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Post by Sher »

Hi Everyone, :hithere

OMG! We had such a wonderful weekend! Our friends, Frank and Tamara, had us stay at there SF apartment. Frank cooked a fabulous meal, tuna steaks with a peanut butter gravy, steamed broccoli, great wine . . .:roll We watched the movie "Underworld". I'd never seen it before, great visuals.

Saturday we went to Hearst's Castle. :queen: OMG! The opulence is unimaginable. It's difficult to believe this was actually someone's home. Afterwards we went to this incredible restaurant in Capitola called The Shadowbrook. It's on the side of a mountain with terraced gardens and a little cable car to take you to the different levels. The food was sooo good, of course, I ate to much.

We arrived back home yesterday. It was a great time but I was happy to sleep in my own bed.

Now that all the celebrations of "Mom's Month" are past, it's time to get down to work. We are beginning our search for our next home. The time to purchase is NOW!. Our lease is up Aug. 31 so we don't have a lot of time. We have faith the place where God wants us to be is out there waiting for us to find it. It's all good, it's all exciting.:bana:

Well, I'm off to the dentist. (Just a check up, thank God!)

My love to all,

Sher :sunflower:
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Post by Petra Wilson »

George, it's obvious you didn't join the group!!!

And batter me sidewards!! Our Gypsie is still alive!! Man, you scared the 2012 outta me Debbie!! I almost bought a ticket to your rugged land!

Hey!! Don't scare us anymore Gypsie!
But when we go, we got to go! One mustn't be so sad about it!

If I go any time soon, I want you all to be partying about it! Don't be crying or sad, not at all...

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Post by gypsie »

Hey ya Pet :lol:

No I wasn't going anywhere, must say it got a bit hairy in the earlier part of the year but then my 11:11 family healed me back and I was sent in the direction to get better in the soul department. I am still amazed at how sick I became physically from being so sick emotionally :scratch: now I'm confused!!!!!
I Lost 8 kilos, they had a no sugar or caffeine rule, the hedache was awful in week one but 8 kilos :shock: now I just need to do 10,000 sit ups and swim to Africa to get the skin to catch up, aging is something else :geek:

George when the therapist was doing some constallation work and said the room was full of visitors she was talking about healers and Angels. I told her I had no idea the retreat was about that kind of healing however in reflection it's exactly who was needed :study: I just spent the morning with my beautiful Grandaugther Amelia and it's such a blessing to not feel sick :bana: today she learnt the word Angel :thumleft: the house looks like it's been turned upsidedown and shaken but who cares :roll

Hi PP what a lovely gift to have Laura visit, I will get there one day but maybe not in the winter, Canada came up in a meditation then the next day I saw a whale off Curl Curl Beach all signs!!!!

Hugs to everyone and I really will sit down and do a one on one with you all, so sad to have missed Beaver :sorry: Sandy, they kept me another week, Lily and I will still come down though, I am aching to taste your cornbread :smurfin:

Love you all like mad Gypsie :kiss:
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Sher! You're making me jealous! No, not really, it sounds gorgeous. Phil and I need to have some time out, perhaps when his parents visit?
He's either working hard or sleeping! Snoring more like it....them snores shake the foundations of this town i tell you!!! Hardly romantic! Ohh, but he's so embarrassed about it when I scream him into wakefulness.
Lilly, I tried the clapping, flicking fingers, nothing! It was funny: as Thalia watched me clap in his snoring face, she remarked: "Mum, he's not a clap on clap off!!" How I laughed...

Gypsie Debs! A sight for sore eyes. I envy you and Lilly going off to sample Sandy's corn bread and all that. So wish I was coming with you. One day I will! Bear that in mind. I have envisioned it and my visions never fail me!!

Love to tou All, always! XXXX

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Post by gypsie »

I hear you Pet and can't wait for the day to have an ice cream at Bondi Beach :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: :sunflower: now that will be 1 million push ups!!!!!!! :oops:
love ya Gypsie
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Everyone! :hithere

Laura, good to see you on the board, lady! :D I'll be thinking of you this week as you and the family gather to remember your brother. I hope you all will have moments to smile at past memories and feel the love and support of each other and even your dear brother as well as I don't feel they are really out of touch with our lives once passed on. I have been reading one of Geoff's books called...'Here and Hereafter' by Anthony Borgia and it has made me think and rethink the way I view death of friends and loved ones. Seems PP bless her heart tried to get this concept across to me a year and some ago when my nephews best friend commited suicide...They are actually entering a fabulous higher realm and we can celebrate with them and know that when our time comes we will see them again...

