Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

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Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by roxiedog13 »

I'm just curious how the members here balance their Faith, if it exsists at all, with
the 1111 phenomena . I've read several posts with a negative tone towards the
"Church" and wondered, how can we balance what we've been tought in a church
with what we are discussing here on this site ?

Personally, I'm not sure that I've ever had any "faith" but, in saying that, I often felt
very good about attending Church with my children. Since several significant events
have unfolded in my life I have stopped going to church except to attend a family
event. This is about the same time that I started to experience 1111 and later found
this site.
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by LolaandLight »

This is a very interesting topic. I was wondering about the same thing without realizing it. I am a church going person. I requested to be baptized at the age of twelve after being "prompted" to do so in church one day. A voice directed me to step forward. At this time, I felt a very close relationship with Christ. I felt his presence, support, and love around me. This came in handy when I had operations on my spine a year after my baptism.

The way I look at it, the church took what had been given to the folks in the Old Testament and New Testament, and any other religious organization's book like the Koran, and put some structure to it so that it could be applied in everyday life. Because man is man, it became less of a teaching tool than rules and regulations. I saw it, as a child, and now, as an explanation of our existence, our purpose, and a reference when in need of guidance. Also, the Bible has been altered. So, I keep that in mind when I read it. I have read numerous book which explain the Bible from the context of the times it was written.

Mostly, I figure the Bible is a reference book while the "voices" the angels, those that walk with us, are here just for our particular circumstances and purpose. They give us what is needed to make it to our life purpose and to grow--as long as we listen and allow ourselves to be enfolded within their love and the light of our Creator/Father. In other words, I don't think it is a violation of the Bible's message. The only thing that has ever concerned me are the admonishments against speaking to spirits. I wonder if this was given at that time due to what was going on in the world in terms of the presence of angels that willfully caused problems. Also, man's spirituality has progressed since those times. That is why Jesus came. If we allow the admonishments given in a time that was vastly different from our own, are we defeating his purpose in coming to us and telling us who we are and advising us that the Holy Spirit would come to us and that he would always be with us? This are actual questions, not just observations. I know my writing is not always so clear in that way.

Thanks for a great topic!
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by clarity »

One of the most important things that most Christian denominations do not practice or preach is meditation. Jesus advocated meditation, however that part of his message has not been shown much importance. Religions are an interpretation of eye witness accounts. Now I'm not saying everything in the bible is false, however with eye witness account there is bound to be falsity. Why not go straight to the source to find the truth. Jesus showed us how to do this.

"And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by Macker »

Well i dont have a Religion ... i've never been to church in my life , it will more than likely fall down on me if i entered one lol .
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by ][nfeRnaL »

Each person will have their own paths to walk. Being diverse is one of the greatest traits man has IMHO. Most things on this planet are designed to look the same. Man is designed to be unique in almost every aspect.
My newer found saying since 11:11 began to haunt me came from a prompt.
Religion teaches to gather inside a church to witness the goers shine.
Spiritual shines from within so others can witness everywhere. I will take the spiritual over the religious with my paths taken.

Good luck with your choices.
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by Petra Wilson »

clarity wrote:One of the most important things that most Christian denominations do not practice or preach is meditation. Jesus advocated meditation, however that part of his message has not been shown much importance. Religions are an interpretation of eye witness accounts. Now I'm not saying everything in the bible is false, however with eye witness account there is bound to be falsity. Why not go straight to the source to find the truth. Jesus showed us how to do this.

"And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
I totally agree with this. He did go off a few times a day to meditate. I only started meditating purposefully since coming here. I'm certain I did it naturally as a child because I often had contact with celestials.

Love, Petra
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by blue nova »

clarity wrote: One of the most important things that most Christian denominations do not practice or preach is meditation. Jesus advocated meditation, however that part of his message has not been shown much importance. Religions are an interpretation of eye witness accounts. Now I'm not saying everything in the bible is false, however with eye witness account there is bound to be falsity. Why not go straight to the source to find the truth. Jesus showed us how to do this.

"And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you."
:cheers: thank you dearest clarity !! excellent point... :!: :cheers:

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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by LolaandLight »

In the churches I have attended, the congregation is given time to pray. Unity church gives time to meditate during the service and teaches that meditation is very important. I learned to meditate from a class I took there. It depends on where you have attended church. Also, if you listen with an open heart to some ministers, they pretty much say the same stuff that is in the messages we receive in the 11:11 emails. The difference I would say is in the signifigance of our time here. Traditional religion seems to teach us to pray our way through life through difficulties. Whereas the 11:11 messages seem to teach us to go within for enlightenment and insight. Traditional religion does not teach that we can be personally inspried but can only learn the Word that has been given. One minister that has helped me to understand the simple and everyday is Joyce Myers. Look at Proverbs. Look at the Bible with new eyes and it pops out at you. Church gives you fellowship. That is important--sharing the love insipired by God's love. Not all churches make this easy. Some are better than others.
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by roxiedog13 »

][nfeRnaL wrote:Each person will have their own paths to walk. Being diverse is one of the greatest traits man has IMHO. Most things on this planet are designed to look the same. Man is designed to be unique in almost every aspect.
My newer found saying since 11:11 began to haunt me came from a prompt.
Religion teaches to gather inside a church to witness the goers shine.
Spiritual shines from within so others can witness everywhere. I will take the spiritual over the religious with my paths taken.

Good luck with your choices.
Thanks to everyone for your imput , this is the kind of feedback I was expecting and hoping for.

nfeRnaL, I think you hit the nail on the head, we all have our own paths to walk indeed and each
of us here come from a very diverse background . Some of the responses are from a very religious
point of view and then there are the non religious views, yet, we all have the 1111 phenomena as
a common denominator .........interesting.

"Religion teaches to gather inside a church to witness the goers shine.
Spiritual shines from within so others can witness everywhere".

I think a Spititual being will shine inside or outside of any church. I only have a problem with the
individual/group that preach to me their beliefs are the"only" one and that my beliefs are wrong.
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by AJ »

For me it was an ever evolving spiritual growth that took me away from organized religion. I don't hate religion because I see it as a great starting point to spiritual understanding but really at some point I think most of us will begin to see that what we have been taught is only part of the story and a lot of it has been altered or edited away. My problem with religion is that for the most part it is not all about God it is a business, run like a business and it mostly all about money at the upper levels of most organized religions. Now there is a huge difference between religion and church to me. Churches for the most part at the church level are not corrupted by the great money game they are really in the business of helping the communities they are in but I am sure from time to time there does come some corruption and I bet a lot of it stems from upper management so to speak (and I don't mean the real boss in God!)

The reason christianity (because I don't really know much about other faiths but I assume there are great similarities) does not teach meditation is because there is not money in it for them. The church has been sucessful for all these 2010 years because they have utilized the power of fear to keep the people coming and through creating that sense of guilt the church goers will put more of their money into the collection plate. A great example of this is if you ask the question of where does the modern day images and beliefs and stories of the devil and hell come from if they really are not mentioned all that much in the bible? History will tell you that during the dark ages there really was nothing going on for entertainment and the like so the people went to church. I don't know who was the first to bring this up but the structure of the mass changed in the dark ages and there were more sermons about the devil. Well as the sermons about the devil and hell increased and intesified the church leaders began to notice increased attendence at church and also increased giving. Business was good and the stories and ideas got bigger and bigger and this became a great form of entertainment for the peoples in such dismals times. In fact this idea caught own and like any other good idea that has happened others look to contribute to the movement and profit from it. Two of the most famous books about the devil and the intricite details of hell came right out of this time period. They were Dante's Inferno and Paradise Lost. There was good business in fear and to this day fear and guilt are still major tools used by churches to keep people in the seats and to give up to the collection plates. The church knows that if people knew that by going within and meditating that you will find the true peace and the true answers. God wants love in our hearts and minds and not fears and the church directly violates this covenant by hiding the truth to profit from it. Further more the Catholic church will even go so far as to suggest that meditating would/could be considered withcraft and devil work and thus not a reccommended practice unless you are a monk like some of the great thinkers and meditaters like Thomas Merton (look into him some time if you like his story is fascinating and his thoughts from meditation really began to challenge the church practices).

