Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Sandy »

Makes me feel the calm reading about it.
Me too! :sunflower:

and this too...
It was the best thing to happen to me today, and I felt such a compassionate energy coming from him- and I think we recognized one another's blessed disposition. It feels good reflecting on it. It made me think how much a calm demeanor effects our reality- not just a calm demeanor- but to carry God in our waking lives. To believe in and exuberate in his love- this gentle energy is so powerful- it can impact culture, change society.
Thank you, so much Eric. I needed that.

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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

I was going to share this in our group meditation, but I think this is more appropriate. Wow. It's x:14 now. For those of you who know me here, x:14 is a personal guide. I think I've been looking for my guides without realizing it. The "initiation" that started it all, some of the most profound dream-in between type experiences I've ever had. Carried with me all these years, and years later would I find some kind of inkling to what's responsible. I know what's responsible- it's titled above... "The Living Spirit" That's Father God. Or Mother God. I don't care which gender you put on a supreme Being.

But it's time to acknowledge this guide in my life. Perhaps they're all connected. God has given me another discovery. And it is thanks to Kim I was able to see there was a connection. I hadn't shared this but in PM but the night before Kims post I had a few "dream memories" that I could recall with clarity. The last memory was being put in a type of test. There was a woman by the name of Ishtar leading it. I was wanting Love, but I was also wanting her sexually- and she kept me intrigued but also kept us separate- as a part of this "game design." The design got to the point where someone tried to kill her in the end. I don't remember my reaction, I was kind of just observing everything as a dreamer. I was even upset at this Ishtar woman- I found my self asking, why would she purposely keep us separated? Is this even real? As in... Is this experience real? I was upset by the possibility of it being forged.

Well. Upon wake I could not shake the name Ishtar off. How could I remember such a name so clearly? I've not heard it before.
Ishtar (Inanna in Sumerian sources) is a primary Mesopotamian goddess closely associated with love and war. This powerful Mesopotamian goddess is the first known deity for which we have written evidence. While largely unknown in the modern day, this powerful ancient deity had a complex and influential role in the religions and cultures of the Ancient Near East.

Wow. Another name, and it means something. Not just something. It means a lot... And here I was being quite bullheaded over some 'test' in my dream. I found my self saying things like... If anyone wants to share love with me in the moment I want to share it back... Not to be so disturbed. But I also felt I was angry because in the dream, I could almost feel like I was dreaming. Like it wasn't real. And I wanted to know why even go to that extent?

Not shortly after I came to the MB to find Kim had quite the meditative experience. It was a visit from the One who had granted me insight all those years ago- perhaps to elements of a past life, of dying and being reborn. The one who covered all the atoms and particles in Green. The timing of it all was so unique I found my self searching "The Green Man and Ishtar"
An essential aspect of the nature of Christ is the archetypal Green Man who made his first appearance historically in the form of the pagan vegetation gods. He symbolized death and rebirth in the cycle of nature and embodied the power inherent to the grain crops upon which agricultural societies depended. He was personified in many different guises throughout the ancient world. The Sumerian god Dumuzi, known as Tammuz to the Akkadians and Adonis to the Greeks, illustrated the mythic death and rebirth of the Green Man through his annual sojourn in the lower world for half the year and his subsequent return in Spring to the upper world. The Phrygian god Attis, who was often identified with corn as well as the pine tree, followed a similar cyclical pattern. The "death" and "resurrection" of the god clearly represents the cycle of vegetative life, which is buried in the earth for half a year before it rises above ground. As Sir James Frazer has shown, early peoples interpreted "the dying and reviving god as the reaped and sprouting grain."(1) The Egyptian god Osiris followed the same archetypal pattern, for stories of the death, dismemberment, and scattering of the body parts of this vegetation god across the land are mythic representations of the sowing of the grain. The rebirth of Osiris in the Spring brought the promise of eternal life and provided the basis for the elaborate death rituals to insure immortality which were a hallmark of Egyptian culture. The Greek god Dionysius, known as Bacchus in Rome , who is best known for his association with the vine and the intoxication which comes from the juice of its grapes, also participated in the mythic pattern of the vegetation gods in his violent death and resurrection.(2)

Whenever the archetype of the Green Man appears, we also inevitably find the presence of the Divine Feminine.(3) For the Green Man and the Goddess represent the archetypal masculine and feminine polarities which are the source of created life. In ancient cultures the Green Man often took the form of the son/lover of the Goddess. For example, the vegetation gods Dumuzi, Tammuz, and Attis who were referred to as "the Green One," (4) were both the son and lover of the Goddess in her forms as Inanna, Ishtar, and Kybele. ... enman.html

Okay... So... I am still really blown away by all of this. To the point it gets kind of hard to focus, I just stare out in awe... What is going on here? I've been wanting to know "Mother" as mentioned somewhere in this very thread. I have found my Guide. Guides. Is this a collective consciousness? Here are Beings who, after years, have introduced themselves to me. They aren't just for me though. They represent, maybe the spiritual nature of our local universe. . . Not sure. Well. One step at a time. But, definitely an indicator that I share a connection with. A spiritual lineage- a historical record. What fascinates me is the story of the green man and the divine feminine share similar lore through out so many various cultures. They take different names and appear in various times through out history- but they share consistent dynamics.

