I'm new- born December 21 and see 11:11 every day

Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Jerry Garcia
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I'm new- born December 21 and see 11:11 every day

Post by Jerry Garcia »

Okay. This is crazy. I've read through this site and I am shocked that, I dunno, just shocked about this whole thing and how others have a similiar exp. I figured I was the only one and it was my head playing tricks on me. I have been seeing 11:11 forever and I have always wondered what the F is going on. Most days I see it twice, and I see it at least once every day. I am never "out to look for 11:11." In the morning I am at work neck deep in documents, and out of nowhere I will look at the clock, with NO IDEA even what hour it is, and I will see 11:11. I can't emphasize enough how much I am not looking for 11:11, and in the faq i read about having to take into account someone may be "pointing it out" to me.

Moreover, I was born on December 21. I am sure everyone has heard about the mayan calendar ending on december 21, 2012, and it signifying some type of change, or an end. THe mayan number 11 is two lines and two dots, similiar to if you look at a digital clock (which is what i always see 11:11 on) and it is the first half of 11:11. So, 1111 in mayan numbers looks like the 11:11 seen on a digital clock. Is the december 21 birthday and 11:11 I see every day some type of tie in?

Or am I just fn crazy and starting to lose it? 8) 8)
Last edited by Jerry Garcia on Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I'm new- born December 21 and see 11:11 every day

Post by Geoff »

Jerry Garcia wrote:I can't emphasie enough how much I am not looking for 11:11, and in the faw i read about having to take into account someone may be "pointing it out" to me.
Hi Jerry,

Welcome, and you are not crazy.

Not sure what you meant there. Especially since I don't know what an faw is, never having heard a word like that.

But maybe you are interpreting thoughts received by your mind, from an external source as "someone pointing it out", cause thats the way it happens.

Regarding the Mayan Calendar, thats got nothing to do with it, because we have asked. And we have a few threads here saying that we don't want to discuss that subject, cause its boring once you have stated it is nothing to do with this phenomenon.

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Post by Jerry Garcia »

ah, i had to go back and edit the post. faw=faq. freaking w next to the q 8)
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Welcome Jerry,

Well you came to the right place with loving like-minded folks. The prompts are to get your attention from our midwayer friends because they believe you ready for your journey of seeking the truth. So, learn how to communicate with those sending you the prompts. We all come feeling the same way and we are blessed to be part of this wonderful journey to the Golden Age of Light and Love. See you around.
Love and Peace Always,

It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.
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Post by hamster whisperer »

You must be the other Jerry Garcia!!!
Welcome home!
This is a very loving, safe, fascinating place to be. Read and ask questions and meditate and listen and so on.
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Post by Sandy »

Hi Jerry,
I know the information can be surprising at first but it really is a blessing to be receiving the prompts from our Celestial Kin...
Welcome to the message board.
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Post by Jerry Garcia »

thanks everyone. and yes I have two dogs, I LOVE dogs!! I guess I was a little freaked out when I decided to google 11:11 and came across all this stuff. It's just really new to me, and there is so much stuff on this site it is a little overwhelming at first. Thanks for the kind words everyone 8)
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Post by reba »

Dear Jerry Garcia,

I was freaked out too at first. Welcome!


P.S. I love dogs too!
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Post by lilaslight »

My brother was such a total "Dead head". Tell me that Jerry Garcia is your real name! I know your predecessor is no longer with us but that would be one cool name.
As for dogs, don't get me started...I adore them. Have four myself and always rescuing another.
The 1111 thing is likely to be the best thing that ever happened to you. No kidding. It has been for me.
Don't sweat the 2012 bit. It signifies the coming of a new age, not the end of the world. Perhaps being born on 12/21 you will help lead us all into the enlightened awareness of the next era on earth.
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Post by SheraX »

Hello Jerry,

welcome :hithere
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(2 0 1 2 / 11:11)

Post by Heavenly_Jamie »

Hello !!! , Everyone !!!

