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Post by peacockplume »

Hi LIlly,

The throat thing only lasted one night for me,,,,I attacked it right away with T Tree OIl.....but whatever the 'virus' was,,,,is,,,,it's running it's course,

Cool you noticed the post numbers,,,,,we had fun when we saw the 1111 post come around......just interesting.....

I can't seem to keep focused to meditate,,,,I start off good,,,,then really end up in la la's rather weird....then I remember what I was supposed to be doing..... sometimes it's like one of those snakes and ladders games.....up ,.,. down,,, and a few sideways trips....
probably being sick has something to do with it.....I think my best bet tonight is just to go into the healing circle,,,,if I fall asleep in there,,,it's ok....

see you all tomorrow...

love pp
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Post by lilly »

Hi pp,
I went to a Christmas launch for the make up company and had a great night.....I think I've found my place in the work force....I'm feeling positive......and seeing so many happy people tonight just lifted my spirits.....Yippee!!!!
Love lilly xxx
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Lilly,

Always your spirit being lifted is wonderful and just think about all the new ones you can share your light with.

I sure wish the same my way, I've been out of a paid job for 3 yrs. I can flip burgers nor do I want to, my legs just wont allow it thats why I went to college was to avoid standing on my feet and legs. I really need to move to a place with work, I tried to find something over the internet but nothing that doesnt cost $$.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by lilly »

Hi Laura,
I really feel I'm being guided in the right direction.....every woman there last night....all ages...looked radiant....this is the kind of people I want to be around......they hug and take care of one another. The door is there....time to walk through it...even though I'm a little shaky from everyone here and our friends has helped me to mend....Bless you all so much.....
Laura, I hope you find your workplace real soon where you feel valued and actually enjoy going.
Love lilly xxxx :kiss:
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Lilly,
That is so wonderful and how truly blessed you are, so be radiant with all those nurturing souls.

I have hope that one day I can do exactly what I always wanted and earn a living at it, I just need to figure out what that is? :lol: :lol: :lol:
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by lilly »

You would make a great counsellor, helping people sort out there feelings and thoughts....just a have a great mind...and a huge heart...Love you sis. Thanks for the encouragement....
lilly xxxx :D :D
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Post by gypsie »

Hi there my beauties

Well I have started a full-time job so I am in the land of work... :shock: I'm with a Government Department which is responsible for social housing needs and I tell you there are hundreds a day. I am so tired I can hardly sit here...Oh Lily I do hope we get together soon that would be so nice.. You all sound great, happy and balanced..

There was no way I could read it all but the vow of silence Petra that made me chuckle, that father-in law of yours makes it impossible to not say something, I want to and I live in Australai :lol: :lol:
Better go and get ready for another day URGH, Billy auditioned for a play in Sydney tonight at the Sydney theratre Company, it's such a beautiful place to visit on the harbour in sydney Thesbians running around everywhere. That boy just loves that world!!!

OK better go I am truly finding it hard to focus..

Remember I love you all very much and yES Sandy I feel it when I close my eyes and reach out to you all...

With love in my heart Gypsie
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The Secret

Post by angel91124 »

I love "the Secret" I have the CD and I listen to it all the time. It makes so much sense. It has helped me change, I am still working at it, as it is very hard to keep positive sometimes, but I am getting better at it. I thank God and his angels every day for all they have done for me and given me and for always being there. I wish everyone could watch the movie or listen to the CD. I gave my sister the book but she didn't get it! I try explaining to her but she is having a hard time with her children right now and can't focus on what I am trying to tell her. I keep telling her to think positive and let things go, but she can't. I will keep trying hoping that one day, she will get it.
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Lilly,

Thanks for that input about being a counselor. When I attended college I considered that study, at that time I had not learned to let others live their lives. I could see myself getting doing more harm than good if they did not take the advice given :lol: :lol: . Now, I have come to the understanding that I can give advice and let go of the emotions of them not taking it. I think so many careers encompass counselling, because if you dont know something and you seek knowledge someone must give you counsel :idea: . Since, I came to the MB I've grown considerably and have the belief its a foundation that I will take out into the world with me and do as you noticed counsel. I just need to feel confident enough to venture out. I try to do this with spreading my light and here its easy, but among the masses even family its much more difficult. They only see you for what you were and not what your becoming. Perhaps, I would have better success with those that dont know my history :wink:

:cheers: Gypsy,
So, happy to hear your working not a moments rest with you dear lady. You can sure spread that beautiful light in the position you hold.

