1.11 2.22 3.33 4.44 5.55 freaking me out

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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sean mcguigan
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1.11 2.22 3.33 4.44 5.55 freaking me out

Post by sean mcguigan »

hi i found this by accident as i am a sceptic but for the last few months i keep waking up during the night at those times over and over again . i feel really frightned as i thought it was some sort of evil . I havew read many posts in this forum but i am very confused . Why am i seeing those numbers , what does it mean for me and how can i learn from this . any thoughts woul dbe greatly appreciated as i thought i was going mad

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Post by lilly »

Hi Sean,
You are definitely not going mad as many of us here see these numbers too. You are being prompted for a reason...these beings behind the prompts have a very high intelligence and are here to lovingly help us reach enlightenment. There is nothing wrong with being sceptical sometimes....you will find it won't matter...they will still prompt you...Take a look at the FAQ's and generally have a read of other's experiences. Welcome to you. If you don't want to be prompted you can ask them to stop and they will.
Love lilly xx :hithere
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Post by Paul »

Dear Sean

There is nothing to worry about. The number prompts are just a way for celestial beings on the other side to get your attention. Go to the FAQ section of the site. That will explain what is going on. These beings are not evil. They are kind and loving beings concerned with our welfare. You will soon see the connection.

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Post by Twinstars »

Hi Sean,

Was reading through the most resent posts when I opened yours. Been wrestling with an upper respiratory infection for several days, so was intending to do some light reading here (no pun intended) then go lie back down without responding. That's when I looked to see my clock readng 10:11. Like a moth to a flame, right?
I have my own theory about the various wakeup calls, which is precisely what I believe them to be. A call to action. Others on this board may see them in an entitely different light, as I may only speak for John.
Until recently I was awakened at regular intervals which began with the 1:11, 3:33, and then later the 5:55's. I have not been awakened lately and am finally after nearly a year of being awakened every night without fail enjoying sleeping again.
As an analogy of how I personally veiw these calls to action, I began to view myself as sitting in a room filled with others, such as yourself, who also were being called. A door opens and in steps a person carrying a clipboard who announces "111's YOUR'E UP!" At which time those of us being awakened at 1:11 stand to be counted. Most appear very confused as to why they are there at all. The person carrying the clipboard looks around as if waiting for someone, anyone to say something, asking; Anyone, anyone at all? Noone makes a sound and the person turns and leaves. Sometime later someone else enters and announces 333's YOU'RE UP!" Again people stand to be counted but again no one is. (For months I was left wondering what I had to do to get my name on that list.)
Sometime later I was reading through the Edgar Cayce readings and came upon something referring to "A call to action" as a request from the higher Self to pray. Which changed everything. If all I am being asked for is to pray whenever I am awakened, or to send light whenever I see the numbers, I can do that!
I believe we are being awakened at these various, although very specific, times because our friends need our special brand of heavenly Light to help them in connection with whatever it is they are involved with at that precise time, such as, perhaps something along the lines of raising, or perhaps even changing the consciousness of some individual, or possibly even a raising the consciousness of some certain area. They don't coerce us, and in fact, as I see it, they simply wait patiently for us to finally get it/them.
Don't know if I ever got my name on that list because it seems I no longer need to put myself in that place, but, I do know that I am very much enjoying sleeping again.

Love and Light,
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Post by sean mcguigan »

i have read all the FAQ's and to be honmest it is still way over my head , why have they contacted me? what am i meant to do ? should i go and see a medium to learn what im meant to do ? i find this all very strange and need some help and support

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Post by Paul »

Hi Sean,

It really is not complicated. Every one of us is responsible to make a change in our own sphere of influence. The change in this world will only come as each individual makes the choice to do things Father's way. You are being awakened to the fact that there is a piece of the Father that lives in your mind. This Father fragment or spirit from the Father continues to awaken you and to spiritualize you as you continue life's journey.

The reason for the prompts are to awaken you to the reality of the next world and to alert you to the fact that there are all sorts of entities on the other side that are willing to help us. They want to see a change on this world. They know that this change can only come with the free will choices of each individual.

The number prompts have various meanings. The 11:11 prompt is used by the secondary midwayers. They are midway between the angelic world and the world of flesh and blood. They act as liaisons between our world and the angelic or spirit world. They are the bridge that connects us with entities from the other world. Originally, there were 1,984 secondary midwayers produced. Of this number, 1,111 secondary midwayers stayed faithful to our Creator Son, Christ Micheal. As a result, they were given permission to use this number to prompt their human cousins. You were one of the persons out of millions that they have prompted.

I would continue reading. It will become more clear as you continue to read the information on this site. There is no reason to be concerned. These entities are dedicated to the doing of good. They don't want to harm us, they want to help us.

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Post by Geoff »

sean mcguigan wrote:i have read all the FAQ's and to be honmest it is still way over my head , why have they contacted me? what am i meant to do ? should i go and see a medium to learn what im meant to do ? i find this all very strange and need some help and support

Dear Sean,


Your comment worries me, cause I wrote it and if folks can't understand it, then I did not write it carefully enough.

If you found this thread: 11:11 Signals are driving me nuts it has these sections:

What does that mean?

Well in general it is an awakening to things that you don't know, and need to know. Humanity is in a mess, and not heading in the right direction. Folks are needed to change that, and it happens one person at a time. Starting with you.

What do I have to do?

Acknowledge it out loud. Say - OK guys I hear you, tell me what you want. This speaking out loud is to get around the problem that Midwayers do not automatically have access to our thoughts. You can of course announce that you are happy for them to have this open access, or alternatively make it clear which thoughts you wish to share with them.

