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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi Kim,
It has been a crazy time here. So I am just getting to you post here.

Thank you for the prayers and the time in the River of Love.. I read something earlier, a poem from Daddy-O and in it Love was a swimming teacher...well not really but it was beautifully touching and clever...but it reminded me of the River of love flowing from the divine where we can bask at will. It was you and Aleah who created or revealed perhaps, this place between worlds that can so heal what sometimes seems inconsolable.

We got to visit with Geoff and some friends from US and Canada yesterday. What a joy that was. I hadn't really noticed before how quiet our life is here. It is just George and I for the most part, so it was wonderful to share a meal and some time with some spirit led people.

Our power is soon going to be cut off for a scheduled outage so I can't catch up much right now. but I hope you are feeling better now, Kim. We saw on the news it is already getting very cold up your way. Hard to imagine just a couple weeks ago Tiny and Dave were jumping in the waves of your great lake. :shock:
I used to think I was the ultimate scaredy cat, no let me rephrase that, I was the ultimate scaredy cat. Then I started thinking, "If I can converse with ghosts and not be the least bit afraid,... then I must be getting braver right? Within reason that is, still not going to find me doing that on the glass walkway over looking the Grand Canyon. :shock: Nope, no way man!
No way, sounds like a good theme for the next action movie...What kind of crazy person thought that would be a good idea? LOL Okay...I guess there are plenty of people that have no fear of heights or for their life and I suppose they would enjoy it...But it's good solid granite for my feet and that's well away from the Canyon"s rim.

I hope PP is okay and settled now. The Canadian friends we just met with are in her summer "neck of the woods". Vancouver. I believe PP is still on V Island whereas they are outside of Vancouver in Gibson.
Your on-going experiences with your birds sounds...magical. :loves That's the way it feels for me with kids. Stepping into their space for a little while is spiritual sustenance for me, the same for flowers. :sunflower: You can talk about birds anytime. We can pull out all the books we for identifying, and learning everything about them. Our family loves birds, always seizing the opportunity to stop what were doing to appreciate their wonderment. Dave is great at identifying the songs of the ones around here. My sister and I send pictures back and forth all the time of birds and flowers.
I think I am learning to know my bird friends on their terms and not mine. Not sure what I am trying to say here. They do understand language but more so where it springs from, images, feelings..mindal heart.... and they respond in kind with patience and practice. I've only had a few successes so far but then I don't practice nearly enough. Love is the basis of just about everything if not everything...all beings on this planet are capable of responding to love in kind.... universal language you know...

Okay the power line workers are chattering away outside so I had better sign off.

Love you guys,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

I've been hoping the same for Lynn, that she safe and sound and settled.
Sandy wrote: Thu Nov 07, 2019 10:16 pm Thank you for the prayers and the time in the River of Love.. I read something earlier, a poem from Daddy-O and in it Love was a swimming teacher...well not really but it was beautifully touching and clever...but it reminded me of the River of love flowing from the divine where we can bask at will. It was you and Aleah who created or revealed perhaps, this place between worlds that can so heal what sometimes seems inconsolable.
Just read Daddy-0's poem, so nice to see his avvie on the boards. I'm grateful The River revealed itself too, can't tell you how many times I've walked down to the river's edge, allowing myself to tumble into the water. It's hard knowing, and how frequently, so many of us have had those almost inconsolable moments, but we are not alone in our struggles. Comfort is only a thought and a prayer away.

The visit sounds lovely! An international get together! Would have loved to be a fly on the wall for that gathering. So nice to have a little change of pace now and then. Bet it brought some color back to George's cheeks. Our life is not quiet, but it's still nice to share with like minded individuals. I'm toying with the idea this winter of hosting a group of people around here who wish to do some spiritual exploration. My biggest obstacle I guess is asking my son if we can use the rental house by the motel. My house is way out in the sticks. So basically I need to put on my big girl pants and ask.

Why was your power cut, putting in new lines? Even though Dave did early maintenance on our pellet stove and furnace, they both decided to break down at the same time a few days ago. I really wish he'd let us get rid of the pellets and put in a wood stove. We loose power so often it would be nice to not have to scramble around for heat when the lights go out, especially if it's going to be a rough winter. We have access to a generator, but wood heat is so reassuringly warm. Listen to me, I'm starting to sound like oneof those old ladies!

