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Post by lilly »

Last night my partner took me to the most wonderful Indian restaurant, which served authentic food. :colors: The ambience and service was just so relaxing. There were beautiful pictures on the walls...While I was eating the food I could literally feel the healing properties in it. :D
My life is changing in a lot of areas, I thank the Creator for the blessings I'm receiving. Also everyone here who have supported me so lovingly. I will never forget you all!!!
Midwayers have done a wonderful job with I have absolutely no doubt about their existence. I look forward to serving my fellow man with the same love and kindness I've been fortunate enough to find here on this message board. It's the way to teach people with love and care for we are all in need at times of guidance or support, we are human. The bond I feel towards you all is very strong and having met some of you, it makes it all the more precious.
Love lilly xox :D
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Post by Sandy »

Oh my goodness Star, I think we saw and advdertisement for the movie you saw on TV last night. Wow! I don't think I would have slept for a week... :lol: I hope you had a grand time and enjoyed that yummy theater pop corn...I could go for some of that right about now! :mrgreen:

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Lilly said:
Scary movies really scare me...
I hate scary movies! I really do get highly stressed, upset, disturbed and depending how scary, affected for days/nights afterwards. 28 Weeks Later springs to mind! I don't mind ghosty, bump-in-the-night ones! Actually, I'm just bloomin' talking rubbish aren't I? I mean HORROR films are what I dislike, LOL!! I like a good scary movie. The girls' and I watched 'When A Stranger Calls' and we were constantly yelping and jumping in the air! At one point I screamed and ran away to the kitchen! The girls laughed so hard the film turned into a farce, :lol:

Ol' Phil is in for a chance! He asked seriously: "I hope I'm not expected to go about my work in the buff?" and she said: "Only in the summer!!" hahahaha! Not really though. He's going back on Monday to find out what is actually expected of him.
She said: "There are a lot of applicants, I'm just thinning out the peeping toms! Our customer's know when they're being oggled! " eeuuwww! Ahh, nothing wrong with the human physique, eh? YES! Especially mine, :lol:

I'm sooo proud to be a part of this family!

Love to All,
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by gypsie »

Hi all my goodness it's taken ages to catch up :study: all good reading my sweet family :sword:

Oh how I miss Rosie my Labrador :cry: I would sing "Rosemary I love you, Rosemary I do" and she would hOWL along LUV2 such love in her eyes. I must say she never really grew up, she one dug a hole fell in it and broke her leg :roll:

Then we got Daisy a Golden Retriver who ate my brand new mobile phone :shaking: I yelled so hard I feel awful now she was just having a good crunch. We have a foxy Charlie Buttons and he slept under the bed Daisy had a basket but no under the bed she would wiggle :lol:

The night she ate the phone I owned for 12 hours she banged her head I looked under in the dark to see if she was ok I felt bad for yelling :sorry: and there she was glowing away bright green God knows what was in that very flash screen :geek: I said "Harry the dogs face is green fluro" she'll be right :shock:

Well I have to get moving coming close to Peak Hour (dinner) love to all and I'm off to eat a strawberry low-fat yogurt :bike:

Love Gypsie :kiss:
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Post by lilly »

Hi Everyone,
I can't help laughing about Phil working in a nudie camp :oops: ....silly I know, but just can't help it!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Gypsie, your dog's face being green fluoro would have been interesting to see, makes you wonder what was in that phone!!! I had a Siamese cat once who used to destroy my prized ornaments and all sorts of things would go missing.....he was a character!!
I just went to let Gypsy, my little dog out the back and saw a German Shepherd dog in beautiful it was. First time that's happened so vividly.
Love lilly xox LUV2
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Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

Sandy wrote:Oh my goodness Star, I think we saw and advdertisement for the movie you saw on TV last night. Wow! I don't think I would have slept for a week... :lol: I hope you had a grand time and enjoyed that yummy theater pop corn...I could go for some of that right about now! :mrgreen:

Final Destination 4 :D Hehe, it was definitely one of the tamer ones, but very suspenseful! I love scary movies, although i have to admit there's been one or two scenes i wish i could forget :lol: My boyfriend and i, and his twin brother, often hang out and watch the scarier ones together in the dark. I love all kinds of movies, except westerns!!!

Anyhoo the 3D showing of Final Destination was amazing!!! Everything popping out of the screen at me.. it was like being IN the movie :shock: Don't want to go back to normal tv now.. :lol: They give you special 3D glasses to wear.. pretty cool, just fit them over my specs :wink: Stylish eh...

