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Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:11 am
by Spirit_Force
Hi George,
I wonder if that is what Solara considers to be her 'gates'.
This makes sense to me. I suppose the changes in the world
we are seeing and will see probably correspond with the spiritual
ascension she and others are anticipating.

It's 11:11 as I submit this... :D

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:01 am
by George
Hi SpiritForce,

I wish I could (1) understand what she's on about and (2) hear from her, but she won't communicate.

Understand, tho, that without some guided visualization 'thing,' like the Akashic Construct, it is hard to perceive the Midwayers.

So MUCH more detail comes through from direct eye contact. You don't just recognize them, you don't just learn from them, you don't just feel how they feel.

You kinda become LIKE them. It's life changing, and not just in a spiritual sense.

Between 1960 and 1982 I turned up in the right place day after day to view, quote on, and bring home job after job for my factory workers. :shock:

Marvelous! Magic! Midwayers! :D

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:24 am
by justylonging1111
Hi there George,

What were the "rebels" guilty of? Are they Celesitals? or Mortals?

Take care
Justy :sunny:

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 9:34 am
by Geoff
Dear Justy,

All Celestials. They followed Lucifer. Try the Ubook.


Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 4:02 pm
by Moebishop
Hi justylonging1111
The Urantia Book on-line is worth checking out.
I have attached a link, below, to the section of the on-line version of the Ubook that pertains to the "Lucifer rebelion"

Posted: Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:38 pm
by justylonging1111

I just finished reading this, Moe, and thank you by the way!

Its a lot to take in but I get the jist. Thank you and I think I will do more reading of the Urantia Book!

God Bless
Justy :sunny:

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 2:01 am
by Mati
You know folks, I have recently had this feeling that the word Lucifer is being misapplied.

So I googled it. Heres a fascinating background on the historical twistings that occur due to linguistical differences that then over time become crushingly misapplied.

So... taking history into account... Satan is not even the same concept as Lucifer. Begs the question of why we keep referring to this as the "Lucifer Rebellion"? This almost mocks our intelligence, does it not? Thoughts anyone?

Lucem Ferre, Venus....

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:08 am
by George
A name is a name is a name, I believe, Mati.

And Celestials know that they must use common, understood terms to get their message across.

From about 1946 onwards I developed a growing relationship with four "Progress Spirit Guardians" or "Planetary Helpers for Progress" of the 1,111 Platoon, residing in the "halfway' realm of time-space".

In 1997 I finally learned that they were three Secondary Midwayers and one Primary Midwayer.

By 2001 as we were given 11:11 International Outreach as a task, virtually nobody knew what a Secondary Midwayers were -- the 'Progress owners' of the 11:11 time prompt -- but this mb is still 'misnamed' the 11:11 Angels Message Board.

It's a name that draws attention, as everyone has heard of angels.

Lanonandek Son -- number 37 of his order -- assistant sovereign of Satania -- does not mean a great deal, but the term Lucifer is clear in this day and age. Laguages are alive and keep changing, but the matter of the system-wide rebellion remains a fact.

I hope I did not misunderstand the above posts.

God bless....

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:01 am
by Mati
I think my post was too strongly worded regarding usage of the verb "mocking". I am sorry for that part, oftentimes my words get ahead of my reason. Truly, our intelligence as a species (and mine personally) is probably not all that hard to mock anyhow ;)

Regarding the interesting choice of wording though- that is a curious element. A word is a word is a word. That's true. But words also represent ideas and I do agree with the popular concept these days that ideas are powerful.

So the usage of the word Lucifer as opposed to for example Satan (whose linguistic roots stem from the idea of "adversary/accuser"- a seemingly more fitting background for a description of a rebellious entity) creates purposefully or not a metaphor that the rebellion itself will bear "fruit of light", an Eastern mysticism style concept of there being an element of Ying in the Yang and vice versa.

Anyhow, good to hear your thoughts on the matter. Thanks.

Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2007 2:17 am
by George
Hi Mati,

I think the confusion comes in with the fact that we humans were disadvantaged by 4 guys . . . Lucifer and his sidekick Satan both Lanonandek Sons . . . and as well Caligastia and Daligastia here on earth . . . mostly referred to as devils.

Then there was Beelzebub, a badnews Midwayer, or demon.

Quite an assortment of uglies. :twisted: all history since 1985.

God bless.....