I'm finally back among the living! A little residual coughing and laryngitis, but in good spirits. My poor husband, who is not used to being sick more than a few hours, has The Cough now. He's going on day five. Of course he's not taken any time off, or slowed down. It's a pretty aggressive bugger, and so early in the season, unusual. What is also unusual is the weather! You would love it! Near blizzard conditions on the drive home tonight, crazy! I don't mind it though, snow will freeze out the molds, so I can get back outside! Took Nova on a stroller ride snow falling on our faces. Snow caked around the wheels, but had so much fun! Tiny had big plans for sledding when she got home from school. That girl LOVES winter! This weather always makes me feel cozy, wanting to make family dinners and play winter games. Having chili dinner tomorrow actually! Aleah took down the Halloween lights last night, immediately switching them out with Christmas lights already. She is a little holiday decorating crazy... don't know where she gets it from!

Guess I'd better get dinner on, oh wait! Aleah brought up some hearty vegetable soup, that should get her dad back on the mend.

Love you!

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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hey Kim,
Been a coolish day here too. Won't be many more of those I think as summer is just a few weeks away now. I was thinking those temps I was reading on the weather for North America seemed a little cold for November. Of course for me, when I lived there, it was always a nice and welcomed change. I am so crazy about winter I didn't even mind driving in the snow. I was fortunate though that my natural panic reactions when slipping on icy roads were actually spot on in how to handle the car. So after a few years I quit worrying when I had to get out on snow covered roads. Of course there are always those other drivers who get out on bald tires and wonder why they are in a ditch, sometimes taking other cars with them. :roll:

It was good to see Geoff again and his two friends from a visit last year as well too a couple new friends. Unfortunately, we didn't have nearly as much time together as I would have liked but there will hopefully be more visits to come. :finger: So it is back to entertaining the bird life of Australia. Speaking of which a group of cockatoos just arrived. The cheeky ones...sigh I love them but they can be so destructive.

Because it was nice and cool today I decided very early to get some split pea soup going in a crock pot. We haven't had it for awhile and with summer on its'way there may not be too many more days where soup will taste good in the heat. It is smelling lovely and making my stomach growl.

Your home in the sticks sounds like heaven to me, although I am not sure what a pellet stove is...??? It sounds all wonderfully rustic, though. You are probably right with winter coming it may not be a good idea to have everyone driving to your home out in the wilds. It would be fun in good weather though and I suspect the energy in and around your home is conducive to pleasant meditations.

I still have my Halloween decorations up. I'm thinking about turning the jack-o-lantern faces to the back and call them pumpkins for Thanksgiving. :mrgreen: You realise George and I have only two seasons. We have Christmas in Northern Hemisphere in December and then actual fall in Australia and then Christmas in July during the Australian winter and then Fall again along with the Northern Hemisphere. We (actually it is just me) skip Spring and summer least in celebration/decoration.

You asked about the power cut. It was a scheduled outage to replace the pole in our yard. It held a transformer so there was a fair bit to do. The replaced the transformer and lines were on the ground for much of the day. Man that looks to be a dangerous job! :shock: We needed to get out so before they began and parked the huge lift truck in front of the drive I moved the car down the street. We wound up picking up a few items we forgot at the grocery store and running a few errands to help pass the time. I think George was going through withdrawal from his computer. He was back on it in a flash when the power was restored.

Well you lovely "old lady" ;) :love I'd better get a move on...I'm behind on every front.

Enjoy your week end :sunny:
I'm off to check the soup which is sputtering over there.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

"Mmmmmm... pea soup!" That sounds delicious! If imagined hard enough, I can smell it! I would so love to see your destructive cockatoos, which reminds me, we have to get my feeder up, especially now with it being so cold. Aleah already has her Christmas Village up, she's beating me out at every turn.

Dave had to make a quick trip across the state to pick up the sander that had been in for repairs. This snow is apparently not melting any time soon, supposed to be in the low twenties this weekend... Guess the tulip bulbs will have to wait until early spring, unless of course we have some weird thaw in December. Half the leaves are still on the trees! Maybe your two season theme is catching on? Think we're in Fall/Winter?! Although if we followed your celebration pattern... I don't know if I could ever remember which one is which! And would dearly miss spring and summer, although they both just mean 'work ' for our family... maybe you have something there?

A pellet stove burns little pellets instead of wood logs. It means hauling 40 lb. bags down the stairs instead of an armload of wood, not romantically rustic, although we don't have to buy garbage bags all winter(recycle the pellet bags instead). We've had one for some time now, but quite the pain, needs electricity to run, a lot of maintenance, always breaking down. :roll:

Makes me smile thinking of your visit with Geoff and friends. It's never enough time when fun friends are visiting. Gives you something to look forward to for next visit. Dave mentioned that he'd just had facetime with a coworker of his that moved away a few years ago. I told him you did that with your family in the States. He said, "You and Sandy should facetime!" I laughed telling him, "We'd never get anything done!