I am extremely grateful. Thank you God. Thank you Mother.

Prior to the dream I have had a shift in desires. I am getting older, my physiology is changing. I feel like I am being made ready for a wife and child. This has been a desire in recent months. Just this morning, without making all these connections- I found my self saying I want a Woman I can adore and Worship like a Goddess. Someone I can grow with. And I found my self in meditation finding all these strong and Loving connections. And prior to that found my self even mentally speaking to a Daughter that I don't even have. This dream might be my guides checking in and gauging where I'm at in relation with these changes. But it's much more than just this chapter of my life... And I think they have an active interest in, well. All of our lives. This goes back to the Living Spirit. To Earths 'Destiny Guardians' But now, there's faces and names coming through. The invisible is speaking. Like 1111... Wow.

That's all for now...
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Seeker13 »

Reading your experiences, interpretations, and information, feels like I'm watching a flower blooming(for me this is a wonderously exciting happening)!... In my mind's eye it's a blue one.

I'm so happy for you! Realizing for certain that you have spiritual guides and teachers... well everything changes and expands! :sunflower:

When sending your desires out to the universe don't forget to ask for a partner that loves and adores you in return. That's what we all deserve.

I'm excited for you,
And Spirit whispered, "There are no limits."

We are akin to the aspen forests, seemingly separated but in actuality, one organism.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

thank you Kim, i think i understand the shared lineage which is something reserved for all of earth inhabitants.

mother earth and father god are the parents for our soul.

funny that you mention blue, here is mother (an aspect of) channeled for me by my friend Casey. I've posted it here but just bumping it as it all connects. she says in her reading the being has incredibly "blue eyes"

yes i would like a reciprocated love this time around. maybe someone that can share in these mystical experiences with me. i feel like my radar has been turned on, like nature flipped a switch and my chemistry/subconscious is seeking the ideal candidate.=p
no expectations, just love and gratitude.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

The thought occurred to me earlier today. This is where I'm at with my understanding based on recent experiences. It's more of an idea, which is open to critique. I mean no offense to any one persons religious views- I am not a disciple of religious doctrine, philosophy or tradition. So if I speculate on the life of Jesus and/or idea's mentioned in the UB- know that I do not speak with authority in either regards. I only speak for my self.

I've heard this before and hold on to it because it aligns with just about every spiritual facet I've observed or was introduced to through out the course of my life. "Forms are many, Soul is one." Even now, whimsical idea's around Reincarnation and Love flash in my mind as the ultimate "Hide and Seek" between the individual and the Divine Lover- which we may call God. This hide and seek is even prevalent in our 1111 promptings as we are encouraged to find understanding or guidance from these unique moments- whispers from a Living Spirit.

The story of Ishtar and the Green Man. Even the story of Christ and the Father. My Sufi friend says there can only be One. So I don't know how to articulate the extent of variance as it coincides to One entity but for now my belief is forming that this region of time/space and all inhabitants of Planet Earth are One Soul. The life of Christ exemplifies something that is designed for all of us- in relation to its evolution towards Unity with Father God. Ishtar and the Green Man share a similar story. That story involves the seeking, the spiritual lessons or battles available for us all, death and Rebirth- and the intimate connection between Love and Lover. It's almost like this is a requisite for having taken form- just like death is the tax we must all pay. Whether that requisite is the same for life elsewhere in the multiverse is not something I can comment on... But it would appear these are "laws" much like the material world is bound by its own set of "laws."

So when I say that the lineage is reserved for all earth inhabitants(in my post above)- I say that with the belief that Ishtar/Green Man- Father/Christ are one in the same. And I believe there are many other forms or 'personalities' that have specifically incarnated on this planet, who live on in the hearts of devotees today, exemplifying the destiny that awaits any maturing Soul whose incarnation is bound to this region of time/space(We are Kings and Queens/Prince's and Princesses of this Universe. Our evolution is an entire cosmos). It's like a way of life I don't think anyone here can escape. We all have access then, to information and communication with Beings that have lived here before- because we share the same story as a citizen of Earth. I believe Ishtar and Green Man are representation of God/Goddess- Love and Lovers- Eternal and material.

That's where I'm at. :study:
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

I am drawn here again, and again. My last contribution to this thread- The Living Spirit was Feb. 10th 2022, the same day my mysterious ailments really started disrupting my life. It's been over three months, the episodes have really calmed down... Healing is happening!
But more importantly... I was reminded of so many things- it's like I forgot... or, get swept up in the dance. How can I forget some of the most amazing miracles? I never want to forget.

