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Another Question

Post by LolaandLight »

I have another question, or you might call it a request for a clarification. Sorry if it repeats something already on the site. So, when we are born, we have bestowed upon us a dvine spark from the Father. This is our own spark of divinity which ties us to and makes us the children of God. We also have a personality which was formed as an idea of personality by the Father. Therefore, we have a spark of divinity in us that characterizes as a part of the whole divinty of God walking Urantia, or, Earth, and as a personality created in his mind, we are wholly His creation and His children. Then, as we grow, we at some point make a moral decision, at this point, we have touched on the spark of divinity in us and have awakened this aspect of our being. Therefore, a TA comes to dwell within us to assist us in the use, discovery, and full awakening of, our own spark of divinity and connection to the Father. Is this correct?

Therefore, in a certain sense, we all have the potential of being Saints. I don't literally mean Saints in the manner of the Catholic church declaring this person or that a Saint. I mean it in the sense of existing as a Saintly being.

Boy, that is some charge for one to follow or live up to. I wish I could put it in better terms. I guess my main point is that life on Urantia is hard even if one is not trying or aware of a need to "walk in the Spirit". Depending on where you live and your occupation, race, educational level, industry, walking in the spirit of God at all times could lead to a great deal of despair given the nature of our society. Do you know what I mean?
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Post by jfarris »

Yes, i do know what you mean. I think it is because here on Urantia, we are always faced with choices that are '..the lesser of (at least) two evils..."

So in my mind, that is where the despair part enters in.

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Post by LolaandLight »

For me, the question becomes, where does the connection take you in your everyday life, in living and walking in the Light, when you come to what you feel is the end of yourself, how does this take you beyond that sense of giving up? Faith is there. Prayer and meditation carry you through the despair; but, where then does the power of the Light come to move those mountains, to put the Light and power of God as a active force in your being able to carry on retaining a sense of who you are in the Light of God? Instead of feeling like a smuushed bug on the heel of the World? How do we focus this Light to improve that what we see in our own lives and in the lives of others? I am talking more than being a shining light in the dark. Can we be more than this? Are we to be more than this? Is there more than this? Or, do our lives, the circumstances, remain in despair as we walk around bestowing light on the world? I know this sounds like a bunch of disillusionment in a way. I do not intend it in that manner. I mean if you have faith that makes you feel you are being lifted off your seat, then walk out in the world and try to move mountains, do they not ever move? When does the pattern, and how does the pattern, of the path change? Not so much that you are more materially comfortable living in a mansion with servants, but just able to live without having to question survival?
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Re: Another Question

Post by Geoff »

LolaandLight wrote:Boy, that is some charge for one to follow or live up to. I wish I could put it in better terms. I guess my main point is that life on Urantia is hard even if one is not trying or aware of a need to "walk in the Spirit". Depending on where you live and your occupation, race, educational level, industry, walking in the spirit of God at all times could lead to a great deal of despair given the nature of our society. Do you know what I mean?
Dear Lola,

No, in my view and limited experience walking in the light is the most wonderful thing you can experience. You can literally exist in a different bit of time-space. But it does involve making choices.

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Re: Another Question

Post by Paul »

Hi Lola,

There is a sacred sphere called Divinington where the Father fragments are trained before going out onto the evolutionary spheres. They choose the one that they want to indwell. They also are well aware of your ancestry and the potential that is contained within your DNA. When you make your first moral decision at about the age of five or six they come to dwell in your mind. From that time on they are working hard to help you become more spiritual, more godlike.

We often forget about the joys that life has to offer because of all the problems in the world. We can get so caught up in the despairs in this life that we forget our blessings. I used to feel that I was so cursed, but I now realize that I have been so blessed. There are a relatively few persons that know what we know. Many persons go through their whole lives unaware that there is any hope for a future life. Many people go through life abused and oppressed by others. They know nothing but the misery of life. Yet, you and I have something to offer them. We can offer them our love and our understanding. If we are in concert with the Eternal Father through His multitudes of Father fragments then we are most fortunate. We are beginning a journey that will never end. By having this knowledge we can let our light so shine that others may receive the joy that is ours in full measure.

Think about our Creator Son. This is where he had his seventh and final bestowal. He learned what it was like to be as one of his creatures by actually becoming them. He does not understand what it is like to live as a human because someone told him about it. He understands because he lived and breathed and walked among us. You might say that he came into an impossible situation and turned it upside down. He did not let a world that largely rejected the Father get him down. He was determined to reveal to his human children the nature of the Father by the way that he lived his life. Jesus came into a world deeply affected and wounded by the Lucifer rebellion, but his undying love and affection for his human children never failed him.

