UB Cookin'

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Pumpkin Spooner

Post by Amigoo »

Pumpkin Spooner (a spoon bread)

Light & moist pumpkin pudding bread.
Serve as a breakfast dish or dessert.
Nice with whipped cream and walnuts!

:roll Ingredients:

1 rounded cup light oat bran
2 cups very hot water
15oz can pumpkin puree
1/3 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup egg whites
2 xlg eggs
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
2 tbsp light olive oil

:arrow: Directions:

Lightly oil 8" x 8" baking dish;
pre-heat oven to 350F degrees.

Stir oat bran into hot water; soak 5 min.

In a large bowl, whisk all ingredients,
olive oil after soaked oat bran.

Pour into baking dish; bake 55 min.
Serve hot or cool, then refrigerate.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

Hi Rod,

I am thinking the pumpkin saucyness recipe is just the ticket to serve over a spaghetti squash I have in the fridge at my parents home. I may add some of my sister's vegetarian bean chili to it as well to boost the protein content. I hope there is a can of pumpkin in the pantry. Otherwise I will have to walk a mile to the closest grocery store. (long story ... but, of course, the walk would do me good. :) )
Thank you! :thumright:

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:scratch: Who knew :?: :!:

Non-fat powdered milk added to 1% or 2% milk boosts the protein at less cost
than whey powder, for example, and improves the flavor of powdered milk. 8)

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Oat Bran, Mugged

Post by Amigoo »

Oat Bran, Mugged

For memorable muggin', accompany with fresh orange wedges. 8)

:roll Oat bran mixture:

1 cup light oat bran
2/3 cup raw sunflower seeds
1/2 cup dried coconut

:arrow: For one serving:

Heat 1/2 cup milk until steaming,
stir in 1/4 rounded cup OB mixture,
then add 2 tbsp pumpkin puree
(stir pumpkin in later).

Cover mug and soak 5-10 min.,
then stir in pumpkin and
sprinkle on cinnamon.

:idea: Also try OB mixture with applesauce 8)
(stir, soak 10+ min., sprinkle on cinnamon).

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

That one sounds easy, healthy and another one of your recipes that is a "must-try" Thank you, Rod. I am staying at my parents home alone right now and it is easy to eat unhealthy food. This simple healthy recipe is one that I will find most helpful. :sunflower:

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The Budwig Breakfast

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: https://draxe.com/nutrition/budwig-diet ... ol-cancer/

"Dr. Budwig found that the (poor) health of your cells can quickly be reversed by consuming a daily mixture of cottage cheese (or quark, or similar dairy products), flaxseeds, and flaxseed oil. Dr. Budwig also discovered this method wasn’t just effective for helping to prevent or treat cancer, but also in healing heart disease, diabetes, eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, hormone imbalance, and neurological conditions." 8)

:idea: While the Budwig Protocol is controversial and not yet proven to cure cancer,
the ingredients are delicious, nutritious, and make you feel ambitious. ;)

Plan B: The Budwig Breakfast for what ails you (they say) :roll:

:arrow: For one serving ...

1 slice Ezekiel 4:9 Flaxseed Bread, toasted
1/2 cup cultured cottage cheese
1 tbsp high lignan flaxseed oil

:roll Serve with slices of fresh tomato
and finale of fresh orange wedges.
For memorable nutrition pontification,
spoon oil into center of cottage cheese
and garnish with fresh parsley. 8)

Try these products (brands mentioned for ingredients reference):
https://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/produc ... b00ftc1xwi
https://www.amazon.com/Barleans-Organic ... B002VLZ81M
https://www.safeway.com/shop/product-de ... 05891.html

:study: Re: https://www.livestrong.com/article/5326 ... en-levels/

"Given that lignan flax oil reduces the risk of tumor growth and counteracts further spread,
this means that it is much more beneficial than regular flax oil." :o

"The Institute of Medicine considers between 1.1 and 1.6 grams of ALA per day to be adequate for adults,
so a tablespoon of both regular flax oil or lignan flax oil can provide far more than your recommended daily
intake of omega-3 fatty acids."