Now i know the answer to the question:
Do dreams come true?
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Post by gypsie »

Hi there family

Well it's 6.10qm and another school day :lol: busy life but as you say Petra "I love my family" wr are blessed. So I am waiting with baited breath about Phil's jpb :scratch: you guys lead such an exciting life. i still scratch my head at the thought but if it's good pay then what the hay, the animals on the farm were in the buff :lol:

Oh Star I don't like scary movies I am still getting over Nightmare on Elm Street in I think 1974 :shock: don't mind a good ghosty one like The Others but those younger ones terrify me...

Thanks for the love and support on the other issue it deels lightr just sharing the burden :kiss: we're so blessed to have each other....

Much love gypsie :loves
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Gypsie wrote:
you guys lead such an exciting life. i still scratch my head at the thought but if it's good pay then what the hay, the animals on the farm were in the buff
Oh you're so funny Debs!! He's offered his services part time, as I think he wants to get used to seeing flappy bits uncovered! The owner thinks highly of him already and Phil's getting dubious! So he said: "Well, I'm going on holiday first, so I'll see you in 3 weeks time!" Oh will you? but apparently it's honky-dorey with them! He keeps saying in quiet contemplation: "People walking around with their willies and bits flopping about!!" I'm like: "...And?" He's like: "Well it's noticable isn't it?" Me: "Only if you notice!!! Keep your flippin' mind on your job and stop gawping! You wouldn't gawp at a chimp? Mind might, considering you're the missing link!!!" and then walks off and I'm the hysterical idiot laughing at my own cruel jibe!!
It's the truth and I want you all to know it!!!

Then later, as I sideways admire his profile, I say: "Besides the Santa're still gooooorgeous!" and he says: "Well....besides looking 8 months preggers, you're still my number one!!"

We're on a mini road trip on the weekend: Mount Vesuivius, Pompeii, over to Greece, on a boat, middle of the stormy season....ought to be a blast?? Hopefully there'll be no clouds, but here in Corsica it's very foggy!!
Oh, and life is so not exciting! Just a little bit, but that's if I were to compare. And as it says in the Desiridata: "...If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain & bitter; for always there will be greater & lesser persons than yourself..." (Guilty as charged, ONCE!! or perhaps sixteen times in total!! :oops:

OK, I'm on the verge of a visit from the communist Aunt Flo, so I'm nursing the belly with a hot water bott bott and dreading sharing a small space with my sworn enemy for a week! Oh, and dreading a weekend in Albania, where I was specifically advised not to go, but the nudist handyman yonder wants to buy a Stihl chainsaw off a dodgy muslim chainsaw salesman up in't mountains, just above the border of Greece!!!
Let the adventures begin???

Love, Petra XXXXX
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by sammy »

Well! I should have saved that read for the morning! :lol:

Sounds like you can't help but have a few adventures on this trip! Just make sure Phil doesn't take that chain saw on the job!

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Post by Sandy »

Hi everybody,

Star, you know, you got me thinking...I wasn't always this bowl of scardy-cat mush you see before you. :lol:
My boyfriend and i, and his twin brother, often hang out and watch the scarier ones together in the dark.
In my younger days we used to do something similar...

We'd haul the TV and VCR out to the fartherest corner of the back of the yard, build a fire and watch scary movies with the forest and the sounds of creepy crawlies in the back ground. Gosh, it was great fun...
Now about all I can handle in the scary movie department are the old black and white movies from the fifties and sixties. Any of you remember the giant spider and ant movies? Loved those when I was a kid!

Lilly, Hows the job going?
just went to let Gypsy, my little dog out the back and saw a German Shepherd dog in beautiful it was. First time that's happened so vividly.
8) Wow that's amazing!.. I would love to see that!
... and I must admit I keep chuckling too when I think of Phil and the nudie colony... :oops:
Petra's post didn't do much to change that either did it? :lol:

...I laughed myself silly at your guy's "floppy bits" conversation, Pet. Looks like another classic Petra, and one for your book. It's good to laugh! We get into trouble when we take our lives, too seriously.

Have a good trip Pet and please take loads of Pictures of your adventures. I'll keep you and the family in my prayers over the next few weeks. You guys are irreplaceable! So take good care of yourselves! :salut: :love

Gypsie, been thinking of you sis and hoping the world is lightening up a bit for you again. Sending you tons of love from just next door. Sending some to your dark aggressor too. Seems like PP went through something similar last February or March didn't she? I believe she surrounded herself with Light and the woman's dark intentions bounced right back at her. Was that how it was, PP? :scratch:

How are you feeling, PP? Has Allen found a job close by yet? Oh I am so thankful that you will not be alone for stretches again this winter. Has his break healed completely now? I've been thinking of Laura too. Hows the bouncing around in the truck going for her and Rob? Please tell her hello and give her my love when you speak with her again. She is missed around here.

