[11:11] -- "The Urgrund of Criticism—Fear."

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[11:11] -- "The Urgrund of Criticism—Fear."

Post by George »

Illawarra District, Australia, April 17, 2004.
Teacher Samuel.
Subject: "The Urgrund of Criticism—Fear." [Part transmission]

Received by George Barnard.

Samuel: "For me, my dear brother, it is a considerable pleasure and honor to converse with you through the kind services of our Midwayer Friends. Especially in view of the likelihood you will transcribe this discussion and pass the lesson on to many of your contemporaries, some of whom will in time choose to hand it to those yet to come when our tasks here will have long been finished. This is your teacher, Samuel of Panoptia.

"The subject of my lesson is criticism—the offering of critique—be it so requested, uncalled for, or even totally unwanted. Undoubtedly beyond your imagination now, and likely so for many more ages to come, is the reality of our Creator Parent whose pure, eternal unconditional love is so sustaining all that is, and He will not in His Infinite Wisdom offer critique. Admonish, encourage, and love, yes forever, but not criticize. We, evolutionary beings of animal origin, will do so by nature.

"And whilst those who are mortal and of mortal origin are far from created perfect as the Creator of All is perfect, it is in the area of criticism that a great deal of damage can be done. It is so human, so very human, to think of oneself as having attained a degree of perfection, to see oneself as living a well-rounded lifestyle, and to view others as having obtained hardly a modicum of perfection in that sense. So easy to perceive the splinter in another’s eye, and overlook the beam in one’s own.

"Where primitive man would puff himself up, paint himself with war paint, brandish his weapons, and attack with great howls and cries—or defend himself—we, in modern times, when such behaviors are no longer appreciated have found another way. We will use criticism as an offensive weapon, a defensive weapon, or just to intimidate.

"Consider the basic and necessary impulse of fear that allowed the human races in their infancy to survive. Consider the all-important fight-or-flight response, and see criticism and cynicism as the younger second cousins to these attack and defense reactions. Understandably, criticism is born from the same urgrund—fear—which was craftily designed by your Life Carrier friends to allow animal life to thrive, survive and evolve to what you are today.

"They are truly blessed, those who can live and let live. And, yes, those who can lovingly advise without even a touch of a superior feeling being implied, or even entering their minds. Those who can affectionately serve and achieve whilst disregarding the failures of others. Those who will uncomplainingly shoulder the weight of another’s cross. Those who will respect the differences and those who will delight in hearing opinions expressed that are totally contradictory to their own, for those are the truly fearless ones without an ego to protect.

"Many are the varied provocations that cause one to be critical of another even of self. At their origin they may even have a heartfelt wish for another or self to do better, but I say to you, your Destiny Guardians have no such need, for they do not understand the basic fears that prompt the human to react in this way. They might well shake their heads in wonderment, you may one day find out, my friend, for they do feel the hurt that criticism can cause another.

"It is on the Mansion Worlds, however, where one at last learns to fully control those impulsive thoughts and reactions that are so human and so persistent as you strive toward perfection in dislodging the no-longer-needed or indeed no-longer-wanted or permitted ‘qualities of the beast.’

I thank you for your patience during this discourse. Till another time. This is Samuel signing off. Adieu."

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Post by Geoff »

Dear George,

Great message. This is a really good subject that should be explored a great deal more. Not just criticism, but all the way to "preaching" and "teaching".

I have been charged with "coming across as superior", and felt very wounded by that accusation, especially since I have been biting my tongue, and saying very little. Indeed I can be accused of superiority or "being a know-all" when I haven't said anything. Really irritating. So much to learn.

We are sometimes expected to "share". Does that mean others must always initiate the discussion? If we initiate a discussion, does that mean we are very close to criticism?

Equally, as humans, we do sometimes ask for "critique". Indeed many of us ask our angels if we are "doing things right". In my experience they do offer "advice" under those circumstances.

Much love,
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...all the way to "preaching" and "teaching&q

Post by George »

It's a huge subject, Geoff.

Not sure if I'm up to it. There's a vast difference between a discerning mind and a critical mind as I understand it. What Samuel was portraying is where we come from -- necessarily a relatively dangerous environment compared to where he now lives -- where the angels live -- and apparently our critical reactions AND THOUGHTS take a relatively long time to unlearn on the Mansion Worlds.

Fear... caution... distrust... (at times) is a neccesary thing for survival here. Criticism is a natural offshoot of this, as he portrayed it. I'll see if he comes back at it. For my part I can't see it as being so cut and dried. I have cared for lots of patients (call them students, which they are in effect) and patience in "teaching" them is essential.

Not even my body movement could give away the fact that I knew that some were unwilling to learn what they "needed to know to heal themselves."

That unwillingness was often the very reason why they were in difficulties. And the only way out of it was to ask them questions, pertinent questions that would allow them to come to the right conclusions by themselves. that's the art of being a good counselor, and I'm sure there was "tons" of Celestial help on all occasions.

Samuel did however indicate there was a relationship with "fear" though distant.

God bless.....

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Post by Gai »

Oh! This one's a killer,... Got me..! Criticism is a really hard thing to never ever do even when you think you may be doing the right thing, it is alas still the ego. Thank you Samuel.
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Post by JungShim »


This fella from Australia just moved out today. He came in to town and seeing that were both new to the Portland, Oregon area, i gave him a room.

We can live to together fairly well, working together is a different story. We both have huge egos and both of try to command the universe.

That s why I'm studying A Course In Miracles, have you read it?
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Post by Geoff »

Hi JS,

ACIM is a great book, but I think JCIM is better. But you will have a job getting JCIM.

much love,
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Post by vector8 »

Hi George

Enjoyed reading this message very much. Thank you. Keep up the good work!

Lots of love,
Enocia :D
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Hello Geoff

Post by shyloh »

"ACIM" A course in Miracles?

I went to a teaching here in the Chicago area and Met David..

He is a wonderful person.. All the staff are.. I just didn't feel good about something.. (sorry but true) I never went back.. But it does help many people.. And they have awesome messages..

I do however continue to read some things.. Hmmm I wonder what I am being right now ..oops.. haha..

David is love that's for sure..
One tiny flower blooms in a dry desert without water, It reaches upward to touch the sun.
That is a miracle; the flower (me) and the sun (you) become one!

~By shyloh~
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