Life is a constant miracle. There is no, "outside" world. This is what I am referencing in my above contemplation... 1111 is when the distinction between self and God fade away... When Life is All God.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

A lot to be grateful for...

Spirit is still communicating... And how quick is my mind to jump from miracles to being preoccupied with frivolous and outdated mental patterns?? It's better I jump back, into the plane of existence that would show gratitude, love and active participation with this living intelligence...

Journal entry from two days ago...

Really loving the speed at which I am able to return to that comforting loving place, thanks to much of the works that are shared here. In the last few weeks I have really strengthened my resolve to heal. Today a customer inquired and I told him, with or without answers I am healing. The conviction has solidified. I was listening to the song shared later in the day by a friend. On my short car ride home I saw two custom license plates... "Wellness" and "Arrow." I Love when Universe acknowledges me like that. I love speaking with the Universe. It's a great thing, to be alive. 🙏💜

Wellness Arrow... =)

Dream last night....

My dreams have been really speaking to me... Guiding me. I almost forgot about this one, I woke up asking Mom if it just happened because I was still somewhat in the dream state, only to realize it was too early and a new day. I dreamt she helped me shop around for my CT scan which had been denied by my insurance. The hospital would have wanted $2,600+ upfront in order to proceed. I dreamt of the name of the imaging facility, that they were significantly less expensive. I called them up today(not in the dream) and sure enough, I have an appointment first thing tomorrow. Hooray! 🙂 God is great.

Today I captured some beautiful photo's of a grasshopper... Therein lies the message for us...

What this totem means to me....
Looking back at this journal and my dreams, I am realizing the message of the grasshopper. Earlier today my mind was quick to jump from miracles, wonder and recent lessons to being preoccupied with frivolous and outdated mental patterns. Even the people around me today were telling me how tired they were, some not even sure as to why. I noticed my mind wanting to entertain lesser desires- satisfy temporary cravings, "quick fixes" as we call them. I entertained this outdated modality and realize the grasshopper is here to assist me and others. To help us jump from one plane of consciousness to another. I'd much rather be- loving, grateful and absorbed in the presence- actively communicating with the Whispering Spirit than entertaining the selfish mind looking to satisfy base impulse and propel never ending cravings through surface level existence.
How soon had I forgotten the message of Wellness Arrow? Not able to see the link between that and the miracle my most recent dream- being directed to an imaging center that we can afford and at such incredible speeds? It's time to slow down, breathe and find my way back to the quiet, grateful and free expressions that satisfy my soul.
<3 <3 <3 H(OM)E<3<3<3
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Sandy »

What amazing photos of the grasshopper who seemingly is posing with a coy look in his or her eyes. FABULOUS! And I feel that way too at your thoughts shared with us from your journal entries... This I long to take with me into this day and the next and the next. :D
It's time to slow down, breathe and find my way back to the quiet, grateful and free expressions that satisfy my soul.
Thank you brother for sharing your reflections so gently with the rest of us. Like breathing ...I inhale and hope for added inspiration as I "upload" this and my added experiences into my "system processor." :D :cheers:

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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Starwalker »

Hi Eric,

I’ve been drawn to this thread lately. I really enjoyed reading of your experiences and interpretations of them. I was sorry to hear of your health issues. What an amazing experience of how you found the less expensive imaging company though. I hope that all works out for you. Anyway, I don’t have much to add here, but I just wanted to say that I think you are a beautiful person. I hope you find everything your heart desires!

God bless,
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

Click quote if desired to be directed to full post.
happyrain wrote: Thu Feb 03, 2022 5:37 am There was a woman by the name of Ishtar leading it. I was wanting Love, but I was also wanting her sexually- and she kept me intrigued but also kept us separate- as a part of this "game design." The design got to the point where someone tried to kill her in the end. I don't remember my reaction, I was kind of just observing everything as a dreamer. I was even upset at this Ishtar woman- I found my self asking, why would she purposely keep us separated? Is this even real? As in... Is this experience real? I was upset by the possibility of it being forged.

Well. Upon wake I could not shake the name Ishtar off. How could I remember such a name so clearly? I've not heard it before.
Ishtar (Inanna in Sumerian sources) is a primary Mesopotamian goddess closely associated with love and war. This powerful Mesopotamian goddess is the first known deity for which we have written evidence. While largely unknown in the modern day, this powerful ancient deity had a complex and influential role in the religions and cultures of the Ancient Near East.