Had our chili bar last night for Aleah's very, very late birthday(October 28) celebration at Dan and Rachel's. Can you believe it she's 26! :shock: I wasn't going to take the decorations because she loves Halloween, everything was white, purple, and black, witches and sculls. So glad I changed my mind and took them anyway. Tiny and Nova were ecstatic, helping to put everything up. It was a party getting ready for the party! Everyone helped, dancing and laughing. I also received an education. A Chili bar, different from plain 'chili', is when you have assorted toppings for people to put on their chili, like sour cream, shredded cheese, tobasco sauce, oyster crackers, jalapenos, onions, chopped tomatoes, Frito chips(apparently that's a thing). Instead of cake she wanted pumpkin donuts and cider. Stacked the donuts in a pyramid shape and stuck candles in them. We also had corn bread, homemade wheat bread, fresh veggies and dip, grapes, and of course Jello. Found out at the last family dinner there must be Jello!!! Ruined the rest of Tiny's evening... Can't ever let that happen again!!! Really redeemed myself last night though, the cherry Jello was topped with Lite whipped cream. She helped decorate and set the table, not surprising, the Jello was right in front of her plate, almost touching it actually. Did you know? Whipped cream is not only for Jello? It tastes good on cornbread and pumpkin donuts! And it must be magic! 'Cause by the end of dinner almost all the whipped cream had disappeared! Generous finger portions were of course loving placed in Nova's open mouth, … reminded me of a little bird. Out family dinners are NEVER boring.

All right, better get busy on that Christmas village. Hope you're enjoying the coolness before the summer heat set in... gonna put on another sweatshirt. :D :bana: :bana: :bana: (the dancing is to warm me up)
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Surprise :hithere
gads,where do I start!!! so I started by reading this whole page!!! Biggest thing that jumped out at me and remained in my mind
(no small feat) was Wild Child...just loved it,,and a picture in my mind of a little one in the bushes..
Kim,,your descriptions of what you do around your place makes me very nostalgic,,,sometimes wishing we had never sold the house and property,,,deep in my heart I miss it,,,greatly,,,but,,,common sense takes over and the reasons we chose to sell are still very I look at the experience with fond memories,,,minus the work and upkeep that I can no longer do..
Sandy's animal adventures keep the love flowing for all creatures,,great and small...
Well,,we left BC 2 months ago....finally got to our winter spot on Oct 15,,,and then it started....all the gremlins attacked at once.
starting with the weather,,,,high, high winds,,,we even pulled in all our slides,,,and lived like we were in a sardine can for almost 2 weeks....we even had humongous RAINS, thunder and lightening!! I was beginning to wonder if we had really driven 1,400 miles, or if I was suffering from illusions and the landscape had weirdly changed,,,as the weather was definitely west coast deluge!!!
After that calmed down,,,we had some nice the 80's...pool and hot tub I got in as much as possible because I know (now) how the weather worm turns in the desert!!
and during all that....poor those first 2 weeks,,,we had 9 minor,,and not so minor....things that he had to fix! good thing he is so handy,,,he can figure anything out and fix it......water problems,,toilet problems...even the satellite dish blew over in the worst part of the wind....and he had even piled good sized rocks around each leg of the tripod....our angels really do help tho,,,,when the sat dish keeled over it didn't hit the ground...saving us...a lot. I think the last thing that happened during that 2 wks was a nail in the tire,,,,but walmart took care of that.
By the end of Oct,,,I thot we might go visit our friends where we had stayed in previous years and my plan was to go out for lobster for my birthday dinner.....and 2 days before it another high wind storm blew in and I cancelled it all...I really don't care what other people do,,,but you won't find me out on the road with wind gusts over 50 mph....not a chance!!!
There really is truth to the saying that Age gives one experience,,,and experience gives one wisdom...
So what have I been doing....well,,,as much wire weaving as possible,,,I have a few more creations done,,,but they do take me longer than I would like!! between hands deciding to stiffen up,,,and a back that demands many frequent breaks,,its a slow process,,,but like most things in the creative mode,,,you just don't want to stop!! haha,,but I do pay for it and when I get it finished it might be a week before I can getin the mode again...
In between that,,,I have to admit we have been putting in a lot of tv time....just can't believe the bs that a certain person keeps trying to get away with....I keep pouring on the LIGHT tho,,,and more and more keeps will get cleared,,,but what a process for a country to go thru....mind you,,,they did ask for it!! ust keep sending Light and Love,,,
Health wise I am doing pretty good too...when we first come down here, my sinuses go crazy,,,I don't catch a cold or flu,,,but I think I'm supporting the kleenex industry....things are clearing now,,so I must have finally made the adjustment...
Allan goes out to the Fire Agate claims quite and that gives me lots of time for meditation and practicing the exercises frm AA Michael's Wisdom Teachings and I have a student that I mentor.
So busy I am.....Allan had gone out,,,but has just cme I'm closing for now..
special hugs for George,,,,love you all
pp :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Oh lady it is good to hear from you! As you may have read and intuited, we have been thinking about you and missing you!
So good to know you are safe...well sort of safe. Have those terrific winds settled a bit? It has been windy here too. Windy and dry with widespread fires...which in itself can be common in this place of Eucalyptus trees. But this year is definitely worse. George and I are relatively safe though, living on the coast rather then bush land. There are water restrictions on now. No more garden hoses. We now water the garden by buckets...which takes awhile. To be honest, though, there is almost nothing more boring then holding a garden hose. LOL George doesn't mind it. He's always thinking about something and miles away. I am always thinking about just how much I'd rather be doing something else...anything! So the bucket brigade is much more interesting, challenging and calorie burning. (with Christmas goodies on the menu already, I need all the help I can get. :shock: )