The weather is getting cooler here. Had a treat on Mother's Day when George took Beaver and I to kangeroo Valley for the day. What a gorgeous place and to my surprise there were many colorful fall colored trees! My heart was singing all day with the nip in the air and the falling leaves. :happy

Hi Sher, glad you had a wonderful time with Frank and Tamara in San Fransico! You know, I bet Aqua Deb would know of the Shadowbrook Restaurant. She moved this past year to Capitola. It is a small world isn't it? :D
whew! the dentist... :pale: Hope all goes well for ya!

Aqua Deb, I've been thinking of you hoping you and Ron are happy in your "newish" home and your art is flourishing. We miss your beautitiful presence on the board and in this "international cafe." Please pop in when you have the time, Sis. :kiss: {{{{Aqua Deb}}}}

:lol: Petra...gotta kick out of you trying to turn poor Phil into a "clapper." As you know my corn bread will be waiting for you whenever you can come for a visit. You too Gypsie...To tell you the truth, though, I have really been in the mood for some good ole hush puppies. ( a more perfect type of corn bread. :mrgreen: ) The kind you can get in Calabash North Carolina. Yummy sooo good...

Gypsie, glad to hear you are better inside and out. :bana: You missed Beaver this time but I suspect "she'll be back." Loosing 8 that's something to celebrate! :cheers: However, my cornbread, loaded with butter, (you just don't eat it any other way) will put those 8 kilos right back on ya. :shock: Well never you mind...we'll take a nice long walk afterwards. I'm really looking forward to meeting up with you and Lilly. :cheers:

Hello PP...How was your and Allan's spring BBQ? Makes my mouth water just thinking about it...At this rate, thinking about all this food, I will be gaining the 8 kilos Gypsie just lost and having to swim to Africa right along side her!

Love you guys! (You too George! :love )
Has any one heard from Heather? She has been on my mid lately.
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Post by lilly »

Hi Everyone,
It's feels so good to be part of this wonderful place. Gypsie, we will go and visit Sandy and George for sure...Can you send me the recipe for the corn bread....Sandy??? Sounds yummy!!
I made a really nice Chicken and Mushroom soup for was soooo nice and a really healthy choice too. Plenty of veggies and parsley...
I'm so glad you're well again Gypsie!!!
Much Love to you all
lilly xoxox :D
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How the heckers do you lose 8 kilo's? 8 pounds is probably all I could manage, if that! I look like one of them chocolate Santa's in my new brown swimming cozzie! But I don't really care, the Welsh side of my family were all large women with magnificent boobee's! hahahaha!
We took the kid's to the beach yesterday. They're on a short break thanks to the Ascension! ("Thank you Jesus!" <--- from the kid's!) I'm wondering what the town's folk have in store today after the Good Friday thing? A hidden crane to lift Him way above the cathedral? I won't be at all surprised.

Sandy, there's only a very few neggies. Most of the poeple are delighted that a young family have moved in their town. As Phil says: "You ought to be greatly honoured!" hahaha One lovely woman pointed out that most of the grumpies have hardly left their bar stools, let alone homes! hahaha! She works in the bar opposite our place and had a great laugh with the kid's when they went in for ice creams today! So, you needn't worry about us! We're quite used to it now and it's pretty much water off a duck's back now. They will get used to us and find we're really not British lager louts! hahaha. When there was a major football match here once, the Brits lost and started causing a riot in various bars. They jeered as the Corsican men quickly left. They weren't laughing 10 minutes later when 20 odd armed Corsicans rounded them all up and led them to the Police station. We've been told that little tale a fair few times that Phil buts in with the ending now!

Hugs to everyone! AquaDebs all right is she??

Love, Pet XXX
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Post by peacockplume »

How wonderful to see you back Gypsie,,,

and a BIG HELLO to our visiting 'George'....

This last month has certainly been a big 'healing' month,,,it seems to be 'spreading'.....what a difference we all make...

Thinking of you Laura,,,,will keep your family in my prayers ,,,especially this weekend...

