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O Sinal (gaelic)

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 6:01 pm
by Dragonfly
the sign and signs are given, that the transition is here. Shifts of winds, and of heat and the heat of the Sun and my hearts Sun.

my masculine self is surely becoming something less theroritical, calculated and cold - rather now becoming softend, and more emotional and wise. what i used to think, no longer sticks to me - whom i used to be (and masks are falling) and there is a softer, more genuine and genius side to me, being visable and becoming seen.

these signs are evident. things i lose, physical items that disappear - o' but what reappears is so much more clear to me. a face of an innocent smile, the smile of the Earth and her true children. Those who love her, and her Goddess daugthers and Sons. The ones undivided, and in their nature strong, like a flame in the shadows or in the Sun. The storms of life, do not snuff this flame out. Rather enhance it to it's fullness.

when the Midsummer bunfire burns, i shall be one with my true Self, neither a calculating machine nor a reed in wind always blown to pieces. i shall be as this Earth, a unity of both and my true Self the most!

imagine Lady inocencia and i hand in hand by the bunfires, beaches & grass lands of green. my smile hers, and hers mine. yes i read the signs. For the clarity is like a harp to my ear, o' so clear that i am waking up and finding out.

Re: O Sinal (gaelic)

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:17 am
by Sandy
That's very beautiful, Kwame! Did you write it?

Re: O Sinal (gaelic)

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:36 pm
by Dragonfly
thank u Sandy - yes, i did write it. On the 10th of June this year! Glad you liked it - as it is meant to be more "naturebond" and like coming from a pagan viewpoint, and to capture the innocence of things before they become concepts and boxed ideas etc.The feminine touch and expression and focus was on intended on purpose.


Re: O Sinal (gaelic)

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2015 3:02 am
by Sandy
Hi Kwame,
I thought it carried the delicate touch of Pagan influences and I notice the feminine and appreciated it. Since we all know that God is genderless... at least in the way humans look at Gender It was a welcomed respite from patriarchy. Even though having grown up with the later as the foundation for my belief structure I am entirely comfortable with it... either one if I were to be honest. :)

I think you have accomplished what you wished in this lovely writing... a sense of beauty and wonder... green grasses and dew in the morning light...unity... renewed hope in the age that is upon us... :) At least that is what I feel as I read it, something beyond words ... more like a quiet inner celebration of a sort.

Anyway as you can see, it moved me...and has me thinking.
Hoping to see more. xx
:loves Sandy

Re: O Sinal (gaelic)

Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 5:12 pm
by Dragonfly
There is a spelling mistake as it should read (as the masks are falling).. thank you for your kind reply. Yes "something beyond words" as you rightly mentioned, i do agree. And so much that i feel the same in my heart as you do. Also slowly i am becoming more comfortable with both the feminine & masculine side of the genderless God. :sunny:

N.B. ~ And naturally - shodows should say shadows.

Re: O Sinal (gaelic)

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 5:01 am
by Sandy
Hi Kwame,
I made the changes you mentioned. Have a great week end! :hithere

Re: O Sinal (gaelic)

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 4:07 pm
by Dragonfly
O´ this is wonderful to hear. Much healing to you and George and family from here! I love you warmly & dearly. :loves I´m fortunate to be inspired to pen down some emotions, experiences and thoughts this Summer - so i could hardly wish for more!

Peacefully, Kwame

Re: O Sinal (gaelic)

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 12:54 am
by Sandy
Hi Kwame,
I´m fortunate to be inspired to pen down some emotions, experiences and thoughts this Summer - so i could hardly wish for more!
That is good news! :sunflower: If there is anything you would like to share with us... we would love to hear it.(read it :D )
O´ this is wonderful to hear. Much healing to you and George and family from here! I love you warmly & dearly. :loves
You are very much our brother Kwame and we love you too! :kiss: