“An Honest Exam” - Thought Adjuster.

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“An Honest Exam” - Thought Adjuster.

Post by Sandy »

Alabama, US of A, January 16, 2014.
Teacher: Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “An Honest Exam”

Message received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster: “It is true that in the adventure of spiritual growth it is not important what you are but what you desire to be. When a human being decides to do everything in her power to improve herself, this brings the conditions that facilitate the influence of the Divine Presence of the Father in the human mind. Only when you realize your limitations, your weaknesses, and your defects will you open the doors for correction and improvement. However, this sincere and brutally honest exam of yourself is sometimes very hard for a human being, but it is the first step to salvation.

The desire to be better is the most effective method to promote spiritual progress and avoid stagnation. When a man feels satisfied with himself, he cannot find opportunities to improve. Only when you examine carefully your decisions and actions to assess if your highest ideals have been considered will you create the space where you can start becoming a creature of light.

Consider for a moment that, if you had already reached perfection, you would not be in this world. When a human being has managed to live the will of the Father without reservations and understands her role in creation, the conditions for fusion with a Fragment or the Father – the Thought Adjuster – have been met, which means an automatic ‘promotion’ to the higher worlds, because all the things that a human being needed to learn in a material world were obtained. If you are still on this planet that is all the indication you need to know that there are still adjustments to be made and lessons to be learned.

But even though it may be difficult to face the disillusions of seeing your own defeats in the challenges of a more spiritual life, the rewards and satisfactions of observing how your slowly overcome the limitations of your animal origin and start transforming into a luminous spiritual being by your own effort are worthwhile. These satisfactions give meaning to human life and will provide the certainty of having lived a great and rich mortal life. In your hands you hold the tools to create your own destiny and, with the help of the Father, create a new being from the raw materials of what you are today, a being of light and love that will be an agent of goodness, beauty, and truth for an entire universe.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Faith is just curiosity tinged with hope — Thought Adjuster.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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