Midwayer Chief Bzutu -- Sponsoring To Be Prompted

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Midwayer Chief Bzutu -- Sponsoring To Be Prompted

Post by Redshift »

This has to be important for the Midwayer to request for me to post it again. There are MANY newbies on the lists. Could be the reason.

God bless…

Illawarra District, Australia, January 1, 2008.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu.
Subject: “Sponsoring To Be Prompted.”

Received by George Barnard.

Bzutu: “For every good deed, and for every bit of progress you make, the universe pays you back in kind. Well, it does so sooner or later, and for some it does so sooner, whilst for the likes of us hardworking Midwayers, it tends to be much later. However, unlike most of you mortals, we have untold amounts of patience to happily await our rewards.

“This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu. I want to speak with you about sponsoring. There are those of you who leave this earth; there are those of you who are translated to the Mansion Worlds, where they must achieve something, they must progress, they must do or learn something that is right, and ‘the universe’ will then pay them back with a favor. Frequently, in this, the Correcting Time, they are granted the request for a relative to be prompted by us. They can sponsor a relative still on earth to be contacted by us; to be lured and prodded, pushed and coerced into living a more spiritual life, even becoming a Midwayers’ associate.

“Millions (of humans) in these enlightened days are being prompted, and besides those who reach the Mansion Worlds, they are mostly the Cherubim who will sponsor their humans. Guardian Angels who become Destiny Guardians can have a comparatively short stay on the planet as they ascend with you, whilst Cherubim tend to remain here for thousands of years. And although, in your mind, you might well equate the Cherub’s relatively small stature with them possessing a lesser intellect, this is hardly so. Many Cherubim have the experience of decades, of centuries. They tend to know what their human beings are potentially capable of, and therefore, deservedly so, they too, will sponsor humans in their care more often than do the Destiny Guardians.

“As the numbers that are being time-prompted are increasing more and more, this is our plea, this is our urging you; to meditate, meditate, meditate -- to make contact with us, with your Teachers, with your God, and let the Correcting Time on this planet shine, shine, shine.

“I thank you both for your time. I thank you for your efforts. Let us collectively make 2008 a year which many in our realm will long remember. This is Midwayer Chief Bzutu. I say au revoir for now.”

George: “Thank you Chief.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.

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