Today I had a lizard crawl up on the table while I was feeding a willy wagtail there. He wanted his fair share. :lol: Shortly after that I had to break up a lizard fight. Must be two males quarrelling over territory...It was the same thing and the same two lizards from a couple days ago. The dispute was getting brutal with one showing bite marks. I wonder if they are finding enough food. Other then flies that have been blown in from the north, I haven't seen a whole bunch of insects this year. It is a bit of a worry for all life up and down the food chain. Needless to say, we're praying for rain here.

But despite all my complaints. Life is really pretty good. When I think of where we were last year...with George working to get over the infection that nearly killed him and the other health problems. Well, we have so much to be thankful for this Christmas. He says to tell you hello by the way. :)

PP, you are quite artistic. Your photos of your wire weaving jewellery were beautiful as I remember them. It would take some time to make those exquisite creations. But then that adds to the mystique, eh? ;) :)

Well, I have much to do before bedtime. I am behind in so many ways. :lol: Going with the flow here...

Love you guys, Enjoy your day! :sunny:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

Good morning (from here) Sandy, just checked my weather app, which I have Illawarra listed on and it shows your current time too, but it looks like you are in for a warm and sunny day, we are only going up to mid 60's today and the wind has come back :cry: .....we have seen on the news about your fires and the devastation of the koalas, my heart cried...I don't think the fires were as horrific in CA this year,,,but bad enough still.
I'm so glad to hear Georges health is better this year....keep it up you guys do any walking???
I will send you a few more pics of my latest creations,,,I'm taking a short break,,,I started one last week,,,just a band of 5 wires surrounding a fire agate,,,but it was so hard holding it,,,very slippery fire agate,,,it literally took me all day just to get the band secured and shaped,,,holding it tightly in left hand actually strains muscles right up to the I had to put it down for a few days..I had no idea doing something that seems so simple could actually be so physically demanding...I think one needs young muscles and strength.
Why I had to wait till my 70's to find such a craft,,,?????well I do know the whys and still.
we haven't seen any little lizards around yet,,,but there are a few road runners,,,and they are rather viscious meat eaters,,,so.....
CA quail abound and 2 or 3 other species of birds that I don't know their names,,,but they make their presence known,,,running across the top of the rv,,,and they come quite close when I'm outside. Won't see much of them today,,as I won't be spending a lot of time outside....
Well, my friends,,I imagine most are getting ready for this joyous season,,,Kim will have to enjoy the snow for us,,,I rather miss the little bit the Island gets,,,,and I'm really not driving north anywhere just to see some.... :roll
so have a great day everyone,,,stay safe and warm,,,much love to you all
pp :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Hi PP,

I would love to see your latest creations. :thumright: It's good that you pace yourself with those difficult pieces. What are you planning on doing with them. Do you have an outlet or place online from which to sale them?

Your Road runner comment reminded me of something day before yesterday. I looked out and one of the baby magpies had a young snake in his or her mouth. I ran out..not sure whether I was more concerned about the baby Magpie or the baby snake. (seems most snakes are poisonous over here. ) But when I got there it was clear that there was no bringing the poor snake back as he had vicious bites all over and his head was flattened. Which makes me wonder if the landlord dropped a brick on him yesterday. (He was unloading bricks. ) It was a good reminder to me to be careful over there... along the fence where such things sit unceremoniously. I have become a bit lax lately.

Ugh! I just walked out to say hello to a cockatoo and the fire smoke is back. Yeah, we are supposed to be quite warm today. It has been a roller coaster ride with the temps these days.
They said last night that we may have lost 2000 koalas and their numbers have been declining as is. Something must be done if we want to save them from extinction. They are so precious. I'm afraid we are going to loose many iconic animals all over the world if humans don't soon get their "act" together. Just this morning I read about the Atlantic Right whale whose numbers are now listed as in the mere 400s. We lost 30 in the past 2 years due to fishing entanglements.

