The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re:

"Sometimes the human mind is so different from the divine mind that the fusion must wait until a higher mind is available
before a human being can make a definitive decision about her eternal destiny." :o

:idea: A timely "angels message", underscoring that mind* is loaned to humans and "upgraded" as we advance to the many local universe plateaus. That mind quality relates to "definitive decision about eternal destiny" seems good evidence that our celestial caretakers (aka "the survival system") will not permit a premature decision! 8)

* "Mortal mind is a temporary intellect system loaned to human beings for use during a material lifetime, and as they use this mind,
they are either accepting or rejecting the potential of eternal existence." (UB, 111:1.5)

Apparently, the most that Urantia mortals can achieve in rejecting survival
is to move to the top of their adjuster's Mansonia 1 "To Do List". :roll:

See also:
Paper 111 - The Adjuster and the Soul
1. The Mind Arena of Choice

:study: "Spiritual (soul) death. If and when mortal man has finally rejected survival, when he has been pronounced spiritually insolvent, morontially bankrupt, in the conjoint opinion of the Adjuster and the surviving seraphim, when such co-ordinate advice has been recorded on Uversa, and after the Censors and their reflective associates have verified these findings, thereupon ..." (112:3.2)

"The morontia life, extending as it does over the various stages of the local universe career, is the only possible approach whereby material mortals could attain the threshold of the spirit world." (48:0.2)

:idea: These quotes refer to a much longer period than one Urantia lifetime
("morontially bankrupt" requires such time to become truly evident) ...
and suggest that "rejecting survival" is not a Urantia option. ;)

See also:
Paper 112 - Personality Survival
3. The Phenomenon of Death
Paper 48 - The Morontia Life

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:idea: For contrast, Jesus' life and teachings ...
is presented in the Bible as it was remembered,
but presented in the Urantia Book as it happened.

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... 442903.php
"Anthropologists believe our ancient human ancestors spent their time in trees,
so it should be no surprise we love treehouses today." ;)

:idea: Of course, there's a BIG difference between "treehouse" and "(modern) house in a tree".

Best guess: If the house has electricity and plumbing,
it's just a house high the air ... with treetop view. :roll:

8) See also:
Urantia Book, Paper 63 - The First Human Family
2. The Flight of the Twins

"After Andon and Fonta had decided to flee northward, they succumbed to their fears for a time, especially the fear of displeasing their father and immediate family ... Nor had they improved their standing in the tribe by building a separate, and a very superior, tree home. And it was in this new home among the treetops, one night after they had been awakened by a violent storm, and as they held each other in fearful and fond embrace, that they finally and fully made up their minds to flee from the tribal habitat and the home treetops."

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Sandy »

I can see myself in some of those tree houses... but like Andon and Fonta, I suspect, I would prefer a ground dwelling when a storm is blowing.

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:hithere About the "natural destruction" of Sodom and Gomorrah...

Re: ... 34793.html
"A giant space rock demolished an ancient Middle Eastern city and everyone in it
– possibly inspiring the Biblical story of Sodom" ... "about 3,600 years ago" :o

:study: From the Urantia Papers ...

"It was following this real and public surrender of his personal ambitions in behalf of the larger plans of Melchizedek that the three celestial beings appeared to (Abraham) on the plains of Mamre. This was an appearance of fact, notwithstanding its association with the subsequently fabricated narratives relating to the natural destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah." (93:6.7)

[ 93:6.7 refers to what the people believed ("fabricated narrative") - not what the revelators knew. Apparently, the cause of the "natural destruction" was purposely not revealed in the Papers (IMO) ... probably because it would have contradicted Genesis 19. Genesis 19:24.
is quite close to what happened (but not why): "Then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah" ]

"It was shortly after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah that Machiventa decided to end his emergency bestowal on Urantia." (93:8.1)

"It was 1,973 years before the birth of Jesus that Machiventa was bestowed upon the human races of Urantia." (93:2.1)

8) 1973 + 2021 = 3994 ("about 3600 years ago")

See also:
Urantia Book, Paper 93 - Machiventa Melchizedek

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Sandy »

What a fascinating article, Rod. Thank you!

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... 34793.html
and "narratives relating to the natural destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah." (UB, 93:6.7)

:o Intriguing subtlety of the UB that the catastrophe in Sodom and Gomorrah
is briefly mentioned as "natural destruction" ... and hints that modern day
geologic events of great significance are also considered "natural".

