Getting Help From Angels

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Getting Help From Angels

Post by Desideratum »

I have asked for help from angels, but really cannot say I have seen any results. I have been told that asking for help from them either requires them to assist or at least invites them to assist.

I am assuming that there are people in this forum who have experienced genuine miracles, healings, etc. My situation seems to be getting more and more hopeless, and I would really love some help from beings with such power.

Any advice on how to go forward?
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Re: Getting Help From Angels

Post by overmind »

Hi Desideratum. I do not have a lot of time to answer tonight, but I am assuming this relates to your post in the healing section? All miracles have one explanation or another, but some simply defy human understanding in some cases. It is not a case of the impossible becoming possible, but the improbable becoming an actual through the manipulation of matter, energy, morontia, spirit, or universe (physical) laws. When you gain a top-down perspective, such things are entirely comprehensible. But this is just me going into a short analysis you are not asking for.

If you are trying to reach your guardian angels, then the first thing you should know is that their primary task is to guard you. They are basically doing what they can to uphold your ability to make free will decisions and will be in charge of your soul as it transitions to the next set of worlds. Deepening a relationship does involve communication, but if you possess no clear method to hear (like a communication circuit that must first be installed), then some other medium must be created to get a response. Dream manipulation is easy for them to do, but you must first establish the concepts relating to what you may see. There must be clear definitions assigned to what you will be provided. Many other threads relate to such communication, so I would look around. As for healing, I have not heard of the guardians themselves doing this, but there have been plenty of cases where they have saved/preserved the life of their charge. For healing, I would ask Sandy to be put on the list that is managed by a large group of long-distance healers.
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Re: Getting Help From Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hello Desideratum,
I am thinking of your post in the healing section as I answer this as well, assuming this very difficult ache in your heart at the disconnection of your friend is the source of the problem you present here.
It is helpful to remember a couple of things about Prayer as we put fourth our petitions to God and the helpers who are indeed His/Her hands and feet as all humans are as we work for healing, comfort and compassion for others.
First, all source of power, including healing power, comes from the One Source, God, in what ever form one may view this magnanimous Infinite Being. The angels assisting their charges, be they Archangels or our very own Guardian Angels are welding that same Love energy that the Divine Source provides.
Second, when we pray and are desirous of happenings in our life...we must understand that the free will of others in said matter cannot be compromised. You see, the free will of every one of God's children in the universe is considered of the utmost importance and all beings, great or small, are required to observe this. Humans, I suppose, the youngest/ the babies in "God's nursery," step on the free will decisions of others rather frequently out of our own lack of knowledge of the Higher realms and laws. I suspect much heart ache in our realm could be avoided if this weren't the case and this law respected and upheld. So in healing even though we want the best for another, we often at times pray within the compass of our own wants and needs in a given situation forgetting that the other person too has a right to free will which can affect even a necessary or needed healing. This is very understandable as we see the remedy of the situation to also be as we see it in relation to ourselves. To be honest, I am extremely guilty of this in my own life.

When we love someone we want so badly to share everything with them...their happiness, their sadness, their joys, their hurts, their history and heart aches... but sometimes that is not possible because the other person of their own free will rebuffs us and nothing we can do seems to budge them an inch. Can the Celestials healers improve a situation of this type...well I thinks so, if deep down the other person is open in some small way to this healing... Yet they do have to be open at least a little bit...otherwise, it would be a monstrous usurping of their free will right to make their own decisions... for instance... who to love... who to confide in...even the right to carry their own burdens alone. I understand the last part is difficult to understand but at times perhaps all of us may have felt this way and needed some space. But that does not mean we, who love someone going through a difficult time and have felt shut out, cannot assist. What we can do is via very powerful prayers of love, surround this person with the Divine Creator's Love. Love is very nurturing, very healing even as humans know and acknowledge love. But pure unconditional Love, as is emitted by the One Source, is beyond anything we can possibly imagine or emulate on our own. There is nothing in the entire universe that is more powerful.

