
Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Post by Jms »

Hi all, my name is Jeanne and I was born Nov 11, 1985. Because of this I have made a wish at 11:11 my whole life. Right now in life I am lost. I suffer from major depressive disorder because of a lifetime of trama due to a drug addicted parent. But not all my tramas were a direct result of that. As a child I would find neighbors who would take me to church with them in order to be around good and not feel like I needed to vigilantly protect myself. I have fought my whole life to be good and now in losing but why contact you, why write on this forum? I have looked 3 people in their face and told them accurately that they would die, 2 of them how and the third (my aunt) revealed that she had cancer and died within months. These revelations coming to me in the weirdest ways, for example with my aunt I told her the pjs she was wearing would be mine. I don't steal, and she wasn't giving them to me so I started freaking out and asked her why I knew that. Maybe, it could be that someone or something was speaking through me but I am a skeptic ,a hopeful one, but I am skeptical. I am interested in finding out what response I will get if any and or if my post will be deleted. What do you think? P.s. I don't know if I needs to be said but I found this site tonight after I looked at a clock and it was 11:11
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Re: Birthday

Post by Sandy »

Hello Jeanne and welcome to our message board!

I'm glad you found us and shared a little bit of yourself with us. Please know there are many reasons people find us and not all of them have directly to do with this seeing of 11:11. But you do fit right in with the many others who have seen the 11's and are experiencing what some would deem strange happenings and "knowings" as you have demonstrated. These knowings can well up within us from a divine resource many of us don't even realize we have.

I am thinking that a knowledge in the way you have demonstrated with your aunt, a sensing that she would pass has markings of impute from very high sources because not just any celestial can say yeah or neah about our futures. There usually is a good reason for this knowing, a need of some sort, perhaps to help the person prepare or ready themselves for instance. Have you thought deeply about why you were allowed to sense these things? I am certainly no expert but I think in your case it may come from your God within, your God Spark, a gift of the Universe Creator given to most all of us. This spark does not dominate our will or make us do anything, but is available to assist us, help us to find our spiritual path etc... You probably know all this but I think in some ways this may also go by the name some call "our Higher Self and other affectionately call, the TA." Those who actively search for inroads in understanding the Higher Self's promptings and even a step further learn to actively communicate with their marvelous Gift from On High are living a wonderful blessing...
You have clearly demonstrated that this is possible for you I think.

I am so sorry to learn of the deep sadness and traumas you have experienced in your lifetime. I so admire your determination, though, to continually try to "be good" as you say. That encompasses so much more and I must say you are a bit of an inspiration, dear lady...certainly not someone we would delete from our rolls. :) It is people like you who can truly identify with the heartaches of others and reach out in empathy with a hand up, which is something all of us need from time to time. I hope you know just how special you are... please don't forget.

Anyway I am a babbler and can talk and talk until all are asleep in the shop, just ask our new friend, Zues. :) . It is truly good to know you, Jeanne, I hope you return and share with us as much as you can. :hithere
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Birthday

Post by Jms »

Sandy, thank you so much for your reply and compassion to what I have been through. I don't think you babble since we just met it's reasonable to have a lot to say. I'm glad for the concepts on where this knowledge comes from but for me im sorry to say this sucks. First when it happens I'm sure, positive, of things I couldn't possibly know and I have to tell it. Then I forget immediately after and remember again later. I have no control over any of it. For me knowing things is not a blessing. I feel cursed. I need to find a way to control myself and stay aware when it happens. Also im very sure in the moment but when I look back I can't pinpoint a feeling that comes when I predict things. I am so afraid that I'll be confident and wrong one day. It's really scary. The whole thing is just scary.
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Re: Birthday

Post by Sandy »

Hello Jeanne,
Well to be perfectly honest if I were in your shoes and suddenly out of the blue and for no apparent reason I was spouting out future events and then not remembering I said it or why I said it...well, I would feel just as freaked out as you are about it. So I am so sorry if I sounded complacent or even casual about it. This is not something I have ever done and so I cannot know for sure how you feel or why this happens for you. But I think you are moving towards an understanding even if it doesn't feel like it at this time. You aren't burying this at least or even dismissing it as "making it up... etc. And that in itself is a beginning. You know darn well that these things happened that you said these odd things for some reason and they did happen.
So it is perfectly understandable that at this time you want answers, real bonified answers as to why you are doing this...i ts' purpose... because as you see things at this moment it has not been helpful. Quite the opposite it has produced more unease then anything else.

Unfortunately, I can’t give you those answers. But I can tell you that others I know have experienced something similar if not so final as in basically predicting someone was going to pass. George can understand as members of his family were psychically endowed. His grandfather could say where water could be found or where a missing item was hiding...all practical uses. But his Mom would understand your plight as she too would know for instance if a missing child would be found alive or dead. George, like you, was known to make comments about things that would come to pass and his son too once predicted something he would experience as an adult. Like you he didn’t remember saying it.

Perhaps these things occur as a demonstration of a quiet gift of knowing that is possible for you. I am hoping it would not be so emotionally wringing as to always be able to predict a death in some manner. There are many ways this kind of gift could be both beneficial to you and those who are at risk... for instance you may know when someone is in danger of developing conditions and in the knowing be able to advise them to address certain behaviours and possibly turn it around. I know that may have been a weak example but have you ever had a wish or a desire to assist people, those around you in some way? This prophecy is not a common gift but it one when used carefully and thoughtfully could be a blessing.

If you wish to learn control, it might be helpful to practice aligning yourself with the highest Divine energies, immersing yourself in brilliant White light and state emphatically your intentions. You can ask that you not be blind sided by unexpected prophetic predictions but allow you to know and apply them with the help of Spirit Guides and Teachers in the best way for any others involved. It may seem a little inconvenient but to learn control of such things some spiritual legwork just may be in order. :scratch:

Well, I am hoping that others who have experienced such unexpected and somewhat disturbing happenings will come forward and talk about their own experience in this area and how they managed with it.

Hope you have a good week end, Jeanne. Take care.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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