My Name is : Jamie Michael Mac Donald A.K.A (Heavenly Jamie)
Well... , I'm glad to see there is a forum about theses "phenomenons" ... ,
that I'm 'personally' very 'aware' of since couple of years, 'everyday'.

Well , I have 'my own' ideas on it , since 'everything' that I'm 'seeing' or 'dreaming' etc... is always 'happening' ! ... But whatever ... I would really 'appreciate' some 'opinions' about my OWN numbers, well my OWN 'phenomenon' lolll :

Well, Well ...



[21/12/2 0 1 2]...


(Full Birth Name) : Jamie Michael Mac Donald = [21] letters .
(Birth Date) = [21]/10/1984 .
(Birth Hour) = 20:39 , 20:3+9 = 20:12 = [2 0 1 2] .

My (Total) "Awakening" = [21] yrs old

(HeavenlyHell) = [12] letters . * (My Band), PS: (HeavenlyHell also = [12]by adding all the numbers 2gether!).

My [21] associated 'tarot card' = The World!

(Karma, Birth Date) = [21]/06/06 . *(My Cat)
(Mother) = [21] yrs old . ( She had me when she was [21] ! ).

The 'Girlfriend' that I was with when I was [21]... , Her birth Date : [12] /08/1987... , It was A VERY 'special' relationship , On the Gooooood & baaaaaad sides... , and my Life is all about : Equilibrium * (I'm Libra!).

* & should I mention that I had No -GF- since this one ...

(My very "SOUL" also told me that the years (2 0 1 2-2021) will be very 'symbolic & significant' for me , for my "SOUL MISSION" ... & ALSO obviously for : 'The World' , * 2 0 1 2 to 2021.

& for those who are familiar with (Numerology) '2 0 1 2 to 2021' is a -9 years- period ( A COMPLETE CYCLE ! ) ...



[21] Century .
[21] December = winter solstice .
[12] Months of the year .
[12] Zodiac signs.
[12] Numbers on a clock.
4 Seasons X 3 months each = [12] .
4 Elements + 4 Seasons + 4 Cardinals = [12] .

[21]+[21]+[12]+[12]+[12]+[12]+[12] = 21 lolll! ;) , haha!

* 21/12 = mirror numbers

So here are the possibilities :


2+1+1+2, 1+2+2+1,2+1+2,1+2+1 = ? : 21!!!

& like a lot of people , I'm also seeing 11:11 , & I've seen it for a long period 'everyday' ... , but now (since a lot of time) I'm ALWAYS seeing : 12:21,21:12,2:12,1:21, & of course I'm still seeing 11:11 ... sometimes.

PS: My Band's Logo Is : HH , Well ...notice the H H /11 11 ? I've realized it after 'creating' it... , * only replace the 2 horizontal bars for the 2 vertical dots of a digital clock ... It becomes : 11:11 !.

PPS : I've also met a 'numerologist' who is the father of a friend of mine... He said : in '50 years' of career I've never met someone like 'you', & someone with so many 'master numbers'. * (11/22/33)

My 'Soul' Mission = 11.
My 'Life Path' = 22.
My 'Birth year' = 22
My 'Artistic' name = 22 *(Heavenly Jamie) .


& My Destiny = 3, or [21]!

(Me & Him) We discussed on a lot of things, & we realized that the 'life path' number isn't like some of the (Junk ; numerology websites) tells the people , just like the 'horoscopes vs astrology' ... so The 'Lifepath' number isn't (day+month+year), but rather day + month only! , so it means the (day+month+year) represents a 'vehicle', the 'vehicle' we should 'use' to 'ride' to the full 'accomplishment' of our 'lifepath' , 'dreams' & 'ideals'.Well it's kinda -Theory- but , well ... I know that for myself, it's a FACT.

*Depending on the -Soul Evolution- of someone & It's 'consciousness' an 11 could be a -2-, and 22 could be a -4-.

