Confused (11:11)

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Confused (11:11)

Post by euad1111 »

Hello all!

I have been seeing 11:11 for quiet sometime and never thought about it that much. Over the last 2 or 3 months it has become more frequent. Even just the number 11 comes to me whether it's on paper or emails etc.. When I started researching this more over the last month I realized how much 11 or 11:11 has been part of my life. Not only am I seeing the 11:11 on digital, but I was married 3/11 and was looking over some records and notice I was born 10/20 at 11:11am.

Tell me does this mean anything, I am still confused

thank all
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Hi Ed.

What are you confussed about? Have you read the Frequently Asked Questions thread? It is a good place to start.
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11:11 Confused

Post by ODAAT »

Hi Ed,
Welcome to our family !!!
It is important to discerne between confusion and fear,this is one of your many wake up calls.
Awaken to feel your feelings with your peacefull heart ,and embrace your indweller.
We will be with you,as you trudge the road of happy destiny.
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Post by Sandy »

Hello Ed,
It is very nice to meet you. Can you explain a little more about what is truly confusing you?
I suppose you could get a hundred different opinions as to whether your birth numbers and marriage numbers are important in regards to the prompt but in my humble opinion, what is truly important is the way you react and receive the prompts you receive today. The past is gone and has no more bearing on the future. It is what you do now that is truly important. Good for you for reseaching and digging into the meanings of the prompts.. It is a great beginning. However, one of the best places is often overlooked... look within as well.

Welcome to the message board. :D
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Post by euad1111 »

hello everyone,

My confusion is what does it mean and am I suppose to do something?
I feel like something/someone is trying to get my attention. For some reason I know that if or when I figure it out, my whole life will change.
Sorry if this sound silly!

thank you all.
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Post by blue nova »

Hello Ed,
I feel like something/someone is trying to get my attention. For some reason I know that if or when I figure it out, my whole life will change.
Sorry if this sound silly!
no are right on !!
My confusion is what does it mean and am I suppose to do something?
well....what i did was start meditating....stilled the mind to find out Who was trying to 'get a hold' of me and why.
my whole life will change.
yes it will. i was determined and sincere in my seeking...and my life ways that i never would have imagined :cheers:

Last edited by blue nova on Sun Nov 02, 2008 12:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Geoff »

Dear Ed,

Welcome to our site.

Well we hope that each person on this world changes their life, one at a time.

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Hi Everyone

Post by sammiesees »

:loves Hello everyone my name is Samantha and I have been seeing 11:11 now consistenly 2x a day for 3 months. I have since the age of three (according to my mother) spoken to spirits at least she said I said hello to my dead grampa at 3 years old, and have continued to accept my high psychic abilities that are a part of my life. I see things, I hear things I know things are happening that are not always good, and I could go on and on. I started mentioning 11:11 to my family when I started seeing it 3 months ago they brushed it off.. I knew from the 3rd time third day in that something was going on! I did a search of course on 11:11 and so much came up I was confused just like others have mentioned! I realize completely that everything is explained in this forum but its also very scary when you are trying to decipher these Midwayers speaking to George and its not something I for one moment do not experience, I have a spirit in my home .. but of a different kind, and I know he is here, and I know alot of things that would scare people into thinking Im nuts in my family or even strangers so I stay low key! but coincidences are an everyday thing for me of COURSE i KNOW COINCIDENCES are signs, but I didn't realize that 11:11 was going to have such a great impact on me. I was going to write a book funny enough I started 4 years ago called "What is my Purpose? Is this your question or mine? Funny isn't it? But here I am 43 years old and I am seeing 11:11 but the thing is although I realize there is a cd I can buy I am petrified to try and sit still (which is something very rare for me to be able to do) can't even relax for a massage! shame! But I know someone needs me! I understand why people are posting that they are confused, and you have explained it, but if this has been happening for years and happening to so many people how come the people I associate with family? acquaintances haven't seen it.. why me? I guess I want to go and have a session as I printed out just now in a quiet room and ask to talk to someone! But I am petrified has anything bad happened to anyone. Are these midwayers always good to us? I feel very special I always knew that everyone that breathes on Earth has to be here for a reason, and I am jumping from job to job unhappy and I keep asking what is my purpose here! Will I be able to ask for an answer? Has anybody actually asked and got this answer? I am CONFUSED what can I say? I am scared to do my first session because I think someone will come through and that scares me!