I was wondering if you missed your longtime home. I still have photos you gave me of your paradise on my computer. I hope the new family loves it every bit as much as you did and still do. But hey, winters in the desert and spring and summer on beautiful Vancouver Island. Paradise is still your's eh?

Okay, I had better get a move much to do before George gets up.

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good Evening!
Lynn! You've had quite the adventure! So relieved you've 'weathered it', hopefully that will be the end of the high winds. The weather seems to be topic of conversation and surprising on many fronts. November 12, we had 30 inches of snow just dumped on us over night! A few days later it warmed up, almost all the snow melted, and we had REALLY strong winds, then more snow... then heavy rains! Dave and I went to a concert last week, Irish Christmas In America, we were in the middle of another big storm. There were very few empty seats even in a blizzard. The performers, most of them from Ireland, repeated several times how happy they were to see it really look like Christmas, they'd just come from Chicago where it we still green.
Started out the week with heavy rains, lost almost all the snow again. During the middle of the day yesterday it suddenly turned to snow, got only about four inches. So, it's any bodies guess what Christmas will be like! Poor Urantia ((((((HUG))))), is having quite a time of it. Sandy I would gladly send a little precipitation your way, our lakes, rivers and streams are full to overflowing, and they're predicting a hard winter.

Was so happy to have finally gotten my bird feeder up the other day. Hope the birds realize it's back, no little footprints in the snow today, not even squirrels yet. Think we're in for more snow as the birds were in a frenzy at the motel today. When I got home(after shoveling the walkway), went out brushed the snow off the feeder and called inviting everyone that it was here with some tempting seed and suet!

Awe your lizard accounts reminds me of sweet little Antonio, :cry: Sandy it's good thing you don't live in the bush, you'd really have your hands full keeping the wildlife civilized! On a serious note though, that is really sad news about the koalas, … and the whales, seems like the whole world is in flux.

I'll be sending out some extra prayers tonight.

Love to all,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

it is so good to see and feel your posts again on the message board. :kiss: You have been missed in your short sabbatical. Same with PP. I miss my sisters when they are absent for awhile. Not that I am complaining mind you. Everybody needs to follow their own journey and as things come up, our lives sometimes swirl and change around them hopefully leading to greater understanding. My journey has created so many twists and turns, some of them quite unexpected, ...yet all have contributed to the real me under neath all this "Christmas blubber." ;) :lol:

It is almost cool today. Go figure? :scratch: While it seems we have had more then our fair share of hot days already...we seem to still be hanging on to the southerlies which moderate the temps sitting on the ocean as we do.

Oh I wish we could have just one of your rainy days. It is cloudy today so fingers crossed we'll get a sprinkle. if not I will be carrying buckets again this afternoon. (That gets old in a hurry...but I keep thinking of the calories I may be burning. :mrgreen: :bana: )

Well that about wraps it up for me today... You guys "hang" in there. :hithere
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

The baby wagtails are out of the nest! :bana: They are already amazing filers like their parents but definitely need to work on their landings. ai yi yi :shock:
They are also fearless and are not afraid to land at my feet as they imitate their parent's behaviours. I feel so blessed to be allowed into their world. :happy

Here's a few videos... ... ction=view ... ction=view

Isn't life grand? :cheers:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Swear I posted to this thread a couple of days ago!

Are the bush fires still raging?

Willie wagtails are surely energetic, gregarious birds! How amazing the young ones land on your feet! Their landings sound a little like Nova Jane, she'll be walking along and run into a corner of a wall, or my leg. I keep repeating, "Self preservation sweetie!" Sadly haven't seen any birds at my feeder yet. I keep inviting everyday, got down to 14 below last night with wind chill and has been snowing all day. Reading about birds in my animal totem book, there are some meditations I could do that might help.

Dan has two separate feeding areas at the motel. The double feeder out front seems mostly for the more aggressive birds, been about a dozen blue jays camped put there this week. Noticed frenzy feeding today, so were probably in for more snow. Outside the office window are two smaller feeders for the sweeter birds, chickadees, goldfinch, nuthatches and the like. This summer there were about a dozen cardinals who were regular visitors, so beautiful, as they usually don't migrate, should be seeing much more of them as the winter progresses.