Nice to hear Billy is a Thesbian, I can remember when my daughter was in the organization. It seems he has found his passion and thats always a Good Thing.

:D angel91124,

Now you've said it to your sister and showing her will be another thing. As she sees you grow and your light grows brighter she will ask her questions and seek guidance. For now you've planted the seed and its up to her to grow it. The best advice I've received on this MB is we are no help until we help ourselves than you will be the 'shining light' they will seek.
Love and Peace Always,

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the secret

Post by angel91124 »

Your right,memawlaura, I just hope she one day understands it and wants to. It is so powerful and wonderful once you get it! God bless
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Post by lilly »

Hi Gypsie,
Congrats on your new job...I hope Billy gets the exciting....You're in my thoughts all of you xxooxx
Hi Laura,
Family issues are difficult for anyone to work out......with strangers you have no emotional attatchment....especially age old ones...Lol
It's awful when people lock you into an older version of who and what you were....or are...does that make sense.... :scratch:
We're not locked in.....and we must open the cage door, get out...and start flying....with Our Father gently guiding us toward our Heart's desire.
Hi angel,
Your sister will more than likely follow your lead...and I pray she finds the messages in The Secret. Some people are audio learners, perhaps listening to it may work better for her....or she'll learn by osmosis...just being around you.
Love lilly xxxx :loves :kiss:
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Post by aqualeaf »

Hi all you Beauty Beings LUV2,

I just wanted to say hi and let you all know I'm still here, keeping up with this thread as best I can! :lol: :D Though it's just about impossible at this point to keep track of everything that's been said here lately :shock:, I'll respond to what I can remember so far right now :D :
Laura wrote:Dont worry yourself over this economy just remember Our Father will provide for us and we may just have to experience a little discomfort to get where were going but it will be well worth the journey.
Laura, thanks for that advice, which I've thought of several times recently, and for your prayers! :happy I hope you soon find an ideal job you love that makes use of your skills, intelligence and gifts as a lightworker, and that you can do without having to stand on your feet all day! :finger:

I finally got around to setting up an altar in our art room (all the art supplies are poised here, ready to go whenever we are! :lol:), where I placed some large turkey vulture feathers from Monte Rio that we received, seemingly as gifts, there (a couple placed right next to our car, and one perfectly centered at the sliding-glass doorway to our back porch one morning! :D) and other sacred objects. Each day I've also been drawing one card each from four of Doreen Virtue's different angel card decks and setting them on this altar for the day, in order to be constantly reminded of the angels' presence and support. It's so cool and comforting; in the past week, I've drawn the "Abundance" card from her "Healing with the Angels" deck three days in a row! :colors: This card says that an inflow of abundance is coming, and advises using the affirmation, "I accept good graciously into my life. All of my needs are met abundantly for me now and always." On one of the three days, right in the middle of reading this affirmation out loud, I glanced at the clock and it was 4:44pm! :happy That seems like a great sign! :D

Lilly, thanks for your kind words too! :D It's great to hear that you've found a place you enjoy in the work world! :colors: That's interesting, the idea that if the left nostril is streaming it's sorrow (and/or feminine, as PP said), and if it's the right nostril, it's anger (and or masculine). A couple nights after reading that, I dreamed that I got a sudden nosebleed out of my left nostril. :shock: I remembered you'd said that the left nostril was for sorrow, and I also remembered that nosebleeds are supposed to be an expression of the inner child feeling neglected and unloved, or something like that, according to Louise Hay's book. So that fits; it is probably symbolic of the sorrow of the neglected inner child :sad:, since I seem to have been processing a lot of old feelings and memories from childhood and my teenage years lately. I, too, am amazed, PP, that you no longer have any repressed sorrow or anger; that's quite an accomplishment! :colors:

