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overcoming fear

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 8:51 pm
by ejsanch23
Hi all

The topic I wanted to address is "overcoming fear" How does one overcome fear. Fear such as evil forces harming a family member.
Dark thoughts that you want to vanish. How does one block those thoughts so they never come in the first place. Then how does one overcome the fear that accompanies those thoughts. Thank you for your time today. Much appreciated.


Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 9:02 pm
by happyrain
Hi Edward,

Would you mind elaborating on your situation? I'm not sure I understand what you're talking about. Have you had any experiences with evil forces harming your family members, is this something they've shared with you?

Kind regards.

Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 9:40 pm
by happyrain
Sorry if my questions seem rude. Maybe asking these questions will help you? Many of my fears are stemmed from environmental, habitual and physical stimulus. I am routinely in scrutiny letting go of thoughts, behaviors or things that do not serve my best interest and knowing that the creator of all protects and loves me and doesn't give me anything I can't handle. I explore the unknown with this belief and have learned a lot of those evil forces were of my own projections- that doesn't mean I hadn't attracted like company.

It takes practice, faith and courage. Prayer, meditation and mantras have helped me- but you have to believe you can change these things for the better and fight the good fight. I am working at overcoming the fear of death and bad habits that produce misery-attracting vibrations. A change in attitude has produced blessings in my life.

Even the foods we eat affect us... Studying the Soul and vibration, learning what we are- not what we identify with, has alleviated much of my own suffering.

I hope you find the answers you're looking for and feel surrounded by Love. Ask yourself, are there things in my Life that are of no use to me or my family?

Kind regards.

Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 11:18 pm
by ejsanch23
hi happyrain,

I appreciate your concern. I probably should mention that I was hospitalized for schizophrenia and I have been struggling ever since. I have been searching for answers, and I have come to the conclusion that I have attracted some evil spirits. Since then I have been having horrible thoughts of hurting people and being hurt. I am not sure why this is happening. Its not the food I am eating or the things I am eating. I am just at a loss at this point. thanks for the reply anyway. If anyone could offer any other insight it would be appreciated


Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 11:41 pm
by happyrain

Just sharing from my own experiences. I don't have much professional advice, just questions.
Are you on any medication after being diagnosed with schizophrenia?

Also, considering that you are seeking help- I presume it's safe to say you don't want to hurt your family. These thoughts of hurting people, or thoughts of being hurt- well this is a battle you have waging on in your mind. Do not allow yourself to become attached to them, remember what it is you want and proclaim them in your thoughts as a counter measure to these unrestrained thoughts, because they are running wildly in your mind. You have to take the reins and remember your own power. "No, I WILL NOT hurt my family." "No, I AM NOT these thoughts." "You WILL NOT hurt me."

These restless urges are pulling us all... I've seen some wild things where people are acting on these urges and it looks like they've surrendered their will to something else. You CAN pull out of this and you will.

I will pray for you Edward.

May you be blessed with awareness and profound inner strength.
Good luck.

Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 11:54 pm
by ejsanch23
Hi happyrain,

Thanks for the reply. I am in fact on a few medications. I absolutely don't want to hurt anyone, or to be hurt. That's what is so frustrating. I currently am seeking help from a psychiatrist. To be honest it I hate it. But if I don't stick with it, I will have a relapse. I appreciate your comments and help. I am open to more assistance if anyone has any.


Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:06 am
by happyrain
I'm not saying that you should do this, again I can only try to relate with what I've seen. Without giving to many details:
I have a family member who recently kicked her meds, it WAS a process but she is glad she did it and is finally doing better. She had receieved mixed opinions from different, "professionals" but in the end she did what she thought was best and things worked out. Life still has its struggles, but the extreme or bizzare behaviors have really started to dissappear. It doesn't hurt to research the medication your taking(and is it safe to combine them?) or guage the intent of the paid professionals trying to help you.
Not speaking for you. I know others will chime in too.
To your happiness.

Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:27 am
by ejsanch23
thanks happyrain

Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 1:04 am
by ejsanch23
if anyone else has anything to offer I would appreciate it.

Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 1:18 am
by ejsanch23
I forgot to mention I am glad you family member is doing better. That's great news! ;)

Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 1:30 am
by Sandy
Hello dearest Edward,

I am late coming to the board the last few days and while I can't add much to Eric's thoughts first and foremost I want you to now that we hear you, care about you, and long to see you at peace in all ways.
Peace, it is elusive for many of us but with that said many of us too are still not "dwelling" with the struggles that you face on a daily basis and over come on a daily basis I might also add.

Think about it for a moment, think about your daily even hourly victories and what this means. You are strong. You have been dealt one of the toughest "hands "imaginable" but you paint, you love, you have hope, and renewed faith, even if at some low points it seems to you otherwise.
Let's take stock on all the beauty that is you, your soul, which illness even other worldly influences cannot touch unless you allow it. I have seen your work and see the love bloom within it, felt the power flowing from it.
Perhaps your life feels a bit like a sword fight. You par and step back you lunge and turn, always countering the opponent's blow (the opponent being the negative darkness that whispers in your mind.) This can't be easy, must exhaust you at times and I wish I could lend you support of some kind. Let you rest while I hold back the night. I have great faith in you, though. And while I may not be able to swing the sword and provide you rest and peace. I can offer you love and friendship and try to ease the results of the on slot.

I am wondering if a token of strength, a daily positive ritual may help, surrounding your self with something beautiful to feed the mind and the senses with physical verification of your strength and power divinely orchestrated. A blessing for the day, a blessing for the night. Wallow in the inherent power of it, feel the loving strength and energy given from a Being that loves you unconditionally.

