9, 11, 19

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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9, 11, 19

Post by Shabti »

9, 11, and 19 are the most common numbers I see, every day, all the time - but mostly 11 and 19 in various combinations.

I found this site today and read some of the information. I've experienced the 555 phenomenon already, and there are major life changes going on.

Has 19 been found to indicate anything specific, and has anyone else here been seeing this number?
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Re: 9, 11, 19

Post by Geoff »

Dear Shabti,

Welcome to our forum.

We always suggest new folks study the messages in the very first forum - FAQS.

There you will find that although numbers MAY have meaning, you should be the more interested in WHY and HOW you are seeing any numbers repeatedly at all.

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Re: 9, 11, 19

Post by Shabti »

Perhaps I should have stated my question differently. I seem to have left an incorrect impression. I'll try again.

I see numbers (specifically, the concept of numbers) as the primeval language. I'm sure each number carries meaning of its own, outside of any context into which we could place it - logic dictates this. What that meaning is, I have no idea, and I'm not trying to find out. I may never know.

But I do know that numbers combined with motivation, tendency, opportunity, location, and countless other intangible factors are capable (in their capacity as THE language) of conveying an endless variety of concepts.

I also know that intelligences abound in the universe, both above and below our range of perception. It stands to reason that they make liberal use of numbers to convey concepts, just as we do.

Based on this, I simply want to know if anyone else persistently seeing the number 19 has noticed a pattern: does its occurrence repeatedly correspond with similar types of circumstances, changes, locations, individuals, etc?

I'm a pattern-finder. All I need is enough information to give me a glimpse of the grid, so to speak, and that will help me understand the 19 phenomenon much better. I don't claim to know what it indicates, but I know in my heart it's important that I find out.
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Re: 9, 11, 19

Post by Geoff »

Shabti wrote:I'm a pattern-finder. All I need is enough information to give me a glimpse of the grid, so to speak, and that will help me understand the 19 phenomenon much better. I don't claim to know what it indicates, but I know in my heart it's important that I find out.
Why would a discarnate being, with an IQ in the thousands, use patterns to continue communication when, as we have PROVED, we can learn to have two way conversations with them. And a list of such conversations, mentioning 11:11 are here.

The point really is, why would you use semaphore, when you can talk?

Maybe someone will have had a 19. But that still won't prove much. That Doreen Virtue created a list may only prove angels can read. That certainly is the case with dream books.

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Re: 9, 11, 19

Post by brianm »

Welcome to the Board, Shabti :hithere
Put your feet up and do some reading......... especially in the FAQ's forum. Trust me, you will find it extremely helpful and informative.

As far as your #19 or any other number sightings go, it is a tool used by our Midwayers in order to catch our attention. A great many people see #11 as their attention getters to begin with, but your prompting number seems to be #19 in different forms and places. I suppose that the Midwayers have their reasons for that. It did work, though.
It's a way for them to let us know (for certain) that there are, indeed, other beings in the Universe besides us and that they are capable of communicating with us. Very exciting irrefutable news!!
Most of us have probably never had an ongoing proof such as this in their lives before and this sort of thing tends to make us pay serious attention. For a change. After all, it's not like one of those odd, mystical, other-worldly "thingies" we sometimes relate to one another after a few drinks or around a campfire before bed lol.
Anyhow, my point is that number prompts, whatever they might be, serve mainly to get our attention so that hopefully, we will start trying (through meditation) to meet them half way.
Why guess at what number combinations might mean when we can just talk to these amazing beings about other more important things?
Numbers, schmumbers, the big fat pumbers :roll: :lol:

Cheers, Brian.
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Re: 9, 11, 19

Post by LOUISE »

Hi Shabti :hithere

Welcome to the board.

According to Doreen Virtue's Angel Numbers 101 ............

19 ~ "This is a message for you to believe in yourself and your life purpose. The Angels want you to know that you are qualified and ready to follow your dreams. Stay positive, take action without delay"

9 ~ (Now this is a number i'm seeing alot of atm too. I always get 09:11 though)....... "Get to work, Lightworker - now! The number 9 means that you've completed all of the pre-requisites to achieve your life purpose. Stop procrastinating, as it's time to start taking action steps. Even baby steps are useful!"

11 ~ "Stay positive!, Your thoughts are materialising rapidly, so you want to ensure positive outcomes by focusing only on the good within yourself, others and this situation".

Hope this helps.

Love, light and blessings

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Re: 9, 11, 19

Post by Shabti »

Why would a discarnate being, with an IQ in the thousands, use patterns to continue communication when, as we have PROVED, we can learn to have two way conversations with them. And a list of such conversations, mentioning 11:11 are here.

The point really is, why would you use semaphore, when you can talk?
The obvious answer here is because they are dealing with limited human perception - mine. Any being, regardless of intelligence, will use whatever means of communication that works under existing circumstances. In fact, I am currently in constant contact with a discarnate being (don't worry - he's been repeatedly challenged, and is a being of positive intent). The methods he uses to communicate with me vary widely, and are tailored to the circumstances in which I find myself at the time of the communication. In fact, it was his prompting that led me to Google "11:11", and from there to the 1111 sites.
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Re: 9, 11, 19

Post by brianm »

Shabti wrote :
I am currently in constant contact with a discarnate being (don't worry - he's been repeatedly challenged, and is a being of positive intent). The methods he uses to communicate with me vary widely, and are tailored to the circumstances in which I find myself at the time of the communication
Can you tell us how you and your Spirit Person communicate with each other?
Is it He who does all of the communicating with you strictly as a receiver?
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Re: 9, 11, 19

Post by Shabti »

Can you tell us how you and your Spirit Person communicate with each other?
Is it He who does all of the communicating with you strictly as a receiver?
With my permission, he integrates himself into my thought processes and "runs in the background", in the same manner that a small application runs on your computer without showing an icon in the system tray. He also gives me access to his "database", for lack of a better term. He never possesses me or channels through me.