Wow. Another name, and it means something. Not just something. It means a lot... And here I was being quite bullheaded over some 'test' in my dream. I found my self saying things like... If anyone wants to share love with me in the moment I want to share it back... Not to be so disturbed. But I also felt I was angry because in the dream, I could almost feel like I was dreaming. Like it wasn't real. And I wanted to know why even go to that extent?
I can not find the dream journal... Many years ago I dreamt I was roaming around as formless awareness. I was honed in on a group of monks meditating alongside a mountain. It was dark, above these warriors was a pulsing dark blue light. The chant was, "AYA" in a most victorious and resounding verberation.

Last night, deep in meditation, I began chanting Lord Ramas mantra gifted by Swami V. Each word was a continuous and blissful chill along my spine. I decided to close my eyes and hone in on the word AYA. I continually repeated Aya in the dark. Each strike triggered an even more intense wave of beautiful comforting tingles up and down my spine.

My inner being knows Aya is powerful... I did more research tonight... Everything is somehow connected back to the Peacock Angel.. To 14... To my guides... Yet Aya is very personal... Maybe not just for me... I long to experience more with her, to acknowledge this gap in my being.

What more can I do??? Well... Here's the connection of Aya and Ishtar... Another surprising and mind blowing stumble-upon:

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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

I tried providing additional details and the forum timed out on me- so I had to create a new post entirely. Can someone please delete the post above this? Sorry for the duplicate. :hithere

A dream: a glitch in the matrix
An OBE: Lei Fong and Cabal infiltration

Questions- answers? More questions.

Just a couple days ago I had an OBE. I didn't do anything but practice exiting the body and stood there. Just breathing in the atmosphere was a pleasant sensation. I got to try it twice in one night. I wonder... Since I haven't mastered this by Will power... Was I being prepped for tonights experience??? Thanks for taking the time to read and provide any feedback... I have further questions at the end of this.

I had a really interesting dream before the actual OBE so I will share that as well...

The dream,

a little girl learns about a real "glitch in the matrix."

it's similar to the movie. it starts with dejavu, except this dejavu is the exact thing repeating itself(a glitch in the matrix) and a hologram collides into a wall like a wave. here the matrix waits to receive input from the person who observes the glitch and if it's acceptable is played out.

the girl observes this glitch on two "men in black" and is hiding behind a wall which seems to shield her from the mens view. she rewrites the script and tries to change the fate of these men, which would involve killing one of them. the man who taught this girl about the glitches arrives to the scene since she unintentionally pings her location by trying to change something so dramatically. he ends up killing the men himself and the bullet which was a product of the rewrite from the girl standing behind the wall is frozen and sent back towards the girl. the man rushes towards her in a brilliant burst of light and breaches this invisible wall. here, in slow motion, the girl is exposed unto the scene and her eyes flash violet once she is drawn out from hiding. the man warns her not to beep-beep around again or it means losing her own life. she is scared

the scene changes like i am pulled out from wherever i was and put back on a lower density. i am observing an aerial view of a city street at night. ironically the building in focus is a chrome art studio called, "digaf" (do i give a beep-beep) next to a mattress or "snooze" store. it is somehow highlighted that people work in the mattress store and they practice the art of sleeping or- sell sleep to people. . .?


So... Before going to bed I asked God in prayer what I'm doing wrong. Presently I am pursuing a woman of interest who is showing me reciprocation but is in no rush with being intimate. My whole reason for pursuing is to be intimate as it is a part of how I express my interest and share my heart and joy. So this is a learning curve for me... Since I haven't had much experience with dating. I don't really date around- things have always just happened and I tend to focus my energy in the one invested interest. Anyways... So I pray and ask to be shown what I'm doing wrong... I pray for clarification and ask God what he thinks about my relationship with this girl. Are these answers to my prayers? I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not.

Now the OBE- with something that has never happened before... A golden statue appeared in my backyard. It was terrifying- it was amazing. It was a statue but it was alive. It changed shapes. Despite rain the sun was shining on it and it didn't get wet.

Here's the details to the best of my ability- they started fading even during the experience.


