I'm being stalked...

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Jenny L
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I'm being stalked...

Post by Jenny L »

Yes, I am being stalked by 1111, 111, 11. I know you all understand.

I have been a lurker on the site for a while but I have been seeing these numbers so many times in the past few weeks that I am reaching out. A part of me is curious and a part of me is very skeptical. This is not the first time unexplained things have happened to me, but I just don't understand why it is happening to me. And I get very frusterated because if someone is trying to get in contact with me, how can I receive these messages. I am a very black and white person who doesn't have a lot of patience at times. I guess I am just looking for a flashing billboard with a message on it, lol. :lol:

My life has been pretty much insane over the past few years. My grandfather past away, and my beloved mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Dealing with that, stress at my job, and family issues have left my head spinning at times. I feel like I am trapped in a box and can't get out. I think that is why I have become so sensitive to seeing these numbers.

I just wanted to share my story and see if anyone had any tips for a clunk-head like myself.
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Post by nobadges »

You've been chosen to receive these prompts simply because you are receptive to them. Over time it will increase and the messages will become clear.
Just let it happen and make sure to acknowledge the prompts out loud.
Seeing as you are new to the site go read the FAQ's in the first forum.
Also, order George's CD and start meditating regularly.

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Post by Amigoo »

make sure to acknowledge the prompts out loud
I haven't found this to be necessary. After that thought occurred to me, I looked at my computer time display: 10:10.

... immediately after posting a comment on Health yesterday: 11:08.

... and usually miscellaneous prompts daily without one verbal acknowledgement.

But respond verbally if you choose - the exercise may help create the frequent mental alignment which makes verbal confirmation optional. Of course, a prompt noticed suggests conciousness of that prompt. And frequent consciousness of our celestial companions is a primary goal of prompting.
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Post by Katie »

when im alone I say HEY out loud lol, but in public I sort of do this finger pointing thing and smile while looking up! 8)
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Post by Katie »

Jenny, sorry to hear that you have been going thru some rough times, I know how it feels to be "trapped" these numbers are a sign to you that things are getting better, and that you have to trust your angels in guiding you, they are trying to tell you that after EVERY storm, comes a beautiful rainbow!
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Post by lilly »

Hi Jenny,
Can relate to your story, just different circumstances. How comforting to know our friends are with us.....hope you're feeling better. Looking forward to hearing about your future experiences. Welcome!!!
Love lilly xox
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Post by lilly »

Hello and Welcome Katie.....Nice to meet you.
Love lilly xx :D
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Post by Katie »

Hi Lily, Thanks for the welcome!...It's nice to meet you to!
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Post by SheraX »


Welcome :)
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Post by blaynelannan »

Hello and welcome!

I am happy that you have found this site. As your awareness grows I believe you will find clarity.

if you look around you will find folks just like you, experiencing the same or similar "stuff."

My belief is we are moving through a radical "consciousness shift" globally, and "we" have been lucky enough to be woken up a little early.

I wish you peace...don't be a skeptic, there are way to many of those in the world.


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Post by SIM_672 »

i have to say that im pretty skeptical as well, keep thinking maybe i just look at the clock to much. ive an open mind but im also very concrete and im not one to just take someones word without proof. almost every day i see 11:11 on the clock. but also see alot of say 9:11,7:11 just random. its cool to think that maybe this is a spiritual thing where im being contacted. ive always had a good imagination and love spiritual topics however i just dont except these things without cold hard proof. i see the 11's alot enough that i know point them out to my girlfriend who just thinks im nuts.

i mean why not come to me in a dream that would be so vivid and real that it would be hard to deny. to sit and listen to ones thoughts and believe that they are not your own is not the proof i want. theres to much to that the human mind is to complex and to think that the thoughts are that of an angel put me on defense. just not sure i could except it as anything but my own mind.

if these angels can make me look at a clock for no reason and see 11:11 then why cant they do something more tangible?
im open to believe beings exist out side of human reality. im not doubting anything just like to question everything :)
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Post by Geoff »

SIM_672 wrote: to think that the thoughts are that of an angel put me on defense. just not sure i could except it as anything but my own mind.
Well science can now prove that this happens.
SIM_672 wrote: if these angels can make me look at a clock for no reason and see 11:11 then why cant they do something more tangible?
im open to believe beings exist out side of human reality. im not doubting anything just like to question everything :)
Yeah like what exactly? Plenty of folks have seen with their own wide awake eyes and not believed.

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I'm new

Post by KateD »

Hi All,
I've been seeing these numbers too for about a year. At first i didn't know what was going on, then i found this website and it all made sense.

A few of my friends were a bit weary of all this, but i am the one experiencing it and it's a wonderful feeling. Since it all started happening my live had turned round for the better. I just wish i could communicate more with the guardians? Any ideas?

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Re: I'm new

Post by Geoff »

KateD wrote:Hi All,
I've been seeing these numbers too for about a year. At first i didn't know what was going on, then i found this website and it all made sense.

A few of my friends were a bit weary of all this, but i am the one experiencing it and it's a wonderful feeling. Since it all started happening my live had turned round for the better. I just wish i could communicate more with the guardians? Any ideas?

Dear Kate,

Welcome. Well they can certainly hear you, its you that has to work on hearing them! And for most of us that's via meditation, and many folks have found the Akashic Construct, a CD, very useful.

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Post by SIM_672 »

so ive read the q&a sections and it seams that the perfered way of conecting is via meditation? is the only means via meditation? as i have 5 kids(all daughters) gulp! so a quiet spot to meditate ??? not in my house :)

and what is there msg? from looking thru the boards here its not clear as to why these 11's are within the last couple years so prevelant? if its the state of mind why dont they come thru in dreams? is it the perhaps i dont remember them or maybe they have in ways that im not recognizing?

also does anyone think that there is any coralation to my recent 11's and the fact that the time of birth on my birth certificate is at 11:11am on june 1. also are there any connections with things like my first and last name add up to 11? my street addy on my home is 38 3+8=11. and there have been others i bought my home around the same time as i really started to see 11's alot.

like i said im someone that doesnt like to take the word of man. based on the bible god suggests that we question everything, expecially the word of another man. i also consider myself very spiritual, but not religious in the sense of going to church, as again there are trust issues when it comes to this topic and humankinds way of twisting to make things work in their favor. not sure if i explained that in quite the right way but hopefully you understand :)
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Post by AJ »

Hi Jenny and welcome.

I am a lot like you. Alwasy skeptical, always questioning and wanting a clear answer but it won't come that way. You have to meet them half way and put in the work too. It is not easy to have actual contact. You must practice stilling your mind on a daily basis and then maybe one day it will happen for you. Good luck. As far as your question of why you? I ask you Why not you! Why not anyone for that matter. We all can do the same things as anyone else. No one is more or less special than anyone else we might just choose to do things differently or some things may come easier to others but we can all learn to find the still voice in our minds if we choose to put the time in.

Happy New Year, good luck and may God bless you on your journey!
"Hesitate no longer to become love!" - Our Divine Mother
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