I'm sorry this is so long again...seems like a lot is going on in all our lives and when I can post I am always three steps behind anymore. Not complaining mind you...well maybe just a tad... :roll:

Love you guys!
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Post by jfarris »

Hi Guys! :hithere :sunny:
We're on a mini road trip on the weekend: Mount Vesuivius, Pompeii, over to Greece, on a boat, middle of the stormy season....ought to be a blast??
I dunno about the Stormy season part, but otherwise that sounds like my DREAM vacation adventure! I am sooooo envious :baby :mrgreen:
Just make sure Phil doesn't take that chain saw on the job!

Yeah, right! Mixing the old chainsaw with willies and floppy bitts........sounds scary to me!! :shock:

Have a great day everyone! :tongue:

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Post by peacockplume »

Oh my goodness ,,,,,

I have two pages to go back through to catch up,,,,busy, busy,,,

hubby came home,,,and really has me distracted :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
and he's not going back out on the road again either....WHEW!!!

no snow shovelling for me this winter,,,,but so far all we're getting is rain..
good old west coast rain...

but I just wanted to pop in and say that as I was quickly reading the past couple of pages that I saw

Sandy's recipe for her Apple Cake,,,,,mmmmmmmmmmmmm

I went upstairs and made one,,,,can't believe how 'perfect' it turned out.
(it's almost gone and it's only the next day)...

well I did take some to the ladies as I got a call to go play cards last night, instead of on the about 'divine timing'...

so they wanted me to pass on to Sandy,,,,what an incredible recipe it is.
and of course they want it too....

I came home and had two more pieces before I went to bed....

oh god was that good,,,,that sauce is 'almost' to die for....

in fact I thought that after making the sauce recipe,,,that it should be doubled....and drizzle half of it as the recipe calls for over the cake,,,

but then....(here's a bit of decadence...) first just warm your single piece in the micro or small oven (micro for 15 sec) then as you cut your next pieces, you still have some sauce (guess you better warm that up too) to drizzle over your single piece....

if there's anyone out there who hasn't made this yet....YOU ARE MISSING OUT...

so it's definitely on the coffee house menu today....and I bet what I have left in my kitchen will be gone today also...

it's 3 pm,,,,sorry,,,I can't chat for abit longer,,,I'm hungry

love and blessings to you all

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Post by lilly »

Hi Everyone
The job was short :lol: The manager was very nice and I'm glad I got the experience..When I first went there the words belly-up were coming to mind....and I think that's what is happening to the company. One of the other workers went too..There were no rest breaks and such a short lunch break for long hours like that....too stressful...way too stressful. The customers really liked me...and told me so as well...which was a boost to the confidence. Sitting in my car having lunch yesterday felt really sad and disappointed at the work conditions....a car drove by with 1111 number plates....relief swept over me. He did tell me we'd see how things went....well I'm relieved.....I need a part time job with set times for breaks.....I know that I can get a job now and will be helping look after my partners Mum for a couple of weeks as a companion, she can't be left alone at first.
I am good at multi tasking and some company would really benefit from having me on board. Today I'm getting together with some guys in a studio to rehearse some songs...I'm happy!!!
Love lilly xoxox
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Post by jfarris »

I am good at multi tasking and some company would really benefit from having me on board. Today I'm getting together with some guys in a studio to rehearse some songs...I'm happy!!!
You Go GIRL!!! :sunny: :sunny: :roll

Sounds like serious fun!


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Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »

Today i woke up late, went to the shops for a coffee and a cream/custard eclair, now i'm waiting for it to get dark so i can order Friday the 13th (remake of the original) on cable and order some pizza.