PP, I hope you're getting over that cold! :shaking: I enjoyed the piece-of-tissue-paper-in-each-nostril story, and the lost-garlic-clove story as well! :lol: I also always enjoy your garden and herbal talk, and that's great that you got an in-town office for Tranquility Base! :D I'm also glad to hear that Mo is doing well! :D This quote of yours stood out for me:
PP wrote:there will come a time,,,,when those in the 'light' energy,,,will be supporting each other,,,,because the economy 'won't" be able to...
Thanks again for PM-ing me that Abraham lesson, as I also said in answer to that PM! The current economic situation here is an excellent learning situation for following the principles of Abraham, since one pretty much cannot just let their vibration be a response to "observing 'what is'" and have a high, joyous vibration! :lol: Instead, it is a strong encouragement to do what Abraham is suggesting, and to selectively and consistenly focus on "what we do want" instead of "what we don't want," and, as they are always recommending, to not let anyone or anything outside of ourselves determine our vibration for us.

Kim, glad to hear that you were thinking of me; thanks! :D I also had to chuckle at the images you conjured for me of the piece of garlic from between PP's toes becoming sentient and taking over the world! Maybe it would grow huge and rampage through city streets, knocking over buildings like Godzilla, with people running everywhere screaming! :lol:

Congratulations on getting your Child Development Accreditation, and best of luck with continuing to find ways to take time for your creativity and your own well-being now that your done with that. As I've recently found out, it can take a while, after a big push, to unwind from it enough to get back into the swing of honoring our own needs and taking time for ourselves! :roll: Glad you're over that "broken glass" throat; those kind are the worst! :shaking:

Don, thanks for noticing that we passed post 2222 (and that Lilly got the honor of posting that one)! :D I remember back when Gypsie Deb posted #1111! At that time, I made a little image to commemorate it, and, just to celebrate, I'll go ahead and repeat it, with updated information, now that we've gotten to 2222:


:colors: :colors: :colors: Long live this thread! Yay! :colors: :colors: :colors:

Gypsie Deb, great to see you! :D Glad to hear you've found a job and that Billy is continuing to progress in his theatre career! :D

Pet, by the way, you always have the greatest stories -- I really enjoyed your "Lesson on Charity" story on another thread; your ability to find humor in difficult circumstances is such a great gift, both for yourself and for everyone you talk to! May a flow of abundance soon arrive for you and your family! :D

Angel91124, as others have mentioned, you have at least planted a seed in your sister's mind with your talk about the Secret, so that sometime when the time is right and she's ready, she may embrace it like you have. :thumleft:

Well, all right, I'd best get going for tonight! It's great talking with you all, and I look forward to hopefully getting back into the swing of writing in more often! :D

Lots of love to all LUV2,
Aqua Deb
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Post by lilly »

Hi AquaDeb,
The left and right thing I heard about was when sometimes tears fall from only one gives an indicator as to what's behind it....sadness/left anger /right. Nostrils would be the same I guess....Lol
I loved your banner for 2222 posts.....this is such a wonderful place....each person bringing something heartfelt to the pot....Life is so much richer for knowing you all here....all the bumps and calamities which befall us being softened by kind words of encouragement and sometimes things we are not wanting to hear or face... :oops: The truth sometimes feels uncomfortable especially when we have to move from our comfort zone...... There's plenty of Love and support here......I need it very much I tread my path. Always ready to embrace someone elses slant on things. Lovely to see you here.
Love lilly xxxx :D :D
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello Everyone, Gypsy wrote:
that father-in law of yours makes it impossible to not say something, I want to and I live in Australai :lol: :lol:
Well, Phil asked them to stay away for now, until our financial situation is more stable and he isn't working every day-light hour! Said we're not able to receive visitors! I had to laugh my head off when he said that! "...not able to receive visitors?" Who syas that?? :lol:
I would love a visit from my sister Sue. I miss her very much.