It is time for you to heal within yourself Desideratum... you are in pain yourself as you worry about this precious friend of yours. None of us humans can know what the future holds not even the angels know the future without Divine impute and even then their intervention must be allowed from On High and with the best interests for all with eternity in mind. It all sounds so complex doesn't it... But it may help for you to know that within you is a part of that Great Love, a part of the Creator Him/Herself that can help to heal, encourage, comfort and guide you as you make your way through the many mazes that life throws up to perplex us. This part of God is all knowing and you can intuit this guidance as you get ever closer via daily stillness... which is, if you are unfamiliar, essentially a little break from life for a short time, a quiet time where you allow your thoughts to still, all your worries released as you reach for the peace that the Divine provides from within and from without. It need not be a lengthy time and it may at first seem a little difficult as one tries to still the mind and the thoughts that have been used to running rampant. But in your own time and with the knowledge that you will find that peaceful spot, a life giving beauty unfolds and you find before you know it, a peace on any number of subjects and life happenings can be found for you...guidance is intuited and what is needed to live a more inspired life ever so gradually and gently is yours. But that does not mean we are not given challenges... life continues to strengthen us as it helps us to learn and grow and there is nothing more important to our eternal well being then soul growth.
Anyway, dear Desideratum I have strayed a bit from your question and I apologize. Please do continue to pray for help and guidance and trust that the One who loves you and knows you clear into infinity has heard, and has the very best of answer's for both you and your friend's well being in the works. It may not be exactly what you looked for or anticipated but it will be the very best for both of you in this situation... this life. of course with that said, it too may be exactly what you envisage. Trust this matter to the one who can heal on every level and can ease your worried mind.
I am hoping and praying for the very best for you and your dear friend.
With Love,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Getting Help From Angels

Post by Desideratum »

Thanks for the replies... yes, of course this issue is the same as I posted in the prayer request forum. I am no stranger to meditation, and working with emotions and feelings - or whatever else is happening - through conscious awareness. My experiences with this recent heartbreak have actually enabled me to help others in the same boat, I know what they are going through.

Your posts have a lot in information, I'll read through them a couple times to get all that I can. In terms of healing/asking for the help of angels, I have heard that one can ask their guardian(s) to send a request reaching out to whatever other being may be able and willing to help. People say a lot of tings, and I am totally new to all of this, so its a bit overwhelming.

I have asked god for a healing, and thanked god for that healing and every other gift I have many times. I realize there is an issue of free will involved, but the exercise of the other person's free will has hurt me, albeit unintentionally (I presume).

She would be much more at peace, much happier if her mind and heart could open and experience this healing, but I can't do anything about whether she wants that or not. Of course, I acknowledge the selfish aspect of my wish, because I would be able to make a life with someone that I truly love, a very rare opportunity. Another point that I have wrestled with, is related to the notion of free will. We actually do not consciously choose what and whom we love. It seems to me that those feelings are give to us, I, for one, would never choose to love someone incapable of loving me back, or so constrained by their past as to be unable to. All this has done is torment me, months have past, and there has been little or no peace for me. How can a god who is so compassionate let things like this continue? not to mention the world at large, wherein people endure suffering vastly more horrible than mine.

Anyway ... I appreciate the replies ... I will continue to look for ways to ask for help and guidance, and hopefully find some peace.
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Re: Getting Help From Angels

Post by Sandy »

Hello again Desideratum,
You are definitely in a tough situation. Loving someone ever so deeply and watch your dreams of a life with this person slip through your fingers. But one never knows what the next moment days and weeks will bring. Your heart ache reminds me of another not so long ago...our friend Andy...who like you knows the similar heart break.
Another point that I have wrestled with, is related to the notion of free will. We actually do not consciously choose what and whom we love. It seems to me that those feelings are give to us, I, for one, would never choose to love someone incapable of loving me back, or so constrained by their past as to be unable to. All this has done is torment me, months have past, and there has been little or no peace for me. How can a god who is so compassionate let things like this continue? not to mention the world at large, wherein people endure suffering vastly more horrible than mine.
I guess I look at it as God knows what we will decide when we meet someone. God knows where this relations will progress, how it will grow how it will continue, how it very well may end. But through it all, He/She is there to help carry us through the difficulties... to celebrate our joys with guide us when we don't know which way to turn...

The God of unconditional eternal Love does not hurt people. Does not torment people to get His/Her jollies. What kind of a parent would He/She be if this were so? On earth, a human parent of this nature would be despised. So it makes no sense that God who is parental perfection would hurt us purposefully. The only thing God wishes from us and the only gift we can give him is our free will love. And it would be hard to love a tyrant.