Hope you are all enjoying your Saturday too

Love and hugs
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everyone LUV2,

Wow, this thread has gotten a lot of posts lately :shock: and I haven't been getting the notifications for a while for some reason! :roll: I'd love to sit down and respond to everyone here in more detail, but I've been extremely busy, plus my computer died a week ago :roll: , and my new one won't arrive until at least next week, so I'm using Ron's computer in the middle of the night while he's asleep! :lol:

I'm excited to say that after 7 months of selling art on eBay, each in our own separate stores, Ron and I were both invited about a week ago to join a much bigger eBay store/art gallery that sells folk art and is currently selling the art of 21 different artists or so - this place is the 15th largest art seller on eBay, and the number 1 eBay art seller for folk art in particular, and they get huge traffic, much higher visibility than our own little eBay stores, so we're thrilled! :colors: Technically we're still in the "trying it out on an experimental basis" stage, but it's looking so far like it'll probably be a lasting thing! :D We're been hugely busy all week removing all our listings from our own eBay stores and getting them submitted so they can be listed in the new venue.

At any rate, during the very same week, there was a huge rain-and-wind storm (which started out as a tsunami in Japan :shaking2: ), the sinks backed up :mad: and we had to call the plumber, and then my computer got knocked out by a power surge :shock: (as if a "death and rebirth" of some sort was necessary in order to move up to this next level, and also, this was all perhaps an indication of the resistances we are still working through where successfully making a living from our art is concerned :roll: But we just keep overcoming them and allowing more and more, one step at a time! :D )! It's really lucky I had backed up all my 300 or more art images a couple weeks beforehand, so nearly all of them were recoverable, at least! :thumleft:

In this new store, they tend to sell lots of bigger art in addition to the ACEOs we've been making, so I dug out my old easel and am going to start painting larger pieces in acrylic on canvas as well! Lots of fun! :colors:

I only had time to glance very briefly at the (many) latest posts so far -- I hope to come back and read them in more detail soon, but wanted to chime in anyway. I do recall some discussion of cats in the recent past on this thread, one of my favorite topics since I have always loved cats too! :cat: :thumleft: :D We aren't allowed to have any pets where we're living right now, but in the last few weeks, a good-natured long-haired white stray cat with grey patches showed up here, and the landlady upstairs started feeding him and named him Vernon, so he's now kind of the "resident cat" of our building, since he mostly just lives outside, and he comes downstairs to visit us often. :D

Many of you probably remember my stories of when we lived on the hill in the redwoods at birds' eye level a year or two back, when I would paint different kinds of birds, and then they'd show up near our back porch within the next day or two afterwards, and it felt like my focusing on them and visualizing them by painting them was attracting them. Well, ever since we moved here, about 80% of all the art I've been doing is of cats, so I like to think I helped attract Vernon here too! :D

Last night when we were eating dinner, Vernon was lying down outside where he could see us, just being near us and watching us, just like he probably would if he were in the house with us, and we were acknowledging him and waving to him, and we both definitely felt we were communing with him mind-to-mind as well, and that he was aware of it and was communing back with us too -- I love the way the Universe brought us a way to have a cat companion without violating the terms of our rental agreement! :lol: :colors:

Well, I'd better sign out for now, while it's still only 2am or so here; I had stayed up until 4am or so for several nights in a row getting all my art images together and such, and I even pulled an all-nighter one night :roll:, so I'm now trying to curb my night-owlish tendencies and catch up on my sleep! :lol:

Love you all :kiss:,

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Post by lilly »

Hi AquaDeb,
It's great to see you posting. I miss your presence here.... LUV2 I need to get some of my artworks moving...just so caught up in mundane stuff. I'm so glad things are working for you.... :cheers: Today I went to a studio and jammed with some was a One of the guys is from San Francisco....he's very nice. Better turn in I's 2.15am lol Night owls!!!
Hope you enjoyed your scary movie Star!! Cakes sound nice :lol: Thanks for the encouragement Jody!!!
Love to All
lilly xoxoxox
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Post by Sandy »

Well hello there Aqua deb!Image

Whaa whoo! I am so happy to here that you are still nurturing your creative side! While we miss you here, we understand the time involved in getting your art business off the ground. Please drop in and say hello when you can though, cause we love you, sis. LUV2 Also would you please let us know when you are all set up with the new EBay site. I would love to check out all your new works of art! I am just tickled pink when I think of it. We are so blessed to have watched this take off from an inner nudge and desire to an expressive way to make a living from something you love. I will always be rooting for both of you. May this latest venture bring even greater success and happiness! :happy

Oh Vernon sounds like such a sweetheart! I bet something in you has definitely attracted him to you. This jumped right out with me...
Last night when we were eating dinner, Vernon was lying down outside where he could see us, just being near us and watching us, just like he probably would if he were in the house with us, and we were acknowledging him and waving to him, and we both definitely felt we were communing with him mind-to-mind as well, and that he was aware of it and was communing back with us too -- I love the way the Universe brought us a way to have a cat companion without violating the terms of our rental agreement!