And well, in 'conclusion': in -2009- we are all in an (11 universal year!) , so it means -11:11- for 'myself' , since my 'Soul Mission' = 11 , in an 11 universal year , it means -11:11- ... , and should I say that my feelings are very -undescriptible- , & I feel so 'fated' and -Goal oriented- in -2009- , in -2009- i'm also in a (6) 'personal' year ,& that's said to be the (Soulmates) year ... it is very clear that a (Soulmates) year in an 11 universal year looks very deeply 'optimistic' and 'good' year :) , since I'm voluntarily -single- ... & should I say you WHY?! ... TRY! try to meet
'THE ONE' , in this world...!!! .Somewhere ... 'she' is alive , my dear (Soulmate) ...

Also notice : * (6) personal year = soulmates , an (11) universal year = illumination , are you familiar with : The Twinflames?! The twinflames are supposed to be more closer than everything that could be possible between 2 beings, The 'Half' of our 'soul', borned from the same 'flame' ,
Some says the twinflames & soulamtes are differents terms for the same things, but others says that the Twinflames shares stronger ties & are LOVE at it's fullest power, A FUSION.

It's weird because the term -Twin- makes me wonder about the -Twin towers- , 9/11 = 11, so The -Twinflames- should ALSO = 11, so 11 is EVERYWHERE this year!!!

& since couples of days I'm seeing 9:11, 9:11 = 11 , and 911 means (emergency call) , I'm feeling like ... I'm 'needed' somewhere, and well ... It seems that this 'somewhere' is : Planet Earth.

& maybe also especially by 'someone' like my 'Twinflame' , who knows...

* From a lot of "sources" , I'm supposed to be an 'High Graded'
"Incarnated Angel", coming from the (Archangel St-Michael's) Legion... , Well ... it's weird since my 'middle name' is actually : Michael ...

Well I'm 'convinced' that my 'SOUL MISSION' is deeply linked with
-2 0 1 2- & -11:11- !!!

& Do I have to mention that a very particuliar word always keeps repeating in my head , since a lot of time , & this word is : REVOLUTION .

The REVOLUTION of revolutions, an UNIVERSAL REVOLUTION !!! .

I think ... , THAT is ; WHAT is coming !!!

Well , Thanks!,Takecare!.


((( H.J )))
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Post by George »

Thank you Jamie for a brand new "theory" when 1000's of 11:11'ers have proof of what it REALLY means.

10 out of 10 for your enthusiasm tho ! :)

Please check out the FAQ's atop the page.

God bless...
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Post by lilly »

Hi Jerry,
Welcome to our site.
Love lilly xox :D
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Positive news

Post by Norah »

Welcome! I too was astounded to find out that 11:11 is widespread--and what a merry band it is! I was prompted by 11:11 and other numbers for years before learning about this phenomenon.

We are being contacted, but for wholly positive and healthy and good reasons. There is a little "freakout," (I called my Elevener an "imp" who seemed to be poking fun at me... harmlessly, but constantly!) until it occurs to you that the only effects associated with 11:11 have been wholesome, kind, helpful, sometimes incredibly uplifting...

You are bringing a gift to this. Can't wait to read about it someday!
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Post by lilly »

Welcome to you, Nora, glad you've joined us here.
Love lilly xox :D
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Post by ~*Star_Struck*~ »


Now i know the answer to the question:
Do dreams come true?
Still staring at the world
Through my rear view.
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new too

Post by Areinphoenix »

I just wanted to say hello and no you are not crazy..its funny how those around me are drawn to tell me thier stories and always add that disclaimer..."Im not crazy am I?" and to those kind souls I reply..no my dear you are blessed.

I also wanted to tell you that I was very overwhelmed when I found the website and all the info too...it is alot to take in...embrace it my dear, it will bring you much joy and peace I am sure...

Love and Light,
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