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Post by Maria L »

memawlaura wrote: One day sweet thing there will be no borders.
And that Day I will celebrate and dance the whole night!
:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: it's called the bouncing dance. It is a swedish folk-dance. Everybody do it. Even when driving.

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Post by memawlaura »

:D Heather,

You can look at it two ways, as you stated you can just move forward no muss no fuss, or you can go to HR and make sure this doesn't happen to anyone else :idea: down the road. I really dont know which way to advise you, but I know me and I would keep it from happening to anyone else even if I did not continue to work there, but thats me. No matter you will find your way because Our Father's hands are guiding you, oh so gently.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by lilly »

Hi Laura,
It's very sad for Kelli...losing her husband after being together all those years. She is very aware of our angelic friends and that will be of some comfort to her at the moment. I'm sure they will help and guide her.
Godbless lilly xxxx
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Post by peacockplume »

Hello ladies,,,
Just a quick hello,,,,I've been reading the past few pages,,,trying to catch up.........Impossible......but it's nice to know that the fellowship between us is always doesn't matter how far away we are from each other,,,or that other things may take us away from being here from time to doesn't take long to get either re-aquainted or to become family with the new members.....I think that's what I like best,,,,

it's interesting to see the progress that is taking place,,,,even when we may think something isn't moving forward in a direction that we thought we were going long as we trust our Divine Parents and know we are being guided for our better interests,,,,then things turn out best for us in the long run....

Just a quick update on the psychic 'war',,,,it was cleared up before the weekend was over.....and today was a very good day....we were practising our intuitive skills,,,,,which was really funny....I only got 2 out of about 15,,,,one lady got 5,,,,but pretty generally the average was about 2 each...we interpretted cards for each other and everyone was 'on the mark'.....

I see an interest in Ask and it Is Given / Abraham has arisen,,,so I brought the Ask thread forward....and just thought I'd mention here that we manifested the drum that we needed for my friend who's going with me to was offered to us many thanks have been given......

I just passed the 1:33 prompt,,,so it's time to get some sleep....

take care everyone....

love and light
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Post by lilly »

Hi Everyone,
Been wondering how GypsieDeb and AquaDeb are doing......Also Petra and her little ones. I miss you all and send my Love to all of you...
Love lilly xx :D
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Post by SheraX »

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Post by Sandy »

Hey Lilly, I heard from Petra very briefly yesterday. She was only able to be on a few minutes and it took almost all of that time I think for her to read the pm I sent her... :oops: :lol: But she had some good news! She said her in laws were coming down to visit them in about three weeks and they are bringing her computer with them! :bana:

So, hopefully soon she will be able to tell everyone herself all about her life on this gorgeous Island. :finger:

PP, I am glad the "psychic wars" are over and peace reigns again at the Academy. Goes to show you how important it is, this retreat you are creating. All of us need some time for peace, reflection, and learning and being able to find it in such a beautiful environment..Wow, what an added bonus. :D I think I haven't given myself enough of this quiet time lately and have been feeling a bit tight and stretched. Wish I could pay you a visit..but whew what a commute! But maybe we are not so far apart as I might think. Something I am just beginning to learn and was reminded of again just recently is that "we are all one"... I've heard this before as it scooted across the surface of my teflon brain, but something sank in yesterday. Not only do we connect with our Celestial friends as we reach outward but in a very real and concrete way each other as well. Just as I can feel the life within my body, my lungs filling with air, the blood flowing through my veins, the pumping of my hard working too...if I stretch out with help from Mother Spirit I can derive strength and love and encouragement, peace and joy collectively from all my human siblings as well. We all can do each of us, Celestials and human alike are part of the same great Universe. I wondered sometime...what do we have to offer our elder celestial siblings ...They help us without any qualms and seemingly without any payment on our part.. .serious payment there something more to this?... Can our good will our prayers for their efforts, our love and acceptance also have the same beneficial balm in their realms that we feel from them as they interact with us? Do "we all", (all God's children), lift each other up when our hearts sing with understanding and joy? And is love itself this tangible thing that makes it all possible?
hmmm Can you tell I am in a "musey" mood tonight... :roll: sorry about that...
Well I hope you all have a good evening morning or afternoon where ever you are...
I love you all, :kiss:
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Post by Petra Wilson »