:scratch: Consider what might happen with this recent geologic activity ...
and that the UB's perspective is "normal activity on the planet":

Re: ... ting-worse
"GETTING WORSE: LaPalma Volcano Update"

"New readings from the Satellite-enabled GPS instruments at the far south of the island of La Palma
show that the lift CONTINUES despite the flow of lava. The southern end of the island is being pushed up
from underneath, and has now risen 24 centimeters, even after three full days of lava flowing out from vents."

:idea: A recent update indicating HUGE volcanic activity/forces under La Palma,
giving more reality to concerns about a future tsunami hitting the eastern U.S.
... with only 8 hours warning! :shock:

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

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(search for "Babylon is fallen: Pope Francis says Jesus sinned")
(recent post but from December 27, 2015 sermon)

:idea: Probably works for the sermon, but reflecting typical parent/child conflicts
... of human nature ... and involving both parents! And these parents
were unlikely to require one of their children to beg for forgiveness. ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

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:bana: An exercise for a Christmas sabbatical from review of "Roe v. Wade" ...

Considering today's ease of abortion, if a woman suddenly discovered that she was pregnant but was confident that she had not participated in such an evident for several months, would she (and her family) choose abortion? What if she had a Top Ten List of how (and with whom) this might have happened? What if Gabriel (or angel, etc.) had not yet informed her of another miracle on 606 of Satania?

OMG! "Freudian slip", this "such an evident" :?:
... or mind warp, since 'id' removed creates 'event' :?:
... or "I think I'm thinkin' " before the day's first cuppa :?:

:idea: From Oxford Languages ...

" 'id' - the part of the mind in which innate instinctive impulses and primary processes are manifest.
the conflict between the drives of the id and the demands of the cultural superego"

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

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(search for "Is a Vegan Diet Pleasing to God?")

"Miguel Hayworth is a controversial well known Street Preacher and writer of Theology and Biblical discernment...
he discusses the importance of eating the right food that is not only healthy for us but also pleasing to God."

:idea: Hayworth's perspective from Bible study.

:scratch: What does the UB say? Not much - a sample:
"And the combination of the wheat, rice, and vegetable diet with the flesh of the herds
marked a great forward step in the health and vigor of these ancient peoples." (81:1.8 )

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

"Urantia Book cosmology - Ancient Orvonton"

8) Informative, entertaining presentation about Urantia Book cosmology,
beginning with a subtle hint that the UB is but "a flash in the pan"
publication of what was known by humans when those Papers
were written (plus some revelation relative to that). :roll

:study: The UB text about Orvonton:
Paper 15 - The Seven Superuniverses

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... stmas.html
"parishioners who ... are NOT welcome at church for Christmas Mass"

:idea: Seems fair, since God's "church" is neither institution nor building:
UB Paper 195 - After Pentecost, Section 10 - The Future

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:farao: Stargazing in the New Year ...

A star is but a twinkle in the Father's eye
(and lasting a bit longer than thought). ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:scratch: Plausible Deniability :?:

During the invasion of a remote village, father and teenage son are separated
into long lines on either side of the village. In both lines, one by one,
the person is asked "Do you believe in God?".

In the father's line, when a person answers "Yes", that person is shot.
When the father is asked this question, he says "No". :o

In the teenage son's line, no one is shot during the questioning;
the son answers "Yes". At the end of this questioning,
all who answered "Yes" are shot. :shock:

Considering that the members of this family were believers,
did the father answer with plausible deniability?

:idea: Consider the guidance of this quote: "all will creatures are to experience
one true opportunity to make one undoubted, self-conscious, final choice ...
the soul of man must and will be given full and ample opportunity to reveal
its true intent and real purpose" (112:5.9)

See also:

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=31237
Subject: “The Family Business.” (about the Father's will)

"His greatest wish is that each and every one of us choose to offer the best of our talents – the same talents the Father has planted in each one of us – to help make a reality the glorious dream He conceived in the eternal past for His creation."

:idea: This 1111angels message emphasizes that doing the will of God is uniquely personal and relative to one's skills, desires, recognition of opportunity to serve, etc. Interestingly, this message contains the subtlety that serving is not the necessarily the same as being a servant.

