New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

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New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Yoder777 » ... roduct_top

This is a new book that focuses on the origin of the Urantia Book and the role that William S. Sadler played in it.
When I was seventeen years old, I came across The Urantia Book for the first time. A massive text, it offered a series of papers written in an authoritative style that spoke to my spiritual desire—a longing for connection. For my birthday, my parents bought me a copy. I then became a reader. The teachings from this book became the framework for my religious views. The book describes in marvelous detail the unique and wonderful personalities that call our universe home as well as the physical aspects of the universe itself—a place created to assist us in evolving spiritually through an endless adventure of growth until we attain eternal life. The book introduced Jesus as a celestial being who did not die for our sins but rather came to Earth to teach us how to have a loving relationship with God as well as with each other. It taught that our universe is inhabited by a myriad of celestial beings that work to bring God to us and through some unique spiritual partnering, help us to attain eternal life. The Urantia Book presented an overwhelmingly positive philosophy that carried me through my life even through long periods when I wasn’t actively studying the text. It answered countless questions about my spiritual growth. It gave me reason to feel secure in my life knowing the universe was here to support me as an enduring spirit. Without question, it was the most important book in my library.

I decided to research the origins of The Urantia Book when a friend (also a reader of the book), asked me to research its origin. My friend wanted something that he could hand to his friends and family with a “straight face.” There were recent challenges to the veracity of the origin of the book, and readers had a difficult time explaining it to others. I was a good candidate. I am very familiar with the book, have a doctorate in American history, and have professional experience using research methodology.

One of the greatest challenges to writing this book was that no direct records remain: the author, William Sadler, had all of his papers burned after his death and no copies of or notes on the original Urantia papers exist. Documents from archival research were therefore used to reconstruct and tell the story. Until now no histories have been written about William or Lena Sadler, although some have written about The Urantia Book. Some were authored by believers who sought to support the oral history about the book’s origin. Other writers sought to shed doubt on its claims of epochal significance. But no writing has yet been done were by a research historian utilizing primary source material. Weigh the evidence I present in this biography about William Sadler. Was he connected with the cosmic mind circuit while writing The Urantia Book or was he a genius? Or are the two connected as one and the same?
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Re: New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Yoder777 »

At least initially, the Urantia Foundation supported Oliva in her writing of the history:
History of the Revelation:
Decades ago Emma Christensen, an “adopted” daughter to Dr. Sadler, began a history of The Urantia Book which has not been completed. Urantia Foundation is working with historian, Dr Sioux Oliva, to facilitate the production of a history of The Urantia Book from the early 1900s to the time of its publication in 1955. Other members of the Education Committee are contributing to this history project. ... es-meeting
This is an interview with the author: ... -citizen-1
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Re: New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Yoder777 »

Sioux Oliva's testimony of her belief in the Urantia Book can be seen at the 1:49 mark of this video:
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Re: New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Yoder777 »

I've honestly found it hard to believe that the papers materialized out of nothing. I look forward to reading this book as a possible historical explanation of how they originated. If Sadler served as a scribe for the celestials, taking down what they had revealed to him, it would be no harder to believe than Joseph Smith claiming to translate the Book of Mormon from golden plates or Moses taking the Ten Commandments from Jehovah on Mount Sinai. What ultimately matters is whether the Urantia Book as a finished product resonates with you as a source of truth.
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Re: New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Yoder777 »

This is Oliva's personal account of how she found the Urantia Book and how it changed her life:
How I Found the Urantia Book—SIOUX HARVEY OLIVA (1974)

EVER SINCE I was a child I can recall a feeling that is difficult to put into words, but can be described as a need to feel closer to God. Many of my school friends had the same feeling. We attended different church services in our home town of San Diego but had never joined a particular congregation.

In high school in 1974, in eleventh-grade English class, we were each asked to interview a classmate, then give an oral presentation about that person. When my interviewer, a male classmate, asked me what my life goals were, I said, “To grow spiritually as much as possible.” I was the only person in my class to say this, and it was the first time I had ever expressed this need out loud in front of anyone.

Two weeks later, I was attending an auction together with my mom and a friend. The auction featured American Indian rugs and jewelry, and my mom purchased a rug. Afterwards, a man approached us and asked my mom if he could buy the rug from her. This man, whose name was John, and I got to talking and we exchanged phone numbers.

Although my mom kept the rug, John and I became friends. He traveled frequently and I would house-sit for him. He lived in a fantastic, modern house perched on a hill, a true James Bond-type bachelor pad—at least that is how my high-school friends and I saw it. I loved it when John went out of town, when my girlfriends and I would stay in his beautiful home on the weekends and feel like adults.