Were in full Christmas mode here! Aleah of course had the outside lights up right after October, decorations are out, stockings hung(yes we all still have stockings). Last Saturday we all went out to dinner and visited a huge light display where we could walk around. Was worried it might not work out as the girls were pretty wild at dinner. LOL! Thought to myself, "Oh my, we're THAT FAMILY! Took an hour and a half to get through dinner! Looked out the window and it was raining. But! Just as we left the restaurant(did everyone clap after we walked out?) it began to snow! Whew! Dave, Tiny and I went last year. I really wanted Nova to be able to see it this year. On the way there Dave and I were taking bets wondering if Dan, Rachel and the girls were going to make it. They kept forgetting the directions, girls were cranky and tired. It was a nice surprise when they drove up behind us! Getting out of the car all had that look of child like wonder in their eyes I was hoping for. So much more amazing in real life! I knew it was a hit when Rachel smiling, held her face skyward letting snowflakes fall with abandon. "Kim, it's almost... MAGICAL!" We walked around in an ever increasing snow storm for about an hour. " There was a small tented area set up with an old fashion sleigh and six foot tall Christmas statues surrounding it to take family pictures.

Friday Tiny will go with us to pick out our tree and spend the night. Going to watch Muppet Christmas and hopefully make cookies(sweetened with date sugar). Christmas Village finally almost all set up. Ran into a few snags by including the train this year. Needed to add additional six inches all around the outside since the village takes up the middle. Feels good to get my creative side flowing! Came to a standstill until Dave could help me when two hands were simply not enough.

Lynn, I hope you and Allen are experiencing glorious sunny weather and finding gorgeous fire agates!

Much love to you both! :loves :sunflower: :bana:
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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

:sorry: Not doing a very good job staying in touch,,,
but you are ALWAYS ON MY MIND!!! MAKE THAT.....IN MY HEART!!!!

I'll be so glad when Jan 2 comes along....what can I say!!!

But,,,Merry Christmas to all,,,,may 2020 shine brightly...

I LOVE YOU xoxoxo

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Frequent posting is not a requirement of friendship to stay in touch. We love you too and hope you both are well! :kiss:

Being glad see January 2, means relieved 2019 is behind you?

Merry Christmas and Happy New year Lynn! And to Allen too! :rendeer: :bom:

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

hi Kim...
you said "Being glad see January 2, means relieved 2019 is behind you?"
right you are!!! what a series of tests it has been,,,and setting miss ego aside,,,I can say,,,that I feel...I passed!!
one time hindsight did not bring a lot of regret,,,,but rather a feeling of,,,accompishment,,,one of forward movement...
feeling like I have managed to ...learn a lot of lessons and have been able to apply them to this life's journey...and one step further,,
to be able to pass on the knowledge gained from experience when needed....
not that I think the 'tests' are over,,,hahahahaha,,,they've just taken a different perspective....
but still....I'm glad that school year of 2019 is finished!!!
I feel 2020 is 'huge' there's going to be so many changes,,,,for all and everything... ...

wonderful holidays to everyone
:kiss: pp
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

peacockplume wrote: Thu Dec 26, 2019 5:00 amwhat a series of tests it has been,,,and setting miss ego aside,,,I can say,,,that I feel...I passed!!
Congratulations! Not an easy or painless task I'm sure! I think that's just the way we're supposed to look at the trials in our path. I'm right there with you heaving a big old sign of relief 2019 is coming to a close. "Whew!" :shock:

The video makes me feel like I've witnessed a little Christmas Magic! Inspiring!

Watching it, I was recalling my New Moon meditation on Tuesday night. I did a lot of prep work before 12:14( time of the rising of the new moon) hoping to ensure a deep, meaningful connection with spirit to express my gratitude, and send love and healing to all individuals on the planet. Something I felt compelled to do, that I haven't before, was make a little alter filled with gifts and memorabilia, connected to people in my life whom I've loved. This whole holiday season has been filled with sentimentality and memories. More than half of those people the items represented have passed away. Had to get out another small stand as my recollections and trinkets kept expanding.

What happened when it was time to meditate... was kind of weird! Felt a little stuck, like my mind kept going in a loop, repeating the same prayers and invitation to celestials and those connected to the alter. Never really got beyond that when I felt uncomfortably hot and restless. Upon opening my eyes, assumed I'd only been in meditation for about ten minutes, but realized more than a whole hour had gone by! Did a little systems check of myself, nope I hadn't fallen asleep. Was left with the thought, "That was not what I was hoping for, or expecting?"

The next morning, I reviewed again, trying to find what the value was in the meditation, felt a little... underwhelmed. Seeing the alter again, realization hit me. "I have been loved by, and love a great many people." I believe the purpose wasn't really the meditation itself, but the remembering of so many instances of loving exchanges, and the intention and sentiment that went into the preparation of it.

It wasn't what I expected, but exactly what I needed.

Here's to a love filled year for all of us.

