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Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:17 pm
by judyrose
Can anyone define a thought adjuster to me?


Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 6:55 pm
by jfarris
I'll take a crack at it, Judy!

The TA is a fragment of God the Father that resides in our mind whose purpose is to gently guide us toward perfection. I think that the TA is the author of the small, quiet voice that we sometimes hear.

When Jesus said "I am in the Father and the Father is in me.." he was referring to the TA as the Father in us!

So the TA is that 'Pilot' light within that seeks to guide us toward a more spiritualized life and mind. The TA is also the means by which the Infinite God takes part in our lives and experiences the trials, tribulations, joys and happiness that we find ourselves faced with in life. In a nutshell, it is the way that the Eternal God manifests himself on the worlds of time and space. God is not personally present on our world, except by this fragment of himself which resides within us.

Hope that helps, dear. :D :D

Love and Light,



Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 1:08 am
by overmind
I just wish to briefly add to Jody's explanation. The Thought Adjuster also goes by the names of Mystery Monitor, Father Fragment, Indwelling Spirit, Spark of the Creator or simply the higher self. Eventually during the morontial career, the segment of the ascension journey right after physical death, we fuse with our TA to become a divine being. At this point, the potential of immortal spirit status becomes an actual. Some people refer to this as the second birth. The pre-personal Adjuster gains personality as our finite selves gain the understanding and experience of eternal existence (past, present and future), thus becoming one being of divine nature and human origin.