The very first time I entered his house I walked in and saw two things on his coffee table: a note that said “Mi casa es su casa,” and the Urantia Book. I still remember picking up the book (it had no dust jacket) and wondering what the heck it was. I opened it, read the first paragraph, and got goosebumps. I knew I had found what I had been searching for.

Though John was a Urantia Book reader, he did not attend a study group. We discussed the book but read independently of one another. I asked for my own copy for my next birthday and my parents bought me one. I read off and on for the next twenty years. In 1990 I devoted myself anew to the revelation and began to attend a study group. My life has forever been enriched and blessed by these amazing teachings. ... harvey.htm
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Re: New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Sandy »

Thanks for sharing this Yoder. I love to hear other's speak of their experiences and what lights their inner spiritual fire.
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Re: New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Yoder777 »

You're welcome. I've just starting reading the book, but I'll share my impressions when I am done.
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Re: New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Yoder777 »

I really appreciate that the book included the account of Sadler's deathbed. In his dying moments, if he stood by the reality of the mansion worlds that was revealed to him, then he was either a liar, mentally insane, or telling the truth of what he believed based on his personal experience.

It's the same kind of dilemma presented to us by Jesus, that he was either the Lord, a liar or a lunatic, because he'd have to be one of these three to carry to his death his proclamation of who he claimed to be. And the apostles had to be either evil or insane if they had willingly died for something they knew to be false.

Including this account of Sadler's deathbed then compels us to look back at his life to see whether he had the moral integrity and sound mind to be trusted on where he claimed to be going after his death. It's up to the individual to decide whether or not Sadler's deathbed proclamation was sincere or not.

I think that the entirety of whether or not we can believe the Urantia Book as a revelation relates to whether or not Sadler sincerely believed it at his death.
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Re: New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Welles »

Hi Yoder,

Thanks for providing the links and info about this book. I'm one beneficiary of your curiosity about the origins. Recently when people have asked me to describe how the UB came into being I refused to answer but provide these two links. Between the two there is a reasonable origin story, I think. ... a-book.htm ... a-book.htm

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Re: New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

the entirety of whether or not we can believe the Urantia Book as a revelation relates to whether or not Sadler sincerely believed it at his death
From the mortal perspective this may be true for many Urantia Book readers, but from the spiritual perspective that which we know to be true is derived by influence of the planet's pervading Spirit of Truth, our personal guardian angels, and our own indwelling "Spark of God" (Thought Adjuster).

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Re: New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

Re: “Dr. Sadler and the Urantia Book” by Sioux Oliva, pp. 87-88

:study: These paragraphs refer to Melchizedek being accompanied by a secondary midwayer (ABC) in 1924
to announce the near-term arrival of the Urantia revelation, a revelation planned for about 500 years.

:idea: Here's a compiled UB study aid about Midwayers:

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Re: New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Geoff »

Amigoo wrote:From the mortal perspective this may be true for many Urantia Book readers, but from the spiritual perspective that which we know to be true is derived by influence of the planet's pervading Spirit of Truth, our personal guardian angels, and our own indwelling "Spark of God" (Thought Adjuster).

Dear Rod,

I would agree with you. From my perspective, I depend on the Spirit of Truth resonating with my soul. The soul and the Spirit of Truth can discern what is true and what is false without reference to anything at all. The mind cannot do that. It depends on what we call logic, and that is based on some starting point, which of itself may be false.

And I rely on the Spirit of Truth despite observing others who claim the same basis of perception, yet do not agree with me on something specific. But as its my journey, I rely on my perceptions alone. While its nice to be right, I don't fear being wrong, and I certainly don't intend to journey on others perceptions alone.

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Re: New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:idea: On a related note (chart) and regarding books and other material about the UB ...

SparkCharts (re: "The Bible") begins with "Scholarly Methods in Biblical Studies: Canonical Criticism, Form C., Historical C., Literary C., Redaction C., Source C., Textual C. and Tradition C." Therefore, Matthew Block (re: his Source Studies) and other authors are doing nothing more than establishing some of the UB Cs! A few more UB Cs and we might be ready (as a group) to create a UB SparkChart!

;) However the UB, a revelation, seems to require another C: Soul Criticism (What does one's soul say about the content?). "How I Found the Urantia Book" may provide a good pattern for collecting these Soul Criticisms.

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Re: New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

(first posted as a review of this book on ;)

I read Sioux Oliva's "Dr. Sadler and the Urantia Book" earlier this year and have recently viewed her vimeo interview (Urantia Book Films). The vimeo interview is enlightening and supportive of Sioux's published conclusions! It pushes me slightly toward believing that Dr. Sadler might have been the human editor (more than original author) of some material.

:shock: However, channeler? No more than any other human author! Was Sadler such an independent soul (relative to his many personal and professional contacts) that he could have channeled any Urantia Book (UB) material without their awareness .... over several decades?
But I digress ...

