''The Valley of Roses"

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''The Valley of Roses"

Post by Alexander »

Is anybody here familiar with that book...?Personally, I have only read an abstract of it, and basically it goes like that;

A German individual back in the thirties, falls in coma for a year and somehow his consiousness is transferred to that of an individual around 3900 A.D.The decription of our planet's condition at that time bears a close resemblance with that as it is described in the UB as "Light and Life".People love each other, work for only two years, there are only a few laws, sex is not anymore made for pleasure, there is no money, there is only one language, people can go everywhere they want freely (it talks about a huge road connecting Europe with Asia from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean), the arts are trully flourishing (the writer mentions a composer named "Valmantel" or something like that, who will compose a work named "Oratorio between the golden spheres of the stars" and which will be so beautiful that will leave anyone who will hear it in ecstasy).

Furthermore, he mentions that around the 3rd or the 4th millenium (I don't remember the exact year), the human species will evolve into "Homo occidentalis Novus" and radical cerebral alterations will take place.The individual, the first human being in Urantia that will evolve, will be someone called Alex Volky and this evolution will be synchronous with the acquirement of "HyperVision" (I think it has to do with the ability of seing the Divine, not God, but I think it is analogous with the morontia vision...).He also makes mention of huge natural disasters which will take place around 2200-2400 (again I can't remember the exact period of time) and which will sign the beginning of a new era, where people have realised that they must protect nature and will do so from that time.

It talks about many more things.Some of them are the fact that they will be flying houses, cars, buses etc. etc., that the capital of the planet will be a beautiful city in the Mediterannean which will be called "The Valley of Roses" and its residents will be enlighted individuals with great knowledge and wisdom, that a botanologist will succeed to create a new type of rose with a fantastic colour, after 80 years of experiments and faithful prayer to Michael, that they will be two times in the history where the calendar will start from 0 again, that we will make colonies to Mars at 2050 (if I remember well), but that will be destroyed and 50.000.000 will die etc. etc.

Well, these are some of the things the abstract of the book talks about.I read it many years before reading the UB and the fact that it presents such a fantastic picture of Urantia that matches with the "Light and Life" title is something which make it to be quite true...Anyway, what do you all think? :wink:

Much love,
It is literally true, "melody has power a whole world to transform." Forever, music will remain the universal language of men, angels, and spirits. Harmony is the speech of Havona.
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Post by Daddy - O »

Hi Alexander,

Sounds very interesting, and thanks for mentioning it. I'll definitely have to check it out...Sometimes I get ahead of my self, though; that is, it seems like I have books coming out of my ears right now :scratch: but I think I definitely get around to reading this one you've mentioned....thanks for telling us about it..

peace and tranquility...
Daddy - O
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Post by Adao »

Hi Alexander,
do you remember who the author is? I just looked for "The Valley of Roses" at amazon.com and there are several books with a similar title. I didn't find the one you were writing about.
Thanks for the hint
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Post by Alexander »

It is by Paul Amadeus Dhinah (The last one is probably wrong spelled).I tried to look for it, but I could only find it in the Greek language...

( server error )
It is literally true, "melody has power a whole world to transform." Forever, music will remain the universal language of men, angels, and spirits. Harmony is the speech of Havona.
- UB, Paper 44, 1.The Celestial Musicians
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Post by Adao »

I found another link about the book, but I don't speak Greek: http://www.mjourney.com/magic/discuss/i ... topic=2923. Maybe this will help you? I guess we'd need an ISBN number or something to track the book down.
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Post by Alexander »

Sadly, no.It doesn't contain any helpful information...
It is literally true, "melody has power a whole world to transform." Forever, music will remain the universal language of men, angels, and spirits. Harmony is the speech of Havona.
- UB, Paper 44, 1.The Celestial Musicians
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Post by Adao »

It was worth a try though, wasn't it? :)
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Re: ''The Valley of Roses"

Post by jrudd »

I created an account here just to reply to this old but hopefully not forgotten post.

Here is a link to the book you were looking for on amazon.com

Chronicles From The Future: The amazing story of Paul Amadeus Dienach
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Re: ''The Valley of Roses"

Post by Sandy »

Hello Jrudd!
Welcome and thank you for responding to this older post. There is a reason and timing to all things, I suspect. And so your response at this time is important for somebody, maybe even me. :) This sounds like a book I want to read and even though Alexander hasn't posted here in a long time, he is on my friends list and I will get him this information.
I was reading the reviews and even though they were varied in opinion as to whether this happened or didn't a fair few reviewers felt parts of this book were profound and well worth the read.
Interesting too that I received a message from Alexander's aunt this morning. We haven't spoken in nearly 6 months. Yes, something is definitely afoot. :D
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Re: ''The Valley of Roses"

Post by Geoff »

Thanks for that, its got a lot of reviews, which seem positive and its clearly selling well. This is not actually the precise text we were looking for so long ago. But its probably a better version, and it was published May 2015. The book Valley of the Roses is out of print, and very hard to find. This is available as a Kindle and in print. Apparently it is a very big book, or was once about 1000 pages. I bought the Kindle, its quite slow at the start, not got any further yet.

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Re: ''The Valley of Roses"

Post by Geoff »

I am at 17%. I have moved from curious to suspicious. The problem is of course I do know a bit about Light and Life planets. I will read a bit further, because I need to make up my mind if this is for real, or a novel. If its a novel. I am not interested.

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Re: ''The Valley of Roses"

Post by Seeker13 »

Welcome to the boards jrudd!

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Re: ''The Valley of Roses"

Post by Geoff »

I have now given up on the book. Started skipping. Then gave up. I believe it is a novel.

If you really want to hear about life in Light and Life planets, here are two good communications. Of course the UB has a section on a neighbouring planet, but its not at Light and Life stage.

https://new-birth.net/contemporary-mess ... year-1969/

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