Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Post by aquarianunicorn »

if this is already posted...i'm sorry - please delete this post.
i'm just wondering what prompts others get aside from the usual 11:11 and other common numbers.
i've read somewhere that others get more prompts via music/audio/visuals.

with that said, i'll start

***my first prompt was a synchronicity - i was at lunch and i was thikning of this tv show Law and Order: SVU, while standing at a cash register waiting for my turn 20 minutes later, i looked up and saw the tv guide - with one of the main casts' picture on it...i'm like how weird.
***then came my 11:11 prompts, which i'd had for a while until now
***then i saw 10:10, 2:44, until now
***then i've been waking up or should i say that my daughter manages to wake up at either 1:11, 2:11, 4:11am
***i seem to wake up before my alarm clock at 6:55 even on weekends
***lately - this car with a license plate Mommy[Heart]3 - every time i think if i should adopt my son's older half brother - knowing that i already have 2 kids of my own and i'm a single mom
***my prepaid card sends me text messages telling me how much money i have everytime i use it...the number that sent the message is: 22622
***lately - area codes: 909, 805
***heart shaped clouds - i've seen it for a week straight
***YLY - only for 2 days.

personally, i dont know what each prompt mean. that's why i;m on this board. i need to know that i'm not alone in this. i'm being called spiritually, and these prompts are guiding me - i just wish i knew what their giving me guidance to....

all i know is that something made me look to see this, whether they cut me off on the street, or i happen to look at the digital clock on a shopping center, or look at the time the movie starts, price of something....it's there

what's your prompt?
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Post by paintboxx92 »

konnichi wa,

the prompts i usually get are most of the normal ones like 222,333,111 and such. recently, i have been getting prompts like 404,1103,1717,234,1234,432,456,345 and so on. I also get a lot of ??:56 or 56 on a license plates or a subway serial number.
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Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »


I get the usual clock, license plate prompts etc, but often I receive messages mentally, they pop into my head or I hear sentences clairaudiently, I also have very strong intuitive feelings about things which just feel like a kind of knowing. I feel very sensitive to energy surrounding me at the moment. I pray a lot and send out lots of love vibes, receiving an abundance in return. Over the years I've developed real bonds with midwayers. I have many prompts that are special to me

Now i know the answer to the question:
Do dreams come true?
Still staring at the world
Through my rear view.
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Post by OneW/OName-or-Number »