In the spirit of "But who say you that I am?" (UB, 157:3.5), we can appreciate that opinions of serious UB readers have equal value in a survey of the meaning and intent of "epochal significance" (UB, 9:4), especially since scholarly research is not the only knowingness on this planet (as revealed in these Urantia Papers). Apparently, Sioux's video does not focus on the question about "epochal significance".

:idea: However, having read Sioux's book and now having viewed this video, I'm motivated to propose that Sioux apply her research perspective to the UB's "epochal significance". Why is this term used, what does it mean, and how did it permit Dr. Sadler to contribute to the Papers (if he did)?

Ultimately, my greatest consternation is that the celestials "called us" to prepare for the material delivery of our 5th epochal revelation - we did not call them. Or had Sadler been requesting (via channeling?) for such involved, decades-long contact ... and to coincide with his very busy career as doctor, lecturer, and author? :roll:

We must inquire "Why was celestial authority so limited that Sadler was permitted (via channeling; re: Sioux) to contribute to planetary "epochal revelation"? Since there are reports* of our planet's midwayers planning for this 5th revelation centuries before Sadler's birth, perhaps these "nearest of kin" (UB, 48:3.4) are the real contributors of material assumed to be Sadler's. After all who, before the age of computers and the internet, could have assembled such a comprehensive collection of human source material that is in the Urantia Papers?

:scratch: But start with "Dr. Sadler and the Urantia Book" if you're one of the inquiring minds who want to know "Did he or didn't he?"

* “Dr. Sadler and the Urantia Book” by Sioux Oliva, pp. 87-88
These paragraphs refer to Melchizedek being accompanied by a secondary midwayer (ABC) in 1924 to announce the near-term arrival of the Urantia revelation, a revelation planned by the midwayers for about 500 years.

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Re: New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

:cheers: UB 101:4 provides insight into the meaning of "epochal significance":

"Truth is always a revelation: autorevelation when it emerges as a result of the work of the indwelling Adjuster; epochal revelation when it is presented by the function of some other celestial agency, group, or personality." (101:4.3 ). An excellent quote for pairing with 92:4 since all of the Urantia Papers are associated with the term "epochal significance":

"Many past events of religious revelation, but only five of epochal significance:
4. Jesus of Nazareth (Christ Michael: concept of God as Universal Father (92:4.8 )
5. Urantia Papers (most recent presentation of truth to Urantia) (92:4.9 )"

:idea: To restate, truth presented by a celestial personality (or agency or group) is epochal revelation. If Dr. Sadler was a channeler, then any UB contribution of his had a celestially-reliable source. To believe otherwise (that the quality of his alleged contributions* was not of celestial persuasion), we're sent back to the venue where the meaning of "epochal significance" (and how this term applies to the entire UB) - is hotly debated (LOL).

* Hmmm ... which (Paper:Section.paragraph) are Sadler's alleged contributions? (a rhetorical question) :roll:

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Re: New book on William S. Sadler and the Urantia Book

Post by Amigoo »

[my commentary from a discussion of Eugenics on another Urantia blog]

:study: Re: William S. Sadler, M.D., on Eugenics
(from the last chapter of his 1927 book, THE TRUTH ABOUT HEREDITY)

The problem of Dr. Sadler's inclusion of material authored by others can be resolved (soon?) with determination of actual infringement (what, by whom, provable intent, injured parties, etc., etc.) and the issuance of a legal demand for relief for the alleged copyright offenses. But the details of this Chapter 5 of the Copyright Law hint that no such action will ever occur for the potential case of the State of Illinois vs. Dr. William S. Sadler. :roll:

So, if the journey has been to submit (to the public domain?) significant evidence that Dr. Sadler included material authored by others and then published it as his own, such evidence to date has acquired undeniable significance (IMO). And now, the public can ask "What's the next step?" in this journey of discovery ... especially considering that all parties to this infringement have left the planet. ;)

:duh With this copyright Chapter 5 providing not-so-inspirational guidance (for such reading so late at night), I rescanned Sadler's "THE TRUTH ABOUT HEREDITY" to find a justifiable - and entertaining - segue to a late night snack. Immediately, Sadler's "merely" had me salivating (for the snack, a piece of chocolate cake: ... 00#p191410):

Dr. Sadler wrote: "Eugenics merely asks that we do something to lessen the dangers of falling in love", intriguing considering how modern societies seem less concerned about such dangers (whatever these are) and more concerned with promoting opportunities for such "dangerous" entanglements.

:cheers: Who knew? Eugenics is all about love and its entanglements!

See also: ... ted_States

"US copyright law traces its lineage back to the British Statute of Anne, which influenced the first US federal copyright law, the Copyright Act of 1790. The Copyright Act has been updated several times, including, notably, the Copyright Act of 1976."

Rod :D
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