UB Cookin'

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Rod for the latest ideas and suggestions. :hithere
The applesauce idea really appeals to me as I have a bag of apples that needs a bit of something done with them. I am thinking the applesauce, coconut, walnut suggestion would make a nice dessert or snack for me. :sunflower:

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: "The Pritikin Weight Loss Breakthrough", 1998

(paraphrased) "Diabetes is a modern problem because of so much processed food - consumed in greater quantity - without its natural fiber and with significant loss of natural vitamins/minerals. The human body is designed to work for hours to extract nutrients from food - not to process so much quickly digestible carbohydrates which require extra insulin to avoid high blood sugar. This loss of daily fiber also prevents the body from eliminating excess cholesterol, therefore permitting this cholesterol to be recycled by the liver." :o

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Pumpkin Cupboard Cake

Post by Amigoo »

Pumpkin Cupboard Cake (spoon bread)

What's left in the cupboard became cake,
the first after a long hot summer. :roll:
Also try thin slices of fresh apple
layered between scoops of batter.

:roll Ingredients:

15oz can pumpkin puree
1 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/3 cup brown sugar
2 xlg eggs, whipped
1/2 tsp salt

3/4 cup light oat bran
1/3 cup half & half
1/3 cup water

1 tbsp virgin olive oil

:arrow: Directions:

Lightly oil 8" x 8" baking dish;
pre-heat oven to 350F degrees.

Combine ingredients as listed,
stirring oat bran with water
and half & half before adding;
stir in olive oil last.

Pour into baking dish
and bake 55 min.

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Applee Sauce

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Combine 48oz container natural applesauce with 15oz can pumpkin puree.
Add preferred flavoring if desired (color looks like apricot).

:idea: Re: https://www.naturalgrocers.com/products ... lavor-2-oz
Apricot flavoring is rare at local stores - this orange flavoring is tasty! :roll

Applee Sauce comes to mind ('ee' from 'puree') 8)

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Horsey Oats

Post by Amigoo »

Horsey Oats

Oat groats cooked so little that you expect
to serve them to your riding stable, but
the cooked groats are just more chewy. 8)

:roll Ingredients:

2/3 cup oat groats, rinsed
1 1/3 cups water

:arrow: Directions (don't stir oats):

Fill large sauce pan with 1" water,
place oats and water in 4-cup Pyrex dish,
place dish on steam plate in sauce pan,
cover pan and simmer oats 35-45 min.

Turn off heat and let pan rest 30 min.,
then stir briefly and serve (or cool,
then refrigerate).

Serve horsey guests 1/3 cup cooked.

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Applee Muffin Tops

Post by Amigoo »

Applee Muffin Tops (makes 4 x 3 x 4) ;)

Dense, moist, chewy with delicate flavor & sweetness.

:roll Ingredients:

2 cups Applee Sauce*, warmed
1 1/2 cups light oat bran
1/4 cup dark brown sugar
1/3 cup egg whites
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp virgin olive oil

* Applee Sauce - viewtopic.php?f=47&t=25032&p=217276#p217269

:arrow: Directions:

Place parchment paper on baking sheet;
pre-heat oven to 375F degrees.

Combine Applee Sauce and oat bran,
then stir in remaining ingredients,
olive oil last.

Spoon batter onto parchment paper;
top with more to increase muffin height.

Bake 45 min.

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Scudder's Mudder

Post by Amigoo »

Scudder's Mudder

(brand mentioned for ingredients reference,
but the name is so memorable) ;)

A muddy nut butter with subtle saltiness and fabulous fiber.

:arrow: Combine 16oz jar Laura Scudder's Old Fashioned Smooth
Peanut Butter with 7 tbsp ground dark flaxseed.

Easier to mix separately then return to jar.

Tip: Discard oil at top of jar and replace
with equal portion of virgin olive oil. :roll

Scudder's Mudder Brudder
("Brudder" suggested by Pre-K Word Pattern Analysis) 8)

... then stir in 1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
and 1 cup dried cranberries for a spoonable whatsit
(or dried currants for a darker whatsit).