You might wonder what helped our Creator Son. He was ale to suspend time. I don't mean that in a literal sense. He was able to look at a person that was, at present, rude, nasty, inconsiderate, violent, etc., and yet see them standing before the Father in perfection. He could see that these persons would overcome these animalistic traits to embrace the divinity of the Father. He could see them being born of the spirit and electing to make the will of the Father one with their will. So, when you experience the poison of this world, do not let it get you down. Keep letting your light shine for you do not know where it may go and to whom it may lead out of darkness. The one that you felt was causing you despair and smashing you like a bug may very well be standing before the Father in perfection one day.

When I felt like smacking a fellow employee that has a reputation for being nasty and abusive all of a sudden I heard: "Keep conquering the evil with the good." It is very hard to walk away when you are being challenged, but we keep conquering the evil by electing to approach each situation with good. If we refuse to allow evil to conquer us, then goodness will win out.

We need to love each and every one the same way that the Father loves each and every one. It is certainly not easy. We struggle against our own imperfections, disappointments and disillusions. But if we strive to see the good in life and in each other we will be far better off. We should feel sorry for the people of this world because they are so far removed from the Father. They have been born into a world of rebellion that has become estranged from the Father. We have the answers that they seek. That is cause for celebration.

Today, I saw a picture of this little girl in the newspaper. She was about four-years old and had this golden blond hair. She was running with wild abandon across an entire field of tulips. The joy on her face was infectious. Sometimes it takes a little child to show us what is important in life. For all of this world's ills there is still so much beauty to be found here. We have no control over the actions of others. We grieve when we see the insensible acts of violence and abuse, rape and murder. We cannot shut our eyes to these things, but we can control how we react to it. If we are determined to make a difference then we must let the spirit of all little children run through us. Life is such an immeasurable blessing. Not only do we have life, but we can experience the beauty of creation around us and the joy that such beauty brings. When we desire to become one with the Father and the beauty that is intrinsic in His being we become like a field of tulips that all children may run across.

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Re: Another Question

Post by Geoff »

Dear Lola,

I think that the key lies here: ... 8&p=144090

which is the same as that video on Divine Love.

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Re: Another Question

Post by LolaandLight »

I guess what I am getting at is when life's circumstances, no matter how hard you pray or how hard you try to and sometimes succeed at meditating, what is one to think of the messages that tell us that we will see this? How is one to view one's self in the eyes of the Lord? I have read the posts that you provided a link to. I read and do feel the love when I connect. So, I understand what you are saying. I understand it not just from what you are saying but from my own experience of God's love and grace. But, in the world, in my life's circumstances, nothing has changed in years. I don't expect to get something for the love I feel for God and for my worshipping. I just feel like the lot I drew did not include a whole lot of comfort or happiness. Or, for some reason, in God's eyes I am just wrong all the time and I can do nothing right. That there is something that I just am not getting the way I am supposed to get it. I seek guidance and pray throughout the day.
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Re: Another Question

Post by Geoff »

Dear Lola,

You are very wrong when you conclude you are "wrong" in Father's Eyes. If one thing could bring a tear to His Eyes, it would be hearing you say that.

Now I agree some folks have it hard, and it's hard to see if this really is God's Plan for them. Most likely I suspect, it is not. But decisions and choices lead to outcomes, even if these decisions and choices may not have been yours. But some do walk a hard path, and we are told they gain the greater by it.

I think you would find value from this mantra:

I am Light, glowing Light,
radiating Light, intensified Light,
God consumes my darkness, transmuting it into Light.

This day I am the focus of the central sun,
flowing through me is a crystal river, a living fountain of light,
that can never be qualified by the human thoughts and feelings.
I am an outpost of the Divine.
Darkness as has used me is swallowed up,
by the mighty rivers of light that I am.

I am, I am, I am Light.
I live, I live, I live in Light.
I am fullest dimension.
I am Light's purist intention.
I am Light, Light, Light,
flooding the world everywhere I move,
blessing and strengthening, and conveying,
the purpose of the Kingdom of Heaven.

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Re: Another Question

Post by Sandy »