Unfortunately, brilliant in my teenage as I (and surely all of us in ours! ha!) thought I was, even finding this board and lurking it and receiving Progress messages for years, I would not fully understand what our relationship meant or what work I was to do until recent.
This is why I have started posting. Over the course of my posts, I may begin to come on a bit strong or sound like I'm exaggerating some totally unique, special Divine path that I've grown into or dare I accuse myself 'fabricate'. But the communication and reciprocation of contact from them, while there were those 'Might Be In My Head' times at first, is so distinguishable now from my own Thoughts and so Loving and sense-making that I can't possibly deny the path revealed to me which in fact the angels may have not even alerted this Family too in the World Future. I even literally got to 'walk' the first 3 hours of the way with my Angel friends and discover how True and significant, and indeed co-rewarding, our friendship was/is over this whole time. So far, this was the most beautiful and intimate experience of my life and followed a true "Rebirth".
Interesting topic! For this may sound crazy, but in fact I've accepted and acknowledged little importance in number games and full importance in communication derived from these prompts. Yes, indeed, I've been tested with "11:10"s and "1:12"s and far too many other combinations that seem 'off-kilter' or to be saying 'You're on the wrong track' or 'Oops, you missed it'. But I recognize their sincerity and call so clearly now that they were merely teaching me to see my ability to 'recognize' them outside of the 'familiar' numbers (which merely serve as a hand to walk you out of a crawl into your spiritual Life in many cases).
This is why I COMPLETELY understand what other posts have said in this thread, for example, about having MANY different prompts outside of numbers and their beautiful intuition to recognize them.
When I was reborn sometime in the last 2 weeks, later ago than sooner, never did it make more sense to me what the Life of the Christ was TRULY meant to do for Humanity. The miracles, healings, casting away of demons, and indeed Life and Love after death were not supposed to be so marveled and revered that for over 2000 years, the very church 'of Christ' would teach us we would never be able to live a life like this and therefore must turn to the father for fear of hell or for redemption of unworthiness.
O, we've been lied to!; I says. The Life of the Christ was lived in its respective form to impart us all with undeniable 'Fragments' of God and the innate Spirit ability to recognize, foster, and manifest it. In a sense, while retaining the importance behind concepts and lessons of 'Mother' and 'Father', 'our Planetary Prince', 'Divine Hierarchy' etc., we are basically ALL God. The string of fear used to weave a web of lies and false Wills by which to catch all the Faithful and unfaithful, has taught us that we must seek salvation EXTERNALLY, through RITUALS and IDOLS which have lost their meaning because they are treated as direct sacraments of the Soul with no symbolism or Pure Thought involved anymore.
The Life of the Christ was lived in flesh and blood as it was to show that ALL humanity would be FULLY capable of performing EVERY miracle, healing, defeat of "demons"(in Man's heart), and even Life after death when the Thought Adjuster is fully cultivated and almost speaks and thinks for you so constantly that it reshapes your old identity into one of living every second, as many here do, in Love. And the people who are this in tune to their Thought Adjuster will understand what I mean, because the thoughts are no longer so foreign from your own as it is like you "Live" your Thought Adjuster's purpose.
I hope this was helpful...but I also hope it wasn't too much to read! I may have a bad habit of typing a lot or creating bricks of babble :P Bare with me! I'm new at this. I'm still 'working things out' with my Thought Adjuster, in my mind, to insert more of my 'own' voice and words into these thoughts so that they do not seem completely foreign! And yes, I admit that the Thought Adjuster leaves me with some natural propensity for 'capitalizing key words', I never understand why George wrote his messages like that until I experienced this Truth myself.
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Post by luvinlife »

Welcome, OneW! Great post. Good luck on your journey!

Love, Clare
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Post by OneW/OName-or-Number »

Thank you Clare!
Indeed, I did not even think to refer to myself in short as "OneW" as a symbolic moniker. Indeed I'm sure you did not even see a reason other than shorter reference!
Allow me to explain the reason I've adopted this name.
I do not look to Midway Beings as 'Gods' or 'deities' or 'superpowers' of any sort. Yes, when they called me in my early teenage, I was perhaps mystified and a little uncertain of what their purpose was or likewise what they saw in me, but I don't think I ever felt my soul 'moved' by anything other than Free Will.
The one...rather, the One Without Name Or Number, explained a message in 'Spirit/Soul Recognition' that applies to the potential nature of our relationship with them, but this message resonated sweetly and soundly with me as a way of perhaps looking at the potential nature of all our relationships with all of Creation and beings material or non-so.

"Why do you ask should I have no name or number? This explains the unusual: We are created so that when we are to meet on Paradise, as you surely one day will, your simply being near to me will allow you to absorb all I am, all I learned, all I ever saw, and all I ever experienced. You will know all these things, register these in memory, and find that you need no other ‘name or number’ to greet me by, but to call me your friend, so there’s no need for name or number."

Think carefully about this, in the context of man-to-man as well as Midway relations. Although it's less of a transcendental outlook, it still makes sense: The unusual (but very sincere and real) power we have to enlighten each other with our essences, knowledge, sights, and experiences, has no need for a 'name or number', religions or labels (man), elaborate over-complicated numerologies and deifying titles(Midway), but that we should merely see all of our man and Midway friends as just that. Friends. And the only beliefs we need ground our connections in, are Faith and Love.

Clare, at the beginning of my post, I acknowledged your reference to me as simply "OneW". 'Coincidentally enough' (I always get a kick out of these sayings now!), you even helped me further understand what using this name actually means to me. And so let it be, that I should sign my posts and be referred to with ease as "OneW".