But as I type I realise it is hard to describe to someone how to do this...envision such a bright powerful light surrounding you that the darkness is dispelled. At first, in fact, it might feel trite, like you are pretending. This is to be expected perhaps. But this spirit grows and expands with use until it can do things in unimaginable fashion.

I must caution you, though. With Schizophrenia meditation can be a problem, maybe even feed the problem. Have you spoken to your Psychiatrist about these thing?
I say this because we are not trained doctors. I say this too because meditation is not necessary to feel God's love and power in our daily life. Just things to consider dear friend.

I do believe you are on the right track. Kim may be able to offer you suggestion where crystals are concerned.... some with "vibrational" properties to aide you and the strength within you as a child of God. As a child of the Divine you have power and gifts of your own.

One moment at a time we move through this life. Look at it that way, if it helps. Be happy in this moment find ways to be peaceful as the need arises in you and try to avoid the long look at the future. Keep your eyes open for the wisdom and guidance in unexpected places and find comfort in beauty, in nature, in the smile and laughter of a child... There is beauty in life all around us but we, myself included often miss it with our thoughts and minds always turned to the elusive future.

You are strong, you are brilliant. You are enough just as you are this very moment....and you are so loved Edward my friend.
With love,

Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 3:01 am
by ejsanch23
hi sandy,

thanks for the reply it helps

Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 6:01 am
by peacockplume
Hello Edward,
Nice to see you here. I can only agree with the wonderful words already sent to you and hope you can feel the power of love behind them.
I remember from a long time ago, someone telling me what fear is....

F false
E energy
A appearing
R real....

and the old adage which says,,,,,there is nothing to fear, but fear itself....

It is very difficult when anyones mind seems to go off track,,,and one thought feeds another,,,each one worse than the first one...
next thing you know,,you feel like a runaway train, and can't find the brake switch.....

Well...I do know that what Sandy suggested works....
envision such a bright powerful light surrounding you that the darkness is dispelled.
and of course,,,like most things,,,it takes practice....maybe you will be able to see it,,maybe you won't....but I do know that when you call the "Light" it is's all about intention. Your intent is the most important thing to remember.

Our dear George taught us that!!! and Light,,,dispels darkness,,,,darkness cannot overtake the Light....

What happens to a dark room when you flip the light switch on???

so perhaps,,,try to think of those dark thoughts, as a dark room,,,,it's up to you if you want to allow the dark to control you,,
you really do have a decide if you want to stay in fear and the dark,,,or ask the Light to come in.

If you believe in Angels, you have some Mighty helpers,,,one being Archangel Michael. Do a little research and discover how this wonderful Light Being can help you. All one has to do is ask!! and I speak from experience.

Bless your Heart Edward,,,,I hope Light comes into your life more and more each day and soon you will be able to shake the darkness away....think positive,,,be positive....and when the doubt comes...laugh at it,,,,refuse it,,,and put your attention where you choose it to be.

love and blessings,,pp

Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 3:17 pm
by Seeker13
Dear Edward,
I too am late seeing this post. Welcome to the boards! Originally you said:
ejsanch23 wrote: Sat Aug 31, 2019 8:51 pmThe topic I wanted to address is "overcoming fear" How does one overcome fear. Fear such as evil forces harming a family member. Dark thoughts that you want to vanish. How does one block those thoughts so they never come in the first place. Then how does one overcome the fear that accompanies those thoughts.
In my experience of overcoming fear... there is no 'blocking it' in hopes of it vanishing. There is only facing each one over and over again until it holds no power over you. It takes a lot of strength and taking personal responsibility, to bring about your own true healing. That means digging deep, finding the source of the fear, not a painless venture. I've had to release a lot of, anger and blame, eventually finding forgiveness... for the person who placed the fear in my path, and forgiving myself for believing I was unworthy and deserved the pain.

I could not release any fear by believing I was a victim. Believing you're a victim renders you powerless. Powerlessness is not a vantage point for overcoming fear.

You may have notice the absence of references to God. All our friends here have said all that. It was my acceptance that God loved me and stood beside me while I did the work, that gave me the strength to continue my battle with fear. Eventually learning to accept and love myself as worthy, was the answer for overcoming my fears.


Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:14 pm
by ejsanch23
thanks guy for all the replies. I guess it helps a bit. I appreciate all you guys have offered

Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:33 pm
by ejsanch23
I need your guys help. I need your prayers.

Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 3:15 pm
by Seeker13
We can pray for you, but you have to do the work.


Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Sun Sep 08, 2019 4:16 am
by Seeker13
Dear Edward,
I realized my last post was pretty blunt. I apologize for that. It was not meant to be unkind or hurtful in anyway. I can and have prayed of you, gladly.
As with anyone we pray for, we can stand beside you, asking for healing and strength to enter your life. Each and every recipient has to take their own steps toward healing. It's an individual plan, what can we do to turn things around in our lives?

I hope every day is better than the one before,

Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 4:07 am
by Sandy
You are in my prayers, my friend. I am thinking of you today and everyday. :kiss:

Re: overcoming fear

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 11:02 pm
by peacockplume
hello Edward,
yes we are sending love and prayers,
however as Kim said,,,it is only you who can make the changes in your life to make improvements.
take baby steps and find one way in which you can change your thinking,,
for instance,,,say you are getting mad at yourself (or anyone)
recognize that moment,,,,and tell yourself that is not an energy that you want to be in...
then what 'you' have to do is
for instance,,,think of something that has made you feel good,,and focus on that energy.
it will make the other energy dissipate.....keep working on it
this is called raising your vibration...
it's a slow process,,,but it will help you get out of dark places...

Bless your Heart Edward,,,work on it,,,you can do it,,,,I had to do it and I'm sure many others have gone through the same process

we are here for you,,
love and blessings, pp