Dear Lola,
You wrote:
How is one to view one's self in the eyes of the Lord?
Hmm that's an interesting question... It is easy to say, "to get quiet and ask the Lord to show you"...but often our own mind and ego can get in the way as we are ever so cautious in perserving "self" and our own years of accumulated matter and protective coatings. I think if we truly wants to understand how God views us, then we need to begin to truly understanding ourselves... what constitutes Lola or in my case, Sandy. It's sort of like peeling layers of an onion until you are left with the core, the beautiful optomistic expectant perfectly happy being that was born into this wretched world. Sorry about the wretched word...but yes, some days this world does feel miserable and I think to myself, "How do we get off this rock!" But in my opinion, to be truly happy, first we must understand ourselves...It isn't something that happens overnight or in an instant...It is a lifelong process with initial hard work because as I said earlier we have many protective layers around our old worn out ways of being and these ways seem to clash with who we wish to become and our dreams for the future. Sometimes these are things we have been told as children...things like "You are not smart enough, good enough, pretty enough etc..." So much of how we few ourselves are formed from an early age and our interaction with the precious adults in our lives and our friends and siblings. And it carries on and as adults we often treat ourselves cruelly, abusing ourselves in many ways because of these inner admonitions. Despite the trouble I am having of late peeling back my smelly ole onion layers, I do believe it does get easier with every success, with every positive affirmation realized... But we cannot expect to move from one place to another desired harmonious place without taking the steps both hard and easy to get there. One consolation, we do not have to do this alone. Meditation and quiet stillness is a gentle recharging of our spiritual engines...Giving us "God fuel" to deal with the complexities of this world. But if we give up at the first hint of frustration then we may forver be wandering from one self help method to another... always treating the symptoms without touching the root of the problems.
Or, for some reason, in God's eyes I am just wrong all the time and I can do nothing right.

You will be amazed Lola when you see yourself the way the Lord sees you complete with "perfection diploma" in hand and love and joy pouring out of every corpusal. It is this Love that walks with you, talks with you, laughs with you throughout your day while you are in the midst of a meeting...taking out the trash...enjoying a family gathering...etc...There is no separation. It is only in our minds. So armed with that cellular knowledge, a knowing in every cell of our body that we do not walk alone, the world will loose its sinister edge and the people around us become merely brothers and sisters at different stages of growth. It happens gently and gradually as we walk in this Divine love, as we bask in this stillness within. No matter what our belief, we have our Best Friend and Forever Guide walking beside us at every moment.

..But please remember, Lola, that every attempt at meditation whether we feel successful or not is beneficial. Do not allow a few disruptions a few frustrations, even confusion at the proper way to sit, close your eyes or proceed to derail you. This is fairly common with most people when they begin meditation.
Often the scattered thoughts, frustrations and disruptions are symptoms of things within that need to be dealt with and released, sent on its way... with these worrisome things gone, a clear channel opens up from which the Voice of Divine can penetrate more easily, and then those times of stillness become something cherished and looked towards with excitement and anticipation.
We are all working at this just as you are dear lady... one baby step at a time.

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Re: Another Question

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Geoff, for posting that wonderful Mantra... I have always loved it, and needed to hear it today. :D

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Re: Another Question

Post by LolaandLight »

I have been at this to a greater or lesser degree all of my life and the last fifteen years to a greater degree. It seems it has been like a clock being wound up and now it has reached the point that it is finally ready to pop. The clock being the circumstances that seem as if they have been by design. I can't explain everything that has happened and their nature. Do you know the term "God's breeze" or the "breath of God"? Well, I have had this experience a few times. The most recent was last summer. As it blew through me, I heard the words "you were always intended as a sacrifice". A sacrifice for what, whom? If I had known this, I would not have married and had a son.

I know who I am. I have few layers that cover me up and protect me. This has been part of the problem. Jesus said to remain vunerable and I did. Though, the role I was to play professionally demanded that I not do this in order to be successful. That is what I was trying to get at originally. If a person goes out into the world, taking the instructions of the Bible to heart and as direction for how to live, one will be smooshed. For the world tramples on those that appear weak and honest and open and giving. I am not saying that I always did this perfectly. I tried to do it perfectly even when I knew it would be to my detriment. I sound as if I am whining. I want to be brave. Anyhow's, things being as they are, I wont be on the board much longer. So, I guess my bringing this up is just to give you good folks something to think about when bringing in the Light. There are many out there, here, that need shelter from the storms to come. Pray for them as much and as often as you can.

Now, things are so far gone that there seems no way for them to be undone. I have tried not to look at it from a material world reality. However, I can't help but wonder if this is not the way it was always intended to be. Believe me, despite this, I have tried and sought all options. I am not facing this very bravely. I have faced many other things bravely. I have no bravery left. In the memory of floating before God to come to this person that is me, I was told (it was me in my memory) that it would be very hard and that I may not remember enough or be able to receive enough help from my friends. Yes, I made some choices that caused some of it. But, most of these choices were made after going into prayer and listening for the voice to instruct my heart. Yes, fear lead me to make many of them as well. I read somewhere that in the end times, many of God's children will get caught up in process of change on Earth.