"What kind of stuff is this?" Dunno!
"How do you eat it?" With a spoon (or chopsticks). :roll:
"Why do you eat it?" Cause I made it. ;)
"Why did you make it?" Dunno. :?

:study: Re: https://www.stylecraze.com/articles/ser ... lax-seeds/

"Extensive research has shown the presence of anti-nutrients in flax seeds. Anti-nutrients are molecules that may have adverse effects on your health... Anti-nutrients are heat-sensitive. They break down when you roast or cook flax seeds. However, the presence of these components in raw seeds results in various side effects."

OMG! "Scudder's Mudder" is a culinary flash in the pan :?: :!:

Plan C: Skip Plan B(rudder) and go back to Plan A (16oz jar peanuts-only butter with 1 cup sesame seeds;
shredded coconut and dried cranberries probably don't have these side effects). :finger:

:lol: Plan D(ump): Consume only whole nuts/seeds for best nutrition. ;)

Rod ... :bike: ... (off to buy other whatsit or whatever)
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City Salsa

Post by Amigoo »

City Salsa (a salsa stew) :roll:

Whimsical reference to earlier advertising of Pace Salsa ("New York City!").

:roll Ingredients:

1 cup red lentils, rinsed
1 2/3 cup water
1 med. sweet onion, diced
2 tbsp dried cilantro
1 tsp garlic granules
1 tsp paprika
16oz jar Chunky Mild Salsa
1/4 cup water
1 tbsp virgin olive oil

:arrow: Directions:

After lentils and 1 2/3 cup water simmer 5 min. in sauce pan,
spread onion on top, then spices, then salsa (use 1/4 cup water
to rinse jar); re-cover pan and simmer 5-10 min.

Stir only when olive oil is added at end of cooking.

:idea: Chopped jalapeños and other stuff can be added/substituted
(depending on your culinary distance from New York City). :lol:

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Three-Minute Barley

Post by Amigoo »

Three-Minute Barley

Actually, preparation for quick-cooking later.
However, this prepared barley is quite chewable,
even suggesting how people really chewed food
at the turn of the century (before color TV). :roll:

:arrow: Rinse 1 cup hulled barley, add 3 cups water,
bring to a soft boil and cook three minutes.
Turn off heat; let covered pan rest 1 hour.

Drain barley, saving liquid as broth for soup.
Sprinkle barley with 1/2 tsp salt, drizzle on
1 tbsp virgin olive oil and stir to combine.
Refrigerate for later use. 8)

:idea: For serious dietary fiber, reheat (don't "cook")
this barley to digest it as a pre-biotic. ;)

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Paleo Persuasion ...

If simplicity of preparation and natural ingredients
float your culinary boat, try this presentation:

:arrow: Combine 15oz can pumpkin puree with 1 cup dried cranberries
and 3/4 tsp Ceylon cinnamon. Refrigerate between uses.
Try a warmed 1/3 cup of this mixture over
briefly sautéed spinach and sweet onions.

:idea: Tip: If this cold pumpkin mixture tastes at least "OK",
you're a good candidate for more Paleo exploration. ;)

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Pumpkin Sans Pie

Post by Amigoo »

Pumpkin Sans Pie

A Pumpkin Whatsit that prefers no name.
Serve like mashed potatoes or whatever. :roll:
Who can tell :?: A side dish? A dessert?

:roll Ingredients:

1 tbsp butter or light olive oil
3 med. red apples, chopped
1/3 cup water
1/3 cup light oat bran
2 tbsp brown sugar
1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp salt
15oz can pumpkin puree

:arrow: Directions:

Coat bottom of sauce pan with butter,
spread apples, cover and sauté to al dente.

Stir in water, then oat bran, then sugar,
spices, and pumpkin puree.

Cover pan, remove from heat,
and let pan rest 5 min.

:idea: Try with raisins or dried cranberries;
a dollop with walnuts to upscale. :roll

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: More about pumpkin ...

Re: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/pumpkin
"9 Impressive Health Benefits of Pumpkin"

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Rod, not only for the great healthy seasonal recipes but also for this last article on Pumpkin. I never knew it was such a great addition to our menu with so many health benefits. Growing up, we only ingested it in pie form. LOL I did make a mean pumpkin soup in Australia using a green Japanese pumpkin. People there eat it like a staple vegetable.

