A Very Interesting Dream

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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A Very Interesting Dream

Post by melodicuniverse »

Hi everyone, I'm new to the site, but just wanted to add in a little story about a "dream" I had back in 2001 at age 17 that I still remember to this day.

It was early morning hours, probably around 3 am, and laying in my bed I can consciously remember the sudden 'floating out' sensation in a split second. Next thing I can remember is being in this beautiful glowing ..realm, if you will ..it was like a tunnel if you want to call it that. There were these white misty cloud-like things flying up towards me and then suddenly hear this very loud disembodied voice talking to me. It sounded like someone chewing me out ..very loud and it was telling me to be aware, that I need to shape up and that it would pray for me. I then have that floating sensation again, which was in a split second, and woke up cold, shaking and crying. As if THAT weren't enough, I also felt a presence in my bedroom as well ...and even asked outloud "who's there..." as I was crying. After that night it took me a long time to be able to sleep in that room again, and thats when I started seeing 11:11 and 9:11 all of the time (lately its been literally every single day).

One of the interesting "coincidences" to the 11:11 thing is this: my birthday is 11-1 - 1983. I was born exactly a month premature.
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Post by MichelleP »

It sounds like an out of body to me more than a dream. Quite a neat one. Welcome to the site.

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Post by Sandy »

Hello Melodicuniverse,

What an interesting dream or out of body experience. It sounds like the experience possibly opened the doors to the number prompts you are seeing. We've had a few other people recently who also came here seeing 9:11.
We're a friendly bunch and enjoy discussing our thoughts and experiences as well as our spiritual lessons and growth with each other so please feel free to jump in where ever you feel inclined.

This is a good place to begin.

It is nice to meet you! Welcome! :hithere
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Post by melodicuniverse »

Thank you so much for the welcome! :) Finally a place where I can talk about this stuff and not feel scrutinized.

Now I came to that same conclusion about my dream actually, that it was an out of body experience. Infact I refer to it as a "time out" ...someone or something obviously needed to get a message to me. Understand that this occured 4 months prior to the tragedies of september 11th, and I've heard about other's who experienced these same types of occurences months or even weeks before 9/11 too. Ever since its really opened my eyes, that there's way more to this world than just the physical realm. And now understanding what seeing the number prompts means as well its made me feel more comfortable ...knowing I'm on the right path, doing what I'm intended to do. :)

Actually one question, I've been trying to meditate and communicate with my higher self, however, I don't know if its being done correctly. Could that be explained to me? It would be extremely helpful.
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Post by Seamus »

Hi melodic,

Welcome aboard. Definitely sounds to me like you had an OOBE.

Re. meditation, check these out:



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Post by melodicuniverse »

thank you so much for your help :)
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Post by Sandy »

Hello melodicuniverse,
Actually one question, I've been trying to meditate and communicate with my higher self, however, I don't know if its being done correctly. Could that be explained to me? It would be extremely helpful.
I'm not sure there is necessarily an incorrect way. Your strong desire and intent is what is most important I think. Our bodies are often cramed full of emotions and past experiences that have scarred us, caused us to wrap a protective bubble around our insides and sometimes our heart too. In the beginning sometimes these thing will come forward in meditation to be understood and dealt with. It is all good though even if it seems painful at the time because afterwords you feel light and clear and it is easier to connect with your Higher Self who is always with you irregardless as to whether you hear a worded message within. The important thing in my opinion is that you are heeding you own Higher Self's call..you are reaching out and trying... that is the beginning of something very special! It is possible that you may already be in touch in a way if you are intuitive and get strong indicaters in regards to what is going on around you.
What many of us desire is for is a continuing closer and closer relationship with our Higher Self. To find this wonderful place where you feel the presence of this Inner and very real Being at all times in our lives. It is the greatest blessing we can every strive for. And by sharing and inviting God in to every moment of our day we give a gift too, the only real gift we can give this beautiful Being along with our love.

Your Higher Self will find a way in whatever meditation method you use... Our part of the job is simple (and sometimes hard at the same time :wink: ) learning to quiet our racing minds and be still and listen...

Keep at it. Don't give up, okay?

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Post by peacockplume »

Hello melodicuniverse,

Welcome to the mb,,,,
Actually one question, I've been trying to meditate and communicate with my higher self, however, I don't know if its being done correctly. Could that be explained to me? It would be extremely helpful.
I think Sandy's spot on,,,,I too don't think there is a correct or incorrect way,,,,afterall,,,,you 'higher self' is a part of you....you are not separate beings,,,you are connected,,,you are one...

in that aspect,,,no matter what you think or do,,,your 'higher self' knows about it.....I think most times our 'higher self' is kind of like a guidance system.......we get thoughts and ideas basically from ourselves,,,but as human beings,,,we have the free will to act on those ideas or not...

so when 'talking to your (higher) self',,,,,remember it's what you 'intend' that counts....
I also felt a presence in my bedroom as well ...and even asked outloud "who's there..." as I was crying.
I believe we always have our guides and guardian angels around us,,,if we're open to their guidance,,,,we hear.....or see.....or synchronistic things happen to 'remind us'....

at the time,,,that experience shook you so much,,, you were crying while asking 'who's there...' that you couldn't hear the answer,,,but you did feel them.....

perhaps next time you will have a better understanding,,,and be able to get some more answers....

with love and blessings
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hiya Melodicuniverse, yes, I had a similar OBE when I was 14. After I asked: "God help me!" (I thought I was dead), I was back in my body and it took a long time to move my limbs. I too felt a presence in my room and took to sleeping in my mum's room for a while afterwards.
When I had another OBE 10 years later, I felt a little less frightened.
One day I consciously asked for a guided OBE and this request was granted. I could see 360° vision and a myraid of colours I can't begin to describe. Night wasn't quite daylight, but it sure wasn't dark anymore.

