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Angel in waiting
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Post by George »

From the Desk of George Barnard

Many years ago I got to see part of our sister planet, Panoptia -- my Teacher Samuel’s planet of birth. It was as if I found myself a hundred miles out in space, looking at two chunky continents, welded together by a vast, tall mountain ridge. Together they made a huge super-continent, a somewhat elongated oval shape, almost running from pole to pole. With the mountain range running from west to east, and with cloud masses twirling against the mountains from north and south, both continents would be well watered.

I was much closer now, looking at some wild rivers running south from the mountains, through foothills into huge man-made canals that drained off to the south-west. By the size of these canals I figured they were their water storage, likely also catering for barge traffic.

Next I saw part of Samuel’s old black soil garden of long ago. There were long trellises with vines carrying fruit in all stages of year-round ripeness, and I got to understand that the development of this edible fruit, containing much protein and vitamins, had been achieved by Samuel, working with Life Carriers. That fruit, looking like a monster quarter pound cherries, was my Teacher’s pride and joy.

Samuel had since about 1992 insisted that he was an agriculturist and a horticulturist – an ordinary farmer, I thought. The moment I now questioned my Teachers expertise as an ethical bio-chemist, I got to see his compact but neat laboratory. That was it, but for my seeing the big man himself breaking up a small packing crate that looked like it had been pressed into shape from alfalfa-like vegetation, pieces of which he dropped into a furrow as nourishment for the land.

There’s life out there! Some day someone will claim to have been the first to have found it. Priceless! I was already there some years ago. :o).

© 11:11 Progress Group
There is no braver fool in any of our universes,
than he who uses the Master’s Name in vain --
ABC-22 in the 1970’s.
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