Thank you for your time...
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Post by blue nova »

hello and good morning Samantha :hithere

i also see 'them'....and have had many experiences. when someone close passes away...i see them when they visit to say goodbye and to let me know that they are doing just fine.
Are these midwayers always good to us?
yes...always in all ways. :D :happy
Will I be able to ask for an answer? can ask or do whatever you want to....if you are determined and
seek with sincerity.
am CONFUSED what can I say? I am scared to do my first session because I think someone will come through and that scares me!
that's natural. the product of our own minds....we are the ones in control of our own minds...if we do not want to fear anymore, then we can correct it ourselves. fear comes naturally when we experience things that we do not totally understand.

i have come to understand that ' meditation does a body and soul good '.. :D :D :wink:

since i started, my anxiety level has dropped along with my blood pressure, i am calmer, things that used to bother me no longer do....i focus eating habits changed for the better....the list goes on,
it has had such a positive change that i can hardly believe it myself...

also..i understand better now...who 'they' are and what 'they' are all about.

we live in a physical world...sometimes, we forget about our soul-self and that part of our lives.....

spirits, 'ghosts', super-natural experiences....they are souls just like us, only without their physical shells...we've just kinda forgot about that part of our lives is all....
I always knew that everyone that breathes on Earth has to be here for a reason
you will find your answer. if you want to, it is all up to you :D

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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello & welcome Samantha,
Are these midwayers always good to us I feel very special I always knew that everyone that breathes on Earth has to be here for a reason
I agree with that one Sam, like an intricate piece of the whole jigsaw??

Petra xxx
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Help Me

Post by sammiesees »

I am having very hard times in my life, my commonlaw husband has just told me he is leaving me after 10 years.. hates me not going to elaborate but today I saw 11:11 many different ways. On November 11th @ 11am or pm how can I use this time, what am I to do! I have read and read and still feel I dont understand I have tried to sit quietly clearly someone is trying to tell me something this I get but why all the unhappiness what happens on November 11? :cry: :duh :pale:
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Post by George »

Hi Samantha,


The Midwayers are always, and in all ways, vouched for by their Seraphic Superiors.

Nothing escapes the Angels.

God bless.....
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Post by Sandy »

Dear Samantha,

I am so sorry to hear of your heartache with your common law husband. My thoughts and my prayers are with you and if you ever need to talk or unload please know that I care.

I know this 11:11 prompting can be a bit confusing and maybe even a little scary for some in the beginning but it does usually pass. Your confusion seems to stem from your wanting instant answers to what these numbers mean to you, but to be honest only you can answer that. It really isn't difficult if you will simply slow down...take your spiritual journey as it comes... hmmm... that wasn't very clear was it?...It is so hard to put it into words... As you mentioned earlier I believe we each are unique and have our own purpose here on earth. The best way to find that purpose is to "look within"... I know you probably have read that here many times before and it may not make a lot of sense to you right now, but I just had a thought... If you have difficulties sitting still for a more classic kind of meditation, you might prefer and have better success journaling for a time.. Maybe start out by journaling your feelings. This may help you in this difficult time too... I have found by getting my thoughts on paper it helps me to get to the heart of what I am really feeling and sort of gets the hurts and pains out as well. When I am upset..I seem to "reve up" and it is nearly impossible to sit still but journaling quietens the inner and outer me and gives me a wonderful outlet for my emotions. It seems once the thoughts and feelings are recorded on paper it is also easier to let them release them and then I feel so much better.

I don't know if you are still afraid of meditation and the Midwayers as you were in your first post...but if you are it is best you forego meditation for awhile. Perhaps read a bit more especially in the Celestial messages forum where Celestial messages are posted. You will see from those messages that love colors everything the Midwayers and other Celestials do and they always have our best interest at heart. You may consider too getting to know the other members of the board, ask questions and share your thoughts and experiences. (You may have noticed we are a pretty friendly lot.) Of course, none of us can really tell you how to solve the problems that life seems to throw at you, but we will certainly stand beside you and support you as best we can till you feel steady on your feet again.

So please take care of yourself Samantha, and are special... a much loved child of the Source of all things...