Hello everyone, i am so short of time and it ain't cheap going online i can tell ya's, so I usually spend my hour writing very quickly to Sandy....and bless your heart woman!!! you correct my spelling mistakes too, :lol: :lol:
Thank you everyone for thinking of me and I'm still puterless for at lest a month, but I have my own set of wheels now so I can mozy on down the treacherous mountains to the dvd shop!

The inlaws (note I'm calling them inlaw's now, as opposed to the out-laws, :lol: ) are bringing our electricals down from the last place! They're dtying to check out Corsica! Phil remarked: "Wow, you don't mind them coming after the last time you saw them?" and I said: "Of course not! They can sleep in the garden though, hoping the tent fits on the first steppe!" Yep, Pet's still a cow, hahaha! After pondering and being surrounded by delightful Corsicans and all this gorgeous greenery, I reconsidered and told Phil: "Aww, they can sleep in the hallway!"

Sorry again for being so scarce but it was rather hectic lately. Soon as the inlaws are in the door, I'll set up the machine and shall spend weeks catching long as the weather doesn't tempt me outside?
We're experiencing the most wonderful thinderstorms....usually during siesta time. I LOVE this Corsican way of life, have taken to it really well.

I think of you all every day and have some beauts to tell you with my Stillness, Synchro's and everything;

Gotta dash, time to pick up the kid's and pay yer man here...I hope I have enough €uros :oops: Actually he's dead nice! Gave the kid's free chubbachups last time they were in!

HUGS to you all LOVELIES, Hello and welcome to all the NEWBIES aswell, sorry i'm being too rude as to not mention your names.

Pet XXXXX I miss you lot! The coffee here is GORGEOUS!
ॐ LOVE Petra
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hello Petra,

It was just great to see the old you back on the MB. Your way of life sounds absolutely beautiful and I hope the children are enjoying it as you seem to be. So, are you near the beaches? So, the in-laws couldn't they send the computer :lol: :lol: . You know your strong and make no predictions just be you and let them get over it :wink: .

:loves Sandy,

You think your bad with your questions, I often wonder why they just dont repair my hardrive so we can move forward. I have often thought as you why do the celestials work so hard to help us and I have a few of my own opinions. 1. We got something that they and the source need, or its just not complete, 2. Perhaps were like helping our own children from birth, 3. They are in service of our father :idea: . I believe I've been questioning existance since I was a teenager and how this or that became what it was and its taken until now that its all one from the same source :roll: .

Well, got to get off the computer for a moment so I want to send a good day to all on the secret.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by peacockplume »

Hello to everyone,,,,,EVERYONE....

time for a 'breather' a quiet sit down at the 'coffee house',,,,sit back and enjoy at the beautiful energy that comes across these pages....

Sandy,,,you are sooo funny :lol: :lol: :lol:
("we are all one"... I've heard this before)
as it scooted across the surface of my teflon brain,
then I kept reading....
Not only do we connect with our Celestial friends as we reach outward but in a very real and concrete way each other as well.
I think that's part of the wonder we feel,,,,when we come to that realization.....

but here we are..... Oz,,,,, Corsica,,,, in USA,,,, England,,, Canada and many other places around the world,,,,

but right now,,,,whenever anyone reads our words,,,we are here,,,now...

together as one,,,,,and I think it's helping us to come to understand that oneness,,,,a little more everyday...and just the way you describe doing it.

