
Use this forum to ask or post about 11:11, 12:34, 2:22, 22:22 etc. The wake-up digital clock signals of our loving celestial friends. They also delight in flicking on or off street lights, traffic lights and ringing door bells.
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Post by Mapuk »

Hello 11s

Like many others that I've now come to understand, I've had 11:11 for about 15yrs now, and progressively it has grown, to the extent that recently it has been too numerous to count.

I get every conceivable combination, every day and many times during the day, all I've seen listed by others. A few weeks ago it even woke me at 04:44, and the night before 05:05. For over a year now, I decided to go with it, I now have my alarm set at 07:07 and 08:08 for the lie in ;)

I've spoken to some close friends about it and well, they've started seeing 11:11 lol.

When I read about numerology, and I know there are lots of possible theories, and that I need to find my own answer to this, I note these possible coincidences too.

I don't mind sharing my Dob, but if course I'll keep my name private ;)

I was born on 22/07/1966, those that know numerology can work out that's 11s doubles and triplicates with day and month adding to 11, ddmmyyyy adding to 33 and yyyy adding to 22.

The time I was born was 23:32hrs. On a latitude that added up to 11.

My dearest and closest friend, my mum, passed away on 11 Nov. At 17:30 (11).

My name adds up to 11 (4 vowels and 7 consonants).

Maybe I'm just looking for it anywhere, but it's uncanny. I know of others too that see it, but somehow I feel mine is getting really strong and weirdly it's rubbing off on others.

Now, I've had to some extent, and still do a bit, a troubled life, but I'm a much better person now than I've ever been. Even happier I would say. There have been some really dark moments and troubling times but I've come through much stronger and brighter and I'm really grateful that I didn't succumb to the strong impulses for what I thought was an easier relief from the constant grief and pain of what was the darkest episodes of depression.

I took a course on NLP recently, and when I done this, to become a qualified practioner, I discovered something about myself, that I'm still trying to ponder. When I looked inwards as part of the coursework, I felt my purpose was to help others, out of the shackles where I had once been. I'm still trying to explore this, maybe procrastinate over it, but I'm getting a feeling this is what I'm being led to. I'm not sure ;)

There is more I feel I need to do to go deeper inside me for those answers, as I know they are there! I'll get there, I know it, somehow.

Thanks for reading. I'd be interested to hear what your thoughts are if anyone wants to share.

Many thanks. X
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Re: Newbie

Post by Sandy »

Hello Maypuk,
What a nice little introduction was your post. Thank you for sharing a little of your life and your thoughts with us. :)
I had to smile when you said that your friends with whom you've told about the 11's are now seeing it too. That is often how it works as if our words opened the door a crack for the number to get in. Yet, I know it isn't a coincidence... although, of course, it is very difficult to prove to someone else especially if they too haven't shared in the uncanny "hello" given at times in the strangest and most amazing ways.

Stillness meditation can quite possibly open that preverbal door a little wider, allowing more information, more contact and yes, a real friendship to develop with the beings who prompt us. And of course, meditation has many additional health and well being benefits as well. But you know all that. ;)
Not sure if you've found this url on the site yet but they helped me when I first came here years ago...not because I was seeing the numbers but because I wanted to learn more about these Midwayers that I had read about in the Urantia book.
Anyway, here's the url
Now, I've had to some extent, and still do a bit, a troubled life, but I'm a much better person now than I've ever been. Even happier I would say. There have been some really dark moments and troubling times but I've come through much stronger and brighter and I'm really grateful that I didn't succumb to the strong impulses for what I thought was an easier relief from the constant grief and pain of what was the darkest episodes of depression.
I am so sorry that you have had to go through so much pain and grief. To hear you say you have come through it is a testment I think for all of us to hang in there when darkness closes in. I hope happiness continues to "stalk" you... :) Sounds to me like you well deserve a nise dose of joy. :)
There is more I feel I need to do to go deeper inside me for those answers, as I know they are there! I'll get there, I know it, somehow.
You will, I have no doubt. It's inside us... that's where the best answers lie. Sometimes you must need to look under the piles of "newspapers" piled around in there.... but it is such a relief to get to the bottom of things... with the ole insides looking all tidy and clean again. Of course as I said that I am thinking I need to do some dusting in there,myself. :roll:
Don't pay any mind to me, Maypuk, I am just in one of those moods today. :lol:

Anyway I have taken up enough of your time... Welcome to the board! It's nice to meet you. :hithere
Quick question, what is NLP? I feel like I should know what it is but for the life of me I can't figure it out.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Newbie

Post by Mapuk »

Hello Sandie

Thank you for the lovely welcome.

I will read the link you suggested tonight after work.

NLP is neuro linguistic programming. It is a set of tools and techniques to help adjust and condition the mind to achieve better outcomes. I love the analogy of old newspapers and clutter because that's what it helps clear up! Lol.

Using language in all its forms, word, thought, physical, etc it reprograms the mind using all the senses and our internal filters, to feel, hear, taste and see reality differently. Changing perceptions and your own version of your model of the world to remove blockages in negative patterns of behaviour or thought so that one can focus on thoughts, words and feelings that align with our values and principles. Learning and growing, and if desired fulfilling our higher purpose.

