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The Dimensions of Separation

Posted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 7:20 am
by overmind
Everything is closer than imagined. In order to describe what is outside of our perspective and senses, we like to create artificial separation. It appears frequently in our language. People look at reality as existing in different dimensions, planes, or realms. Yet everything exists together in the same space and time (not counting Havona or Paradise). The astral plane just includes an energy system enveloping the planet, overlapping and impacting the material realm perceived by the senses. It is not a new fairyland separate from the planet. Astral travel simply involves an improved awareness of space, time, energy and matter. Even the angelic realms use atoms and ultimatons to some extent. When understanding this idea, a simple way to categorize reality appears. There are both true/real and false/unreal dimensions of separation.

True dimensions of separation: space and time
False dimensions of separation: sensory deficiencies

True dimensions of separation can be crossed by spirit or God. The omnipresence of God should come to mind, as well as the timelessness of the Trinity. And lower orders of being can attempt to overcome these forms of separation through reflectivity, communication circuits, historical records and calculated projections of the future.

False dimensions of separation are simply a lack of awareness of what is present. Not everything is picked up by one’s senses. While the separation is lessened with knowledge, there is still a lack of experience which must be overcome with faith, trust or imagination. This goes both ways, as many higher spirit personalities cannot see or impact matter the way we can. They require our world to be translated by other beings (and shown through displays, for instance) in order see what we experience, but the actual experience is beyond complete understanding. The same is true from our perspective, but we have far fewer visual aids. An angel may notice us because of the energy we give off, but they lack the senses to see our flesh the way we do. And if we were to get a glimpse of the energy they possess, we could still not perceive their heavenly beauty.

If a being experiences differences in perception, or a different form of perception is needed to identify it, it is not interdimensional -- it is interperceptional. If a being experiences space or time differently, it is interdimensional. The midwayers are a good example. Note that while both deal with perception, the experience of space and time has more to do with physical laws than physical senses (though senses are impacted by laws as well). In other words, it is about the state of being.

I believe my interpretation of dimensions is correct in its own way, but the concept of "interdimensional" from revelatory sources has more to do with material composition, be it matter, morontia, or spirit (energy). Thus, a human with a morontia soul would be interdimensional.

Re: The Dimensions of Separation

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 3:03 am
by 11light11
Once I was taking the bus from the south side of Chicago all the way up to the north side, and it was a seemingly endless ride. I found myself staring the whole time at a poem up on the upper rim of the bus wall, part of a project called "Poetry in motion." It's emblazoned into my brain:

"Everything happens at once. We miss most of it. The kettle boils over and puts out the fire."
-Laurie Duggan

(I even remember his name! LOL)

This is what your essay reminded me of. When I read that poem at first I thought it was deceptively simple. It seems like it's a surface comment on life. But it's not, it's deep. Even by the time I wound up getting off at my stop I saw a couple extra layers to what he was talking about.

I wonder about how you've said that true dimensions of separation are space and time. I feel that they are as well; but isn't that just part of your second idea? False dimensions of separation: Sensory deficiencies. Aren't our sensory deficiencies responsible for us perceiving time as linear, or distance and time as separation factors?

Take distance healing. It doesn't matter if the person's seated across from you or half way around the world. The energies are received instantaneously, bursting through any time/space gap. And I have never understood it, but quantum physicists are always talking about how past, present and future are simultaneous. If this is true, are these two factors true dimensions of separation? Or only perceived dimensions of separation? And if they're only perceived that way, then maybe they're included in your idea of sensory deficiencies.

The interdimensional bit you were talking about is really interesting . . . I remember once George was trying to explain in a thread about how if the Chief walked through a spider web just before the spider spun it . . how would he be disturbing the spider? Or something like that. ;) It makes my head spin.

Thanks for this!

Love, Michele :roll

Re: The Dimensions of Separation

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 6:03 am
by overmind
Yes, how we experience time and space also helps define us, but I am thinking of the time and space the creature inhabits as being what creates a difference in dimensions. It is a rather simple idea that may be too simple to be accurate, but I thought it would be good to make the attempt. I'm just tired of people talking about the astral realm as this completely different place when it really has much more to do with what the human is capable of experiencing.

Re: The Dimensions of Separation

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 5:40 pm
by 11light11
Maybe you could explain more about that?

Re: The Dimensions of Separation

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 9:05 pm
by overmind
If you look at Bzutu's description of time bands, on which certain groups of celestials operate, you get an idea of this. It is even more apparent when you remember that objects moving faster experience time at a slower pace. The amount of time experienced by an object is also impacted by gravity, and the less gravity, the more time speeds up. I am thinking that if a morontia body vibrates at a faster rate than the atoms and cells in our body, then time will be experienced differently for the individual. Manipulating how one experiences time may be as simple as changing how one vibrates. I would ask for George's input if you are interested in this subject, he has been wrestling with these questions about time much longer than I have.

In regards to astral travel, the human is not only able to go where they please, but they can also look at the past and see its impacts on the world. An example of this was described in one of George's books, where I believe he saw a well on a school playground that wasn't there anymore. Both the body, soul and personality are still existing in the present, but the mind is able to really explore when aided by astral travel. The real question is what the mind is not able to experience, even while in this state, and it probably has to do with everything relating to mota, which is described in the Urantia Book. I am on my laptop right now, so I can't quote anything, but mota is basically a form of philosophical understanding that only morontia minds or higher are able to comprehend.

Re: The Dimensions of Separation

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 4:56 pm
by 11light11
I see where you're coming from. It's like when we were little kids, someone would talk about heaven and we'd be there looking up to the sky. Meanwhile there's that Bible verse, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." It's probably a bit closer to your idea, and George's, and things the Chief's discussed, where all things are a bit simultaneous and inseparable, where we might go on viewing the astral realm as some land *out there*, as though it has no bearing on this life and plane.

I had an experience as a young child witnessing that the astral plane and this physical one are indeed one in the same, it's a matter of perception. We moved from Chicago to Detroit; I was only 5 and was missing my Chicago home immensely. Each night as I slept, I 'went' to that Chicago home. As it would be at that hour of the night, it was very dark; there were no lights burning. I sort of 'flew' through the house slowly, from room to room . . I remember bumping my head against the light fixtures along the ceiling and trailing dust from the bulbs upon my fingers. ;)

I had no sense of this back then, but it truly shows that 300 miles difference does not matter much in the realm of the heart and mind. I truly visited the house each night -- just not with my body.

When you read a bit about string theory, the physicists are talking about this topic quite a bit. They see layers of dimension existing within a fraction of a millimeter of one another. When George saw a playground that was no longer there, I have often thought that this 'residual energy' is the reason some people feel their house is haunted. Not so much that a 'ghost' resides there, but that a residual energy of an event might still linger, and as well in another dimension or layer of reality that event is *still taking place*, and in sensitive people this might be discernible.

With love, Michele :roll