A Theory (and an introduction)

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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A Theory (and an introduction)

Post by Mobalajee »

Hello everyone. I sought out information concerning 11:11 frequencies that have been occuring in my life for over five years now. I am new to these boards, and so I wanted to tell you about my situation as well as ask a few questions.

I am 30 yrs old, and a married mom of 5 kids. A few months before my mother passed away from brain metastasis of small cell lung cancer, it began. I would notice 11:11 on clocks on almost a daily basis, wake up at that exact moment (which is even more odd because I am an insomniac and once I fall asleep I am usually out), and other random events like that.

My mom was relatively young when she died and so was I. It was one of the most difficult things I've ever dealt with in my life. So naturally I chalked all of the occurances up to stress. But it continued. Then I became worried. But after a few years, I eased my anxiety over it because nothing bad was happeneing at those times.

Fourteen months ago, I gave birth to my fifth child. Before she was born, I began having really vivid dreams. So much so that I also began to write them down. I have since kept a daily running log. Not so weird, except for the fact that suddenly, several of these dreams have led to real life events happening withing 6-8 months. I know the dream is indicitive of something if I have it more than once. It's the only way I can tell. For instance, the day I found out I was pregnant with #5 I had just woke up from a dream of me, in a restauraunt with two relatives, holding a newborn whose hat kept changing colors from pink to blue. When I woke up I knew I was pregnant. We had not been trying for a baby and my period was not even late. But I took a test (and two more!) and all were positive.

Eight months before coming home to announce she had bought her first house, I had already dreamed of my step daughter's new place, and knew the exact address. Six months before a friend's apartment was burgalurized, I dreamed of that as well.

I can not explain why the dreams are connected to the numbers, I just have a gut feeling that they are.

Has anyone else out there experienced this?

Also, very recently, my fourth child's photographs all seem to have orbs floating in them. Only hers. And only beginning about a year ago. But in almost every single photo of her (including school pics and such, ones I haven't taken) are affected.

I have even experienced electrical disturbances. A particular CD player that I use a lot frequently turns off and on at random, and especially when my daughter has it in her room. And up until a few hours ago, I didn't know that 4:44 had any signifigance. 4:44 is the time my husband began noticing a lot starting two years ago. He's also had electrical disturbances. One night he was laying on the sofa about to fall asleep and the television turned on by itself. He shut it off, and it came back on. He shut it off again and said out loud "Do it again". It came back on. He got spooked and came up to bed with me. And I don't know if this is of any importance but my 13 year old son recenty confided in me that he's been seeing balls of light in his bedroom, on the wall. He said it's happened 3 times during the past 6 months or so. He said he wakes up for no reason in the middle of the night and they (2 balls) are there on the wall, just hovering. He said they fade after he tells them to. I now send him to bed with the camera in hopes of getting a pic of this.

I don't know why but like I said, I strongly feel this is all related and not coincidence. I was raised Catholic but I am not involved with any church. However, I very firmly believe in...something. I just don't know what to call it. Thing is, I didn't until I witnessed my mom take her last breath. I was the one in the room with her when she passed. And I can say with utmost certainty that we are part of something else. I just don't know what.

Anyway, back on the subject. Has anyone out there began experiencing the 11:11 phenominon as well as predictive or indicative dreams? And if so, do you feel they are related?
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Mobalajee

Welcome to our site. Sorry to hear you lost your mom at a young age.
I can not explain why the dreams are connected to the numbers, I just have a gut feeling that they are.
Meaningful dreams are created by our angelic guides. Not the same folks as the ones doing the time prompts, but they are all on the same team.

Have you read the threads in the first forum - FAQs. These will help a lot.

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Post by memawlaura »

:hithere Mobalajee,
I have not experienced the dreams but you might what to take a look into that particular physic ability. IMO we all possess all physic ability but some of us display more of a particular one. For instance, I'm an Intuitive Feeler and can sense when things will happen. I will think of someone and they will show up or call. This gift I experience like all my other 5 senses, but unfortunately I don't always pay attention to it. It also works to keep me out of trouble.

Many on the MB began their awakening with the passing of someone close. I did not catch if this happened before or after your mom's passing? Bless your Heart that your mom passed while you were young.

As for our children you might want to read about Indigo, Cyrstal and Rainbow children to answer some questions.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by lilly »

Hi Mobalajee,
Welcome to our site.
Love lilly xox :kiss:
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Post by sammy »

I have incredibly vivid dreams, and just with in the last month or so I have noticed some of the events in the dreams are very closely replicated in waking events. Nothing dramatic as yet, but my angels handle me with kid gloves, so I am certain they are getting me ready for something.

A few years ago I had a voice speak to me on (3 separate occasions) warning of 2 separate events, and then telling me to meditate for 4 hours a day! YES, 4 HOURS! Anyway, the voice freaked me out so bad that I think I have temporarily shuffled it away. Oh, the events came to pass within a couple months of hearing the message...still working on doing 4 hours a day though.

I have had some other experiences over the years that have freaked me out a bit as well. (All that wonderful Catholic upbringing will do that to you!)

Anyway, I think my angels now realized that they can't just wisk me off into something new too quickly or I freak and run. They have to ease me into it.

Thank you in advance Geoff for the reminder that fear is our only enemy. :love I'm still working on convincing myself of that, but I AM working on it!

Well, I am certainly quite the blow hole tonight! Sorry that was so long of a post, but I think I'll leave it.
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Post by starchild »

welcome to the boards. your experiences and your families experiences sound very interesting. don't be afraid of them.

within the last two years I've had stuff that I had mentioned casually come true.

for one - my BIL's brother passed away two years ago. the odd thing about it is that I had mentioned something about what would my BIL do if his brother passed away - my BIL has been declared legally disabled just this past year but we initially thought that he was exagerating his disability to avoid family functions (he wasn't). 1 week to the day his brother passed. It was kinda freaky.

my most recent one was last week - tuesday as a matter of fact.
My husband and I are applying to foster a friends child while he takes care of his legal problems in Florida. Anyway, our caseworker had come in for our final interview, and I had said something along the lines of if "Billy" was such a loser, wouldn't he have given up trying to get his son out of foster care by now? This was at 6:00PM..... Fast forward to 11:30pm that night. "Billy"s brother "John" called my husband all frantic because he "Billy" had sent him a text message saying he was throwing in the towel, and "john" couldn't get in touch with him by phone.

there are other instances but these are two of the freshest ones that I can recall at the moment.
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