:study: Re: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6699425/ (August, 2019)
"anti-cancer effects of flaxseed oil by studying its direct effects on cancer cell growth in vitro"

"Treatment with flaxseed oil induces apoptosis in cultured malignant cells"

:idea: Not yet proof that flaxseed oil cures cancer, but these studies are noteworthy! :roll

:study: Re: https://www.asbestos.com/blog/2013/01/2 ... -survivor/
"Budwig Protocol Led to Dramatic Comeback for Mesothelioma Survivor"

:idea: Evidence that Budwig Protocol PLUS other nutrition helps cancer recovery :!:

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

Thank you, Ron. I may give this a try. :D
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Ricotta Rendezvous

Post by Amigoo »

Ricotta Rendezvous

OMG! So tasty! (and healthy) Whatsit?
Dip, spread, savory pudding, whatever :!:

:arrow: Combine 32oz container part-skim milk ricotta cheese
with 12oz bottle coarse ground dijon mustard
and 1 tsp turmeric extract powder (optional). ;)

:idea: Tips: Rinse bottle with 3 tbsp water
to obtain all of the mustard; upscale with
1/4 cup dried parsley, 1 tsp garlic granules.

Garlic and mustard may be why this lasts in the refrigerator,
but it's so easy to prepare that a half recipe is an option! 8)

:sunflower: Use in a Paleo Pea Salad :!:

Thaw 12oz pkg frozen petite green peas in lotsa water,
then pour off water. Add diced red bell pepper,
diced sweet onion, and Ricotta mixture
(add water or milk for more saucy).

:idea: Tips: Add more ricotta to mixture to lessen mustard flavor;
include 1 tbsp virgin olive oil in Salad for nutrition balance.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

Yum Rod,

This one is definitely a must try. But it makes way more spread at one time for me to use on a regular basis. I think I will half the amounts in the recipe, at least the first time I make it.
I can't wait to try it. Thank you!!! :D

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Chia O'Boule

Post by Amigoo »

Chia O'Boule (not pronounced "O'Bull") :roll:

No-gluten, oat bran yeast bread with chia seeds.
Try it yourself to see how you pronounce "O'Boule".
Or divide dough into 3 parts to create O'Boulies. :lol:

:roll Ingredients:

1 1/2 cups very warm water
2 1/2 tbsp dark chia seeds
1 cup light oat bran
2 tbsp brown sugar
2 tsp dry yeast
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 cup light oat bran
1 tbsp virgin olive oil
3/4 cup sunflower seeds (optional)

:arrow: Directions:

Lightly oil cake pan and set aside.

Soak chia seeds in warm water 10 min.,
stirring occasionally.

Vigorously stir in remaining ingredients
one-by-one, extra oat bran separately.

Form dough into a ball or 3
and place evenly in cake pan.

Let dough rise in warm place 1 hour.
Before ready, preheat oven to 375F;
reduce to 350F and bake 1 hr.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:study: Re: https://artofglutenfreebaking.com/lets- ... ee-baking/
"Gluten-Replacers in Gluten-Free Baking"

"Gluten performs four primary functions in baking:
- it is a binder, holds baked items together.
- provides structure, tent covering for leaveners to create loft.
- it has elasticity, can be stretched and still hold together.
- has a function in moisture retention in a baked item."

:study: Re: https://theloopywhisk.com/2020/04/02/ul ... ree-bread/

This recipe uses psyllium husk and produces a better loaf than the Chia O'Boule. :roll:
(suggests chia could still be used but not as the primary gluten substitute)

:study: https://biancazapatka.com/en/buckwheat-chia-bread/

A better chia bread recipe but does not use yeast.
(suggests chia is not an easy primary gluten substitute) ;)

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: "Good for what ails you" low-carb snack

1/2 mostly green banana,
small handful of raw walnuts,
and 6oz glass red beet kefir.