Thank you Aqua, we received another bountiful bag of luxury goodies...anonomously this time. I don't feel 100% comfortable though, but Thalia said as she shared out half a bar of posh chocolate: "We're eating better these days since we arrived here!!" :oops:
May a flow of abundance soon arrive for you and your family!
Thank you! I'd like to wish the same for everyone here. :D

Love to you All, Pet XXX
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hey Ya'll,

Nice to see you posting AquaDeb and your very much welcome. It has been how I've made it through this last few years. I really shelved it several months ago and ready to move to the next level. You will think this is funny, but most of you know I needed dentist work and I'm still waiting, so I asked PP last night perhaps I can manifest them or maybe wont need any at all after our ascension :idea: . This is how I've come to live in our crazy world, I choose humor, hope and trust that it will be done.
You take care and send love to Ron and giver yourself some me time.

:happy Angel,

You just need to be you and that big bright light will guide her in this turbulent world we live in. She knows you her sister and when she's ready you will know.

:sunny: Lilly,
You Wrote:
The left and right thing I heard about was when sometimes tears fall from only one gives an indicator as to what's behind it....sadness/left anger /right. Nostrils would be the same I guess....Lol
Where did you get this from? I've been trying to learn about left/right side functions?

Just like you Lilly, I have found a home where I'm not being judged for what I speak of and if I'm getting it right. Gentle nudges and family now support me through all experiences. So, thank you all for being my family and may we enjoy endless years together growing and loving.

:shock: Pet,
Alls I have to do is go dumpster diving for groceries to be delivered :lol: :lol: . Honestly, I'm moved by your community and humility is a wonderful tool to possess, so not to cloud the issues.

"Not able to receive visitors", :o :o way to go Phil!!! Stand by your man Pet and let him run, it will be a ride to impress you. Lets all give our thanks what we do have and need and quit the worry about everything else. You and yours will be in my prayers and Bless your Hearts Pet and Phil.

:D Oh where Oh where have PP and Kim gone. You ladies need to dive into the Circle of Light and take a sauna or something. I will keep praying you both are feeling stronger and healther each minute of your days.

Okay everyone lets have some tea and enjoy this beautiful day!!
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by lilly »

Hi Laura,
If pp is not well she will put herself in the Circle of Light and receive the wonderful healing. Lots of people have told me they've been sick for weeks and it sort of lingers Mum and brother got a flu, got over it and then back it came...I'm thinking of pp and sending her lots of Love and healing thoughts..
Love lilly xxxx :D :D
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Post by aqualeaf »

Oh yeah, PP, I forgot to answer your question in my last post: The name of the chair yoga video (though the name's slightly misleading since it actually works for people of all ages) is "Zookinesis Age Reversal Exercises: Chair Exercises for Seniors." by martial arts master and zoologist Bob Klein. Zookinesis is exercise based on the movements of animals, which I found to be an innately cool concept, and it's true, they are very natural and flowing. His website is .

Here's the description, taken from his website (I think most of the videos are available in both VHS and DVD, and they're also available at Amazon, at least in the U.S.):

"Beginner Level - Zookinesis is an ancient Chinese system of mild exercise designed to bring youthful vitality back to the body, restoring muscle tone and strength, joint strength and flexibility as well as improved breathing and concentration. Zookinesis is related to Tai-chi, Chi-gung and Chinese Yoga. You can do the entire session or just fifteen minutes at a time. The benefits of Tai-chi and Yoga from a seated position. With Bob Klein (c) 2004 (45 min.)

This senior program works every part of the body without strain. It is designed to be comfortable to use, even for people not used to exercise.

The DVD has several chapter stops so that you can do any part of the exercises individually.