This is not all just ramblings by me this is factual to the church coverup of going within and it was proven at the discovery of the dead sea scrolls that the bible that we know of today as the king james had been edited. Not only did we find other books and gospels that we know were not chosen to be included in the bible (not a major discovery because the Catholic church actually aknowledges many of these other books and gospels like Book of Enoch and Gospel of Thomas etc... as being not included in the bible during its collaberation at Nicea) but we also found one perfect complete scroll of the entire Book of Isaiah. Now the amazing discovery about this scroll found was that they noticed that this scroll which pre dated Christ had been cut by a third to the current book that we know today. The amazing part is that most of what was cut out of the book all referred to meditation and going in to find God and Jesus. So why would this get cut you might ask? Well because the church new that if people began to look inward for God and the answers to all then no one would need the church and the leadership in the physical sense. Church should be a community of people with like ideas to share in the love of Jesus and to help spread that love to all. It should never be about fear, control and guilt. This is why in my heart I truly believe that the people at church and your faith and your hope to love all and try to change the world are what are important and what can make religion great but the money aspect is truly the root of all of man's evil and problems in this current world we live in and once we can get past the importance of money ruling and controlling our lives then we are not learning or progressing at all in this correcting time. However, I believe many people are waking up and realizing and I do see true change coming but the years of being in the dark and being controlled by fear and guilt is like a huge ship that we beginning to turn but it will take a little time to turn this big ship but at least it is being turned!
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by DJKENZ »

Macker wrote:Well i dont have a Religion ... i've never been to church in my life , it will more than likely fall down on me if i entered one lol .
That's hilarious!

After my kundalini awakening, I realized that One doesn't need a religion to find GOD, only spiritual guidance
& practice.
However, as of today, I've had a feather dropped on me for the 6th time & as usual, always within my hand's reach.
The first 2 times I was intrigued but after having this happen so many times, I have no doubt it's angels sending signs. Others of course are going through the same thing.

I was born & brought-up Hindu though all my prayers since pre-teen days (3 times a day) were
Christian. After I read about Jesus' life in the Urantia Book & how it connected with me at a deep level,
last year, I absorbed Christianity as one of the religions I believe in - with the Urantia Book as my bible.
Thus I consider myself a Hindu-Christian.
I'm still not sure whether I should go through a baptism or not.
I also realized that the number of "Gods" in Hinduism did not help me get any closer to the ONE God
& I recently advised my wife that I may pull my toddler out of the Hinduism class she was going to
send her to. I would sit through the first class and watch how 'true' their teachings ring to me..else the kid will grow-up spiritually confused like me.
In fact, all the Gods and all the myths, history and stories just confused the hell out of me most of my life.
I'm not dinging Hinduism, please don't get me wrong. I've dreamt of Lord Shiva vividly many many times
until I eventually learned what that was Kundalini awakening - which fastracked me in my search for God.
I respect those spirits for their achievements, many who I believe were enlightened mortals & the simple
folk uplifted them to God/Deva status.
But, when I read Chief Bzutu's message saying that the secondary midwayers used to
appear before our ancestors in material form, but the mortals thought they were "Gods," that clinched the deal for me.

A friend of mine then asked me..."I thought the idea was to move AWAY from religion" & that perplexed me
for about a month till I made the decision to follow Jesus' example and use Christianity as a guide for
enlightenment & my journey back to God.
"Every person is a birth-less, timeless, immortal, invisible, indescribable AWARENESS
that decided to take birth & become a time-bound, mortal, visible, describable CONSCIOUSNESS." -DJKenz
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by Macker »

I dont wish to offend anybody ... but to me the 2010 years of known religion's has been twisted in my eyes ... this is to make it sell , yeah church's are cashing in on all this ... the riches city in the world is owned by the church ( Vatican city ) while there is hunger and disease's all over the 3rd world countries , if they give just 1/10th of there riches to help people out in these countries ... this would take a great strain away and ease from the staving .
I have my own beliefs about the bible ... buy as i've said i'm not out to offend people , i'm not a true atheist because i'm here believing the 11:11 Progress Group and reading what people have to say .
You dont me ... but i'm one of the most honest and truefull guys on this planet , two things i loathe is somebody that lies ... the other being greed .
Well thats my little rant over ... i hope you dont think any less of me now :roll:
Love and peace to all life on earth ... Dave .
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by jemcdlv »