After falling back asleep I had an OBE. There are too many details to recount. I managed to catch the last few. It started with going downstairs towards my Dogs, they were happy to see me. I knew I was out of body and they saw me all the same. Many dream like concepts were playing out during the OBE, like I was having both an astral experience in my house while separately dreaming things and details about my family around me. I could dive in either experience. For example, I remember everyone in my house being awake- the lights on upstairs with April on the phone for a job interview- me drinking her water in the kitchen and being disgusted she had cheese inside the water bottle? I tried focusing on the OBE and not the dreams swirling around me. I went outside with the dogs to play in the backyard. Once in the backyard the dogs were playing with each other- it went from raining to a bright sun. In the center of the backyard was a golden statue. There is no golden statue in my backyard. It was as frightening as it was beautiful. Dreams and details were continuing to swirl around me. Like I could feel a part of me still in my bedroom and see a light in my peripheral from the perspective of my room(despite being in the backyard). I thought there was a nonexistent lamp on in my room. I am recalling in flashes now. Every time I glanced at the statue- it changed shape, but still a golden statue with the sun shining down on it. It became two things- and my dogs, tumbling and playing about- turned into the two entities portrayed by the statue. I look up and the statue changed again... From two siblings, to two friends... To one tall and one short... to Brothers and Soldiers... The dogs had become all these things. Lastly it became a Mother and Daughter- to focus on the child.
It was weird because off to the side was rain and dark clouds... But the statue was, surreal and without rain- without clouds. And the dogs became the last thing the statue showed me... I had to have met a being of some sort...
"This is Lei Fong" It said to me. We weren't speaking English- but telepathically?
Last of the dynasty...? A cabal has infiltrated their people... A great war has been relayed to me. They are desperate for help. I am being offered to accept this child in my lineage. Along accepting her I am promised certain- spiritual gifts... ? It's all starting to fade now... Somehow I start retracting back to my physical body... But before ending the experience- A larger aspect of my self pulled through the entire scene- like I was secretly watching in the background. And my voice in a way I never heard it before said,
"How do I know?"

I wake up...


So... I never met whoever was talking to me. I could not see what they looked like. I just know I was visited. The language was a type of telepathic communication. It was a lot of information to be spoken in english but I understood it in english. This great war was more like an infiltration. Like they were presently being destroyed- a cabal has infiltrated their ship? Entities physically dying around me. This was a desperate plea for help. And I am being shown this child. This child is the key to preserving their dynasty. I am being asked to accept this offer and it begins to feel like a trade- like I will be rewarded some kind of gift. My intuition or higher-self is stand-offish. What they're showing me feels real. But I am hesitant. And as a higher authority within myself stepped forward ending the OBE... "How do I know?" Was said in the most powerful way I can't express it. Like it either chased off deceit or it was meant to be a question to remember. I think Lei Fong was the name. I know they specifically used the word Cabal.

The statue had such an interesting feel I've never experienced that before. Am I being deceived? Are these answers to my prayers? Do I accept the offer? Do I help? Why would I be tempted with spiritual gifts? This dream feels important.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

Hi guys. I want to provide an update to the experience logged above. If you've managed to read through it all- God bless you. :lol: A lot happened in one night and I tried writing it out around 5AM in all of my excitement. I should have separated the initial dream and the OBE as two separate post.

First I'd like to comment on the OBE. It's interesting to me because my awareness in this astral realm was not single-pointed or even linear. What do I mean? It was as if I had three selves. This is not the first time I've experienced multiple versions of my self during an "out-of-body." The first self was out of body directly interacting with the dogs, the statue and telepathically speaking with whomever about their dynasty and Lei Fong. The second point of awareness or self was noticing my body back in bed and also diving into "dream data" swirling around the astral environment. The third self, or perhaps the single point of awareness- was what came in with authority asking, "How do I know?"

In the end it is all self, but it seems- just like a subtle body might exist, awareness is not bound to experiencing and observing through the physical body- behind the physical eyes.

Alright that's line of thought number 1.


Last night my Sister came over for a surprise visit. I did not realize she was to have her job interview. It ended up being rescheduled, but she came over to talk about it. There was also something starting to stink in our fridge and I found it disgusting. April randomly explored the fridge while she was here and found some of her cheese which was in part the culprit to the smell.
These instances are in alignment with the dream data I noticed swirling around me in the astral.

Then, earlier today... A younger co-worker said something I hadn't heard her say before. She specifically said, "do i give a f**k." She was being playful about it, and it's not uncommon behavior yet I've never heard her say it- and when she did, I was instantly reminded of the dream I had prior to having the out of body experience. When that dream ended I was without a body, just awareness looking at a building with digaf over it "do i give a f**k."

While I can't say exactly why this is happening, I can say that perhaps a reason why I felt this experience important is because there is indeed intelligent guidance happening. It feels like at this point in my life, and my families, we are turning a page and entering a transformative period. I may not be able to connect the dots- but perhaps something is asking me to pay attention.

I hope I'm doing Love a good service, and I am enjoying this transition. Presently I am exploring my confidence, handling rejection, pushing my limits(admittedly in baby steps) and facing my fears(again, tiny variants. so tiny I suspect it wouldn't look like much to an outsider). I can't speak of where my family is at... But my Mother is gaining new understanding of her children- she is recognizing the stage of adulthood. Dad is on a trip and perhaps gaining insights. April is in a transitory phase with her work and her boyfriend. It all makes sense...


Thank you to those who have cautioned me not to make a barter in the astral fields. I too found myself wondering why anyone so desperate for help would promise spiritual powers to those who take up the task of helping. Who knows, it could be sincere- I don't know. I can say that it is perhaps an accurate reflection of my current lease on life. Admittedly, it is not the noblest path... But it's where I'm at. Life for me currently is give/take. I dance between selfish desires and selfless deeds. I do not admit to having mastered this rung of development, I know there is a higher path. I am okay with where I'm at, with full faith I am going to learn whatever my subconscious is trying to tell me. And perhaps my lease on life will change yet again.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

Yesterday a young kid brandished a weapon in my face and told me he'd shoot me.