"Every mortal who is consciously or unconsciously following the leading of his indwelling Adjuster is living in accordance with the will of God."
( )

... which hints that even inquiring if you're doing the will of God is evidence that you are :!:
(for such inquiry is likely inspired by our indwelling Adjuster) ;)

8) Speaking of subtlety (in the UB) ...
Notice how 'Adjuster' is capitalized and 'midwayer' is not.
Best guess: 'midwayer' refers to a category of beings
whereas 'Adjuster' refers to a category of divine beings.

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

(Pope Francis) "It is good to die reconciled, without grudges and without regrets!"

:bana: Not to worry (apparently) ...
waking up on the other side provides sufficient confidence
that what was left undone is not without proper resolution. 8)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... tisms.html

"Catholic priest is forced to resign after Vatican rules THOUSANDS of his baptisms
are invalid because he repeated the incorrect doctrine for 25 years" :o

"Rather than saying 'I baptize you' as required
by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith,
Arango said 'we baptize you' " :?

:scratch: Best guess: Arango can appeal to a higher authority,
especially since "I" and "We" probably include that authority
... if the church represents it. ;)

OMG :!: Enforcement of precise wording suggests that
baptism is a ritual requiring adherence to other rules,
including documentation of precise performance. :roll:

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: A good time to practice fairness when praying for peace ...

"In all your praying be fair; do not expect God to show partiality, to love you
more than his other children, your friends, neighbors, even enemies."
( )

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Sandy »

Thanks Rod,
:sunflower: A good time to practice fairness when praying for peace ...

"In all your praying be fair; do not expect God to show partiality, to love you
more than his other children, your friends, neighbors, even enemies."
( )
That is a very good reminder for these times. :love

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Pato Banton's 2020 video review of Urantia Millennium III:

A scholarly review of Millennium III and quickly leads (IMO) to typical UB readers' evaluation of this "revelation update".

Interestingly, the UB must be well-read in order to comprehend the touted significance of this "revelation update" (and a well-read UB sets the evaluation bar quite high!). As soon as Akastia Archives was mentioned in Pato's "Revelation 4", I thought of Akashic Records* ... and quickly concluded that Millennium III had the essence of imaginative UB terms/concepts presented as new story. :roll:

Then minutes later, I mentally wandered to the ongoing controversy of UB sources. If UB sources are controversial, what does that predict about the success of an update to that source material (especially, revelatory cosmology sans scientific evidence)? This also begs the question: How can any "anonymous" update to the Fifth Epochal Revelation be seriously considered ... and if not anonymous (re: human author), what authorship credentials could possibly be convincing :?: :!:

:scratch: Best guess: There will be no formal update from on high to our epochal revelation - another revelatory presentation (more than Book next time) is probable. A magisterial visitation comes to mind, properly announced and slowly unfolding. :roll


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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: ... your-body/
"Scientists say your 'mind' isn’t confined to your brain, or even your body" :o

"The unique feature of mind is that it can be bestowed upon such a wide range of life. Through his creative and creature associates
the Third Source and Center ministers to all minds on all spheres. He ministers to human and subhuman intellect through the adjutants
of the local universes and, through the agency of the physical controllers, ministers even to the lowest nonexperiencing entities
of the most primitive types of living things." (UB, 9:5.3 )

:idea: Suddenly, it's obvious that Artificial Intelligence (AI, not a "living thing") will never have "mind";
that the most primitive types of livings things will always have more mind than AI (including robots)
which will never have mind ... albeit, may have the greater "brain". :roll:

:scratch: Maybe the wizard could help robots get a mind ...
or at least convince humans that robots have a mind. ;)

:arrow: See also: Things that can happen in this Land of Oz:

:study: Re: ... 11368.html
"The Uncanny Future of Romance With Robots Is Already Here" :o

"Among its popular traits, Replika is deeply customizable. The gender, looks, and name of the chatbot character
are up to the user. Users can even determine the type of relationship they have with this virtual character.
Options include friendship, mentorship, romantic relationship, or 'see how it goes.' " :roll:

:idea: Of course, being "deeply customizable", Replika doesn't have a mind to mind being customized. ;)
Hmmm ... isn't "customizable" the ultimate essence of "robot"? :scratch:

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:bana: When a wandering mind wanders into "resonance" ...

Spirit entities have to interact with physical humans - resonance may be the magic that permits such communication (also seems to explain prophetic dreams and some types of "channeling"). That is, human wiring (the brain, neurons, nerves, etc.) is the receiving equipment and spirit-level communication must somehow transmit to this equipment.

