Healing a Colleague – Part One.

This is a forum for those who want to share the Akashic Construct, and their experiences of it. The AC is a structured meditation designed specifically to enable contact with celestials, and also humans for the purposes of teaching or healing.
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Healing a Colleague – Part One.

Post by Sandy »

Healing a Colleague – Part One.

From the Dominican Republic an Akashic Construct Participant writes – January 13, 2012.

Just today I received the Akashic Construct CD. I find it a wonderful tool, and your voice brings me trust, peace and harmony. You already know my religious background as a bahá'í, and also that I am a level 2 Reiki practitioner from the Usui Shiki Ryoho branch. Because of this, I have a bit of experience with prayer and guided meditation, and so I decided to listen to all 3 tracks of the CD in one sitting.

My experience was rather interesting, even though the visualization isn’t entirely vivid yet. I did notice the whole relaxation process, and managed to visualize the rosebushes, and the scene in nature, which I’ve meshed with a beach landscape that has a sunset, which is one of the most relaxing scenarios I've experienced. Descending the staircase I visualized it as rock mosaics, which are rather common and give a somewhat ‘natural’ aspect to buildings around here, and I did visualize, and even felt, the water running from the shower, and the light going on.

My Akashic workshop is still being modeled with the finer details, but the main aspects as per the instructions on the CD were all there. My original intention was to try and get in contact with a celestial, in particular Bzutu since I've had a good deal of 22 prompts during the last few weeks. I did seem to visualize his red skin and I believe black hair and eyebrows, his strong constitution, and from the ‘mental conversation’ we had, he did address me in a rather familiar manner. Interestingly enough, we were speaking in Spanish which is my native tongue. Sadly though, I did not catch a full glimpse of his face, probably because of my need for further honing my visualization skills.

During our exchange, I asked him if it was ok for me to give him an affectionate hug, something that sprouted from way inside my heart. He happily accepted, and after we embraced, we shared with each other how honored I am and how excited he is for my humble person to be able to finally work first hand with the 11:11 Progress Group. Aside from other things that we talked about, I also asked him if it was ok to bring in a friend of mine to work some healing on him.

This friend earlier introduced me to lots of the metaphysical knowledge, as well as to Reiki. He has a somewhat weak physical constitution, and told me that highly energetically charged environments, especially when dealing with strong emotions such as angst, fear or panic, overwhelm him to a crippling degree. He has also been suffering from muscular spasms in his abdomen, and sudden nausea that’s usually triggered when he eats, as well as when he's going through anxious phases.

We greeted each other and I welcomed him to my Akashic Construct. I told him of my intention to work on his chakras as well as his abdominal condition, and I visualized using a device irradiating energy, and in particular the Reiki level 2 symbols in order to further help with the healing. I also figured to give him an elixir imbued with energy from the Blue and Green rays of manifestation as the metaphysical documents explain, and I told him that this would further help him with the physical ailment in his abdomen.

What makes the whole experience more interesting is that precisely at the moment I was sending him out, you came in on the track telling me that my business would be concluding.
Sadly I didn't say goodbye properly to the celestial (whom I understand was Bzutu given my original intention), so I ask of you to present my apology to him the next time you get in contact with him. Even though I did send the thought to him, I would definitely appreciate it since he is part of your family, after all.

George: Apology received and acknowledged.

Finally, in all 3 tracks, when waking up I indeed felt rather refreshed, and so happy that I was practically beaming a big smile at each instance. The experience, as I said, wasn't as vivid as other experiences I ve had, such as in some dreams of the past, but at least it was nice to have some results from the start, and I suppose I attribute that to some time already practicing prayer and meditation thanks to the Bahá'í Faith, and more recently, to Reiki.

Thank you once again for all the work you've done in letting us know about the 1,111 Midwayers and this Akashic Construct guidance. I do hope that my humble services today and in the future honor that, if anything, as a sign of gratitude for such a wonderful effort. Warm regards, and until next time.


© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.


Healing a Colleague – Part Two -- Comments.
From the Dominican Republic an Akashic Construct Participant wrote – January 13, 2012.

Francis: Sadly I didn't say goodbye properly to the celestial (whom I understand was Bzutu given my original intention), so I ask of you to present my apology to him the next time you get in contact with him.

George: All is well. I hear from one of the old platoon just about every day. It’s not unusual for them to disappear in a flash. And if I don’t see them (often these days) I can feel they’re gone.

Francis: You already know my religious background as a bahá'í, and also that I am a level 2 Reiki practitioner from the Usui Shiki Ryoho branch. Because of this, I have a bit of experience with prayer and guided meditation, and so I decided to listen to all 3 tracks of the CD in one sitting.

George: Reiki practioners and those who meditate regularly have a great advantage, and so do those who are familiar with other visualization techniques. Others may take some time, and often find their sleeping patterns normalize first up. The Akashic Construct “goes” to where it’s most needed.

Francis: Interestingly enough, we were speaking in Spanish which is my native tongue. Sadly though, I did not catch a full glimpse of his face, probably because of my need for further honing my visualization skills.

George: You may well “hear” words when you are basically getting concepts. Their faces often remain hidden – appear vague – because we focuss on faces and our memory of their precise features can send a “message” they can pick up on when they are not even needed. Their world of communication extends to extreme mind-to-mind. Besides, they abhor being venerated, and that sometimes happens.

Francis: I visualized using a device irradiating energy, and in particular the Reiki level 2 symbols in order to further help with the healing. I also figured to give him an elixir imbued with energy from the Blue and Green rays of manifestation as the metaphysical documents explain.

George: Yup! Things you need just appear, and they’re always what is needed.