{{{Hugs}}} :loves
I just realized didn't answer this question...
November 11th @ 11am or pm how can I use this time, what am I to do
It isn't the date 11:11 that is important. 11:11 stands for 1,111 loyal Midwayers who have been helping humans here on earth for a very long time. It is these wonderful beings who are prompting you and wishing to say hello and get to know you better. Say hello Back to them as you would to any friend you pass on the street when you see the 11's..It is a good beginning to any friendship. :)
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Post by sammiesees »

Thank you so much for your kind words....they helped alot .. God Bless
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Post by sammiesees »

I am going to meditate tonight for the first time and speak to my though adjusters.. I need help, I meant to do it this morning but fought all night with my guy and didn't sleep slept thru 11:11am wow hahaha how wierd its exactly 10:11 here in canada I just happened to look at the time. One hour to go! Wish me luck hope everyone had a good day today! Still confused on what to say but I did mark the meditation you tube video as a favorite to help me tonight! God Bless u all xoxo
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Samantha,
You wrote:
I am going to meditate tonight for the first time and speak to my though adjusters..

Any attempt you make at getting close to your Adjuster and God will be a blessing whether you notice anything or not at first...Things are happening! You angels and the Source rejoice with your efforts! :D
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Post by sammiesees »

WEll it went well I think. I asked if anyone was there.. I saw the name Miranda in my head dont' know anyone by that name. I asked for happiness and love and I kept seeing BE TRUE TO YOURSELF.. not a phrase I use often.. hmmmmm so let me know what you think?
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Samantha,
I saw the name Miranda in my head dont' know anyone by that name.
Sounds like a great beginning to a beautiful friendship! :D

Some very wise advice for all of us!
Hope you keep at it... It just keeps getting better. :thumright:
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Post by sammiesees »

So what do you think?
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Samantha,
I'm sorry. I wasn't very clear was I? What you experienced with the name and message could be a first introduction. It has begun this way with others that I know, but because we are each different it can be quite varied... Often a name comes foward in the brain unbidden... and you did ask...right? :D Of course this is just my opinion...How did you feel when you received it? How do you feel about the message? Even though it is is a big topic and could have far reaching meaning for you...Try meditating on the message., "Be true to yourself." and see what comes down any thoughts and memories etc... Sometimes it can be very surprising and personally enlightening.
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Post by sammiesees »

Thank you so much again! Yep all day today I would look over at the clock randomly with the same lady for most of the day.. and I kept seeing 3:11 or 6:11 8:11 pm and she was freaked out! Anyway yeah the last time we were talking about things and about this whole new experience I am going through (hard to try and explain without sounds nuts!) anyway we looked at the time and it was 8:11pm and then my mother called (thats who we were talking about). I think the route to alot of my life is due to Mother issue! But never really thought about it.. and then the phone rang! Anyway .. will talk later! I have had the flu terribly bad and just started a new job my first day alone is tomorrow and been ill so been hard to concentrate so a lil nervous. Anyway thank you again for reading and taking your time to respond.

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Post by Sandy »

Hi Samantha,
I too have had mother issues. I love my Mom to pieces and could never understand why I felt some resistance to her for a time (years) in my life...Then, one day in meditation I got quiet for a time and asked for any issues I was holding within to come to the surface...This thing came roaring to the surface and I was so surprised... I honestly had no idea it was there. I wound up looking at the long ago issue from all angles and asked myself questions so that I could get to the bottom of the problem and even see what had happened from my mother's side as well. I finally understood and felt like I could let it go and I did with a little help from my Angels and I felt so much better later... so free and clear and it showed in our relationship from that time on. It was like an invisible barrier had fallen and we were free to have the relationship we both truly always wanted. Perhaps you will find some comfort in what others have written in dealing with their own Mother issues on this message board thread. Lets Start With Mothers ( thread gone )

I'm sorry to hear you have been ill. The flu can really knock you about for awhile. Long after the germs are gone you can still feel so tired and drained. You will be in my thoughts tomorrow and I will say a prayer for you on your first day alone at work. Try not to worry or dwell on what could go wrong but rather think as positively as you can and envisage how you want the day to go a head of time... You are trained and ready for this...You'll do great! This is your opportunity to shine so have a good time with it. Hope you have a Great day! :sunny:
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Post by sammiesees »

YOU are such a sweetheart thank you very much. Unfortunately I had to leave work early today 3 hours early I was so ill! I work in a call center so I wasn't alone, but it was strange I couldnt log into the system and nobody was there on a Sunday to fix things so I couldnt' really do anything. The supervisor said I was too ill and I should go home. I dont think I will be going in tomorrow temp. 100.3 and I am too weak to even go into Safeway right now to get juice and stuff, and my guy is working late (he is a Chef) dont see the likes of him for hours! Anyway are wonderful person.

God Bless
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