Hi! Very interesting discussion! I always believed in God, but never really felt comfortable in churches, just didn't "feel" the spirit, but I did feel a lot of non-spirit! I believe that prayer and belief in God is an attitude and not an action. After the 11:11 experience and doing a lot of reading, I came to the conclusion that the most important messages are that there is only one God, that God loves every human being, we were all made in his image, love and faith are the most important things, and to love and forgive is the best way. God is in every one of us. God says to love one another. I feel that the 11'er's purpose is to keep hold of those messages, keep the light shining, and others will see our light and want to know why. I find I have much more compassion, I have forgiven everyone I couldn't before, and I realize everyone has their problems, illnesses, issues, etc. just like I do. I'm much happier after dropping the old Karma from the past, and I'm more relaxed and happy now. I also smile at people a lot more and take the time to really get to know them. Just do what's right in your heart, avoid the ones that prefer to live in negative darkness by their choice, as they can really suck away your energy, always tell the truth (I can't be around a liar), but I can still have compassion for them. The best place to find what's right for you is to look right inside your heart. If it feels right, then it's right. If you can find that feeling in a church, then there you go, it's just where it feels right for you. I've also always been one who feels closest to God when I'm out in nature such as the desert, out in the mountains or woods, or at the lakeshore in some remote spot. Being alone in nature with only wind, scenery, and birds is like church for me. Of course, I always have my dog with me, she's better than therapy! Anyway, just my thoughts on how I do religion and spirituality. :loves :sunflower: :happy :colors: :sunny:
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by linda1111 »


I felt a little awkward when I first came to this site because I never did anything like this before, but I know their is more than just the physical reality because of my experiences. I am a believer in God, always have been and this is a part of it, to become closer to everyone as "One", we will be closer to him, the angels and the anwers to all our questions. Since I have been on this site, I have felt love from everyone, that is a big key, love your brothers and sisters, love yourself. :loves

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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by roxiedog13 »

AJ wrote:For me it was an ever evolving spiritual growth that took me away from organized religion. I don't hate religion because I see it as a great starting point to spiritual understanding but really at some point I think most of us will begin to see that what we have been taught is only part of the story and a lot of it has been altered or edited away. My problem with religion is that for the most part it is not all about God it is a business, run like a business and it mostly all about money at the upper levels of most organized religions. Now there is a huge difference between religion and church to me. Churches for the most part at the church level are not corrupted by the great money game they are really in the business of helping the communities they are in but I am sure from time to time there does come some corruption and I bet a lot of it stems from upper management so to speak (and I don't mean the real boss in God!)

The reason christianity (because I don't really know much about other faiths but I assume there are great similarities) does not teach meditation is because there is not money in it for them. The church has been sucessful for all these 2010 years because they have utilized the power of fear to keep the people coming and through creating that sense of guilt the church goers will put more of their money into the collection plate. A great example of this is if you ask the question of where does the modern day images and beliefs and stories of the devil and hell come from if they really are not mentioned all that much in the bible? History will tell you that during the dark ages there really was nothing going on for entertainment and the like so the people went to church. I don't know who was the first to bring this up but the structure of the mass changed in the dark ages and there were more sermons about the devil. Well as the sermons about the devil and hell increased and intesified the church leaders began to notice increased attendence at church and also increased giving. Business was good and the stories and ideas got bigger and bigger and this became a great form of entertainment for the peoples in such dismals times. In fact this idea caught own and like any other good idea that has happened others look to contribute to the movement and profit from it. Two of the most famous books about the devil and the intricite details of hell came right out of this time period. They were Dante's Inferno and Paradise Lost. There was good business in fear and to this day fear and guilt are still major tools used by churches to keep people in the seats and to give up to the collection plates. The church knows that if people knew that by going within and meditating that you will find the true peace and the true answers. God wants love in our hearts and minds and not fears and the church directly violates this covenant by hiding the truth to profit from it. Further more the Catholic church will even go so far as to suggest that meditating would/could be considered withcraft and devil work and thus not a reccommended practice unless you are a monk like some of the great thinkers and meditaters like Thomas Merton (look into him some time if you like his story is fascinating and his thoughts from meditation really began to challenge the church practices).