So is it humans that create the unhappiness...the failed relationships, the conflicts, wars, etc...through choices, unloving actions, misunderstandings, ego related issues? So we have a whole world of people interacting with each other making choices that affect others be it in relationships, economies, politics, social issues etc. We can either continue to blame an antiquated evolutionary image of God for all of our troubles or we can accept the responsibility of healing this world and ourselves. Frankly, it seems the world will only heal when we as individuals heal first. So even if you do not believe these words...please do consider what steps you can take no matter how painful they might be to start the process of your own healing. You choose to take steps to heal, even just a little bit. You don't have to feel better or great all at once... but do something one small thing for yourself...and then another... this is exercising your free will.

A simple way to begin might be to look at what you do have. I had a friend who was suffering with a terminal illness called ALS. (Lou Gehrig's disease) It is a horrible way to die...but she learned something worth more then fine gold and she taught me something as well. Despite all her suffering and torment, she found something far more valuable... a strength and faith within that was unshakeable despite her world crumbling all around her. She told me that she was healed where it really counted, within!... and she was ever so grateful for this life of hers. Despite the agonies she saw beauty and light and love around her every day and found reason to thank God before bedtime for all the "wonder" he provided. I'd like to think we all can find this kind of peace without staring at deaths door. And so I ponder how many sources of wonder I pass by every day as I proceed head down, wrestling with problems with seemingly no solutions, intent on keeping them to myself and not sharing with the One who understands every aspect of who we are now and who we will become. For me, I have a long pattern of punishing myself with painful happenings and memories, running them through my head over and over until I believe I deserve everything detrimental I receive. It is a long story and something I am working on and it hasn't been easy giving up these things that have helped me cloak painful parts of myself. but making a start and that is all we can make a start...a beginning. We know what we want real healing...we can see it in the distance but sometimes it takes time in getting there once we decide that is what we want.

Anyway, please know you are not alone...that we all understand and share your heart ache at times in one way or another. Let's try to see an extended view of Love in the world... lets try to be gentle with ourselves and others and let's try at least once a day to "dance in the sunshine", throwing off the shackles of our despair... until one day we are free...completely free of our emotional prisons. :kiss:

With Love always,
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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Re: Getting Help From Angels

Post by Desideratum »

I realize that god does not hurt us ... for sport or any other reason. We are said to love freely, but I say to you that I never made a choice to love anyone. That love showed up ... manifested in my heart of its own accord. Or, I think better said, was put there by god, streamed from the universe on his will alone. Even if I did choose it, if god knew it would result in being so distraught and heartbroken, why would he let it happen? Some would say so that a lesson can be learned. I can't argue with that notion, but I have no idea what the lesson might be, other than watch out who you fall for, and why... still, I challenge anyone to stop falling for someone once that ball is in motion.

I would say god gives us our will as we experience it, and frees us into the wild to express it. We, however, are not allowed (or are strongly discouraged) to influence the will of others... a theory of mine, but I would bet anything on it being true.

I have been in the process of healing myself for quite a while, and was led to this forum to continue that process. I've been trying many different methods to let go of the past, to forgive, to process and let go of the emotions and feelings ... I have some successes, then seem to go backwards.. :duh
A contact of mine introduced me to the idea that angels are real ... and really believes in their existence and that sometimes they may help us out. So I began exploring that. I know that they are created beings, and that its the divine power, god, that created them, us and everything else. But I heard that they have powers that we do not, and that they can invoke miracles, even if those miracles are powered by god ... they have the ability to call them forth.

So along with asking for healing, trying to give my pain and darkness over to god to take from me, I have been asking for any miracle that I may receive. The usual answer is "god listens to us and loves us, and is always guiding us and answering our prayers. BUT ..... the answer may very well be something other than what we think or expect.

I have always HATED that explanation ... because I will still wind up being in the same boat I would be without praying or asking ... that is, NOT getting the love of my life, or the job I really need, or the cure from a devastating illness, etc...the answer always seems to be "learn to be happy despite your life of suffering and misery." Maybe Ben Franklin was right, maybe that is why god made beer... :lol:

I am aware of my bitterness and negativity ... just want to be honest about what I have wrestled with.. that is why I am here. If the angels are real, maybe they will grant me a small miracle, or even a big one. I, too have had more than one friend leave this world way too early, and very recently. It is amazing how some of them take on their plight, not liking it but not letting it take them down, even in the face of death. It is inspiring ... I am just not that strong a person. I have gone from my usual relative emotional equanimity to being a veritable basket case, over one woman who's ego and damaged mind makes her unable to handle a minor rift in our friendship ...