Indeed. One who is 'Without Name Or Number' is really not without anything at all. In fact what they are, is "One With". Let us all be One With just as the Midwayer was quoted as saying there need not be a name and number to fully recognize and love each other!

- OneW, Love Always
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Post by Macker »

I only get the 11:11 Prompt's and its driving me crackers , i was a Admin on this large Car forums http://forums.hyundaicoupe.info/ if you look at the number Total topics at the bottom its 11511 there will be no more added because the forums is locked by myself and the owner Xorro and putting closure to it .
11:11 appears everywhere for me , clocks , internet browsing , but i dont see any other numbers ... i know dates that are coming up like 10/02/10 well backwards its 10/02/10 , in the U.K we have the day first in the date .
Well apart from numbers ... Street lights , wow i have moved house 3 times in the last 4 years ... everywhere i go the one and only street light outside our house in our road goes blink .. yeah its out for the count , the highways crew come out and change the bulb ... less than a day later darkness again , this has happened at 3 different address's over a 4 year period ... i dont know what to make of it .
Now i have a love for wild life , i joined a forum to take my mind off other things , i'm getting told on that forum you will never see 2 or more Robins ( birds ) together ?? , now watching a program on TV ( only yesterday ) they said that Robins in the garden are a form of presents of ghosts/spirits or whatever , now only the other day before the program we had 3 Robins eating together off the same bird table , i really hope you are getting my drift here .... i really dont go looking for things like the date i said earlier , but things are coming to me all the time , at the moment they are coming quick and fast ... i'm not sure if you know what i mean ,
but all i can say i know when its 11:11 without looking at a clock ... there is some kind of energy telling me , i'm sorry for going on ... but i cant get my head around it all .
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Post by Geoff »

Macker wrote: there is some kind of energy telling me , i'm sorry for going on ... but i cant get my head around it all .
Dear Macker,

Not simply an energy, an intelligence. And if YOU make the effort YOU can hear them talk, as opposed to play with numbers.

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Post by luvinlife »

Hi OneW!!!! There's no such thing as "coincidence"!! i didn't shorten your name on purpose, I didn't even think about it. Isn't this all so very wonderful?

Love, Clare
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Post by OneW/OName-or-Number »

luvinlife wrote:Hi OneW!!!! There's no such thing as "coincidence"!! i didn't shorten your name on purpose, I didn't even think about it. Isn't this all so very wonderful?

Love, Clare
Yes, indeed it is all so wonderful and it really warms my heart to be talking with you in flesh and blood and nerves and words (okay maybe just words for now...but I have high hopes of flying out to meet all of you workers wherever you may be situated within the next...give me 5 years for financing the travels to see you guys) after a good chunk of years being prompted and signaled here and joining the List and waiting and waiting and waiting. And when my 'Divine purpose' as some like to call it (even though it sure feels like a slave drive hah I joke!) was made 100% clear to me this year, of course time was needed to fully tune in to my Thought Adjuster and these Midway friends of ours...indeed, it was only when I hit 100% faith and experienced a powerful spiritual rebirth full of joy tears and revelation that I finally felt I had the tools and communication capacity to break into this community and hopefully discuss some things in private with the workers who are most likely to understand in this very early (but on the cusp of going into visible swing within this generation) but significant 'dawning' time within the 'Correcting Time'.
There are no coincidences and when your Love and Faith reach a new level in this world, it feels as if you can practically feel yourself carrying around your spiritual body in all its glory!
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Post by Macker »

Geoff wrote:
Macker wrote: there is some kind of energy telling me , i'm sorry for going on ... but i cant get my head around it all .
Dear Macker,

Not simply an energy, an intelligence. And if YOU make the effort YOU can hear them talk, as opposed to play with numbers.