Thanks for the sunshine Pet,,,it's supposed to be here for a few days,,,but the temp is still very the low 60's....I bought a couple of plants,,,and may just get to repot them soon...

loves to everyone...

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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi Everyone!

Just a quick note at around 3:45am here to let you all know I'm still alive, and that it's sweet that you were asking where I am and wondering how I'm doing! LUV2

Sandy, my art is in fact thriving! :colors: Ron and I each started selling ACEOs on eBay around the beginning of March, growing our businesses step by step, and are doing pretty well at it so far! But it has been quite time-consuming; we pretty much spend nearly all our waking hours on it! This time around, I've been in quite good spirits lately, just so busy I haven't gotten the chance to write in until this moment. I tend to be a night owl, so have been staying up doing art much of the night often lately, then sleeping in until 10am to noon (kind of the schedule it sounds like you and George tend to keep, Sandy! :lol:). Tonight I attempted to get to bed by 2:30am, but as soon as I got all settled in, I discovered I was starving :roll:, so now I'm up eating leftover tortilla soup from one of our favorite Mexican restaurants here in town! :lol: So I'll make a quick few comments here, but in the interest of getting back to bed soon, I'll keep it relatively short for now, and try to come back and catch up more later...

Sher, what a sweet declaration of love for your husband, and what fun that you were just at the Shadowbrook right here in Capitola! We haven't been there yet (we're currently so hooked on our favorite Mexican restaurants that we haven't branched out and explored many new eateries yet! :roll: :lol:) in the 9 months or so that we've now lived here. But we have heard from the locals that it's not to be missed, so I'm sure we'll make it there eventually! :D

PP and Laura, how wonderful that you both got to meet and spend all that meaningful time together! :colors:

Well, I'd love to get more caught up, but I gotta get some sleep! :lol: So, for those I didn't mention by name yet, I apologize! But I have been enjoying all of your posts :D, and I'll try to get back here again before too long and catch up with everyone further! :finger:

Okay, nighty-night, All! :D

Lots of love,
Aqua Deb
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Ah phew, I can rest easy now.

Love you Debs, you're looking GOOOOOOOD; considering your lack of sleep. If I don't get at least 8 hours I look like Deputy Dawg for the whole day until 8pm!

It is Phil and my wedding anniversary on Thursday. Phil said to me yesterday: "You coming to work with me on Thursday?" the thought of hard toil in 40°C heat did not appeal at all, and I opened my trap to answer: "You gotta be kidding! I would sooner-"
"It's our anniversary and I thought we could spend the day together and have a romantic lunch at our favourite restaurant!" he butted in making me feel a right cow! And that don't happen often! I pretended I knew it was our anniversary and I was just goofing...think I got away with it! :wink:

I guess this is a time where many of us have been so busy and rushed off our feet? I'm glad to say that the hecticness in our lives has died down and I have time to enjoy leisure stuff and practising Stillness, albeit with all the windows closed and the rather stifling heat. Phil refused air conditioning, said it's not environmentally friendly and besides, eventually one climatises. Luckily this pile is old and the spacious rooms rather cool.

Sandy? You installed in Geoff's lovely house yet? It looks superb! What views! And all that solitude and space? I bet it'll make a lovely refreshing change?

Bye for now everybody, thinking of you every day!

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Post by Sandy »

Hi guys,
hmmm I haven't been getting topic reply notifications for the secret thread all these posts are a wonderful surprise! I am getting ready to go to bed now but just want to say...I am relieved too to hear from you, Aqua Deb. I am overjoyed that your art business is doing well and growing. I love reading your descriptive posts...often feel as if we are right there with you. :D

I am also very relieved, Petra, to hear that the racism thing is mild and not nearly as intense as it was in Forci. I have been enjoying all the pictures you have sent us and the ones you posted on the thread in Misc. Your home looks so inviting...beautiful as it is is truly because of you, Phil and the kids. The love, caring, and patience you guys share with others makes all the difference in the world. LUV2

Oh Lilly, I can defintely send you the recipe for corn bread. :) My friend, Denise, who is an excellent cook gave me her recipe last year and it is the best one I have found yet. Your dinner the other night sounded yummy. We have been eating like Kings since arriving at Geoffs. He is an excellent cook! And his meals are always fairly healthy and seasoned just right. He made something last night...believe it is a South African dish which was to die for...but..well that is just going by the smell it was full of beef and things this weak vegetarian can't eat...I did have a nice helping of his veggie rice and mushroom dish of the night before though...It too was something special!

