Sylvia Browne

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Sylvia Browne

Post by ChildofGod »

:D Hee hee I just finished reading my first "spiritual" book since I've become spiritually awakened. Book Of Angels by Sylvia Browne.

Very interesting information about angels. I feel more loved and protected by my angel .....I feel fulfilled KNOWING that I AM NOW closer to God then ever before.

Liz :D
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Post by 11Andrea11 »

Hi ChildofGod, if you liked Sylvia's work, have you checked out Doreen Virtue's works? She works with angels and heals with the angels all the time.

Doreen also has a talk show on (as does Sylvia). Not sure if you have listened before, etc.

I listen to Hay House Radio all day at work...keeps me sane and focused on what matters and Doreen's work has helped me communicate and work more with the Archangels and my angels and guides.

I have many of Sylvia's books and it was because of Sylvia that I even listened to Hay House and it has changed my life ever since. :D
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Post by ChildofGod »

11Andrea11 wrote:Hi ChildofGod, if you liked Sylvia's work, have you checked out Doreen Virtue's works? She works with angels and heals with the angels all the time.

Doreen also has a talk show on (as does Sylvia). Not sure if you have listened before, etc.

I listen to Hay House Radio all day at work...keeps me sane and focused on what matters and Doreen's work has helped me communicate and work more with the Archangels and my angels and guides.

I have many of Sylvia's books and it was because of Sylvia that I even listened to Hay House and it has changed my life ever since. :D
I have seen Doreen Virtue's books in the store but I have never read them. I do have an Archangel Oracle Card deck and I am slowing getting use to them. No I have also never listened to Hay House Radio...I will check out the link..thank you so much for the information.

LIz :D
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Post by 11Andrea11 »

I do have an Archangel Oracle Card deck and I am slowing getting use to them.
I have her Daily Guidance From Your Angels deck and I like working with it. I don't use it every day, but when I feel called to ask a question and the answers are always precise in directing me to look at certain areas of my life that need attention, etc.

I think she makes an Ascended Masters deck that I was interested in too. I don't want to bog myself down with tons of decks and products, but I do like having at least one of her decks relative to angels or AA's. They do help, that's for sure.
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Post by lilly »

Hi Andrea and Liz,
Looking on her website a while back I read her list of future predictions and one of them was that by the year 2010 doctors would be using sound to heal cancer. I found that interesting. Slyvia is very gifted isn't she and her son also works as a medium as well.
I have a guided meditation made by Doreen Virtue which is very good. Prefer a male voice for some reason on guided meditations.
Love lilly xxxxx
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Post by AngelHi5 »

Hi, Im a major fan of Sylvia Browne, I have some 12 books writen by her (and her spirit guide Francine)

I have to say and I really mean this when I say it, that I really owe my life to Sylvia Browne and the begining of my spirituality which has taken me to this point in my life, and without it I not only wouldnt be here (that is what I believe) I wouldnt have met the man I met 2 months ago.

It all started some 5 years ago, my then husband walked out on my leaving me with 5 children (3 under the age of 1) I was a total wreck in every way possible. No one knew the hell i was going through and on the outside I put on such a front that no one knew the complete misery I was feeling. Every night after the kids went to sleep, I would sit in the corner of my lounge room with a bottle of wine and and a knife in the other, trying to get up the courage to end my pain :cry: I was never strong enough thank God. and also my children and the thought of them being alone without me made it that much more harder to go through with it.