(combine 1 1/2 tbsp red beet powder
with 1 quart 1% plain kefir) :roll

:idea: Green banana has resistant starch
not metabolized as typical fruit carb.
Include probiotic capsule to upscale. ;)

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Perfect Barley

Post by Amigoo »

Perfect Barley

Hulled barley simmered in covered pan
then soaked to obtain perfect texture.
Food for modern gladiators (they say). :roll:

:arrow: Directions:

Rinse 1 cup hulled barley in sauce pan,
drain, add 2 1/2 cups water, bring to soft boil.
Reduce heat and simmer barley 20 min.

Turn off heat, let pan rest on burner 10 min.

Drain any water to use as barley water,
then stir in salt or whatever if desired
and/or refrigerate until used.

:idea: This barley foamed less with raw onion rings
on top for flavoring (and are easier to remove).
Don't stir while cooking for hearty texture. :roll

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Mashed Avocado Saver

Post by Amigoo »

Mashed Avocado Saver (proof of concept)

Mashed avocado lasts longer in refrigerator when exposed to NO air :!:
Even plastic wrap over container is too thin to prevent oxygen exposure
... and any air inside container also causes browning. :(

In this test, mashed avocado lasted one week with little browning
... even when servings were removed. The concept?

:arrow: A plastic 4-cup measuring cup with round interior
and 3 disposable, round plastic lids (different sizes)
from other containers.

Seven just ripe avocados were mashed, then
1 tsp salt and 1 tsp garlic granules were stirred in.
Mashed avocado was spooned into measuring cup
and pressed down to create a rounded top.

A plastic lid was placed upside down on the avocado
and gently pressed to remove air. Lid should be firm
against sides of measuring cup. Refrigerate.
Choosing correct size lid takes effort.

After removing a serving, create rounded top again
and press down with appropriate lid. Avocado
should be returned to refrigerator quickly.

:idea: This proof of concept suggests that a container
can be constructed with vertical interior
and just one insertion lid with handle.

:study: See also: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/317112
"Ten diabetes superfoods - 2. Avocado"

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2-For-1 Barley Water

Post by Amigoo »

2-For-1 Barley Water (cooked barley plus its cooking water)

:arrow: Rinse, then simmer 3/4 cup hulled barley in 5 cups water 45 min.,
then drain, saving water. Refrigerate barley for later use.

Cool water, then add 1 tbsp liquid chlorophyll*
and 1 tbsp lemon juice or True Lemon powder**
(or 1 tbsp lime juice or True Lime powder**);
include small amount of sweetener if desired.

:study: https://www.healthline.com/health/barley-water-benefits
"Health Benefits of Barley Water"

* https://www.swansonvitamins.com/p/world ... -oz-liquid
** https://www.walmart.com/ip/True-Lemon-50ct/360311298
** https://www.walmart.com/ip/True-Lime-50ct/373143743

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: More about barley ...

Re: https://insanelygoodrecipes.com/barley-recipes/

"Barley is one of the oldest cultivated grains in the world. People have been eating barley since about 8000 BCE!
... It has been shown to support heart health and regulate blood pressure, among many other things
... it’s a great source of necessary nutrients." :roll

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Re: https://mrmnutrition.com/products/super ... cao-powder ,
https://wildlyorganic.com/blogs/recipes ... nted-cacao

For the days ahead when nutrition is very important
("Say what?! It's not important now?") ...

:arrow: Whisk together 2 cups natural applesauce
with 1/4 cup fermented cacao powder. :roll

:idea: Upscale servings with soaked raw almonds
(soak overnight in water, then drain). 8)

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Perfect Oat Groats

Post by Amigoo »

Perfect Oat Groats

Oat groats simmered in covered pan
then soaked to obtain perfect texture.
Food for modern gladiators (they say). :roll:

:arrow: Directions:

Rinse 3/4 cup oat groats in sauce pan,
drain, add 2 1/2 cups water, bring to soft boil.
Reduce heat and simmer groats 20 min.

Turn off heat, let pan rest on burner 1 hour.
Cover lid with large pot holder
when simmering stops.

