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Julian of Norwich: Wisdom for a Time of Pandemic and Beyond — by Matthew Fox

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 5:37 pm
by Welles
A time of crisis and chaos, the kind that a pandemic brings, is, among other things, a time to call on our ancestors for their deep wisdom. Not just knowledge but true wisdom is needed in a time of death and profound change, for at such times we are beckoned not simply to return to the immediate past, that which we remember fondly as “the normal,” but to reimagine a new future, a renewed humanity, a more just and therefore sustainable culture, and one even filled with joy.

Julian of Norwich (1342–ca.1429) is one of those ancestors calling to us today. After all, she lived her entire life during the worst pandemic in European history—the Bubonic plague that killed 40-50% of the population….

Julian was a champion of the divine feminine in a century when patriarchy ruled. Mirabai Starr writes that she “reveals the feminine side of God” and “gently and lovingly defies the patriarchy at almost every turn.” Julian insisted that the feminine penetrate every aspect of our understanding of the divine, all dimensions of a triune God. She is a forceful spokesperson for the “motherhood of God” in our day when matricide, the killing of girls and women, wisdom, creativity and compassion, a matricide that culminates in the despoiling and crucifixion of Mother Earth, is going on everywhere….
This is a brief but fascinating look at the thoughts of one brilliant theologian.

Julian of Norwich: Wisdom for a Time of Pandemic and Beyond — by Matthew Fox ... tthew-fox/