Francis: What makes the whole experience more interesting is that precisely at the moment I was sending him out, you came in on the track telling me that my business would be concluding.

George: The Celestials know the length of track 3 to the last millisecond. So does your Thought Adjuster.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.

“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Healing a Colleague – Part One.

Post by fmas1719 »

Greetings, all, this is Francis, the individual that sent this entry to George. It's a great honor to be here, and be able to work for the progress group over time. Heartfelt love to everyone from the Caribbean. :hithere

I've continued having wonderful experiences with both the AC and doing Reiki sessions. I'm starting to have rather constant flashes of visions of things that relate to the people that I treat, and I also think that the communication with the celestials is improving little by little.

I just wanted to say hi to everyone, and remark that if anyone would like to comment or ask anything about this experience, they're very welcome to do so. If a more formal introduction of myself is pertinent, also let me know and I'll take the opportunity of this thread for that purpose.

Thank you, and continue spreading the love. :loves
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Re: Healing a Colleague – Part One.

Post by Sandy »

Hello and welcome Francis,
It is a great pleasure to meet you and to be the first to welcome you to these forums. I very much enjoyed your Akashic construct experience and look forward to learning more through the healing work that you do. Being a light worker and sharing this special time in the history of our world with you and the others on this board is a blessing and an honor.
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Healing a Colleague – Part One.

Post by fmas1719 »

Thank you, Sandy, really appreciate your kind words. :)

I've kept on using the Akashic Construct meditation as close to a daily basis as it can be. Every so often I've used it more than once a day. I think that little by little I'm being able to do the entire process without the aid of the track, or at the very least, spontaneously get to the Construct at a given point.

Time prompts are a very common occurrence for me, it's been so for a long time already, not only with 11:11, but also with other numbers, standing out the numbers 17, and more recently, 22, 33 and 44.

With Pendulum Dowsing, I've figured that the 17 prompts are mostly done by my Higher Being, which I understand is the same as my Thought Adjuster. 22 and 33 seem to be the norm from Bzutu and Mathew, since I've had several encounters with them on the construct (and out of it), and as I perceive it, we've become very good friends. 44 I've learned that it has to do with my 4 Guardian Angels, which I have acknowledged and even learned their names, as well as the name of my Thought Adjuster, thanks to the Dowsing as well.

Also, every now and then Dr. Mendoza shows up and gives me both tips and assistance with dealing things of my own, as well as with particular patients that I've treated in the construct. One outstanding message that Dr. Mendoza gave me in one instance was that there's a great number of illnesses and conditions that can be so easily treated through the Akashic Construct, and yet many people still don't realize that. I inferred from that to stay the course and keep on using it for any and all cases that I stumble with.

Aside from the entry above, there have been other instances in which I've done the meditation and have noticed remarkable progress from the individual that I treat. With both that and Reiki, I've had pretty awesome and positive experiences as well. With Reiki in particular, there's something very recent that happened to me that serves as a great confirmation of noticeable effects from it.

A few days ago I stepped out from work with a co-worker whom I've been treating with Reiki for a few weeks now. That aside, we've connected as very close friends as we've interacted with each other. We were coming back from a nearby mall and we were having good quality time together and a very nice conversation, when all of a sudden I stepped on a loose manhole cap and my right leg plummeted into it. This made me trip, but fortunately, the fall was rather 'cushioned' from a layer of plastic trash near the top of the manhole. I just got a few scratches and bruises around my right knee and on my left lower thigh. The bruises looked rather ugly the day after, but on the 3rd day they started to recede. The only things I've used are relatively small applications of aloe on the affected area, and Reiki. Today's the 4th day after the fall, and the cuts are already patched up, and the overall bruise is dispersing. For someone that in normal conditions doesn't heal as fast as one would expect (or at least, didn't use to prior to Reiki), this is rather remarkable to consider, since relatively small applications of aloe couldn't account for this rather dramatic healing sign.

Now to draw a bit of humor from the incident: The lesson of the day was, for me, that no matter how lovely the company you have and how entertaining a conversation you're having can be, it's always important to watch where you're going and where you're stepping. :mrgreen: Seems I can be absent-minded enough when I'm having quality time with someone to overlook that. :roll

Talking about the incident with my Reiki Master/Teacher, she told me that it could also be a warning of sorts to also dedicate some more time to myself. It makes sense since I've always been rather selfless and altruistic, more so after getting attuned to Reiki, but I already had rather direct hints towards that from the beginning of the week since in one of my AC meditations, Bzutu told me just that. This was precisely a day that I had done the meditation several times due to emergencies that came up from loved ones to treat, and some insights that I needed.

Anyway, there you have for now some further insights I've come across, be it directly or indirectly thanks to the AC Meditation. Warm regards, everyone. :loves
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Re: Healing a Colleague – Part One.

Post by ojohorus »

Hello to all! Francis, I never thought I find another Dominican in here! It's good to know I am not alone :) your experiences with the AC are very interesting, I am waiting for my cd to arrive :D

Funny thing you mentioned Dr. Mendoza, as I was reading this post my computer clock grab my attention and it was 08:08...interesting...BTW I live in Santo Domingo too.

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Re: Healing a Colleague – Part One.

Post by fmas1719 »

Nice to meet you, ojohorus, it's a pleasure for me as well to get to know another Dominican here. :hithere

Maybe we can at some point make the arrangement to meet in person and get acquainted. :)

An update of the bruises I got from the fall: today's 2 weeks after the incident, and all bruises are pretty much gone. Just have some small scars left, but I already have the tender flesh at the proper color, so all is well again.

See you around, everyone, lots of love as always. :D

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