Gee, I am supposed to be making this quick and heading for bed. What a blabber mouth I am. :oops:
Warm hugs to all my sistas out there...bros too!
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Post by gypsie »

Hi everyone :hithere

So cool to catch up on your life Aqua Deb's it's been to long, wonderful you are kicking it with your art, you go girl!!!!

Sandy you have me licking my lips with your corn bread but the mushroom risotto emmmmm :geek: Lily and I will be down one weekend soon when you return from Geoff's for a girl cook up, I can make my lebanese spinach and meatballs with rice and noodles adding a touch of garlic yougart on the side emmmmm also...

let us know when your ready I am through the nervous bit and just want to hug you :cheers: wish we could pile all the others over as well never know lotto might come through :bana:

ok love to all missing everyone so much but have a burning itch to start meditations to maybe learn to recieve, never know

:farao: love ya Gypsie
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Post by peacockplume »

AMAZING, AMAZING GRACE ,,, is being showered upon us...

I Am That I Am,,,,,, and We Are That We Are....

Thank you Sandy,,,,for calling us all 'back',,,,refreshed,,,,revived,,,

and better prepared....

I sure WISH,,,,I could hop on a plane and come over for that feast,,,

one day,,,,,I can feel it....there's all of a sudden going to be really 'low Air Fares',,,,,and financial abundance to get the tickets...

I keep telling Laura,,,,get your passport....we're going to Australia....

So nice to see everyone popping in and chatting,,,, Pet,,,Gypsie,,,Lilly,,,Laura,,,,Cher,,,,Aqua Debs ..... Sandy .....even ,,,George...(and hope I didn't miss anyone)...xoxoxo

I've been mentally preparing to make some more body creams,,,,,but sure can't seem to get down to doing the process....

however the beginning of the month was extremely busy,,,,and it seems the last two weeks,,,,has been alot of processing the experience...

I am up early today...actually,,,I woke up at 3:30,,,,and just haven't gone back to the sun is out on the hot I'm going there for a few...

Thinking of you all in your lives,,,,sending prayers and healing....

hope you got settled at Geoff's all right,,(Sandy & George),,,,I know you love Geoff's cat........How's Lacey doing????? (especially with the cat??)

Oh Pet,,,must tell you,,,,we finally got the SUN...thanks!!!! hope you guys are doing well.... enjoy, enjoy, enjoy !!!!

love and blessings to everyone..

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Post by gypsie »

my Darling PP

I again lost another heartfelt letter trying to show you the latest picture of Amelia I think I need someone here physically to give me a crash course :duh

Anyway my sweet friend I just wanted to say how wonderful it is to be back and ....Thank you Sangy I could hear those calls also.

This brings me to the very possible subject of the possibity of this manisfestion :cheers: we are all such strong members of this extradorany family who can make this dream a reality :kiss:

Lynn my month away at South Pacific was life changing and I am working everyday to keep the lessons gained happening on a daily basis. What I learned at a core level is I have been pushing women away as a result of the toxic shame I carry from my upbringing. You see, we were never allowed to have riends over for birthdays or never allowed to go to their houses, we were programmed to believe as Romanies

there were the outsiders and then there were us

During an exhausting process I could see I have been trapped like this for most of my life, I am blessed to have 3 girlfriends who know of my family and what they did for survival in this country when we got off the boat.

Our cousins were our playmates and I now understand where it came from understandably my Father lost many many young cousins,uncles, parents older brothers in WWII, I even brought this up as a issue as the lectureers used gypsiy children as examples for experiments in camps, no one from Europe survived, it's very sad and I guess left my father with a toxic sense even in Australia we were different. He was also involved in many activities which I suppose normal families did not want their children near us in any way. My Aunties were working pyscics and one was even put into a mental institution for a mental illness. Funny looking back we would visit her and she was doing readings for the Nurses and Doctors :duh very frustating...

So I have handed back their shame and am working so hard to break the negitive pattern with my family,

Pulling away from beautiful women like you is something I have done all my life, but in one group session we were asked to close our eyes amd imagine exactly where we would like to be in that moment.

