Angel By My Side

We will list here stories almost too amazing to believe - when our spirit brothers and sisters turn up physically here to help us. This forum is only about angels physically helping us.
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Busy Bee
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Angel By My Side

Post by angellove »

Hi Everyone,

My first experience with the angels happened a few years back. I was just beginning to learn to communicate with them through cards, meditation, attunements and classes. I know I was connecting and they were there with me because I would get gentle touches on my right arm. I remember feeling something gently caressing my arm.

This stopped happening months later because I was stressed out about my job, not happy with myself for missing opportunities that I would have loved being involved with. I was in a dark, angry and negative place and I stayed there for quite a long time. I was no longer fun to be around nor did I see joy in daily activities. I just got frustrated and angrier that my life was not loving or peaceful or going according to my plans. Everyday I would meditate(or at least try to) and quiet my mind so I could connect, I would pray and ask for help with my situation and feelings. Nothing seemed to work. The more I tried to connect and ask for help, the more I felt abandoned because nothing was happening, the less nothing happened the more alone I felt. I was in this cycle for a while.

One day I just couldn't take it anymore. I had reached my limit. I had arrived home very angry, angrier than usual. I was not in a good place at all that day. Later that evening I had tried to quiet my mind once again and ask for guidance. Nothing happened. The way I felt that day, what happened earlier that day was going to come out. Unfortunately, I had spilled the anger, frustrations and negative talk to the Creator and the angels. I am not proud of this and I regret spewing my anger in their direction. I know they did not deserve it and that all they feel for me is love. At that time I did not think or care about who I was shouting out at and the words I was using. I was going to blame someone and because I had felt abandoned I decided Creator was to blame.

After lashing out and letting everything out I went about the rest of the evening. It was bed time and I was tired, mad and ready to doze off. I remember going into my bed getting comfortable, closing the light, then poof, out of nowhere, there's this invisible being lying next to me in my bed. It did not say a word, did not show itself to me in colour or anything else. It just laid there next to me. It felt like another human was there with me, lying next to me. It took the full length of the bed and I could feel warmth coming from it, it took the shape of a human form. Also, I felt the beings energy vibrating. It never stopped doing that. I was on the left side and this being was on the right. At first, I was shocked! I did not expect this to happen. Then fear came because I thought I was feeling so negative that a negative being came to my side. That thought quickly left because I just knew suddenly that it was an angel!

Now you would expect that I would be delighted, overjoyed maybe, fully awake, wanting to talk to the angel so that I could receive guidance and understanding. Right? Well....No. Not me! After about a minute the shock wore off, my anger came back. I remember saying to the angel--Now is when you come? I was having a bad day all day long and you decide to pop in and present yourself now? Now? When I'm tired and all I want to do is sleep! I don't have time for this or you nor do I care your here. I just want to sleep. If you want to stay-stay. If you want to leave-then leave. I rolled onto my left side, with my back to the angel. I felt it there until I feel asleep--which took maybe a couple of minutes.

I woke up the next morning alone. I was not sure what to think. I knew it happened and it wasn't a dream because I was fully awake. After about a minute I hit myself. What was I thinking? I had an angel pay me a visit--a real--"yes, we're real and yes, we did not abandon you visit"--I decide to tell it to get lost! I felt so bad and sad that I had not taken the opportunity to enjoy and be grateful for this loving gesture from the Creator and the angels.

You see, one of the things I said when I was shouting angrily at them was that they were not real. I was a fool to believe in something that could not be proved, seen or felt. It was all a con job. I told them if they wanted to make me believe that they truly existed they would have to come up with something tangible to make me believe. At the time, this was how I felt. I knew that they were not the cause of my problem, my choices were. The anger was so deep and bitter I could not stop myself from blaming the Creator and his loving helpers.

I do regret wasting that opportunity. Believe me! I have asked for forgiveness that morning I awoke. I knew that I had made a mistake. It would have been great to spend time with the angel, get to know it's vibration, receive warmth and love. I hope one day I'll have another opportunity to communicate in this loving manner.

I am very thankful and grateful that the Creator and the angels are with me each and every day. It's been a long hard road I've been walking. Many inner battles. I will always be grateful for the lesson I received from the angel by my side.


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Post by AustinRuth »

Dear angellove,
What a wondrous story! I read it with delight!
It makes you realize that the angels really listen to our thoughts or talks with them or to ourselves.
Sometimes I rant a bit aloud to myself when no one is around. Perhaps this helps "air out my mind"?
Maybe your ranting and going on was just your way to air out the debris. Perhaps there is a better way, but you have all of eternity to grow and find better ways to express your frustration. We are just little children, really.
I was thinking today that life is a series of events, some seemingly good or "lucky," and some difficult or "unlucky," but then, how much we learn or can learn from the "unlucky" events! I blew a tire on the highway, and that was "unlucky," but then it happened on a stretch of highway that actually had a way to pull off onto the access road to safely change the tire (lucky, since most of this part of the highway was a tangle of new exits and onramps, yet this stretch had a gentle grassy median next to it to pull off across), and lucky because some nice couple (angels or people who knows?) stopped and rendered aid and that was "lucky," and I got home safe, also "lucky." Though this event could have been really bad, the two nice young people who stopped made it a good event for me. I like to think that they were young people on their way to live a good life and my dilemma was a way for them to practice the good deeds that would help them in their soul growth, too. Or, if they were angels, I must be here for a reason, though I have a difficult time figuring out just what that reason or purpose is! Perhaps with meditation and prayer I can figure that out! After all, I am still just a little child in so many ways, it could take awhile to "grow" into this understanding.

The angels trully do watch out for us. You have been honored, and you now do realize that and that is all that matters. Does a parent stop loving her little child when the child pouts and turns away? No! The parent smiles and realizes that the child is merely a child and has many years to mature and grow. They know we will grow up and be a beautiful soul in our giving out our love to others in the world, including the grouches and the people who are hurting inside, just as inside of us we are beautiful right now.

I, too, have felt the gentle touch of invisible hands during a Reiki healing years ago. They were there to remind me that it was all so very real and that they were very much a part of all that is of light and healing and love. It is a wonder to experience this. That you could actually see this being is trully wonderful.

Thanks for sharing your story here! I trully loved reading it and please share again! - Ruth
Faith, Love, and Hope! from AustinRuth
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Post by MichelleP »

Hi Angellove,

You have nothing to feel sorry about. You asked and you received. You probably received at your inconvenient time because your energy was in a more relaxed state then you were when you did the actual asking. That being said there isn't anything you can do to upset your angels because they are unconditional love. They understand you were angry and know that it isn't about learning to never be angry but learning that we can be angry and still love ourselves and be loved anyways. If you didn't get angry or sad or whatever you would never make any attempts at self and/or life improvement. So you see, nothing to fret about. Your angels are not mad at you and you should not be mad at yourself either. How cool was that vision.

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Post by Sandy »

Hello Angellove, Ruth, and Michelle,
I have to tell all three of you wonderful ladies how much I have enjoyed reading your posts here. You all have touched my heart today with your love and wisdom.
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Post by angellove »

Hi AustinRuth, Michelle and Sandy,

Thank you for your wonderful comments. I had felt bad for acting out that way when it happened and I thought I had pushed the angels away. Now I know no matter what they are by my side 24/7.

Since then I have gained so much more knowledge, my connection and communication with my angels has grown stronger and deeper.

I am very happy that I did not let that experience stop me from continuing on with my journey and learning to communicate. I don't know where I'd be today if I had.

AustinRuth, I am happy that you were kept safe on that stretch of highway. It is amazing when you least expect it, angels come to help.


Angellove :D
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