I hate to be so down and negative. I am trying to be realistic for once and keep my wits about me as I see the direction of things cannot be changed.
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Re: Another Question

Post by Paul »

Hi Lola,

You wrote:
But, in the world, in my life's circumstances, nothing has changed in years. I don't expect to get something for the love I feel for God and for my worshipping. I just feel like the lot I drew did not include a whole lot of comfort or happiness. Or, for some reason, in God's eyes I am just wrong all the time and I can do nothing right. That there is something that I just am not getting the way I am supposed to get it. I seek guidance and pray throughout the day.
First of all it is important to look at things from Father's perspective. The eternal Father is complete in all respects. He never needed anyone or anything. All truth, power, goodness and love resides in Him. But there was something lacking. What was lacking was the fact that the Father possessed all of these awesome gifts, but he wanted to share these gifts with others. How do you feel when you have a gift? Don't you feel compelled to share that gift? Don't you feel that if you don't share these gifts that you will burst? But then when you bring these gifts to the light of day you experience great joy when others benefit as a result of your gifts.

So, Father's infinity was holding Him back in a way. So, he divested Himself of everything that he could divest Himself of and shared the gift of life and the gift of love with others. Now, there is one thing that the Father never had. He never had to experience anything. He never started from the bottom and reached up towards the top. He already resides at the top and knows all things. Yet, He could create countless creatures that could experience life from the bottom up. He would sent out fragments of Himself to live with these creatures as they began life as near animals and ascended inwards to the Father to stand before Him as a mighty perfected spirit creature. So, it is like our Father can experience live vicariously through his trillions of sons and daughters. He could witness the joy of someone that was a mere babe to become a full grown adult in terms of divine acquisition.

I have four grown children. I love them unconditionally. That is despite the fact that I have many foibles and imperfections. If an imperfect man could love his children unconditionally, what does that say about the Father. You are loved so dearly and so deeply that the love the Father has for you is unfathomable. You may think that you are wrong all the time and that the Father thinks that you can do nothing right, but you would be wrong about that.

We become frustrated at times with life's circumstances. We may feel that we keep trying to change things, but we are stuck. I understand your frustrations. I too have felt the same way. But for all of life's circumstances and frustrations I have grown spiritually. As much as I could wish that things would have been different, I have grown. When a person lives on easy street it may seem that there is a great advantage. But in reality those persons that never experience any kind of tribulation in the flesh are going to be in for a rude awakening.

Have you ever picked up a rose and really examined it carefully? There is something so intangible and so beautiful about it. First, you may bring the rose towards your nose and inhale its intoxicating vapors. Then you may admire its rich redness. You also notice that there is perfect symmetry in its petals. If you tried to express in words the beauty that you were holding in your hands, you would be at a loss. This flower that we call the rose does not look for praise or the accolades of men. It does not stand up on a soapbox and pontificate its beliefs. It simply exists and provides a pleasure inexpressible.

Yet, there is something that you should know. When the Father examines you it is like He is holding a rose in His hands. He cups you in His hands and breathes in your unique fragrance. He takes pleasure in the fact that you simply exist and that you try hard to live the life. He loves you with a love immeasurable. You are His precious child that is blooming into a rose. A rose that even the Father will find it impossible to express the words about such beauty.

Perhaps you may not be able to receive what it is you are seeking at present. But what you can do is to be grateful for what you do have. The sun that arises each day. The voice of a loved one. The cheerful sounds of song birds. The colors of the rainbow. A snow-capped mountain. A verdant valley. A mountain stream. A sun that sets with colors vibrant.

There are innumerable blessings that we have for which we can be grateful. But for us the most precious blessing is the knowledge of the Father fragment that lives in our minds. This is something that we can be most grateful for. Because we are not alone on this journey. Every step of the way the Father is right there with us. He picks us up when we fall. He holds us when we cry. He laughs with us when we laugh. He rejoices when we experience joy. And He loves you with a love unconditional. And why? Because you are his one and only unique and precious child for which there could never be a replacement.

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Re: Another Question

Post by Geoff »

LolaandLight wrote: I read somewhere that in the end times, many of God's children will get caught up in process of change on Earth.

I hate to be so down and negative. I am trying to be realistic for once and keep my wits about me as I see the direction of things cannot be changed.
Dear Lola,

These are not the end times, this planet has thousands upon thousands of years to go.

There is a message we received recently about living in the world. Cant quote it, it was something to do with "as a snake". Ah yes "biblical teaching for you to be as shrewd as a snake and innocent as a dove." ... 8&p=145601

By the way. All things can change. I have not the time to tell you a long story regarding my sister in law. Its astounding. Father always figures out a plan. Always.

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Re: Another Question

Post by LolaandLight »


What the Bible calls the "end times" could very well be what the messages call the "correcting time". It is more of an end of life as we know it, rather than the Earth or the world. One thing I definately heard clearly not too long ago from those that instruct me, was that our planet is far too valuable to the Universe for it ever to be destroyed. Our understanding, particularly as it stood in the times of the Bible being written, is a great deal different now. So, when I referred to what the Bible says, I meant that there would be a time on Earth when great change would occur. During this time, many will suffer in various ways, even those in communion with God. I guess I should have put it this way. It was just easier to say it the way I did in my previous post.
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