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Oat Bran Casserole

Post by Amigoo »

Oat Bran Casserole

An impromptu apple + oat bran breakfast dish or dessert.
Tastier than its name since OB needed culinary support
... and the cold kitchen was warmed. :roll:

:roll Ingredients:

4 med. red apples, chopped
2/3 cup oat bran
1 tsp baking powder
2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp allspice
1/4 tsp salt
1/3 cup brown sugar

2 xlg eggs
1/3 cup egg whites
1/2 cup half & half
1/3 cup water
2 tbsp light olive oil

:arrow: Directions:

Lightly oil 8" x 8" baking dish;
pre-heat oven to 350F degrees.

In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients as listed.

In a small bowl, whisk liquid ingredients,
then stir into dry ingredients.

Let mixture rest 5 min., stir briefly,
spoon into baking dish; bake 55 min.

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C.O.B. Casserole

Post by Amigoo »

C.O.B. Casserole (Corny Oat Bran) :roll:

An impromptu corn + oat bran breakfast/brunch dish.
Try with condiments: Pasted Salsa*, Italian Parsley

:roll Ingredients:

2/3 cup light oat bran
1 1/2 tbsp dried cilantro
1/2 tsp garlic granules
1/2 tsp salt

1/3 cup water
15oz can non-GMO corn + juice
1/3 cup egg whites
2 tbsp light olive oil

1 xlg sweet onion, chopped
1 med. red bell pepper, diced

:arrow: Directions:

Lightly oil 8" x 8" baking dish;
pre-heat oven to 350F degrees.

In a large bowl, combine dry ingredients,
then stir in water, corn, egg whites, olive oil,
then fold in remaining veggies.

Let mixture rest 5 min., stir briefly,
spoon into baking dish, cover with foil,
bake 45 min; remove foil, bake 10 min.

* Pasted Salsa

Combine 16oz jar Chunky Mild Salsa,
1 1/2 tbsp dried cilantro,
1/2 tsp garlic granules
6oz can tomato paste
2 6oz cans water

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: Another barley tip ...

Simmer 3/4 cup hulled barley in 1 1/2 cups water 10 min.,
then turn off heat and let barley soak in covered pan
45 min. for perfect chewiness. :roll

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BC Pumpkin Mounds

Post by Amigoo »

BC Pumpkin Mounds (makes 9 mounds)

Quick 'n EZ pumpkin biscuit-cookies for serious energy to start the day. ;)
To upscale, serve with dried cranberries and fresh orange wedges. 8)
Serve warm or cold - try with a cream cheese spread! :roll

:roll Ingredients:

1 1/2 cups light oat bran
1/2 cup natural applesauce
1 cup canned pumpkin
1/3 cup egg whites
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp virgin olive oil
1/2 cup raw sunflower seeds

:arrow: Directions:

Place parchment paper on cookie sheet;
pre-heat oven to 400F degrees.

In a large bowl, vigorously stir
oat bran, applesauce, and pumpkin,
then stir in remaining ingredients;
fold in sunflower seeds last.

Spoon batter onto parchment paper,
reduce oven to 375F; bake 35 min.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

Thanks again Rod for the new recipes. :sunflower:
I bought the ingredients today for Oat Bran casserole. :bana: Hopefully I can make it today or tomorrow. My youngest grandson cannot have milk or anything with milk in it so I am going to substitute soy eggnog for the milk in this recipe. :finger: It should work.

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Salmon Lentil Loaf

Post by Amigoo »

Salmon Lentil Loaf

Nutritional synergy with Yum appeal.
Serve hot or cold for any meal. 8)

:roll Ingredients:

1 cup red lentils, rinsed
1 2/3 cup water
15oz can salmon, prepared
1/3 cup light oat bran
1/2 tsp garlic granules
1 tbsp dried parsley
2 tbsp dried chives
1/2 tsp salt
1/3 cup egg whites
2 tbsp fish oil
1 med. sweet onion, diced

:arrow: Directions:

Pre-heat oven to 350F degrees;
lightly oil loaf pan.