Anyway... one day i was at a shop and they had some books on sale out the front and in a daze just wondering around trying to look for something to occupy my mind other than my depression, I saw a book that 'looked' special. It was titled 'Blessings from the other side' by Syliva Browne, I'd never heard of her before, but I always had an interest in psychics and the afterlife.
I read the back and it sounded somewhat interesting, so i bought it.
As soon as I got home I started to read the book, more or less to do something to take my mind off my day to day life.
Well.... I never put that book down, I read well over half that book that day, and there were some parts of that book where I just bawled my eyes out. I cried and cried, not because I was sad but I was just so happy and emotional that I was reading a book that gave me the answers to 'My life'
The answers like, why am I here, why am I going through this Hell in my life (for a second time, ie second husband) I just didnt understand why I was going through all this misery in my life and why was it that others had happy fullfilling lives ?
Subconsciensly I was looking for an answer but felt there was no 'real' answer out there for me, till I read this book.
It truely was a blessing from the other side !
After reading it and many many tears later, I felt like a humongous weight had been lifted from my shoulders... I so wanted to ring Sylvia or write to her and say .... hey you saved my life or at least saved my sanity.
I now more than ever before know why Im going through the things I have and will go through. I understand that my soul is learning and experiencing and everything good and bad in my life was and is meant to happen and I wouldnt have put it in my lifes chart if I couldnt cope.
Im a huge believer in fate, and I believe that there is a time and a place for everything, and the time for me to find that book was spot on ! I was at a very low stage in my life with young children I should have been happy and contented, but I wasnt.
I found that book not because I was looking for a 'self help' book or anything of that nature because reading a book was the last thing on my mind. But it was the time for me to 'read' and to finally 'know and understand ME'

I now love myself more than ever, and since that day I bought that boook, Ive believed more than ever.
Sylvia has a saying..... 'Take what you want and leave the rest'
If it sounds right or true it probably is, if it doesnt then it probably isnt.
This not only sounded true, but it felt so RIGHT.

I love my life, sure its still crappy at times and there are people that come into my life to raise hell again, but hey.. I can deal with it now!
This is a test that I bestowed upon my, not only writen by me on the other side before I incarnated, but also by my guardian Angels and my spirit guides (Rises with the Sun is one of them)
Heck, I even feel smart :wink: I know more than the average Joe out there, I may not be a Scientist, but I 'know' what life is all about, and the most important thing (well there are lots of important things) I can handle life now, where before I couldnt.

I met a man a couple of months ago, my first spirital partner.... And he SO GETS ME ! and thats fantastic, and I also GET HIM and he thinks that is fantastic too.
We look at each other and we just smile :) because we 'know' and we 'beleive'
I nearly fell off my chair during the first week I knew him when he mentioned in an email if I ever saw the number sequence 11:11 He said he see's it often, or the number 8:38 keeps popping up lately.
Ive just started seeing 12:12, and its so cool to see different number sequences.
Just the other day I looked at the time and it read 11:01 and the very next time I looked at it it read 11:11 and 11 seconds !

As i mentioned Ive got many of Sylvia Brownes books, all are just fantastic, one off the top of my head which is great book to read more than once (and I do read a lot of them more than once) is a book called 'Souls Perfection'
I am also a fan of Doreen Virtue, I have about 8 or 9 of her books,and 3 of her Angel card sets.

If I ever have a lull or a low point in my life, I simply pick up or go out and buy another one of Sylvia Brownes books... instant pick me up and its drug free :wink:

I say Thank God for Sylvia :D
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Post by lilaslight »

AngelHi5, Thank you for sharing all that about Sylvia Brown and your life's journey. I appreciate how you have revealed yourself, your pain and your growth. Sylvia's never really done it for me. I am much more indebted to John Edward first and Doreen Virtue next. No matter who the teacher is or what path was taken, I'm so happy you have found your way to a more enriched existence and a partner who is worthy of you.
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Re: Sylvia Browne

Post by Psi~Jen »

ChildofGod wrote::D Hee hee I just finished reading my first "spiritual" book since I've become spiritually awakened. Book Of Angels by Sylvia Browne.

Very interesting information about angels. I feel more loved and protected by my angel .....I feel fulfilled KNOWING that I AM NOW closer to God then ever before.

Liz :D
I love this book as well. (though I love all of Sylvia's work)
I need to read it again matter of fact. I saw it the other day on my shelf ;)
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Insight & Lightworkers Way

Post by ssjenn »

I am grateful to Sylvia Browne for helping me get over my fear of the unknown. She pushed me to begin my spiritual journey without fear.

Doreen Virtue showed me WHY it is important to do this work.

Insight provides support and yet another nudge to do the work. It is a sort of "If I can do it anyone can" type of book.

