Physical contact?

We will list here stories almost too amazing to believe - when our spirit brothers and sisters turn up physically here to help us. This forum is only about angels physically helping us.
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Re: Physical contact?

Post by Seeker13 »

Wow! I love reading about everyone's experiences. :bana: It just goes to show happenings that used to seem freaky, unusual, or scary are really becoming common place, if people can remain unafraid. For me overcoming fear was the key. Maybe these experiences have always been occuring with the same frequency and we're simply not as afraid to share them?

I think anything can be a token from celestials as long as you recognize it as such, mine are heart stones.

Have been getting touches for a long time now, can usually recognize from whom by which part of my head I feel it. Always get the feeling of little electrical fingers running all over my head when coming to the boards.

Dear Panther,
I usually find that what ever book I seem drawn to at the time is one that holds new truths for me.

Love to all,
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Re: Physical contact?

Post by Panther »

Thanks for the link Sandy, sorry being so long in posting but life got very busy for a while.
I want to tell you an experience my group of friends had two weeks ago. It's a positive story and shows the power of positive thinking. The results may have been monentary but we've applied it to people, life and problems too with positive results.
My friends come from all over North America. We have travelled far to each other's areas for group meetings many times.
An event came up in Las Vegas that everyone wanted to go to but a lot of them couldn't afford it. A contest was posted that paid airfare, 3 nights at a hotel and tickets to the event.
The night the contest ran, not one, but two of my friends won, they were allowed to bring 2 friends each. So six were going to this event for free.
The contest ran again a week later and others decided to try too. Two more of my friends won, equalling 12 people able to go to this event. I wan on chat with them at the time and we were all sending good vibes. I even said, "Come on lucky 11" lol.
All of the ladies who really wanted to go were able to. The odds on that are astounding.
That same day the vibes must have been still zinging in our group of friends. A woman who is adopting from overseas and was being told her adoption was on hold was told that day she had been approved and she will have her little one before Christmas.
I was going on holiday even though I couldn't afford it and suddenly found out I had a large amount of money in an account I had no idea about.
Another womans son who had lost his job got a call from his old company and they wanted him back.
The good news kept on pouring in the rest of the week.
Positive thinking done by a group of people, is a very powerful thing. I'm a total believer in that.
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Re: Physical contact?

Post by Sandy »

Holey Moley Panther! You made me feel so good reading about the wonderful positive things happening with you and your group of friends. I find it very very inspiring. Can you imagine what we could accomplish if we all put our postive brains together in solving some of the world's problems. It is so easy to feel totally bewildered and at a there is nothing we can do...But "Someone" knows what to do...and 'Someone" knows the needed steps to make the needed changes come into fruition(Chief Bzutu's favorite word... ;) ) Hmmm so it seems like we don't necessarily need to know the "how tos" in the beginning just a strong desire to bring positive experiences into effect. Your groups experiences sort of demonstrate that. I am so happy for all of you and right now can't possibly imagine your friend's joy at the thought of having the long desired baby in their arms by Christmas! :cheers: Thanks for sharing!
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Re: Physical contact?

Post by Panther »

In the same vein of thought, I also believe that the power of negative thinking can cause bad events. I'm afraid Karma gets blamed for this more than we know. A person who thinks they are not worth good things or a person who is resented due to bad behaviour or having a talent can also be hit by a group of people who have negative thoughts about them. Again we are very powerful when we think together. We have to be very careful with this gift.
I wish more people were aware of the potential in them, we truly could change the world for the better if it is used properly. But I fear if more people knew about this, they would use it to help themselves.
We live in strange times and with being in the computer age, we can reach out to more and more people to bring like minds together. Personally, I'm only drawn to people who display kindness and generousity of spirit to others. I've learned in life to stay away from psychological vampires who need drama to survive.
I realize the majority of people are caught up in popular role playing and are trying to be who they aren't, or if its even possible to be a character on TV. They just don't have realistic lives most of the time. Because I don't join in to the role playing, I've been hit by the negative vibes many times.
This was one of the reasons why I started searching for answers. And I'm thinking I found them finally.
I'm finding people and animals now seem to be drawn to me, not sure if they see I will never judge them, or its the calm exterior I have now.
I grew up that way, lost my way, and am now finding it is coming back to me.
I'm really glad I found this site, so accepting of people and their differences and questions. Thank you.
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Re: Physical contact?

Post by luvinlife »

Panther, that is a wonderful story. Yes, I do believe that we get back what we put out.

Love, Clare
"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." - Confucius
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