I seem to remember George writing somewhere once,,,,about there being 'ledgers' between us and the Celestials....something to the effect we continue to help others,,,so to do they continue to help us..
Can our good will our prayers for their efforts, our love and acceptance also have the same beneficial balm in their realms that we feel from them as they interact with us? Do "we all", (all God's children), lift each other up when our hearts sing with understanding and joy? And is love itself this tangible thing that makes it all possible?
I'm sure you heard a very resounding YES,,,,from the Celestial realms on those thoughts...musing.....hardly,,,,,re-affirming,,,,very positively...

we live in a vibrational universe,,,,,we are vibrational beings,,,,so how could it possibly,,,,not be felt,,,,by them,,,,,just as well as we receive their love....

yes,,,the psychic war (that one anyway) is receded into the distance,,,and yet a few of the ladies who do 'past life' readings,,,really got on the ball with it,,,,,figuring out,,,,,just who was who,,,,,where, when and why....the mental pictures were was hilarious....

it all had to do with most of these young ladies being in a Catholic nunnery,,,,being spied on by the Bishop,,,,trying to rout them out as witches....I was Mother Superior (ok take a long break for laughing),
but I caught the Bishop spying on the girls,,,and I was trying to protect them.....

now you can let your vivid imaginations have some fun with that....

it turned out to be the reason why though,,,,that this person couldn't enter my auric field and cause any damage,,,,because I was 'very' protected.... and apparently then as now...

so now we're teaching these 'girls',,,,how to leave the past where it needs to be.....and to come fully into the present....

but I am very pleased to say,,,that how I have been developing here, and under the guidance of Father Michael and Mother Nebadonia,,,,is being passed on.....

You know,,,you often wonder while going through life,,,,just what am I doing,,,,what am I learning,,,,and what for??? don't we all ask that???

then somewhen down the line,,,the opportunity presents itself,,,and what you learned gets passed on....truly amazing...

I'm so glad you are sharing news from Pet,,,,and voila,,,,in comes a post from Pet too....

They are doing so wonderfully where they are now....physically,,,,and as Pet says
have some beauts to tell you with my Stillness, Synchro's and everything;
Awesome Petra!!!! you go girl....enjoy every moment....and soon you'll be electronically connected again on a more regular basis....COOL !!!!!

I've got reading to do today,,,,On the Wings of Heaven and The Masters Return by GW Hardin,,,,which gives all the background on how Archangel Michael came into his life and how he was instructed to build the Gates of Grace,,,,which is what I'll be standing in on the 21st...

all I can say at the moment....

so duckies,,,,,have a nice day,,,and we'll see you all soon..the coffee has gone cold,,,,so time for a refresher....

love and light,,,
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I am alive to beauty, to laughter, to wonders within and without.
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Post by lilly »

Lovely to see your post Pet, wish I was there in Corsica with you...sounds like a beautiful place. 8) Would I need my sunglasses? I can still walk up hills so I wouldn't need a donkey to get places just yet......Good to know you are all good.
Looking at one of Greg's posts with a Beatles song lyrics....they were pretty switched on back then weren't they. A lot of their songs were very spiritual.
Love lilly xxx :kiss:
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Post by memawlaura »

:D Hello Lilly,

I think the Beatles asset was John Lennon, when he left the music seemed to not be the same. Now John and Oko were way ahead of their time and were very spiritual.
Love and Peace Always,

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Post by lilly »

I loved George, too. His music was overlooked somewhat. Great songwriter......and very spiritual as well. Paul never interested me that much although I do appreciate his talent.
John and Yoko were before their time and had got free from drugs and stuff.... it was a shame the way he was taken like that. I remember hearing the news and crying....Yoko still looks great and works very hard I'm sure to help the world.
Love lilly xxx :D
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Post by SheraX »

Hi Pet,good to see you pop by,happy all is well. :)
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Post by lilly »