This is not all just ramblings by me this is factual to the church coverup of going within and it was proven at the discovery of the dead sea scrolls that the bible that we know of today as the king james had been edited. Not only did we find other books and gospels that we know were not chosen to be included in the bible (not a major discovery because the Catholic church actually aknowledges many of these other books and gospels like Book of Enoch and Gospel of Thomas etc... as being not included in the bible during its collaberation at Nicea) but we also found one perfect complete scroll of the entire Book of Isaiah. Now the amazing discovery about this scroll found was that they noticed that this scroll which pre dated Christ had been cut by a third to the current book that we know today. The amazing part is that most of what was cut out of the book all referred to meditation and going in to find God and Jesus. So why would this get cut you might ask? Well because the church new that if people began to look inward for God and the answers to all then no one would need the church and the leadership in the physical sense. Church should be a community of people with like ideas to share in the love of Jesus and to help spread that love to all. It should never be about fear, control and guilt. This is why in my heart I truly believe that the people at church and your faith and your hope to love all and try to change the world are what are important and what can make religion great but the money aspect is truly the root of all of man's evil and problems in this current world we live in and once we can get past the importance of money ruling and controlling our lives then we are not learning or progressing at all in this correcting time. However, I believe many people are waking up and realizing and I do see true change coming but the years of being in the dark and being controlled by fear and guilt is like a huge ship that we beginning to turn but it will take a little time to turn this big ship but at least it is being turned!
AJ, well said and so true. That being said I still put a lot of money into our church even though I do not attend . Why, you might ask ? As you said yourself, the local Church, or rather, the congregation, are a good group of well intentioned people
who do a lot for the community. I know how much money flows out of the church back to (the big boss), the diocese, which
is small in comparison to the monies useded to run the operational and maintenance needs of the church. I suppose though
in the big picture, all of that cash flow back to the Vatican, Church of England , not to mention every other denomination, and all other Religious groups, would amount to a tremdous amount of money . Where it goes and how it is used is too
convoluted for me to to even attempt an answer . As Mackey said though, only one tenth of these riches could solve a
lot of the worlds issues, too many to mention. Kind of makes you stop and wonder doesn't it?

Anyway, must get back to the grind, I'm getting behind here at work.Hope everyone has a wonderfull weekend. :hithere

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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by Sandy »

It truly boils down to our own idividual paths doesn't it? ... Just like ][nfeRnal said. :D

So it is totally up to each of us how we integrate new ideals and revelation, either in with the old or in place of the old or together with the old.
What resonnates within and sets your heart afire with desire for God/Truth?

Just this morning George and I were reading a paper together in the Ubook. It is something I hadn't contemplated for awhile and I felt ever so light and joyful within...which of course ...doesn't prove a dern thing other then how I love contemplating realities and our elder Brothers and Sisters...especially Michael.
But if you really think about it, God is simply too big to contain in any book or any religion or belief. We all have His/Her beautiful ear and mouthpiece and by following Love in whatever religious/spiritual vehicle we choose we will find ourselves snuggled up with the First Source in myriad diverse ways. It is quite possible to have the best of both relgious and spiritual worlds if that is what you want... So in my humble opinion why not custom fit your long as it includes loving and getting to know intimately the Creator, Your human siblings and yourself. How can you possibly go wrong?

It isn't our place to judge what deeply fulfills another.