:thumright: I am pretty sure I have been communing mindally with Lacey. I have been using pictures and emotion... It is so cute whenever I close my eyes and concentrate on how much I love her. I picture the two of us together and I am rubbing her head and giving her kisses or a piece of her favorite treat. Well, whenever I do this she too closes her eyes and does a birdy kind of cuo as she rubs her own head with her foot. I know, it does sound a little strange really but it does seem to make a difference in her less then affectionate personality.

Hi Star...sounds like you had a fun week end planned. Pizza and a movie...Sounds great to me! I remember the original Friday the Thirteenth movie...saw it at the drive in back home years ago. It gets to the end and you think all of the terrifying stuff is over as the heroine floats peacefully on a beautiful calm lake. BUT THEN!!!!! AN EVIL CORRUPTED HAND REACHES UP OUT OF THE WATER! YIKES!!!! Image (Pop corn went everywhere.) :lol: I was never so glad to see a movie end in all my life! :wink:

Hows the job? Has the woman whose position you are filling left yet?
I just know you are doing well and already becoming indispensable to your new co workers. That is the way we look at you Star. No one can fill your lovely shoes! :wink:

...and Lilly! I bet you had a grand time singing your heart out with other talented people. One of these days I am going to find myself front rowe at one of your concerts... Keep dreaming lady! You can do anything! :cheers:

Hiya there PP ... Oh you made my night! I am so pleased you loved the cake recipe. It is one of those that even a novice can make... impossible to mess it up. You know what's funny?...I was thinking when I made the cake for Gypsie and Lilly that I bet it would be great with twice the amount of "heavenly glaze" I like the way you think, Lady!!! I may make a small yellow cake in a little bit and make some of that glaze to pour over the top of it...Yummy!!

I can't tell you how relieved I am to know that you won't be having to do any shoveling this winter and that Allen will be home with you! I think it will be a special time for the two of you. :D You watch...there won't be one flake of snow this year! :lol: Hmm that sounds like the old pessimistic sandy! :oops: Could have sworn I sent her packing. (again :) )

Okay I am off...Love you all! Image
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Post by lilly »

Hi Sandy
You're such a loving and warm hearted person...Lacey is a bit like a bird I had It was a mauve lace wing wasn't friendly from the word go....wonder why some birds are like this??? It gives them a little a funny sort of way....haha :lol: :lol:
Thank you for the kind words of encouragement.
Love lilly xoxox LUV2
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Post by sammy »

Hi Aqua Deb - don't think we've met yet, Nice to meet you!

Sandy - that is so cute!!!

Lilly - Another musician!!! This site is loaded with talent! Do we get to hear some of your stuff?

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Post by westie »

Hi Everyone.

Petra, thanks for comment on the "avvie" a word which did take me a couple of days to work out by the way...not the brightest at times. This was the place where we rested Dad and to bring him home, his favourite place in Tamworth to be with his brothers in August. It did look like we were looking like doing moody rock band pose, but it was simply really cold. I found out that my Dads cousin runs the pub opposite...well it was rude not to visit.

Well it was my own fault for not popping back in and joining in, I asked the angels for some work as things were tight throught the summer, well they delivered!!! they really did and so much is going on, my head is swimming. Well after throwing caution to the wind, "caution" being the name our pet tortoise, and my youngest taking me seriously...Well we havent seen the tortoise in weeks, decided to go to Uni to train as a lecturer. Can I ask, has anyone been in a situation where it seems people around know more than yourself? Or does it level out?

After popping in and being nosey there seems to be this er, how can I put it, besides floppy bits, scary films and for a brief moment I wondered if I wandered on to the correct forum, knew I was in the right place when I saw the runnng

Hi Lilly
Last night my partner took me to the most wonderful Indian restaurant, which served authentic food. The ambience and service was just so relaxing. There were beautiful pictures on the walls...While I was eating the food I could literally feel the healing properties in it.
Isnt it quite special when some thing we sometimes take for granted can just make us feel so wonderful afterwards. I did find out today about a food tip to pass on. My girlfriend made a spnge and put 1 tablespoon of yogurt into the mix...well it has to be tasted to have such a treat. It rose like a balloon and so light. There was a film about a Japanese cook, when she cooked, the emotions she felt were passed onto the family. apparently it is a wonderful film. This really happens as well.