Hi Sandy and pp,
I forgot to say hello to you two lovely ladies. Sounds like you've been having a great old time at the Academy, pp. You'll help sort them out immensely.
I've felt a bit stretched myself, Sandy as it's been raining and bub was sick and they came to stay here, the other two drove me up the wall in the evenings, and the dog barking, bird chirping........God love them....they are funny. All is well now. I'm putting on a 1st birthday party for Aidan, tomorrow. Give me strength....everyone is coming over.....I'll be busy.
Love lilly xxxxx :kiss:
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Post by SheraX »

OOP..Lilly reminded me to be more polite! :lol:

Hello everyone


Heather xo
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Post by Sandy »

Me too Heather! :D Hi everybody! :hithere

Oh Lilly, you made me so happy with your post...Call me crazy but to me it sounds like heaven with all that organized choas! It is just too darn quiet here from morning till night...Well...Lacey does chirp in from time to time with her bull horn of a call. Like tonight in meditation... We were quiet and at peace...drifting on a sea of trnquility... when from out of nowhere comes this call that would have woken the sleeping survivers! :shock: Scared us to death and effectively shut down that meditation till our delicate hearts slowed to a more healthy level.
Are you sure you wouldn't like a nice "quiet" ringneck to keep little Jimmy (Jimme?) :scratch: company? :wink:

Have fun tomorrow and don't work too hard if you can help it, you busy grandma!
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Post by SheraX »

What a shock that would be! lol I had cockateils before and they were loud lil birds! Had two males who always tried to show who was boss.Loud.SSSSSHHSSST BIRDS! lol :wink: :lol: I miss them....just not the poo poo...( I had 15 birds at once at one time :shock: )
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Post by SheraX »

Here a re some pics,the lil one there I hand raised,miss the lil fella! He was always wanting to be on my shoulder and cuddling under my chin. He would climb in a penny jar and throw the pennies out,jump down and pick them up drop it..etc.



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Post by lilly »

Aww he's so cute, Heather. Sandy, that is a funny story.....Lacey could probably sense a midwayer...she was probably greeting them.... :lol:
I bet George and yourself quickly snapped back to full waking consciousness after that...... :shock:
lilly xx :lol: :lol:
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Post by Sandy »

Oh Heather they are gorgeous! :D And fifteen of them all at once! :shock: Wow!!!
Our next door neighbor has three cockatiels and they can get a bit loud when they get all worked up. I can't imagine fifteen! but they are such sweet birds aren't they?

I laughed at your "little one" throwing the pennies out of the pennies jar. They do love to hear the sounds of objects as they drop.

I've already covered our Lacey so she is actually going to bed at a normal time tonight. Maybe that is one reason she is a bit cranky. She may not be getting enough sleep. :? Hard to get around it though...her cage is right here beside my desk.

Love, Sandy
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Post by SheraX »

Just to correct myself, :D :D ..7 cockatiels and the rest were budgies.

People would call and think they called the wrong number and got the jungle! :shock: :lol:

Heather xo
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Post by lilly »

:lol: :lol: :lol: Used to have seven budgies and people would ring and wonder where on earth I was...too. haha :lol: :lol: :lol:
I'll catch up with you all later on....time to make a party.....where's my Wiggles party hat...... :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Love lilly xxxxx
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Post by lilly »

Well, the party was a great success and my grandson enjoyed his special day......He danced and played with his new toys.
Twenty of us including the three children.....he's going for another celebration tomorrow at my niece's place..... lucky little boy. Some of the family couldn't make it due to commitments so will see him tomorrow.
My daughter took photos and there is a distinct orb which looks as if it's either coming from Aidan's hand or about to land on it. On another picture there is another one. Not long ago she took a photo of her older brother and his partner.... there was an orb on top of both their coffee cups and they were sat apart.
They've all gone home now and I'm relaxing....I worked hard today and enjoyed every minute......
Love lilly xxxxx :D
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Post by Sandy »

Hey Lilly,
Sounds like a good day all deserve to put your feet up and curl up with a good book and your favorite warm cuppa. Nice job you wonderful granny!
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