Anyway, I am babbling ... maybe I need the catharsis, I will do my best to continue to ask for help and perhaps learn from this forum

Thanks for your kind words.
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Re: Getting Help From Angels

Post by Desideratum »

I prayed 2-4 separate times for guidance, relief of my emotions and any miracle that may be afforded me. I then saw on Facebook a meme posted by one of my friends there about how her "dawn was coming." The name of the woman I have been concerned about is Dawn.

Then, after confessing to a friend that I am still having negative emotions, and that actually the past few days had been worse, she said perhaps I need to go get her. This is a turn-around from the advice she was giving me before. Perhaps my prayer for guidance is saying I should reach out. Can't be sure but it might be.

I may, in the next couple days, send her an email or something....
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Re: Getting Help From Angels

Post by Sandy »

Well, I for one am praying and wishing for your little miracle, the one you so desire. I have everything crossed, fingers, toes, even my eyes :) in hope for a reconciliation with Dawn. :finger: :) Please let us know how you go and either way we'll be here for you, okay? Consider us friends.
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Re: Getting Help From Angels

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I appreciate your replies and prayers, things look bleak right now, and I am consumed with anger and heartbreak... its my fault, I suppose, for caring about someone incapable of a normal relationship. What I really need now is peace.
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Re: Getting Help From Angels

Post by Geoff »

overmind wrote: As for healing, I have not heard of the guardians themselves doing this, but there have been plenty of cases where they have saved/preserved the life of their charge. For healing, I would ask Sandy to be put on the list that is managed by a large group of long-distance healers.
I am a remote healer, and I do quite a lot of healing. I do work with spirit beings, (ex-mortals) and they are often the ones who "make the changes" and I have been told to request their presence, which i do as often as I remember. :oops: I don't rightly know if I am anything more than a willing conduit. I have been told that instantaneous healing is a very specific gift of Father, and I have been fortunate to have such hearings twice now, on myself. Again, what role I played I don't know, except I was willing and open. When I ran a large healing circle last year at a retreat, where we created a merkaba, an ex-mortal came though who said he had been healing for 3000 years, and that he still learned new things almost every day. We were told at that gathering that one of the recipients had been cured, and indeed it was so, her cancer had gone.

I don't make a big distinction I guess about "guardians" vs "guides", but suspect there is such. In my experience all my guides are ex-mortals. Obviously I have angelic guides or guardians too, but I always thought they mostly recorded stuff? If we are taking about midwayers, I certainly would have them around, but I have no way to know who does what, unless I hear via a message that a friend may receive, as I am not a receiver. In the past years here, I did use to ask Dr Mendoza or a helper of his quite specifically, but have not done so for several years.

Some of the other issues here relate more to prayer, rather than healing. This is an area where i have to confess I don't know the boundaries between the Law of Attraction and celestial help. I accept the LOA has something to do in our lives, but I am not one who attributes everything to it. To me its a very great area. But the fact that we are energetic bundles with a vibration would suggest that simple vibrational forces could have quite a bit to do with things.

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Re: Getting Help From Angels

Post by Desideratum »

Is there a way I can include myself or get involved in remote healing?
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Re: Getting Help From Angels

Post by Geoff »

Dear Desideratum,

Yes you simply ask. Sandy will no doubt take care of the "official" 11:11 list, and i will just include you in my prayers tonight.

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Re: Getting Help From Angels

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I would really appreciate that, Sandy and Geoff.
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Re: Getting Help From Angels

Post by Sandy »

I too will get right on it Desideratum. Sending you a pm as we speak...((((((HUGS))))
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Re: Getting Help From Angels

Post by Desideratum »

Had an interesting thing happen...

I like to practice Law of Attraction exercises sometimes, to see if I can get myself in alignment with something positive. So I intended to see three "4"s on license plates during my drive home. The number four just popped into my head so I went with it.

I got a text message from a buddy a few minutes later, when I checked the message, the time on my phone was 4:44. Just thought that was cool.
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Re: Getting Help From Angels

Post by Sandy »

Yep, I'd say that was pretty cool too! :thumright:
Have a great evening over there!
“We measure and evaluate your Spiritual Progress on the Wall of Eternity." – Guardian of Destiny, Alverana.
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