I saw myself and you walking down a dirt road with beautiful bird noises, then we stopped and both looked at each other we could hear a noise from the water and Lynn it was a large pod of whales they were just breathing and blowing a bit of water. We sat on the grass together and I placed my head on your lap Lynn for the first time in my life I felt safe and the essence of love,,,,it was beautiful

This brings me to the concept wihich in turn will manifest you, Laura, Petra, Aqua Deb, Lilislight,Tannis, Sher, Heather, Liz, Anne, Lily and if I have left out a name forgive me oh Bing and Daggy o BJ the list goes on' come to Australia and make Sandy the happiest woman on the planet, not to mention George, Bing, Daddy o ,BJ and Geoff and I just know I have missed so many forgive me please it's 3.08 Nasari my Lord even Redshif, Even if 2 come to begin with it starts the energy rolling.

Can you imagine how wonderful it will be cooking that corn bread and each person creating a dish?????

There is the Ashram in Mangrove Mountain which is $40 a night with all meals provided, my friend Mardi who has taught Yoga for over 20 years will do classes for nothing. Back to the two or three of you coming surely we can drum up those fares are they really that cheap??????

We can have a big fire there and dance like free sprits gathering and create a raging fire of healing...We have houses well I have floor room in my unit but who cares :geek:

I'm not on a roll here PP I truly believe this will happen, by keeping it simple and putting it out to the universe anything is possible :cheers: and of course anyone who wishes to share this experience even Morning Light it was MO's original idea to do this why do we need a special date or year? Everyday we are living is a miracle.
I am good at organising this stuff this is what I did for a living years ago, Public Relations...

I am almost feeling this is coming from a power greater than me, I asked for a sign,,,,,our time on this planet is short and we have the most amazing collection of lightworkers I believe on the planet :loves

ok I will put this out to you all and the universe, all we need is airfares food is in abundance, shelter is available and imagine Sandy and George's faces, I love you all so much and just want to hold each of you in the physical :love :cheers: :love Honestly George is it possible I am being prompted to feel this strongly about a small gathering next year? I have had more 11:11 prompts in the last three weeks than ever before this is going to happen family, my godness even on the news tonight there was in the weather report 2x 11:11 11:11 it's time to hold each other for then the circle will complete (the first one anyway) look I am not wealthy but I am living proof people can make anything happen if we truly believe and manifest, the Midwayers are charging me.


:cheers: :hithere :love :loves :happy :flower: :finger: KNOK :stars: :sunflower: :bana: :bana: :bana: :bana: :compress: :thumleft: :thumright: :geek: :queen: :king: FROM THE CORE OF MY SPRIT :afro: :drunken: :mrgreen: :lol: :alien: GYPSIE DEB :kiss: [/u][/b]
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Post by lilly »

Hi Gypsie,
I'm lost for are so beautiful and so much a part of this board. It would be lovely to all get together. :cheers: :cheers:
Love lilly xoxox
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Post by peacockplume »

Oh dear Gypsie,
I'm overwhelmed, with your love,,,,

got me right choked up,,,,,but I wanted to acknowledge your beautiful letter here...

yes,,,we can manifest it....

I'm so glad you took that journey into the past to 'see' it,,,and be able to 'let it go'....

nothing,,,but onwards and upwards now,,,,

oh yeah,,,and a trip to down under... :lol: :lol: I feel it coming too...

so,,,no planning,,,,just let Spirit guide us....and you can take care of the living arrangements when you know someone is on the way...

Mangrove Mountain sounds good to me,,,,although it might get a 'name change'.... :lol: :lol:

talk with everyone later,,,,chores to do,,,places to go,,,,people to see...

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I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Evening All, beep-beep hell!!! The dog has fleas, we treated him and now they're all over the place, dying on us, but having a quick nip at every bit of spare flesh!!! Why did God allow fleas?? I mean, I can see pesky flies in the whole thing, they get rid of poo-poo's and the like!
But fleas? And lice? What do they do? They're just vampires, what do they give back?
Saying that....what have we humans given back lately? (I'm talking environmentally)

Owwp! One just flung itself on the screen and I'm watching it die! Mixed feelings here!!

Oh well, good thing I got a dyson!!

Yeaahh Debbie, we will rock the whole of Australia one day soon! As soon as I get my finances sorted, I'm a-coming! The thing is, once I definitely say I'm heading for your horizon, you will start to poop your panties??? No worries if you do!! I'll disguise the whole trip as a camping holiday, BUT I HAVE TO SEE AYERS ROCK!!
Aw shi*! There was a flea biting my face just now, half-heartedly! It disappeared on the keyboard, between the H and the J! *shiver*!!