"Resonance" may be Midwayer-level technical ability (Secondary Midwayers were required to "channel" Papers from more advanced beings).

:study: Re:
"Resonance induced alterations of intracellular biophysical properties"

"This process also allows for the detection of cancer cells by the use of differential resonant frequencies including nuclear magnetic resonance and electron spin resonance techniques. This process permits the selective treatment of cancer cells by the compartmentalized alteration of biophysical properties in the cancer cells and the detection of cancer cells by determination of their biophysical properties. The process comprises an ability to determine the respective resonant frequencies of cancer cells and normal cells at a cellular level."

:idea: Scientific proof that cells have detectable resonant frequencies, resonance than can "induce alterations of their intracellular biophysical properties". For nerve cells, this suggests inducing electro-chemical signals that can be interpreted by the brain as communication from beyond our physical domain. Watch what happens to humans when 5G internet is widespread (according to those who study this technology). :roll:

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... d-in-time/
"Scientists Say There’s an ‘Anti-Universe’ Running Backward in Time"

"Scientists believe there could be an 'anti-universe' somewhere out there that looks like
the mirror image of our own universe, reciprocating almost everything we do." :?

:bana: Makes good science fiction since "running backward"
cannot be characteristic of an intelligent universe
with spirtual watchcare, guidance, and destiny. ;)

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Contemplating uniting of Seven Adjutant Spirits and Chakras using the atomic model ...

:idea: Considering that the Seven Adjutant Spirits would probably stay concentrically centered on that which is mind in humans (not on that which is body), the atomic model* with its seven energy levels seems the more representative model of the Seven Adjutants. An intellectually tasty sweet onion of spirit presence!

* ... ration.pdf

:study: Re:

"Chakras are explained as 'nerve centers' or 'sites of major organ', but even yogis admit that no one has been able to measure these energetic centers in any meaningful way. However, they argue that just because these energy centers cannot be measured scientifically does not mean they don’t exist. However, the proposal of chakras does not fit with the modern scientific understanding of how the human body uses and stores energy, and there is currently no proposed method by which the existence of chakras can be shown scientifically."

:idea: While this does not disprove chakra relationship to 'sites of major organs', transplantation of artificial organs (e.g., heart) suggests realignment of the 4th chakra with a mechanical heart ... which then suggests that robots can indeed have chakras! Somewhat believable but still difficult to then include "soul" since robots are not living things. Perhaps a "material soul" can exist!

But I digress. :roll:

:study: Re: ... p-earrings

:idea: Interestingly, chakra symbolism can be maintained with concentric, upside down, teardrop shapes, clustering at large end - not small end - and tips touching "site of major organ". With this representation, the smallest teardrop becomes the center of spirit presence.

:roll Suggests good competition for Urantia artists to create UB-meaningful "chakras" with complementary auras. The goal would be to create symbolism that can be interpreted by different religious groups with the theme that all groups are "family". :hithere

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Re: The benefits of reading the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: ... s-ago.html

"New research by Japanese scientists suggests that such cosmic impacts may have delivered to Earth the chemical ingredients necessary for the beginning of life itself. Not so much a Big Bang as a Heavy Thud, then, as billions of years ago a huge space rock — that just happened to contain the building blocks of DNA — landed on a lifeless Earth. :o

DNA, of course, carries the genetic instructions for all living organisms."

:hithere Perhaps a clue that life does exist on other planets and has existed billions of years!
... that human-like aliens will be discovered in our local universe. 8)

The UB mentions life plasm (DNA?) can be brought to planets, confirming conjecture that
life began/exists elsewhere in the universe (but not brought by "huge space rocks"):

:study: Urantia Book, 36:3.2-3 (see also: )

"The corps of Life Carriers commissioned to plant life upon a new world usually consists of one hundred senior carriers, one hundred assistants, and one thousand custodians. The Life Carriers often carry actual life plasm* to a new world, but not always. They sometimes organize the life patterns after arriving on the planet of assignment in accordance with formulas previously approved for a new adventure in life establishment. Such was the origin of the planetary life of Urantia. ;)

When, in accordance with approved formulas, the physical patterns have been provided, then do the Life Carriers catalyze this lifeless material, imparting through their persons the vital (Mother Spirit) spark; and forthwith do the inert patterns become living matter." :roll

* probable reference to the living substance of a cell,
wherein "pattern" might refer to the cell's DNA. ;)

Rod :)
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