wouldn't be afraid though because I believe they are here to help us with our purpose and calling in life. Can't wait to see mine though!
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Geoff »

Dear Winterwonder,

Welcome to our site. The very first forum is the best place to start - that has all the FAQs in it.

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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Sandy »

Welcome to the board, winterwonder! I love your enthusiasm!
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Lisa1111 »

winterwonder wrote:You are absolutely not crazy! I am so new to this. today is my first day on this website for I have seen 3 days in a row first 444, 555, and today 1111. I have decided to figure out what this means after all. I've seen 1111 over 10 times in the past year but have ignored it until now. I actually envy you that you do get to see the angels. I absolutely luv it. I wouldn't be afraid though because I believe they are here to help us with our purpose and calling in life. Can't wait to see mine though!

haha thank and welcome im new here to and i love it they are all so sweet. i see my angel but not all of them like its not clear yet :)
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Lisa1111 »

i got to ask when i go in my bathroom and say i look at my shampoo i can see a white outline of it and when i look at pics on the wall i can look away and see white outlines just there out in the open what is this called.

ohh and thanks for all the post. i feel so much better now that i have friends to talk to :bana:
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Sandy »

Hi Lisa,

I just read in a book by Yogananda Paramahansa that all things emmit an energy field or energy signature of sorts, even inanimate objects. You may be seeing this when you observe the white lines around the shampoo etc...
I'm glad you are feeling comfortable here. :)

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Lisa1111 »

Sandy wrote:Hi Lisa,

I just read in a book by Yogananda Paramahansa that all things emmit an energy field or energy signature of sorts, even inanimate objects. You may be seeing this when you observe the white lines around the shampoo etc...
I'm glad you are feeling comfortable here. :)


wow thats cool and thanks :)
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Lisa1111 »

hello all :hithere so i was in bed 2 nights ago and well i thout i was dreaming but what i think it was is astral travel. it was dark in my room i could not see that good, there was something in frunt of me what looked like a shadow of a person it looked white and had shadow to it i tryed to move and i could not move i tryed to say get off because it felt as if i was being pushed down. it was closer and closer and thin it was gone and i could say get off more clear thin and i got up and felt so not good at all. so i was hangin out with my angles and talkin to them they said i had a outer body exp. and i said to them this one was not like that last one i had, this one had me not so happy at all. :| i said that i dont want to ever feel that agin :lol: the first time i had this it was the best feeling i have ever had i was up and looking at my bed it was fuzzy so i could not see clear, but it was so white(i have a white blanket) had this happy feeling in my body i did not feel sick or bad at all just so happy. and when got up i had a big smile on my face that day :D i told my angles ohhh how i wish i could do that agin, well i think i got to and this time it was not that good at all. mabe i was just having a hard time geting back in my body or something.
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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by memawlaura »

Hi Lisa,
You are very sensitive to energy around you and their is other energy that wont feel as wonderful and the light. Make sure and protect yourself with Archangel Michael's light everyday and before bedtime. Take a look at what your were thinking about prior to bedtime and jot these things down and you will start seeing the difference. Always best to protect yourselve from any lower beings that may wish to do harm. In this case giving you an ugly feeling and not liking the experience. Always protect yourself so experiences will be beautiful. Great Gifts you have.
Love and Peace Always,

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Re: HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post by Lisa1111 »

thanks i will have to try this at night, :roll

Last bumped by Lisa1111 on Mon Oct 04, 2010 11:57 pm.
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