With that said, I will never let anyone ever again dictate negative ways of being in regards to God. That is one thing I gladly leave behind. Yet I must come to the defense of Dante Alighieri and his work The Divine Comedy (Italian: La Divina Commedia) . Perhaps all is not clear to us of in these so called "modern times" of the corruption of those long ago days and the drifting of the human race in a dangerous direction but it was clear some mirror of morality was needed by our elder kin. Even now, hundreds of years later, perhaps we have finally turned the corner as we slowly evolve from darkness into Light. Drastic times called for drastic measures...Will it surprise you to learn that Dante had Midwayer help in his work? Yes..none other then ABC-3 Midwayer Beatrice.
Here are a few URLs...

Ode to Beatrice ... nte#p15322

The Scribe -- Beatrice -- A Number Of Reminders ... nte#p43566 ( I read this one and cried once again, AJ, as I did the first time long ago. Love you brother! :kiss: )

...and this transmit from Dante himself...
Dante Alighieri -- Covering The Potentials ... nte#p86749

Thank goodness for human spiritual evolution and most especially Love, enabling us to leave behind the doom and gloom! Onwards... Inwards...and Upwards!!!! :cheers:

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by Petra Wilson »

Macker wrote:I dont wish to offend anybody ... but to me the 2010 years of known religion's has been twisted in my eyes ... this is to make it sell , yeah church's are cashing in on all this ... the riches city in the world is owned by the church ( Vatican city ) while there is hunger and disease's all over the 3rd world countries , if they give just 1/10th of there riches to help people out in these countries ... this would take a great strain away and ease from the staving .
I have my own beliefs about the bible ... buy as i've said i'm not out to offend people , i'm not a true atheist because i'm here believing the 11:11 Progress Group and reading what people have to say .
You dont me ... but i'm one of the most honest and truefull guys on this planet , two things i loathe is somebody that lies ... the other being greed .
Well thats my little rant over ... i hope you dont think any less of me now :roll:
Love and peace to all life on earth ... Dave .
No way! I think about as less of you as I would my own child, Dave! Like the response Dave.

ॐ LOVE Petra
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by Macker »

Thankyou Pet ... they were very kind words :mrgreen:
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by LolaandLight »

As many folks know, the Bible was greatly altered during the rule of Constantine in order to form an official church doctrine. Many passages were removed as they encouraged views that were likely to give believers a view that independently they could find God and/or gave man a view of himself that placed him above the view of himself as being anything but a sinner at heart. Many people have studied documents that were removed and later found and have put together books which give a far different view of mankind and his place within God's kingdom. One such religious scholar was a member of the Church of Latter Day saints. Below is a link to one of the articles he wrote. It goes through some of the old Biblical texts and presents a view of man that is far different from that given in the Bible.

I am not sure how it fits in, or if it fits in with what is in the U Book. But, it certainly is an interesting read and view. He also provides his sources at length. Here is a link to the article which discusses pre-existence.
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by ashbernie311 »

I've never been religious, nor has my mother...though her family were "Lutheran Christians". Never really checked into that...I've never found that one religion would serve all of my needs - for some reason, ever since I was young I was convinced in my own mind that if I didn't believe in a hell, that it wouldn't exist.

I'm going to school for Metaphysics now and I can honestly say it's been a great experience. Learning of world religions all while experiencing deep meditations and what not. It's really wonderful to see all of the similarities in religions. Whether they are all true or all false, they all have the basic foundations - which means all of us in some degree are exactly the same. (like knowing the difference between good and bad or right and wrong) Anyways, I'm basing my spiritual beliefs on how I grow in this lifetime, as I know we all come from the same place - we'll all go back there ;)

I believe in a source, a God. I believe in Angels or Spirit Guides. I do, honestly. I have experienced enough phenomena to believe it, 100%. But as far as practicing a certain religion, not my style. I think all of them have a lot to add, and literally just living let's me learn enough.