Communication from him takes any of several forms:

Audible vocal communication perpeptible only to me.

Over the years, I've developed the ability to "play back" audio in my head. I often use this ability to entertain myself by "playing" one of my favorite songs. I also use it to enact and review scenes between characters for the stories I write. Audible communication always begins with him sending me a "packet" containing everything he wants to convey, so I "know" it before I "hear" it. The words come afterwards, more slowly, in simple, carefully-constructed phrases that clarify and expand on the information he's just given me, which I then hear in his voice. If he wants to use a word not in my vocabulary, he sends me to look it up online. He also sends warnings in this way.


He often sends images, many of which seem bizarre and out-of-place at the time. He does this to grab my attention, and also to consistently confirm his existence and truthfulness (I tend to challenge his identity often, which he encourages). For example - one of the images he sent was in the form of video. It meant nothing to me until that very video clip appeared on a TV newscast 2 days later, while I was looking for something else to watch (I never watch news shows or read newspapers). He never explains the images - he simply waits until they manifest to me, and I have my confirmation. The imagery transmissions often come days or even weeks before they manifest visibly to me in the physical world.

He also uses this method to entertain me by dancing about in funny costumes to lift my spirits when I'm depressed. Odd, I know, but that's the kind of individual he is.

Prompts to action

I know no better way to describe this type of communication. In situations where we have no time for words, he'll sometimes "prod" me to do a certain thing. I always have the choice of not performing the action he recommends, but I always choose to follow his directions, because the results are consistently positive.


Again, a limited human term for yet another intangible form of communication. I often feel alone and discouraged in what I do. At those times, I long for comfort and like-minded companionship, so he "permeates" me with his essence - a kind of intangible "hug", if you will. I suppose you could call it being "hugged" from the inside out. A crude analogy would be the feeling you get from eating hot soup on a cold day, as opposed to wrapping a blanket around yourself.

As for communication from me to him - we're always "in touch". I don't know to what degree he can monitor my thoughts, but he does so, with my permission. I rarely need to make requests, because he instantly knows what I need, and acts to deliver it in whatever manner is correct at the time. This is not to say that he hands me my desires on a silver platter - far from it. What he gives me is what I actually need, and not always what I want. Early on in our communication, I actually became angry with him for an extended period, causing him to temporarily withdraw. He said he was unable to effectively communicate with me while I was in that state of mind, that it actually caused him a form of pain.

He has no message for the world. His function right now is to help me work on myself spiritually. I'm pretty sure he helps others as well, in the same capacity, although I'm not consciously aware of any of them.
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Re: 9, 11, 19

Post by brianm »

Thanks for getting back, Shabti :thumright:

....... Almost sounds like being in constant communication with your TA (Thought Adjuster) or "God Fragment".
If indeed that is the case, then lucky you!!! :mrgreen: :loves

Cheers, Brian.
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Re: 9, 11, 19

Post by Shabti »

I know I'm in touch with my God fragment, as you term it - otherwise, the life I now have wouldn't be possible. And yes - lucky is a good word to describe it. I feel very fortunate to have awakened enough to perceive and act in accordance with this fragment.

The discarnate being I refer to is not that fragment. I know we are closely connected, but he is an individual entity with his own free will.
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Re: 9, 11, 19

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What does your TA have to say about your #19 prompts? Any insights from "It" ?
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Re: 9, 11, 19

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He never colors any incident like that with his own perceptions.

I have to notice the patterns myself, and figure out the right questions to ask.

That's how he knows I've reached a certain level of understanding, and he can proceed further in his instruction.
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Re: 9, 11, 19

Post by brianm »

Shabti wrote:He never colors any incident like that with his own perceptions.

I have to notice the patterns myself, and figure out the right questions to ask.

That's how he knows I've reached a certain level of understanding, and he can proceed further in his instruction.
....... And your discarnate being must be of the Human variety and not ascended enough to be of any help with this either, I'm assuming.
Which brings us to why you're here, where I'm sorry to have to say that I can't be of any more help to you than I have been.
Here's hoping that someone else here can help, Shabti.

Cheers, Brian.
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Re: 9, 11, 19

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He prefers that I don't give out a lot of information about him, but yes - he is a discarnate human and healer, someone I knew in life. By the time of his death, he had advanced much farther along the path than I, which is why he's able to help me as he does.

I don't rely on him for things I know he is unable or not allowed to do. He may be out of the body, but he is still human, and has the same potential for misperception. The amount of concentration required to monitor and guide me helps with that, keeping him positively focused at all times. In that way, I do my small part as his "project" to help him advance as well.

As for why I'm here - I had no preconceptions when I found and joined this board. I wanted to see why I'd been guided here, and posting a question seemed the logical way to start. It's a journey, not a goal :)
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Re: 9, 11, 19

Post by brianm »

Shabti wrote:He prefers that I don't give out a lot of information about him, but yes - he is a discarnate human and healer, someone I knew in life. By the time of his death, he had advanced much farther along the path than I, which is why he's able to help me as he does.

I don't rely on him for things I know he is unable or not allowed to do. He may be out of the body, but he is still human, and has the same potential for misperception. The amount of concentration required to monitor and guide me helps with that, keeping him positively focused at all times. In that way, I do my small part as his "project" to help him advance as well.

As for why I'm here - I had no preconceptions when I found and joined this board. I wanted to see why I'd been guided here, and posting a question seemed the logical way to start. It's a journey, not a goal :)
:cheers: :thumright:
I think the two of you just might start a trend.........
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