We recently also started alternating, doing this video every other day, and his more advanced follow-up video to this one, "Zookinesis: More Chair Exercises for Seniors." This second one is the same length as the first, but adds a lot of very interesting new exercises and is faster, even to the point of being mildly aerobic. It really is kind of amazing how much exercise it provides for "just" sitting in a chair! :D

Hi Lilly, Pet, Laura, and everyone else too! :hithere

Love to all,
Aqua Deb LUV2
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Post by lilly »

Hi Gorgeous AquaDeb,
This sounds fantastic and will suit me and my Mum.....Thankyou....
Love lilly xxxx :D :D
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Post by lilly »

I'm up so grandaughter has a terrible cough.....she is sound sleep again said it's nothing serious....she looks like an angel fast asleep.....It comes on at night......We are going out today so I'd better go back to sleep...
lilly xxxxxx :D :D
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Post by ChildofGod »

Hiya guys..I have a thought and it has to do with manifesting.

Do you guys think that the people that are informed of the E.T's coming and they start having thoughts about it and it goes out to the Universe that this so called "space ship" will manifest?

I am really curious to know your opinions..according to how the Secret works and all.

Love and light.


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Post by lilly »

Hi Liz,
We'll soon find out.......I have no doubt that ET's have already been here for a very long time... this space ship arriving is not taking up space in my thoughts ....and I don't think enough people are thinking about make it manifest....just my opinion...with all due respect to others who do believe this...
Love lilly xxx :D
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Post by MichelleP »

Hi Liz,

I also agree with Lilly. I kind of really don't see a point to it. Yes, it might bring people together for a time but like every other major event that gives us all a chance to look at life and remember what is important eventually we go back to our issues because really that is the whole point of being here. To work through the issues. Life will be perfect enough when we've made it back to the other side. Being here is about learning and growing and it really is but only a brief moment in time. If I was to wish anything I would wish that all would find their own personal peace with the way things are because there truly are some wonderful things to experience and see here on planet earth. The beauty far outweighs what people percieve needs to be fixed in my eyes. :sunflower:

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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hi Liz,

That has been the intent all along, if enough want change whose to say what will happen. My own personal feelings for the majority of my life is that I come from more than I can even imagine. Now whether this is my spiritual being I'm thinking of or intelligent life I will not know until I see it or gain that knowledge when I'm done on this earth. Personally, I believe we all play a very important part in lighting a path for all to see and I do not pretend to have all the answers. All that I know is what is being described sure sounds a heck of a lot better than what I've lived in for this last half a century.

I dont know how to live true to myself without being entangled in this darkness that surround us. I've dropped out of the working world just for that reason, now I might have done so to grow spiritually stronger to co-exist with those that I have absolutely no control over what they do to my well-being, but I refuse to subject myself to it any longer, at least for now. I grew to a point of feeling that this world is hopeless and if believing that other intelligent beings come in Love to help us overcome what we live into today, I'm up for that 100%. My belief is all the individual parts will one day become a whole and we will find not anyone person had it right. That's the glory of it all is that we can hope, love and co-create with Our Father. So one lightworker to the next anything can be possible even if all dont believe because there are many on this planet who believe a variety of diffent processes to ascension, can they all be wrong? :idea: The only one who could possibly know the plan is God who created it. The rest of us and many celestials dont even have the whole picture only there part of it.

So you ask can this be manifested to happen and I would have to say if the Laws of Attractions in fact exist than why not? For me if Oct 14th comes and gos with no happening as described I will just keep moving forward because one day I will know. Perhaps a lesson in this for many, but we will have to wait and see.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by ChildofGod »

You guys are way too kool. Wow.

Thankies for you thoughts...hug hug and kiss kiss to you all.

Love and light.


Child Of God
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Post by Sher »

Hello Everyone,

This evening I've been reading this thread of the past few days. I read and saw the DVD of "The Secret" a little over a year ago. I know that the Law of Attraction has definitely worked in my life. I can look in my past and see where it has worked for things I wanted as well as for things I did not. My husband laughs at how often I can manifest a parking space in the shade on hot days.

I recently read a book entitled "Harmonic Wealth" by James Arthur Ray. He is one of the people in "The Secret" DVD. It is all about putting what you learn in "The Secret" into practical use. I found it to be one of the most inspirational books I ever read. I highly recommend it.

My love to all,
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