My light-hearted opinion on religion.
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by Sandy »

:lol: I grew up a Lutheran Christian Ashbernie... as was my father and their father and so on and so on.. ;) Yet like you, my opinions regarding Reality and Truth are open for new and future discernment... I think I am finally reaching a point where I have had enough collecting other's people's ideas about God and prefer to find out for myself... :finger:
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by LolaandLight »

I think the churches, as they are, teach that there is a God. So, when we "feel" the Presence, we know what it is, or have some inkling as to the fact that it is our Father from our home. We then choose on our own whether to listen on our own to the Voice or to turn away in fear, or whatever the cause, and just stick with the party line of the world so to speak. But, I do firmly believe and know that the church or religion does serve man. While in the past it has caused great fear and destruction, it gives a home to many hearts that are searching for something greater than themselves. They may not hear the voices or they may not be willing to trust in what is given to them. However, when in the Presence of God in a house of worship, their hearts can take refuge in His love. I attend church somewhat sporatically. The church that I attend is very, very old for a church building in this part of the US. It is probably 130 years old. Over a century of calling out to the Spirit can''t help but have caused His light to have settled there. It is clearly and easily felt every Sunday. Also, the Minister is a relatively young man with a great deal of insight and feeling. Sometimes during service it feels as if God's cloak is covering the chapel. I don't know if others feel it, but I do.
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by roxiedog13 »

ashbernie311 wrote:I've never been religious, nor has my mother...though her family were "Lutheran Christians". Never really checked into that...I've never found that one religion would serve all of my needs - for some reason, ever since I was young I was convinced in my own mind that if I didn't believe in a hell, that it wouldn't exist.

I'm going to school for Metaphysics now and I can honestly say it's been a great experience. Learning of world religions all while experiencing deep meditations and what not. It's really wonderful to see all of the similarities in religions. Whether they are all true or all false, they all have the basic foundations - which means all of us in some degree are exactly the same. (like knowing the difference between good and bad or right and wrong) Anyways, I'm basing my spiritual beliefs on how I grow in this lifetime, as I know we all come from the same place - we'll all go back there ;)

I believe in a source, a God. I believe in Angels or Spirit Guides. I do, honestly. I have experienced enough phenomena to believe it, 100%. But as far as practicing a certain religion, not my style. I think all of them have a lot to add, and literally just living let's me learn enough.

My light-hearted opinion on religion.
That would make you Agnostic then :P I think myself, and many others are in the same position :hithere

Oh, and just so everyone knows, God is a woman. My then three year old, now twenty year old son told me
this just after recovering from a two month coma . He said to me, "God told him that he would come back
and SHE also said that he would be ok." So, to all you guys out there, if there is a Hell..... :shock: :shock:
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by roxiedog13 »

LolaandLight wrote:I think the churches, as they are, teach that there is a God. So, when we "feel" the Presence, we know what it is, or have some inkling as to the fact that it is our Father from our home. We then choose on our own whether to listen on our own to the Voice or to turn away in fear, or whatever the cause, and just stick with the party line of the world so to speak. But, I do firmly believe and know that the church or religion does serve man. While in the past it has caused great fear and destruction, it gives a home to many hearts that are searching for something greater than themselves. They may not hear the voices or they may not be willing to trust in what is given to them. However, when in the Presence of God in a house of worship, their hearts can take refuge in His love. I attend church somewhat sporatically. The church that I attend is very, very old for a church building in this part of the US. It is probably 130 years old. Over a century of calling out to the Spirit can''t help but have caused His light to have settled there. It is clearly and easily felt every Sunday. Also, the Minister is a relatively young man with a great deal of insight and feeling. Sometimes during service it feels as if God's cloak is covering the chapel. I don't know if others feel it, but I do.

I know what you mean, I feel a sense of belonging when I am in church ,even though I have a tough time with some of the
fire and brimstone teachings. I was brough up Anglican BTW, I'm not sure that I mentioned that before.

TGIF, have a great weekend all :bana:
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Re: Religions and 1111 how are we balancing the two?

Post by ashbernie311 »

That would make you Agnostic then :P I think myself, and many others are in the same position :hithere
-Lol I guesss I never really thought of it that way I suppose I am. Though I am 100% certain there IS a higher source/place we all come from. So I'm not sure if that still qualifies me as one? BTW nice to meet you. :)

Oh, and just so everyone knows, God is a woman. My then three year old, now twenty year old son told me
this just after recovering from a two month coma . He said to me, "God told him that he would come back
and SHE also said that he would be ok." So, to all you guys out there, if there is a Hell..... :shock: :shock:[/quote]

^This made me all you guys lmao!
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