I am also noticing more people coming forward with their 1111 experience.

I have decided that being born in this body has given me the opportunity to learn masculine energy and to be a man. I am still a child, but would like to be a Father figure in my immediate environment.

How can we serve those kids who are marred by ignorance-

Or the adults who are asking me about the 1111...

It's time to step into the role.

I have to do this with an open heart and mind, a lending ear... And still I can't be consumed by someone elses ignorance but wish to guide them to the Fathers Light.

I don't want to direct them to the Bible. I don't even read it... How might I serve responsibly- and exude the desired presence

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Contact in Dream

Post by happyrain »

Hello family,

I dreamt I met or established contact with a being last night/early this morning in my dreams.

He had an entire sun inside of him, and he was hard to look at because there was blinding light. I could barley keep my eyes open. When I woke up he imparted a message... And I don't remember, but I have Faith the contact imparted something for me either way.

I believe this because later this evening Beloved God has winked at me with a peculiar symbol I share with Him for all things divine.

Later I had more dreams which all revolved around telling the characters in my dreams of this being. No one really believed me. I didn't see him again, just that I carried him into my other dreams.

I've been thinking more about the kid who brandished his weapon. I am trying to understand, WWJD.

I wonder if it's all connected.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Sandy »

Hi Eric,

Your reaction to something that would have many of us quaking in our boots says a great deal about your readiness to lead. In a way, you answered your own question with WWJD? That is always good guidance if you know anything at all about the Master Jesus or Christ Michael. I am not talking Bible here necessarily or even Urantia Book... we don't need to read either book, to discover the larger then life principles that were inherent in the man Jesus and the sovereign Michael. That comes from discovering God within us, the gifts, the guidance and the love that comes with the entire package. You know as much about this as anyone I know...You exhibit love daily with your family, friends, co workers, and strangers. and no...none of us are perfect. We all fall short of what we desire to do and be in thought word and deed. Life is tough and brings us to the edge of darkness. It can swallow us up or we can dig our heels into the ground on the edge of the cliff and shout to the winds and anything that hears us that we are the masters, the "captains of our souls." (Yes, I am thinking very much of the powerful poem Mahsa's posted in the poetry section. :) ) Jesus walked with love, Paramahansa Yogananda walked with Love, Ghandi walked in Love, and many others who truly uplifted the human race did so in simplicity and in love. Let love guide you from within as you consider how to assist those around you. Be who you are at your root source...ask you God within for guidance.

Know beyond a doubt that you are not alone. The being of bright light in your dreams reminds you this and perhaps of something that Kim will chuckle at when I say it here. (long story...I will tell you later.) "You are more then you allow yourself to be." You are ready. It is already within you. :kiss:

love you dear friend,
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

Thanks Sandy.

Yes it's been an interesting couple of weeks. On Casey's forum, where I share and record dreams daily, someone else reported having a vision of seeing a being of blinding light.

I am also dreaming of being on spacecraft and/or discussing ET connections which is something other members are reporting too. It's very interesting.

Yes I was a bit shaken up, I admit though I had aggressive tendencies after the incident was all said and done. Like I should have done something more- but I know that's not the case.. That's why I ask WWJD.

It's just sad to see a child of 14 or 15 brandish a weapon with no regard for life. I suppose that's a part of growing up and I know I was plenty dumb and rude around that age too.

I am happy you're reading this and here with me during it all. Thank you for your kind words and support.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

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I meant to add the people talking about the ET connections experience the 1111 promptings. Some are guided more by 333's. Pretty cool eh?
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Sandy »

Hey Eric,

Midwayer Mathew, who is a foreign midwayer, uses the 333. 8)

I'm glad you didn't push the armed juvenile. It probably would have made a bad situation worse. You did the right thing. Your life is worth much more then money can buy.

Midwayers prompt people who can help make positive changes on this planet now or in the it isn't just spiritual people who receive the prompts. Of course, it is easier to put the pieces together if you can form some connection with them. George was one of the lucky ones. He was born with it... was in his genes... I began his first book again. It helps to bring him close this holiday season. I hear his voice when I read his words. :)

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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

Awe shucks thats great. Hey Sandy, when you say foreigner what does that mean?

Yesterday another friend came up to me and told me he's seeing 1111 and asked me what it means...

I can only hope/believe God sees me fit in some manner to grant these opportunities... The reality of that is humbling. I pray I say or encourage the right things and help these folks find a truer reality within themselves... I am deciding not to interfere with someones journey but if they ask my opinion to share from my personal experiences... And to remember we are all unique, sovereign beings- and only God and the individual truly know what's right for them.