Thoughts makes words, makes feelings, makes behaviour. So, if we aren't aware of the thoughts or words we are focused on, they manifest and become amplified and distorted. Hence habitual patterns of behaviour which only feed the original thoughts and their feelings.

Disney Pixar just released a beautiful animation on some of this 'Inside Out' about emotions. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it!

It's interesting that I read somewhere on here that 'patterns' are hard-wired in our minds and that this has been conveyed to us. We are genetically programmed to notice patterns. Maybe this is why prompts are used so often.

Anyway, I'll leave it at that thought for now. Other than to say, it was this that helped me so much and with practice, comes enlightenment, and I know I have some more work to do to learn and grow from the seed which was sewn.

Haha just as I was about to post... I looked! 09:09

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Re: Newbie

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I had my prompts today as usual... Most noticeable was 17:17. And weirdly I got a fb invite from a fellow NLP practitioner who was on the same course as me, to join their secret fb page Earth Angels she created today! I got the invite just after or maybe at 17:17 lol. And oddly other practitioners were commenting on synchronicity they have been having also! Lol
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A wee update. Last night (after the group thing which now has 118 members since yesterday afternoon) I had some really vivid dreams and I should have written it down before I forgot the whole sequence. Two things have stuck in my memory though. One was for the first time I can remember, I dreamt about my mum since she passed. I was watching her cremation, which was outside, and I saw her charred coffin which was not really burnt much at all. I didn't see any fire, it was like that had been done already. While it passed by me in the sunshine, I was thinking to myself that I would never see or hear her again. I wasn't overly emotional but a bit sad at that thought. Then my mum sat up (not like a horror movie scene, more graceful lol) and I called her and she acknowledged me. We then hugged which was a wonderful moment. It was so real.

The other part is more confusing but felt very symbolic. There was something about stones or boulders and one boulder in particular which was pure white, enveloped with these smaller stones. It was like it was omnipresent. The essence and energy in this boulder was the same, pure and white, and it lay partly buried in the earth which was dry and golden. I was with someone I didnt recognise but felt I knew. I'm not sure why I was there, but before we were leaving the spot, we discussed showering the earth and stones around this boulder with coloured dyes (like food dyes or spices) in all manner of colours so they blended and shone vibrantly. And this was for someone else to find and see when they came to this very spot. The spot had the feeling of some strong presence, a good presence, pure and clean.

I have a hunch that this might be about healing ;)

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Re: Newbie

Post by Mapuk »

Haha, I opened this message to write my interpretation of what the symbology meant to me and it was 13:13! I am chuckling at that!

Here goes...

The boulder and rocks are One. Not an obstacle but something BIG as it is inclusive. The feeling of purity was source. Each stone and boulder shared the same energy. They are the babies of Mother Earth, born and shaped over time and nestled in the earth, Grounded. They have memories and absorb and give energy, the same energy. The showering of coloured dye or spices adds brilliance and vibrancy like you add chilli to give zing to a meal, because we all like a little spice and flavour in our lives, right? The boulder or rock and it's inviting auras and energy is the passageway to spirituality and healing.

The doorway is opening! 13:13, I am being truly guided!?
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Re: Newbie

Post by Sandy »

Hello Maypuk,
Please forgive my absence. The days over here have been warm and springlike making it nearly impossible to stay inside for any length of time... My gardens are looking much more presentable and soon will be ready to plant with spinach and lettuce...what ever else suits my senses. I must say I am excited to read your posts and I thank you for your explanation of your NLP training. It sounds very beneficial... and seems the positive results can be seen a bit in your postings. :) In fact, it serves a reminder for me, reinforcing a recent lesson using all of our senses to experience and sense the Energies around us.

I must say your dream reminds me a bit of a meditation George led me through years ago now. Through the meditation I found myself in a world or place with a beach filled with multicolour stones/crystals. The energy of this place, as I recall, was amazing. :D I'm sure I wrote about it in one of my journals. (There's so many of them now I suspect it would be easier to find the "Arch of the Covenant") but I suppose it isn't important for me to know the details... sometimes the lessons are there within other people's posts and dreams and writings. Leading me to remember that the answers we poise to the four winds (universe) are found in unsuspected places, at times... so wonderful to keep open to the possibilities. Yet, stillness itself underlines all these things helping to sink what is needed deep within our subconscious, flowing out in beautiful ways days, weeks and even months later...when we suddenly realize..."Oh my goodness... I think I've grown up a bit!" :lol:

I'm speaking for myself here.... as the "biggest little stubborn child" I suspect on the message board. ;) :mrgreen:

It warms my heart to read that you had a wonderful encounter with your mother in your dream. I think in many ways she is just as close as she appeared in this special moment. Love never dies and lives on as we are bonded through Divine Love, connecting all of us living a mortal life and those waking and walking in new and wondrous realms. We are one and separation perhaps is only a figment of death's imaginings.
What a gift you received...Bless you and that sweet mother of yours... :happy

I haven't yet seen, Disney's "Inside Out" but will remember it and hope to see it in the near future. It sounds a cracker! :D (Aussie slang ;)

Well enough out of me...have a great week, Maypuk, and everybody. :hithere
Love all those awesome prompt acknowledgements you are receiving! 8) :bana:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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