Philip's calling me! It being our 13th (unlucky???) anniversary today and I'm yelling back: "I'm talking to the eleven eleven coffee house gang!!! PRIORITIES PHILIP!!!!" :lol:

We sunbathed in the total was great! Felt like Eve!

Love, Pet XXX
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by peacockplume »

Oh man, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Pet and Phillip....lucky 13,,,,

Pet,,,, you got fleas,,,,and as the warm weather came out,,,we got ants,
red biters....

did you know that insects are the only '??species?? that would survive a nuclear holocost...

ok enough cheeries.....

but if it ain't the ants,,,,,it's the ticks....but same deal as the fleas,,,

treat the dog,,,the tick bites the dog and the tick dies....(playing some taps here) ta da da da !!!! another one bites the dust...!!!!

oops sorry folks,,,,wonder where that one came from???

hot, hot, hot,,,,and I have to say,,,,I'm enjoying it immensely,,,,since it usually rains for most of June,,,,I'm really enjoying it...

but I had to go to town and trade up a CD player that had no earphones,
gads,,,they're hardly making them you have to have IPods and MP3 players ,,,,,but wouldn't you still want 'earphones'????

so I upgraded and had to pay more money just to get one that had earphones....'unbelievable'..... :?

well, I'm pooped out,,,,need a break,,,see if there's any sun left on the deck for a few minutes....

tomorrow I get to re-pot some small shrubs and tomatoes,,,,I'm doing a container garden on my deck just so I won't have to bend over to weed it...bought a 'bale' of potting soil,,,,,,and discovered the wheel barrow has a 'flat' to find the dolly....Caroline is going to 'wheel' it up to the deck for me.....I said we could roll it together,,,,but we'd probably end up at the bottom covered in potting soil....

so back to the 'things to do' see if the wheel will take some air...

loves and hugs to everyone..

Daily Affirmation:
I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
I am free to live and to enjoy life.
I accept divine presence as the fulfillment of my needs.
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Post by Petra Wilson »

PP?? We gave him the 50 €uro treatment!! Phil actually uttered the words: "Fifty euro's? How much to put the dog down?" before he handed the money over! And he was being serious!!

They are literally falling off him, Mathilda's sweeping them up, I'm screaming: "ANOTHER ONE!!" one landed in my wine and I drank it!! Manny is using his thumbnail to kill them and Thalia is brushing her hair and telling us all in a teenagey way: "don't let them bother you, and then they won't!!" While I'm itching away at 2O bites on my feet! And Phil has his feet crossed on the table, unmoved, watching the movie and quiet as a deaf person! Or a mouse? Or a flea???
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by Sandy »

Good day to all of you darlins! :sunny:

Here it is nearly 2:00 pm and I am just now getting started. I meant well...earlier this morning I poured myself a coffee and sat down on Geoff's comfy stuffed sofa intending for just a moment of quiet time, when along comes Sunshine(Geoff's cat) I've never been one to pass up an opportunity to try and make friends, so I put my mug aside and patted my lap. To my great surprise and joy, up he came and spent the next hour or so enjoying my attention and then falling off to sleep. The funny thing was... since he and I were all alone downstairs, I began talking to him as if he was another person (or a therapist :oops: ) I told that little sweetie all about my life and my fears and my joys. (no wonder he drifted off into a deep sleep! :lol: ) Oh but it was nice. And I feel wonderful now. Nothing like pouring out your heart to a thirteen kilos orange and white kitty cat. Best therapy in the world next to Gypsie's South Pacific. ...Deb...Your heartfelt post, just like the others, moved me to tears. I love you so much...Every one of you. There is a special place in my heart reserved for each of you and I am better, happier, ...stonger when we are together. And we are together at the drop of a hat.. I am coming to learn this because even though at times it feels lonely and cut off here from the rest of my life...I usually am connected in some way, often even without my knowledsge to my board sisters. One or two of you usually are prompted to send me a quick note. It may not even pertain directly to me or my feelings, yet...the contact the howdy doo says it all and is the therapy to clear the existing negativity. I thank you all with all the love in my teeny tiny little heart. (Can't help but think of the Grinch when I say that. :lol: )
I agree I believe we will get together...maybe first off a couple of us...and then as others can and find the means a gathering will happen. I am visualizing us all together around that roaring fire (with plenty of water hoses and emergency plans in place of course) We must roast smores...This chocolate lover in me cannot fathom a fire and no marshmellowy chocolate smores ...but someone must bring the grahm crackers because I have been unable to find them in the local markets. So count me in and let the manifestations begin! :D