I have another friend who tells me, "I'm messin up" because of political differences. Sadly I know this world is full of misinformation and misdirection... Even by trusted authorities. I am not a radicalized individual for thinking this... So I am trying to find the silver lining... I try to say his concerns are valid- all paths here are valid as from God... But I can see discord because some people want to argue and debate over things, even if they arrive to the same destination. It's really strange because I don't think we're all that different after all... But I think they are feeling strong differences because I happen to align my self with sources of information they've come to understand as dangerous.

Hmm... WWJD?
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

I realize the being who had a sun in him, told me not to rely on things outside my self.

It sounds like an obvious message, but when you're really in the thick of something- a simple message like this is a solid reminder and way out of a situation.

Now, it's all making sense.

And since then answers are more direct... And I am being asked to put them into practice and have faith.

As for my friends who are not receptive to my thoughts on state of affairs, I am advised to let it go.

They may wish to continue asking my opinion, and I'm just going to have to find a way not to obsess or really dig into it or wear my heart on my sleeve.

All things I've a habit of doing. No... Just let it go. Have faith that God is guiding all beings rightfully so.

And as we've shared... There's a season for everything.

I do hope to understand what it means to be a foreign midwayer. Thank you for taking the time~
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Sandy »

Hello Eric...
I am sorry. I am so slow these days...weekends are crazy here as the boys are home from school and the little one wants Nana's attention and is very demanding. It is complicated as I think I have shared with you, but anyway, I am sorry I have missed much...

You asked, what I meant when I called Midwayer Mathew a foreign Midwayer.
Well, first of all it helps to understand that Midwayers are native to particular planets just as humans are all over the universe. They are not human as you and I but super material beings. Their ancestry is rooted in the upstepping of the genetics of our planet thousands of years ago. The Midwayers do not ever die...they are immortal and the job they provide on most planets, not just ours, is to help direct the inhabitants of their home world towards an era of Light and Life. That's it in a nutshell.

Midwayer Mathew and his foreign kin are borrowed from other planets who have been settled in Light and Life. They are wise and knowledgeable and a great help to the midwayers on our planet that suffered under the Rebellion eons ago. You couldn't ask for more valuable guides...well with the exception of our TAs of course. :)

Here are some links with some information: ... ayers.html

You ask what would Jesus do in a particular situation as you described it... Does it help to know that Jesus had nothing to do with the politics of the time? ( and man, they were as crazy if not worse then our own.) He was here to bring the kingdom of God (Spirit and the Love of God) to man and woman kind and to bring/share, help give bonified celestials of our universe a better understanding of human kind, the way they are, their struggles of mortality etc.. He did not choose to get involved in the politics of the day.

So it seems with His mighty blueprint and example you can love your friends and visa versa without sharing the same opinions on the politics of the day. My son is married to a woman who is on the opposite side of the political spectrum. They don't talk politics and concentrate on family and love. Love of Family and God are soul nurturing...and will be with us throughout eternity. Most likely the fact of whether we were Republicans or Democrats or believe in this source of journalism or another probably won't be so important after we pass on from this world. It helps if we pause and consider what is most important to us not just in the moment but in eternity.

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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »

Hi Sandy,

It's okay. And I couldn't agree more. My Father and Mother being the same- opposite on the political spectrum. I had already suggested that to my friends and they just want to keep digging. Their argument is we should be able to question things as a friends group and challenge each other. They say things like they want to get to the truth of the matter but it feels like they just want to argue for arguments sake. I was strangely entangled, but now I'm just walking away. I tried to tell them I really don't care about the things they are giving so much attention to, there are far more concerning realities... That ultimately we are good hearted people in our group- and to focus on that. My mistake was thinking it my job to show them the greater realities worthy of concern... It would be a lie to say only one person wanted to be right. I wanted to be right too. And I think most people go into these things feeling the same. It just blows my mind... Because I see us saying the same thing, ultimately- and yet they see a division or disconnect between us. And trying to bridge that gap was near impossible with someone that wants control of the situation.

Falls on deaf ears at times. In the end, it's better to just say... "You may be right." "I may be full of it." "Uh huh" And so on... Because there's no sense in getting into it with someone that wants to debate for the sake of hearing their own voice.


Thank you for explaining foreign midwayers. So it means from another planet... Good to know!! I was hoping to share with an acquaintance whose repeating numbers are 333. I'll be sure to dive into the links later. I appreciate your kind advice.
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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by Sandy »

I'm sorry you are dealing with this problem with members of your group, Eric. Yet maybe you can think of it like is valuable experience in learning to be a peacemaker which is not easy. It's not like you are giving up your position you have just stepped away from the endless debate. And you absolutely have the right to say you wish to step back without still being nipped from the "other side" .