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Re: The Secret

Post by happyrain »

hope you dont mind my nudging in this thread here so i will briefly say that my meditation was around acceptance. i am surrounded by love and it is often my self that gets in the way of this realization. i believe 2020 is a year of far-reaching acceptance.
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Nudge away! This thread is for all to participate in.
happyrain wrote: Sat Dec 28, 2019 4:29 pmi am surrounded by love and it is often my self that gets in the way of this realization. i believe 2020 is a year of far-reaching acceptance.
An admirable goal indeed!... Think of the ramifications?... I like it.

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Re: The Secret

Post by peacockplume »

me too!!! .... more nudging needed and welcomed...

usually, this time of year has a tendancy to be a bit on the low side,,,on the inside....and I know whatever happens is because of our choices. so,,,new moon,,,solstice and christmas,,,was like one big energy ball,,,,that just I kept my meditations and the moments between focused on gratitude,,,like it was just an ever present thought.....but no moment seemed more special than the next one.....and it was the oddest feeling,,,when I noticed that the actual moment in our linear time had gone by....
perhaps...I stepped out of time for a bit....
something like your meditation Kim....but if you were gone for an hour....that was really interesting!!!
perhaps you'll have some flashbacks about it....

just looked at my clock.....11:11 ( :hithere )

thinking of you and George Sandy,,,,sending prayers and love,,,

Blessings,,pp :kiss:
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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Happy New Year!
Lynn, it's as if each word of your last post touched something in me. Consciously holding our thoughts in gratitude, … changes everything! Understanding it's our responsibility of our choices that attract and repel what ever is around us makes all the difference! Living moment to moment in gratitude is a wonder to behold!
peacockplume wrote: Tue Dec 31, 2019 7:16 amand it was the oddest feeling,,,when I noticed that the actual moment in our linear time had gone by....perhaps...I stepped out of time for a bit....
This reminds me of a line from Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements, "This life is only a dream." Perhaps is really is? And if we become adept at lucid dreaming, we can actually believe that we have control over it.

Thinking about the many messages from spirit, saying how vastly different it is for us on the rebellion planets, what if your experience
peacockplume wrote: Tue Dec 31, 2019 7:16 amI kept my meditations and the moments between focused on gratitude,,,like it was just an ever present thought.....but no moment seemed more special than the next one.....and it was the oddest feeling,,,when I noticed that the actual moment in our linear time had gone by....perhaps...I stepped out of time for a bit....
is the norm on regular worlds?

Kind of crazy, but three or four times this past week I'll think only a minute has gone by when I look up realizing several of them have! It's a bit disconcerting, especially when on a deadline. It's like I'm super focused in that one moment nothing else registers... or maybe it's just a brain beep-beep?

The flashbacks idea is intriguing to think about. Since focusing so intently on loved ones for the new moon meditation, I've experienced a... shift. Close relatives that have been estranged for some time, whom I've been reaching out on several special occasions without much response back from them, are suddenly responding back! We're having conversations and making plans for gatherings. And my cousin who passed ten years ago whom I have a symbol for, but makes very little contact, suddenly came to me in a meditation with a very insistent message for her daughter. Delivery of the message, resulted in her daughter and I making plans to reconnect.

My hope for others and myself this coming year is repaired and renewed relationships, as well as new ones! Along with peace, hope and love for all! :loves and of course to experience impromptu singing and dancing whenever the spirit moves us! :sunflower: :bana: :sunflower:

Love to all!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Happy NEW YEAR all you lovelies! :bana:

First day of this new year did not quite unravel as I expected. But when going with the flow without baulking, complaining and allowing frustration to colour my mood...I realise looking back there was a divine method or plan afoot. So all things considered, I am grateful for the lessons unfolding even as we speak.

PP thank you for the very special video. :sunflower:

Love this...
Lynn, it's as if each word of your last post touched something in me. Consciously holding our thoughts in gratitude, … changes everything! Understanding it's our responsibility of our choices that attract and repel what ever is around us makes all the difference! Living moment to moment in gratitude is a wonder to behold!
Living moment to moment in gratitude is a wonder to behold!
I hope we all will be saying these words with gusto as the days weeks and months of the year progress. :bana:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

Good Morning!
I've got my song for the day I guess. Feel pretty good that I was able to pass it on to Aleah already. Her parting words were, "Good, hhh..., thanks a lot Mom."

I countered with a smile and more than enthusiastic, "Your welcome!... morning!"
Sandy wrote: Wed Jan 01, 2020 12:42 pmI realise looking back there was a divine method or plan afoot. So all things considered, I am grateful for the lessons unfolding even as we speak.
Hindsight always makes things seem so much more clear... if only we could see that part first. right?