Drain any water remaining to use later,
then stir in salt or whatever if desired
and/or refrigerate until used.

:idea: Don''t stir while cooking for hearty texture. :roll

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PB Flaxy

Post by Amigoo »

PB Flaxy

(for peanut allergy use different nut butter)

Combine 16oz jar peanuts-only butter
with 5 tbsp ground flax ("flaxmeal").

If desired, pour off oil from top of peanut butter
and replace with extra virgin olive oil (EVOO).
Also add EVOO to thin peanut butter.

:idea: Try on a slice of toasted Ezekiel 4:9 Bread
or Ezekiel 4:9 Flax Bread. ;)

See also: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods/flaxseeds
"Flax Seeds 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits"

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Coconut Cacao Sauce

Post by Amigoo »

Coconut Cacao Sauce

:arrow: Combine 2 cups natural applesauce,
1/4 cup fermented cacao powder,
and 1/3 cup dried coconut.
Refrigerate overnight.

:idea: Upscale servings with sliced almonds,
raw walnuts, or raw sunflower seeds. :roll

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: More about flax oil ...

Re: https://www.livestrong.com/article/4944 ... -flax-oil/
"The Dangers of High Lignan Flax Oil"

:idea: A mostly positive article about flax oil
with caution about excess consumption.

Tip: Flaxmeal can be added to flax oil
to increase micronutrients like lignans.
(try 1/3 cup oil with 2 tbsp flaxmeal)

Refrigerate then stir before serving
as a teaspooner over whatever. :roll

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Gluten Free Asparagus Cornbread

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: Gluten Free Asparagus Cornbread
(brand mentioned for ingredients reference)

:roll Ingredients:

1 3/4 cup Bob's Gluten Free Cornbread Mix
2 xlg eggs + 1/4 cup egg whites
3/4 cup water or skim milk
2 tbsp virgin olive oil
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 bunch asparagus, chopped
1 lg sweet onion, chopped

:arrow: Directions:

Pre-heat oven to 375F degrees;
lightly oil 8" x 8" baking dish.

Whisk eggs and water; stir into cornbread mix,
then stir in olive oil, then shredded cheese.

Fold in chopped veggies; spoon into baking dish.

Reduce oven to 350F and bake 50 min.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

:sunflower: About flax seeds ...

Re: https://healthyeating.sfgate.com/flax-5613.html
"Get the Facts on Flax"

"To improve digestion, it is best to grind flax seeds before consuming them. You can further improve digestion by soaking ground flax seeds in water for a few hours before consumption. Soaking the flax seeds breaks down gluten and makes the proteins in the seeds easier to digest. Soaking also activates enzymes in the seeds, which can help increase the absorption of vitamins and minerals." ;)

:idea: Soak 1/3 cup whole golden flax seeds
in 1 cup warm water 15 min. (stir a few times).
Then stir 1-2 tbsp into just cooked oatmeal,
smoothie, salad dressing, or whatever. :roll

8) Refrigerate remaining mixture to use later.

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Sandy »

Hi Rod,

I've been a bit behind lately. :oops: But I just finished updating the index with your new recipes. Thank you! There are so many new ones I wish to try. :sunflower:
We so appreciate the healthy recipe ideas. :D
UDABEST. :bana:

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Re: UB Cookin'

Post by Amigoo »

Thanks for the Index updates, Sandy!

:idea: About flax seeds ...

I'm now fond of 7 tbsp dark flaxmeal in a jar of creamy peanut butter. :roll:

:idea: About shredded dried coconut ...

1/3 cup in 2 cups natural applesauce served with raw walnuts is tasty! :roll

:idea: Speaking of "they say" ...

Nutritionists say mostly green bananas digest like a prebiotic (less carbs).
Try slices sprinkled with cinnamon and served with raw walnuts
(plus a glass of kefir + 2 tsp beet powder to upgrade ...
plus a probiotic capsule to wow your microbiome) :roll

Rod :)
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