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Re: Discovering Answers, The Living Spirit

Post by happyrain »


I relayed the midwayer information to the acquaintance and he is very grateful. It's a hard concept to grasp but not an impossibility. I am grateful there are beings, who are able to manipulate our 3D material world just to acknowledge us and SPEAK to our INNER voice. It's mind blowing... For many of us we begin to feel a little cookoo because our understanding of reality is so loosened, and we actually see miracles and magic happen before us. It is important to stay grounded, not for appearances sake- but for the sake of continuing to create a harmonious environment if possible.

Sandy... How instantaneous is God? The day I wrote my troubles to you... And I do apologize for venting... and am so very grateful for your replies... That very day, as I continued writing these thoughts out while at my local coffee shop(I was trying to understand why a I so entangled in this)... A stranger walked up to me and wanted to talk about the exact same political controversy I had been grieved by. The difference here(which I did not explain to you) is that the conversation with my friends took place in text because our schedules are so different and we live in different states. So now here I am confronted over something I decided to let go and walk away from. I did not get upset, I just laughed at myself. I said... Okay God what do we want to talk about? What can I offer in this moment?

So we got into it. A lot of it was listening. But we were actually listening to each other. I tried not to sound so emotionally charged- and we ended up talking about freedom of speech, tribalism, authoritarianism, misinformation, gatekeepers- and so on. It was pleasantly easy in comparison. I realize when you do things over the phone(especially text) you lose a lot of that personal touch, the energy shared between peoples... And things just come off differently. I realize a lot of us are getting so riled up from the information being fed to us through these screens... And we just want people to connect with us on that emotional level. It happens on forums too.

We do live in polarizing times. I don't think this young man knew that I held opposite political view points from him. It didn't matter. Because I could see the uniting truth- but it isn't something you can always point out to others, it doesn't always connect. So I will let it go... But I just wanted to share that crazy, instantaneous synchronicity with you. I mean... A stranger walked up to me to talk about what I was writing on my laptop. What!

Surely there is a lesson here. I think it has to do with remaining calm(difficult as it can be) in such easily excitable times. The internet is a double-edged sword. The younger generation brought up on even more addicting external stimulus than previous generations may need help learning what media is creating regrettable energy, internal discord- and to remember to use will power to focus and choose what is worth consumption. It's something we could all benefit from, actually. It's interesting to recognize an addiction to drama over soothing content.

Sorry for the extended writing tonight... Hope you're hanging in there with me

But you know what? It's a full moon tonight and I got to say... I am feeling SO MUCH progress- and so much opportunity. This is a plane of duality. It's hard for people to see negative as positive or more accurately, a valid path. I won't get into the mystical viewpoint of it all... Once again, people will get hung up on definitions. I like the view- Service to Self and Service to Others. I will just say- despite all the apparent atrocities happening around us, progress is accelerating *doubly* so. Believe it. I feel it deep in my soul. 1111 is all about service to others, uplifting others to bring about a greater realization of *LIGHT* and *LIFE*

Oh yeah.. It feels good.

There is another interesting synchronicity I'd like to share with you. Do you remember the kid who brandished his weapon to me? Mom drove by the same area today and saw police covering a body with a blanket around 1:30PM today. Someone was shot and killed near the same place the kid said he'd shoot me- just today.

Sorry to sober things up so quickly. I have Faith God is in charge... I must be vigilant in being a better guardian for my parents and neighborhood... Just to keep on keepin' on in the name of Love.

Wild stuff huh?

Hope you're doing well, I'm sure the grandkids are keeping you busy!!

Kind regards~
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Given a Name

Post by happyrain »

Just want to share these last couple of nights I have experienced some pretty incredible, "thinning of the veil" type experiences.

One morning I woke up and was given a name. Suna (pronounced Soo-nah). She is a female and possible ET.

I am active on a few other forums and members there also experienced being visited just recently and it turns out I am finding a lot of similarities in communication with what others are reporting.

The last two nights something is very clearly trying to communicate to me in my dreams. The theme "inside out" repeats itself each night, which I think has something to do with how this communication takes place.

And something that seems to be relayed to others and my self are elements of rage and transformation.

I don't think, "they" are very happy still with the affairs of the world. This morning I woke up to a song that was given to me from those trying to relay a message. It's Black Sabbath War Pigs.

Upon listening I got intense chills as if they were standing right here basically yelling, "YES> WE ARE HERE RIGHT NOW"

While it is personal in that there is something for me to discover, it is something we all share with a greater being... and I think the veil is indeed thin as we transition into the new year.

Hope to learn more from Suna!

And Casey has channeled a magnificent being named Torrel. I am really connecting with him and having these experiences during the same time...

You can find him here: ... 39-pm.jpeg
That's his photo- this is the description she has come up with, ... tml#p26713

Happy New Year!!
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