"A wish and a smile to all we will send..." Yup, still singing it!

Sending a joyous hug to you and George on this sunny crisp snowy morning!
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

How's all that beautiful crisp white snow, Kim and you along with it of course?

Did you see Welle's latest offering in Misc? it is called..shoot I forgot I must go back and take a look. :mrgreen:

okay have it... viewtopic.php?f=3&t=29281#p204675

It is called, "For Calling the Spirit Back from Wandering the Earth in Its Human Feet" by Joy Harjo.

So lovely and it has the outdoors beckoning this afternoon. It is after 3:00 pm so it won't be long now at any rate before the bunnies and chook need their supper. I've been a bit of a couch potato with computer in hand today so I am due a bit of nature on the bare feet but since we still have dried up nasty little Bendi seeds to bite the foot, I think a pair of flip flops (thongs as known in Aussie land) will be in order.

Enjoy the snow in your warmest well-booted feet. :sunflower:

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Re: The Secret

Post by Seeker13 »

It was a sunny, breezy, snowy morning,... this morning. We've had so many snows, thaws and rains this past six weeks, it's hard to tell which season we're in! Have a respectable five or six inches out there now.

Had to look up Bendi seed and chook, as they were not yet in my vocabulary. Thanks! I love learning new words! As for the Bendi seed, "OUCH!!!" and give the dainty chook an extra loving hug from me. The first known use of the word 'chook was in the 1880's. The seed reminds me of the picker bushes we have around here. Sneaky stealthy little buggers! Not too bad in our yard, I'm careful to remove any I see and dispose of them just as carefully. For me they belong in the same category as mosquitoes. That one is labeled, "I'm respectful of plants and animals,... except you guys, you gotta GO!"

I've been a couch potato for sure the past few days, got a bit of a bug, feeling better now. Really glad I got a flu shot this year. One thing I don't miss about the Center, the petri dish environment... and many of the kids assuming my sleeve is a Kleenex. Tiny gave me a good slosh down last week... Ha, hence the bug I've been experiencing!

Just visited Welles post. Yes, liked it, thanks for the reminder, missed that one. Yet again as if each line is a story on it's own.

Hope you nature immersion was just what you needed. Oh! Here comes the sun again. Must take a few moments to bask. :sunny:

Have a lovely day,
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Re: The Secret

Post by Sandy »

Good morning :sunny:

Right now I am basking in the air conditioning. The lovely downpour we enjoyed last night has created a moist warm humid atmosphere and George had a roughish night so I wish him to sleep as long as he can. It is smokey again outside so we can't have the windows open. That reminds me, I must get some of those p2 masks. No worries though, smokey goes with most of Australia these days. It doesn't mean we are in any danger other then our lungs.

I've become quite fond of our little chook...Sadie is her name. She is quite the sweet ole gal. Very prim and proper but so curious about her friends...the bunnies. She enjoys watching them but doesn't appreciate their investigations if they get too close.

I'm glad you are feeling better. I can remember the days of picking up cold and illness after illness from my preschool worker days. I gotta say it was worth every sneeze and runny nose, though. It took awhile for me to get used to not working with children anymore, to quit missing it and the children and to separate myself from that identity. But then I do love animals so I simply started focusing my attention in another direction.
It was a sunny, breezy, snowy morning,... this morning. We've had so many snows, thaws and rains this past six weeks, it's hard to tell which season we're in! Have a respectable five or six inches out there now.
The temps can change dramatically here too with the direction the winds blow. We have had many more serious heat days already then is normal in a summer season. Thankfully they haven't lasted in our area along the mid-south eastern coast more then a day or so at a time. Inland though...aiyi yi...HOT.

Everything was nice and drippy wet this morning. The heavy rains cleared up some of the dust that had accumulated on porches and cars. We are on water restrictions so we cannot hose down surfaces.

I still have my Christmas Tree up. Haven't had the heart to take it down yet... maybe today.... maybe not. :lol:

I am thinking about your "gotta go" category. I think the flies in this country would earn a place on that list. LOL In some ways it is comical. I swear you have never seen such cheeky flies! :shock: Strangely enough, though, I have had a strange affinity for them the past few years. I don't kill them when they get inside anymore after discovering a little trick with a jar. Because they are cheeky and because flies generally hop backwards when they start to fly, a carefully placed jar behind them and the lid of said jar in front of them sort of herds them where you want them to go. I've gotta say, it doesn't work every time but I can usually nab them for release outside in one try these days.
sigh... I can see that on my tomb stone ..."Here lies Sandy, beloved Fly Wrangler.
On that "coveted credential" I will say my good byes for the time being. :hithere

Enjoy those moments... :sunflower:
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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