There are so many authors now it is easy to find one that resonates with you!

Love and light,
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Post by spiritualgal »

I have a lot of Sylvia's books and have enjoyed them all. :D
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Iread also the book of angel's

Post by Aurabell67 »

I read also the Sylvia's brownie book of angel's last summer! Nice book very helpful !
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Post by angellove »


I love the Archangel picture you are using! That angel image is in Doreen Virtue's Archangel Oracle Card Deck--the Creative Writing card--but you probably know that!

I first started my journey many years ago without even knowing it, with one of Doreen Virtue's book. Years after I found Sylvia Browne during one of her guest appearances on Montel Williams. I was going through a hard time and during a really bad day she was guided into my life. Since then I have bought many of her books. Then I was guided towards Doreen once more and since have bought many of her books as well as many oracle decks.


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Re: Sylvia Browne

Post by aemk83 »

Hello all,

I have just started reading some of Sylvia Browne's books, and overall I really am enjoying them. If nothing else she is an incredibly interesting woman.

One thing has been bothering me, though, and I would like to get some other perspectives on this if possible.

I have read Past Lives, Future Healing...One of the cases in the book involves a woman who is referred to Sylvia because of her intense fear of fire and her aversion to the smell of smoke/burning wood. During her regression, she tells Sylvia that she was convicted of witchcraft and was burned at the stake in a former life. She actually says, "I'm in Salem."

What has been bothering me is that witches in the new world were hung, not burned. (also one was crushed to death while officials were attempting to get a confession out of him, and some died while being held for trial) Not one of the witches convicted during the salem witch trials were burned. There have been only 2 reported burnings in Massachusetts, (that I could find) neither one was for witchcraft. (one was arson, one was a small slave rebellion)

My question to all of you who are fans of Sylvia, (and know much more about her and her teachings, philosophies than I do) do you think that if a client believed that a particular fear/ailment was due to something that happened in a past life, and this belief helped or cured that person, would Sylvia allow that person to believe it even if it was not true?

I have gone to her website with the intention of posting on her message board or emailing her about this, but as it turns out you have to be a member in order to do either. (becoming a member is not cheap)

So, What do you think? If you think there is another explanation I would appreciate it if you would share that as well.
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Re: Sylvia Browne

Post by Geoff »

Dear Aem,


Yes here you have a problem with a "past life" recall. Clearly not true. Some of course are, and can be verified, but this was junk. I do not accept that reincarnation occurs at all, and in my view these are all of them, memories that occurred, or perhaps in this case, confused memories, or even something that never occurred. It is possible for spirits to put memories in your mind, and I think the most likely explanation here, is that is what has happened, and the spirit is either deceptive (deliberately) or simply very ignorant. If you are interested in my take on reincarnation, I have written a book on that subject, and its available both in printed and Kindle form: Is Reincarnation an Illusion?

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Re: Sylvia Browne

Post by aemk83 »

Thanks for the response Geoff.

It is funny, right after I posted this, I started reading another one of Sylvia's books. (Spiritual Connections...) In this book, Sylvia herself mentions the supposed burning of witches during the Salem witch trials.

I am not sure why this is such a sticking point for me. Most likely it is just because I am such a history nerd. :-)

Overall I think Sylvia's books are inspirational and will not stop reading them, but will certainly keep this in mind as I do so.

I will definately check out your book as well. Incidentally, I LOVE my kindle and will be downloading the Kindle version in a few minutes. :-)

If there are any historical inaccuracies I know where to contact you! ;-)
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Re: Sylvia Browne

Post by Geoff »

aemk83 wrote:I am not sure why this is such a sticking point for me. )
Dear aem,

Well the search for Truth is like that. You find something that won't go away, and most likely its leading you in the direction of Truth, when you resolve it. For a lot of people, they just don't buy the traditional explanations of the New Testament, delivered by the orthodox Churches, because it just does not resonate. So they wander off, because its very hard to find anything that interprets those selfsame passages very differently. By the way, you will find I have quoted from one of Silvia's books, quite extensively. I don't find all that she writes is accurate, but she does have some amazing stuff, IMHO.

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