Yeah thanks for that Geoff , i didn't really want to mention things like voices ... but it has only happened to me once ,
i thought if i wrote i've heard voices ... you guys would think i'm a crank , the voice thing only happened last week ... of all places was when i was in the bath tub lol , i was so relaxed just laying there ( sorry if this is to much info for people ) then a female voice appeared very clear , if you PM me i can tell what she said ... it was nothing rude .
Dave .
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Post by Geoff »

Macker wrote:i thought if i wrote i've heard voices ... you guys would think i'm a crank , the voice thing only happened last week ... of all places was when i was in the bath tub lol , i was so relaxed just laying there .
Dear Dave,

We are all about teaching folks to hear these guys. On this site we have maybe 1913 "voice" messages, and the AC is all about facilitating that. No we are not spooked, we celebrate that you broke through. Woopie! :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana:

Try some of ours:

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
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Post by luvinlife »

Not to worry, Macker. Yes, many of us hear voices. Sometimes, it's right before I fall asleep. Sometimes it's words that I can't really understand, almost as if I'm hearing someone else's conversation. At other times, it's telling me that everything is okay or that I'm loved. Once in a while, I'll hear "Keep an eye on your daughter" or something to that effect. We're all in this together.

Love, Clare
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Post by Macker »

Thanks so much guys ... this as put me at ease so much , i really thought i was alone in all this .
I'm really glad i found you people , Btw the street light people still haven't been out to repair it ...
i think they have give up lol .
Sorry to rabble on , do any of you see like dark things going across your living room floor , its like a shadow ...
it hard to explain , something like a small dark mass ... its there but it moves so fast .
Also greyish silver spirals mainly in the living room ... there mostly in a corner up on the ceiling ?
I will get back to you with more questions ... i have so many ... sorry .
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Post by DJKENZ »

Sorry to rabble on , do any of you see like dark things going across your living room floor , its like a shadow ...
it hard to explain , something like a small dark mass ... its there but it moves so fast. Also greyish silver spirals mainly in the living room ... there mostly in a corner up on the ceiling ?
I will get back to you with more questions ... i have so many ... sorry .
Hey Macker,
Welcome to the board!

I've only seen a shadow ONCE in my life (that I can recall) & it was about a year ago
when I was working late into the night trying to learn this new synthesizer I had
purchased. I kept feeling someone was watching me from outside the window.
After the 3rd time I told myself to stop being silly & do my work, I SAW a shadow move very
fast across my window sill about 3 feet away from me...followed by a profound thought.
The thought was to teach a subject how to sing or play an instrument in Deep Trance.
This was profound because no one had ever attempted this...ever.
So, having seen orbs previously in my home, I took this to mean it was some sort of spirit giving me that idea....but I can't say with 100% certainty what that shadow really was.

Another viewpoint is from a lady I consider my spiritual master and she has
talked about coming to terms with things in your own shadow. An exercise that is
supposedly difficult & can be treacherous & has to be handled with guidance & celestial assistance.
I don't know anything else about this. I don't feel ready to attempt such a thing anyway.

Another viewpoint is from a friend in the U.K who had recently told me that when his
baby sister was born, his Voodoo-practicing aunt (that they detested) came by the hospital room
to see the baby & bless her. His mother already had had a dream the night before depicting the
scenario that was to unfold & it unfolded exactly as she had dreamt it to her anguish.
The only addition was when the aunt left the room after leaving some "sacred beads" by the baby,
when she walked out of the hospital room, her shadow stayed behind! I pressured my
friend to tell me the truth and not B.S me. He said he was telling the absolute truth.
The shadow darted around the room & freaked everyone out. His mum told him to flush
the beads down the toilet in the room and when he did, he said the shadow got engulfed in flames
& then disappeared. So, apart of the testimony of my trusted friend, I again dunno what that could be.

I don't know anything about the spirals, etc.

Love & Blessings,
"Every person is a birth-less, timeless, immortal, invisible, indescribable AWARENESS
that decided to take birth & become a time-bound, mortal, visible, describable CONSCIOUSNESS." -DJKenz
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