Nothing to be afraid of. Now, I occasionally have an OBE when doing a distant healing...when I'm lucky! :D

Welcome to the Sight...sorry, Site, :D Petra XXX
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Post by Sandy »

Petra you're a "site"...I mean" sight" for sore eyes! :P

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Post by Petra Wilson »

:lol: YOU TOO! It's great to be back on the boards at last!

ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by melodicuniverse »

Hi to all of you :)

I just wanted to say thank you so much for your support and sharing your knowledge and exeprience! Its comforting to know that I'm not alone in those things. Although the OOBE was frightening at the time (because I didn't understand it) it was something that after researching, made me realize how amazing life is. At that time I was losing faith in a lot of things, doubting things in life about who I was, why we all were here, and even what I was intended to do. This was the eye opener for me, which thankfully happened because more than likely if it didn't, I probably wouldn't even writing this message right now. Everything happens for a reason and that experience lead me to here, which I'm incredibly thankful for.
I think Sandy's spot on,,,,I too don't think there is a correct or incorrect way,,,,afterall,,,,you 'higher self' is a part of you....you are not separate beings,,,you are connected,,,you are one...
Thats very true, and its something I've understood for a while now actually. My higher consciouness is me and I'm just inhabiting this 'vehicle', if you will, to go through this physical journey we call 'life'. Life actually is our awareness, its our higher consciousness, which is why its everlasting because our soul/higher self can't die (thats against physics infact). Death is really an illusion because WE don't die, our physical being does.

As I explained it to my mother over the weekend, our physical body is like a car ....if there isn't anyone inside driving it, it doesn't work very well. Thats like "death" ...my consciousness leaves the vehicle so it doesn't work anymore.
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Post by SheraX »

Hi and welcome ( welcome to all the new ones,I have been somewhat away,getting used to work and other things but I am still thinking of you all with love)

Heather xo
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Post by peacockplume »

Hi Pet,
One day I consciously asked for a guided OBE and this request was granted.
too simple isn't it.....how often do we say or remind others to ASK,,,,

and I hadn't thought of it either....

just ASK,,,,,thanks for the tip....

love and light
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Post by peacockplume »

:hithere Hi Heather,,,,,

will be looking forward to a 'story' on the Secret'....

loves to you.

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Post by justylonging1111 »

Hello Ladies!

A warm welcome to this beautiful message board to you Melodicuniverse and to all the new members I have not been aquainted with as of yet!!! :love

Wow, I am truly amazed as I think about all the happenings in the last year or so since I have been away from regular contact with you All. But I do need to say the growth has all been for a reason and the connection strenghened much.

God is soooooo Gooooood! I am telling you my dreams are coming true right before my eyes, as countless miracles have manifested in all ways around me. Love is touching our family on our beautiful home planet in ways I could not have imagined in my wildest dreams.

I am reminded of what Bzutu said "You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire."

God Bless you with the Light of Love :sunny:
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Post by George »

Hello dear Tannis,

Good to see you back on the board.

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Post by justylonging1111 »

Hello George!

Yes it feels wonderful to be in this beautiful webhome anytime, day or night!

Hugs to Yourself and Sandy and I thank you both very much for the healing!!

You should be receiving my order for the A.C disc and I cannot wait!!!

Love to you All! :sunny:
Mortal existence must be visualized as consisting in the intriguing and fascinating experience of the realization of the reality of the meeting of the human upreach and the divine and saving downreach.

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Post by melodicuniverse »

And hi George as well! :hithere

Let me introduce myself, I'm Ryan and new to the wonderful site (haven't went a day without checking it out since joining!). I'm very happy to be surrounded by such supporting friends here!
Melody, Harmony, Love and Peace To All. :)

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Post by George »

Hola Ryan,

Glad you are enjoying the MB. Some of the "info" on this board was collected over more than 60 years.

'We lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire," said the Chief.

God bless..........
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Post by George »

Hi Tannis,

your lovely letter and order for your Akashic Construct CD arrived today.

Thank you for both.

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Post by memawlaura »

:D Ryan,

Your on the right track it may have taken some time to get here but the point is that you are here. When you had that OBE (dream) think about what was going on in your life and you will know the message. So, you know you can communicate it just needs a little tweeking on your end to get your radio tuned :lol: :lol: . I've had a few experiences with my meditations that one could definitely describe as an OBE or seeing strobing colors, vibrations and so on. It all takes time but the fact you've experienced lets you know its possible.
Love and Peace Always,

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