Simmer red lentils in water 10 min.,
then turn off heat; let lentils soak
in covered pan while preparing salmon.

Drain salmon, remove skin and bones,
then mash briefly with a fork.

Stir in dry ingredients, then egg whites,
then cooked lentils, then fish oil.
Fold in diced onion last.

Spoon into loaf pan, creating rounded top
and bake uncovered 1 hr. 10 min.

:arrow: Postscript ...

Not impressive as cold slices, but shows promise
when served hot with a sauce and green veggie
like asparagus, broccoli, spinach, or peas. :roll

Add half a can of salmon to upscale. :lol:

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

Thank you, Rod, for adding your latest Salmon/Lentil recipe. My sister will like this one, I suspect... me too, for that matter. :thumright:
Is okay if I share it with her?

Oh also I made your Oat Bran Casserole recipe over the week end. It was yummy especially warm with a splash of maple syrup. :sunflower:

:hithere Sandy, all recipes are meant to be shared - even modified!
... since a recipe is just a starting point for most home chefs.

:oops: Oops! The tastier the recipe the more I gobble
... and have to limit my exposure to repeats. :lol:
And there's the problem of continual testing/tasting
until the recipe is good enough to post. :roll:

:oops: Oops! BC Pumpkin Mounds are the recent gobble
... once I paired servings with dried cranberries. :roll

Rod :)
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Lemuel's Lupin Loaf

Post by Amigoo »

Lemuel's Lupin Loaf

A crunchy corny, not bread, veggie loaf;
try with 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
and/or diced jalapeño peppers. Ole! :roll

Lupin flour is made from a legume:

:roll Ingredients:

15oz can non-GMO corn + juice
3/4 cup lupin flour
1/3 cup egg whites
1/2 tsp garlic granules
2 tbsp dried chives
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp virgin olive oil
1 med. sweet onion, diced
1 cup diced asparagus

:arrow: Directions:

Lightly oil med. bread pan;
pre-heat oven to 350F degrees.

Combine ingredients as listed;
fold in onion and asparagus last.

Spoon mixture into bread pan,
cover lightly with foil; bake 55 min.
Remove foil, continue baking 15 min.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Rod...I figured it would be okay. :D

I am looking at the pumpkin mounds and thinking it might be a fun recipe for the week end. I love cranberries and sunflower seeds, but my little grandsons may not be as enthusiastic so I may stick to the basics on this one. Thank you for your selflessness in trying out the recipes till perfection is achieved. ;) George would say, "You are worth your weight in feathers". :lol:
I really do appreciate all these healthy recipes at my fingertips. :love

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Eggplant Stoup

Post by Amigoo »

Eggplant Stoup :roll:

Super easy mushroomy stew/soup.

:roll Ingredients:

1 med. eggplant, cubed*
1 med. sweet onion, chopped
1 bunch green onions, sliced
3 cups sliced baby bella mushrooms
10oz. can cream of mushroom soup
2/3 cup broth or water
1/2 tsp garlic granules
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp virgin olive oil

* if desired, discard some of core

:arrow: Directions:

Steam eggplant cubes 15 min.;
top with onions and mushrooms
and continue steaming 10 min.

In a med. sauce pan, combine mushroom soup,
broth, spices, and oil; heat to a simmer.
Stir in steamed veggies and simmer 5 min.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

Thanks again Rod. :cheers:

This recipe sounds good for the cold days that are coming this week end up here. :bana:

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: https://hormonesbalance.com/recipes/ste ... naturally/

"Collard greens beat even broccoli, chard and brussels sprouts when it comes to overall health benefits. Collard greens excel at detoxing your liver, adding antioxidants, and lowering the inflammatory conditions of your body ... keep steaming to no more than 5 minutes"

:idea: Now, steamed collard greens seem the cow's mooo for better health!
... since calcium comes from cow's milk and cows eat greens! ;)

See also: https://www.medbroadcast.com/channel/nu ... absorption
"How to boost your body's calcium absorption"

Rod :)
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