Oh Pet...I know exactly what you are going through with those fleas...Geoff too I imagine, as the week or so before there was a family supposed to stay in his home for the vacation exchange he discovered a flea epidemic! Talk about panic stations! :shock: Hang in there...The worst will soon pass. I must admit I got a chuckle from your description of the unfolding events, though. :P

PP, those patio gardens can produce quite a bit of food. I am considering looking into that next spring. I still need to work on recognizing the various insect pests and how to organically combat them in this country. We have some voracious catepillars that are the exact same color as the leaves. (sneaky little devils!) They have about decimated the basil I planted. I can't seem to bring myself to kill them though... soooo I just chuck them over the side of the metal fence into the neighbors yard. :P (I know...not nice... :oops: but they don't have a garden!)

Oh better go. We need to run to the post office. Lilly I just had a thought... it will be awhile on that corn bread recipe. I didn't bring my cookbooks (I tell you I feel naked without them and don't have a clue what to cook now :shock: )
Love and warm hugs to all you angels! :happy
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Daddy - O
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Post by Daddy - O »

Good morning all my dear 11:11 friends,

Gypsie, I really enjoyed your very heartfelt post, it made my morning :D . Also, in an earlier post you had mentioned:
I can make my lebanese spinach and meatballs with rice and noodles adding a touch of garlic yougart
That sounds sooooooo good!!

I was wondering, do you have any Lebanese heritage? Just wife is Lebanese, with a large and loving family up in the Brisbane area. I spent 3 weeks there last summer and had the time of my life. We should be moving there permanently in the next few years. Have you heard of these Lebanese dishes: mjadrah (lentil dish), fattoush (salad, crispy bread), lubia (greenbean olive oil dish), falafel (veg humice dish) I'm hungry :D .

I love the idea of moutains, fire, and free spirt dancing :bana:

Daddy - O
Those who master their own spirit - are mightier than those who conquer a city.
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Post by Daddy - O »

Hey Pet,

All of your Flea-talk had me rolling :lol: . Especially how one fell into the keyboard between two keys :lol: . I'm definitely not laughing at ya....I'm laughing with ya.......been through this myself, and I know how it can be :lol: .

Daddy - O
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Post by lilly »

I was laughing my head off're so funny.... :lol: :lol: :lol: Not long ago the same thing happened here....we had to fumigate the place with a flea eradicator... :shock: It's like warfare.....but what else can one do???
I love Lebanese food and have some wonderful friends. Gypsie, those meatballs sound good.
pp, it's so good to see you posting. I've made a few breakthroughs in certain areas and on the way to a better life....improvements all round. Understanding the dynamics of behaviour and having lots of aha moments.
Phoenix, my cat, has gone walkabouts...or someone has taken him. He's so beautiful...I hope nobody harms him. I've just been asking the dog "Where is he?
Daddy-O, welcome to the Coffee House. Tea or coffee?? If you are married to a Lebanese woman your life will never be boring....beautiful people. My daughter's neighbour is Lebanese and she's teaching her to make all those lovely dishes.
I just had sardines on toast with melted cheese for lunch, simple but yummy!!
Love you all
lilly xoxo LUV2
Sandy, I can wait for the corn bread recipe...have some weight to lose...I just got my hair cut and styled....looks much better.
Love lilly xoxox
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Post by ruthnfla »

Hi guys! I just wanted to say that I would love to come and hang out with you guys next year if it's ok. Geoff has been a friend since 2003 and I haven't been to that side of Au yet. We just had a get together in Hawaii with about 14 Divine Lovers in our group and it is always good to expand our world of spiritual friends. I have only posted a few poems on this site so far, but would like to get to know you all. I read most of your postings. I spent 6months in Australia back in 2006 and only saw the west coast and central Au. I wouldn't be able to come until after Jan, but please do let me know when you plan to meet up! Love and Hugs to you all! Ruth
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