Anyway, I wanted to share something and you guys will almost be the first to know. I posted a little while back about having a half sister. Only a couple of hours ago I found out we are full brother and sister. life is really incredible. After Fay, sister, and I spoke she was quite emotional but said the most wonderful thing. She was so glad we met as friends first, and it made her feel so special. I have in my posession all the letters from what is now her Gransmother, her Dad and 50 years of a family she never thought she had...It is going to be a long night. Prior to recieving a letter from Fay, I had a mass of 555s for days on end.

I hope you didnt mind, but I was bursting to tell someone.

As for scary movies, Alfred Hitchcock, now he knew how to scare people.

Thank you for letting me share. Hopefully be back shortly.

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Post by Twinstars »

Hi All, :)
Love what you've done with the place...
Sandy, do you know much about a place called Stony Point? I think that is what I said while there. I had an unusual experience at a place I think had that name. Very early Friday morning I couldn't sleep so I got out of bed and came to the living room. I sat down in my old recliner and was thinking about meditating, I mean I started to meditate, but then thought I fell asleep. Anyway I suddenly found myself sitting on a sofa in the living room of a small house that looked out at a body of water. I looked around the room to see a man sitting to my left at the end of the sofa, and a woman standing near him. They were talking, about me. Then the woman walked past me, looked at me and said something to the man in French, then walked into another room. The man began laughing, so I asked him what the woman said to him. He leaned toward me telling me she says you are a pompous American. :? I looked around a corner to see her standing in the other room. I think she was lighting a cigarette. Then I turned to him again asking, "If I am the pompous American then why is She acting so pompous toward Me? As far as I know I was invited here." I asked him what else she said about me and he said "She said that you better start learning Now to speak French, because when you do finally arrive here and you still cannot understand what she is saying then she is not going to speak to you." So I asked, "Are you saying I am not actually here yet?" And he replied, "No, and yes. But right now we are on another level."
I turned to look out a front window at some rocks and said something about the stones and over there is a French Island." Then I pointed to a road that connected the island to the mainland. He said "Oh, right, the causeway. You should remember the causeway so that you will know where to find us when you finally do arrive." Then he said something about lots of accidents because of updrafts, before telling me I should go now because I will be waking up in just a few moments. And then I was here sitting in my living room again. I got the impression that I had been, or will be, invited to stay with them. Apparently I am planning a trip there... :scratch:

At first I thought it was France, but then I recalled the stones and French Island, so I think it could have been Australia. I Have been told I will see both places again.

Love and Light,
Love All...

~"See the Light, and you will know. Know the Light, and you will be."~ An etherVoice.
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Post by Light1 »

Apparently I am planning a trip there... :scratch:
Hi Twinstars,

there ar two Stoney Points in down in Victoria that has a big island in the bay just off from it...maybe the dream is metaphysical and the symbolisim is important...often dreams are.

It sure is an interesting experience...

In Love and Light

There comes a time when the pain of continuing exceeds the pain of stopping. At that moment a threshold is crossed. Once that realization has emerged you can either honor it or ignore it. What has become known cannot become unknown again...Gary Zukav
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Post by Twinstars »

Thank you Light,

It certainly Was interesting. Very real. Sure didn't feel like a dream. I recall it as being later in the day there, but when I returned here it was barely daylight. Oooo, just now had a nice deja vu flash! I Love it when those happen. Wait, yes! Symbology! Something bright red on the causeway, a vehicle. Symbolizing a new life. Well, I Have been told recently "You must leave the Masons." Time to dust off the passport soon maybe? 8)

Love All...

~"See the Light, and you will know. Know the Light, and you will be."~ An etherVoice.
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Post by Light1 »

Greetings all... :loves

Hi John...strange about that dream/vision/time experience...have you read the new Dan Brown book...I think you would enjoy it. An Island means being on your own for a while...mmm...maybe to think about changes you are contemplating. A car is your emptional body in some symbologies.

I looked up Stoney Point on the had me curious about this place, the fishing there is great...if you come over to Aussie land you will have loads of friends through 11:11 to visit...a kind of pilgrimmage.

Westie I just scrolled back and read your story on finding out about your sister. Great stuff :!: :!: :!:

Gypsy and I plan a trip to the UK next October to visit our older sister who we thought was an aunt...long story but we are so excited...all these new nephews...she has 7 grandsons ranging from 17yrs down. We are going to Glastonbury with her...lots of healing and catching up. :bike:

In love and Light

There comes a time when the pain of continuing exceeds the pain of stopping. At that moment a threshold is crossed. Once that realization has emerged you can either honor it or ignore it. What has become known cannot become unknown again...Gary Zukav
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