But I can't hear anything?

They will find some way to let you know. These guys are a bunch of special angels, and they have picked you for a very good reason. Quite what that reason is, may only later become clear. If you want to, you can work with them, as George has done, for many years. Or you can ask them to go away. Your choice - it's called free will. But they picked you because you can be useful to them. The chances are if you develop good meditation techniques, or practise George's Akashic Construct, you will either see or hear these guys. Maybe both.

We are not suggesting anyone rush off and see a medium. That can be a bad idea, especially if you get a poor medium, and also, this is a CELESTIAL (ie angel) thing, and many mediums deal with ex-mortals only.

This bit of advice you got is spot on:
Paul wrote:Hi Sean,

It really is not complicated. Every one of us is responsible to make a change in our own sphere of influence. The change in this world will only come as each individual makes the choice to do things Father's way. You are being awakened to the fact that there is a piece of the Father that lives in your mind. This Father fragment or spirit from the Father continues to awaken you and to spiritualize you as you continue life's journey.
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Post by sean mcguigan »

it is becoming a bit clearer , this guy George you all refer to is why do all the messages come through him or can anyone get these messages as clear as he seems to get them ?


ps thansk for your help guys its appreciated
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Post by nasra1996 »

Yes sure Sean, you can get them as clear as anyone else... George is blessed though with full comunication, visual, words.. the lot..... :)

Perhaps you or me or anyone could achieve this level too, who knows...?

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Post by memawlaura »

:hithere Sean,
Welcome to the MB, I see everyone has already given you good advice. The only thing I would like to add is that we see these prompts for a reason, but dont really know the, why me? So most come to the MB wanting to understand what took many years and much committment on others part.

I found the first rule was to exercise, patience and learn the tool that would give me the answers I hold within. Going to someone else for your answers is as good as giving away your free will, so go within and as you practice meditation or stillness, you will start understanding.

I dont hear or see anything but I do from time to time get answers to my questions, like a light switch comes on :idea: . I spoke with George about this and he said we can receive subliminally, others that hear and see just have honed those physic abilities or their more predominant. We all have the same capabilities its just what we belief in or about ourselves.

When you remove obstacles, like thinking the prompts bad or evil and realizing they are heavenly sent and relaxing that's when you've begun your journey. Just take your time and get comfortable with acquiring knowledge. Its like the old saying if the 'shoe fits wear it', so when something doesn't resonate with you go pass it, it doesn't mean its not true it just means your not ready to learn or there is no need right now.

So, if you want to know why, what and how, you will need to ask the truth you already hold, inside of you.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by Geoff »

sean mcguigan wrote:it is becoming a bit clearer , this guy George you all refer to is why do all the messages come through him or can anyone get these messages as clear as he seems to get them ?


ps thansk for your help guys its appreciated
Dear Sean,

Anyone can get messages, but some of us are better at it, and a small number are what you might call "genius" level. For myself, I am very grateful I can hear my Indwelling Spirit, even if its generally no more than a yes or no. But I have received whole sentences from somewhere, on a few rare occasions. But I am not someone who just sits down quietly, and gets a page of stuff. There is another brilliant receiver amongst us, Lytske, and there must be many hundred from that source, all amazing. But there are still others, and if you look in this forum, you can see them all, pretty much: http://board.1111angels.com/viewforum.php?f=2

What we try here is to teach YOU to get your own messages, because then you are independent of the rest of humanity, as regards spiritual insight. That is our aim.

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Post by Norah »

Welcome! and please be peaceful in your heart. I've certainly had moments of freaking out... I mean, I was awakened in the middle of the night, and the only apparent reason was so that I could look at the clock and see it reading 3:33???? At that point I decided that an "imp" was traveling with me--it was affecting the amounts on cashier's registers (You owe $17.17! or $22.22! and things like that), it was affecting the amounts on the gas pump... everywhere, this "imp" was waving at me in all kinds of ways.

It was when a friend of mine mentioned that she too was getting 11:11 signals... and then we decided it was the perfect time to pray for world peace. That has been the most satisfying answer of all, and I'm glad to see that someone else has interpreted the signals that way!

Use the prompts as reminders to pray for all--for the peace and happiness of all sentient beings, for example--and then you will be increasing your own peace as well, because you will be channeling the "signals" for eveyrone's good, instead of just getting tweaked by them!

Welcome to this amazing wonderful kind site, where you will meet lots of great folks. Never met such a goodhearted group!
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Post by sean mcguigan »

i am still getting the 3.33 and 4.44 messages - but a strange thing happened the other morning. I was still in bed watching tv when the channels started turning themselves over (now this bit may sound strange but its true) the satellite box went into what i had recorded and moved to a programme called haunted house which i had recorded the previous evening and just stopped at that . it scared both myself and my girlfriend big time - what does this mean if anything or was it just a coindeence ?

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Post by Geoff »

Dear Sean,

Hard to say. But don't get scared. Not even of ghosts. They exist, and we need to feel very sad for them.

"Slip your hand into the hand of God and you will never walk alone"
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Post by sean mcguigan »

still getting the prompts but the other night while again in bed sleeping a picture fell of the wall i looked at the time and it was 1.11 - dont know what to make of it

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Post by nobadges »

Again....don't be scared it's just a wake up call.
I work night shift driving and the last three nights I have been prompted with 333's on my odometers and the clock.
I just say out loud..."thanks guys for the prompt"
There's nothing to be scared or afraid of. :D
Ottawa Canada
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